Using Conditional Random Fields with Constraints to Train Support
Vector Machines
Locating and Parsing Bibliographic References
Sebastian Lindner
Institute of Computer Science, University of W¨urzburg, W¨urzburg, Germany
Bibliography, Classification, Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), Constraint-based Learning, Information
Extraction, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, References Parsing, Semi-supervised Learning, Support
Vector Machines (SVMs).
This paper shows how bibliographic references can be located in HTML and then be separated into fields.
First it is demonstrated, how Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) with constraints and prior knowledge about
the bibliographic domain can be used to split bibliographic references into fields e.g. authors and title, when
only a few labeled training instances are available. For this purpose an algorithm for automatic keyword
extraction and a unique set of features and constraints is introduced. Features and the output of this Conditional
Random Field (CRF) for tagging bibliographic references, Part Of Speech (POS) analysis and Named Entity
Recognition (NER) are then used to find the bibliographic reference section in an article. First, a separation
of the HTML document into blocks of consecutive inline elements is done. Then we compare one machine
learning approach using a Support Vector Machines (SVM) with another one using a CRF for the reference
locating process. In contrast to other reference locating approches, our method can even cope with single
reference entries in a document or with multiple reference sections. We show that our reference location
process achieves very good results, while the reference tagging approach is able to compete with other state-
of-the-art approaches and sometimes even outperforms them.
Due to the increasing number of scientific publica-
tions, there is a growing demand to search for similar
works and compare new results with previous ones.
There already are certain online publishing sys-
tems and special search engines like Google Scholar
or CiteSeerX
that allow this kind of research. To
support searches e.g. for specific authors, first of all
the reference section has to be located within all in-
dexed documents. After that, each reference has to be
divided into a set of fields e.g. author or journal title.
In the remaining part of this paper, we will therefore
use the terms labeling, tagging and splitting into fields
as synonyms. Because of the diversity of the content
and the corresponding reference sections this process
is not easy to automate.
Initial approaches to cope with this kind of data
mining task e.g. the previous version of CiteSeer used
rule based algorithms. CiteSeer therefore applied
heuristic rules to big sets of data and became a well-
known search engine for references (Bollacker et al.,
1998). But the sets of rules were difficult to maintain
and to adjust to other domains. In contrast to that,
machine learning techniques are much more adapt-
able to other reference locating and labeling domains
(Zou et al., 2010). Generally speaking, supervised
machine learning algorithms use labeled training ma-
terial to build a statistical model, which is then used
to tag or label further data. First machine learning ap-
proaches used Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for
this task (Hetzner, 2008). Nowadays CRFs are most
popular, because they allow the use of dependend fea-
tures and joint inference over the whole reference and
so achieve better results (Gao et al., 2012).
In cooperation with Springer Science+Business
Media we develop the web platforms SpringerMa-
and SpringerReference
for online document
Lindner S..
Using Conditional Random Fields with Constraints to Train Support Vector Machines - Locating and Parsing Bibliographic References.
DOI: 10.5220/0004546100280036
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KDIR-2013), pages 28-36
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
publishing. Those platforms have a great amount of
bibliographic data with a variety of citation styles.
Because of these different citation styles, using some
random part of the available references for training
to label some other part of the references would not
lead to a good labeling performance. However, since
the content is organized in books and subject areas,
training of separate models can be done with regard
to this segmentation. Because the generation of la-
beled training data for each of this content partitions
is a time consuming job, the focus of this paper lies
on cases where only a few training instances are avail-
Due to the limited amount of training instances,
a Conditional Random Field and additional prior
knowledge in form of constraints about the bibliog-
raphy domain in addition to a few labeled instances
are used for training. This CRF can then easily be
adapted to other domains (citation styles) by gener-
ating a few new labeled instances for training and
changing the constraints. That way, a new CRF model
can be trained for each book or subject area. This re-
sults in a significant improvement in overall labeling
Afterwards, we explain how the results of this ref-
erence labeling process can then be used to locate the
reference section in the first place. Normally, the
locating of the reference section would be the first
step in extracting bibliographic references from doc-
uments. But we demonstrate how results of the refer-
ence tagging can even be of value for the reference
locating process. Therefore, we reuse the features
and the output of the reference labeling process in ad-
dition to the results of a Named Entity Recognition
(NER) analysis, a Part Of Speech (POS) tagging step
and the generation of some additional features to lo-
cate the reference section in a document with a ma-
chine learning algorithm. We compare the use of a
Conditional Random Field (CRF) and a Support Vec-
tor Machine (SVM) for this task.
The results in this paper proof that the mentioned
reference locating process has a very good accu-
racy, while the reference tagging can compete with
other state-of-the-art approaches and even outperform
them. Since the features and the output of the refer-
ence parsing step are used to locate the reference sec-
tion in an article this step is introduced first.
So in the first part of this paper, we demonstrate
how references can be parsed. Therefore, first of all
an extended constraint model for CRFs is introduced.
Next, all used features and constraints needed for this
task are described. In addition to that, it is shown
how automatically extrated constraints can be used to
construct new features for learning.
In the second part of the paper, we propose a new
method for the classification of HTML blocks into
those containing a reference and those which do not
contain a reference. Therefore, a novel feature set
for two machine learning algorithms to classify these
blocks is introduced. Next, the results for the refer-
ence parsing and location step are shown and com-
pared to other previous approaches. Last but not least,
we draw conclusions and propose several topics for
further research.
First of all, we formally introduce the task of ref-
erence parsing. It is to assign the correct labels
y = {y
, y
, . . . y
} to tokens of an input sequence
x = {x
, x
, . . . x
}. Tokens are thereby generated by
splitting a reference string on whitespace. For exam-
ple, the token Meier in an input sequence should re-
ceive the label AUTHOR. For examples of tagged ref-
erences see Table 1.
This also is a common task in other research areas
like Part Of Speech tagging and semantic role labeling
(Park et al., 2012). So all techniques shown in this
paper can similarly be used in other fields of research
as well.
2.1 CRFs with extended Generalized
Expectation Criteria
Linear-chain Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) are
a probabilistic framework that uses a discriminative
probabilistic model over an input sequence x and an
output label sequence y as shown in equation 1.
(y|x) =
(x, y)
In case of a linear chain CRF F
(x, y) are a number of
feature functions and Z(x) is a normalization factor as
described in (Sutton and McCallum, 2006).
Since the goal is to train a model with as few la-
beled training instances as possible, constraints are
used to improve labeling results. An existing concept
of Conditional Random Fields (Mann and McCallum,
2010) is therefore extended to allow more complex
Given a set of training data T =
, y
, . . . ,
, y
and an additional set
of unlabeled references U, the goal of training a Con-
ditional Random Field with extended constraints is
to learn the parameters λ
by maximizing equation 2.
While training, these additional unlabeled references
Table 1: Examples of tagged references.
(a) <author>N. Benvenuto and F. Piazza.</author><title>On the Complex Backpropagation Algorithm.</title>
<journal>IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,</journal><volume>40(4)</volume>
(b) <author>C. Jay, M. Cole, M. Sekanina, and P. Steckler.</author>
<title>A monadic calculus for parallel costing of a functional language of arrays.</title> In
<editor>C. Lengauer, M. Griebl, and S. Gorlatch, editors,</editor>
<booktitle>Euro-Par’97 Parallel Processing,</booktitle><volume>volume 1300</volume> of LNCS,
<pages>pages 650-661.</pages><publisher>Springer-Verlag,</publisher><date>1997.</date>
are used to calculate a distance between the current
labeling results on these unlabeled references and the
provided constraints.
Θ(λ, T,U) =
δD(q|| ˆp
where q is a given target distribution and
= p
| f
(x, k) = 1, . . . , f
(x, k) = 1) (3)
with all f
(x, k) being feature functions that only de-
pend on the input sequence. The first term in equation
2 is the log-likelihood used by most CRF implemen-
tations for training and the second term is a Gaussian
prior for regularization. D(q|| ˆp
) is a function to cal-
culate a distance between the provided target proba-
bility distribution and the distribution calculated with
the help of the unlabeled training data. To penalize
differences in these distributions, δ is thereby used as
a weighting factor (Lafferty et al., 2001). This is the
part of the equation that takes the constraints into ac-
count during training.
In this paper we compare three different distance
metrics against each other. The first one is the
Kullback-Leibler (KL), the second the L
and the third one is a range-based version of the L
distance. In the last case, target probability ranges
can be specified instead of one specific value. If the
calculated probability then falls within this range, the
calculated distance is 0.
As implementation we used MALLET (McCal-
lum, 2002), which implements CRFs with General-
ized Expectations (GE) as described in (Mann and
McCallum, 2010). Instead of restricting the target
probability distribution to the use of only one fea-
ture (see equation 4), we extended this functionality
to support multiple features as well (see equation 3).
This way more complex constraints can be defined,
which in return improved our labeling results.
= p
| f
(x, k) = 1) (4)
An example of such a constraint could be that if
a name appears at the beginning of a document, it
should be labeled AUTHOR.
2.2 CRF Features for Reference Parsing
The following enumeration briefly lists the different
categories of features used by the reference tagging
process. We therefore use a set of binary feature func-
tions similar to the ones used by ParsCit (Councill
et al., 2008).
1. Word based Features. Indicate the presence of
some significant predefined words like No.,’et
al’, ’etal’, ’ed. and ’eds..
2. Dictionary based Features. Indicate whether a
dictionary contains a certain word in the reference
string like for author first- and lastnames, months,
locations, stop words, conjunctions and publish-
3. Regular Expression based Features. Indicate
whether a word in the reference string matches
a regular expression like ordinals (e.g. 1st,
2nd...), years, paginations (e.g. 200-215), ini-
tials (e.g. J.F.) and patterns that indicate whether
a word contains a hyphen, ends with punctuation,
contains only digits, digits or letters, has lead-
ing/trailing quotes or brackets or if the first char
is upper case.
4. Keyword Extraction based Features. Indicate
whether a word is in a list of previously extracted
keywords for a certain label.
For the keyword extraction process the GSS measure
(Sebastiani, 2002) was used. GSS is thereby defined
, c
) = p(t
, c
) · p(
, c
) p(t
, c
) · p(t
, c
where p(
, c
) for example is the probability that
given a label c
, the word t
does not occur under this
Table 2 shows a brief excerpt of the extracted key-
words. As one can see, many useful keywords could
be automatically extracted for the labels.
In addition to the already mentioned features, a
window feature with size 1 and a feature that indi-
cates the position of each word in the reference string
was used for training the CRF. Window feature in
Table 2: Automatically extracted keywords with their cor-
responding label.
Proceedings BOOKTITLE
Conference BOOKTITLE
this case means that features of one token (word) are
transferred to its neighbors.
2.3 CRF Constraints for Reference
In order to use Conditional Random Fields with ex-
tended Generalized Expectations as shown in equa-
tion 2, constraints must be defined for the reference
labeling task. The following enumeration shows the
types of constraints used and names a few examples
of them:
1. Constraints that depend on a single feature
function e.g. extracted keywords for a label
should be tagged with that exact label or words
that match a year pattern should definitely be la-
beled YEAR
2. Constraints that depend on multiple feature
functions e.g. words at the beginning of the ref-
erence string and are contained in the dictionary
of names should be labeled AUTHOR. At the end
of the reference string they should be labeled ED-
ITOR. Also a number right to word ’No. should
recieve the label VOLUME.
An extensive list of all used constraints, their as-
signed probability distributions and other extracted
keywordscan be found in our previouspaper (Lindner
and H¨ohn, 2012).
Existing algorithms for extracting information from
HTML usually depend on the Document Object
Model (DOM) structure of the document. A related
field of work that has recently been studied by several
researches is the automatic extraction of records from
web pages. Such records could for example be the
items in an online shopping cart. Most of them are
based on identifying similar DOM tree structures in
the web page. Using visual information, tree match-
ing and tree alignment, Zhai and Liu were able to
successfully extract such structured records (Zhai and
Liu, 2006). Fontn et al. even extended these ap-
proaches to extract sub-records (Fontan et al., 2012).
On the other hand, data mining algorithms on
scanned documents mostly analyze geometric fea-
tures and layout. Either a top-down approach to re-
cursively divide the whole document into smaller sec-
tions e.g. using X-Y cut (Ha et al., 1995), or a bottom-
up approach to cluster more and more small compo-
nents together (Jain and Yu, 1998) is used. Both of
these processes terminate when some criteria is met.
In this part of the paper, two machine learning
techniques for the identification of a reference section
in an HTML document are introduced. Therefore, the
performances of a Conditional Random Field (CRF)
and a Support Vector Machine (SVM) are compared
against each other. First of all the HTML is parti-
tioned into units belonging together (blocks) based on
the HTML DOM (Document Object Model) and vi-
sual layout information. After that, features for each
of these blocks are extracted and used for classifica-
tion into reference and non-reference blocks.
Zou et al. followed a similar approach by first ex-
tracting zones from HTML and then training a SVM
with features from these zones (Zou et al., 2010).
Since we used our own dataset from SpringerRefer-
ence, there are some different preconditions in com-
parison to the approach of Zou et al. They used the
MEDLINE 2006 database for reference section locat-
ing experiments. In their approach the output of the
SVM and the corresponding confidence values for the
classification results are used in an equation to deter-
mine the best candidates for the first and last reference
entry (see equation 6).
] = argmax
= R)
0 j<t
< jN
(1 P(c
= R)),
where t
and t
are the locations of the first and last
reference, respectively. N ist the total number of child
zones and P(c
= R) is the probability of the k
being a reference zone (Zou et al., 2010).
Because not all of our documents even have a ref-
erence section or have multiple reference sections in
one single document, their approach is not directly ap-
plicable. Their ‘repair step‘ can also not be usefully
applied if a document only contains one reference en-
try. In addition to that, their approach uses features
like the left and top position of extracted zones for
training. Since some of our articles have multiple ref-
erence sections these features can not be transferred
to our domain. If we had a further reading section
Table 3: (a) Example of a reference section, (b) HTML source code of the reference section, (c) Named Entity Recognition
results for a reference entry, (d) Part Of Speech tagging results for a reference entry (e) Part Of Speech tagging results for a
random paragraph, (f) CRF tagging results for a random paragraph
(a) 1. McDuffie, H. H., Dosman, J. A., Semchuk, K. M., Olenchock, S. A., & Sentihilselvan, A. (1995).
Agricultural health and safety: Workplace, environment and sustainability. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis.
2. Messing, K. (1998). One-eyed science: Occupational health and women workers. Philadelphia: Temple
University Press.
<li>1. McDuffie, H. H., Dosman, J. A., Semchuk, K. M., Olenchock, S. A., &amp;
Sentihilselvan, A. (1995). <i>Agricultural health and safety: Workplace,
environment and sustainability</i>. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis.</li>
<li>2. Messing, K. (1998). <i>One-eyed science: Occupational health
and women workers</i>. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.</li>
(c) McDufe, H. H., Dosman, J. A., Semchuk, PERSON K. M., Olenchock PERSON, S. A., &
Sentihilselvan, A. (1995)
DATE. Agricultural health and safety: Workplace, environment and sustainability
Boca Raton
(d) McDuffie
NNP, H. NNP H. NNP, Dosman NNP, J. NNP A. NNP, Semchuk NNP, K. NNP M. NNP, Olenchock NNP,
NNP A. NNP, & CC Sentihilselvan NNP, A. NN (1995) CD. Agricultural NNP health NN and CC safety NN:
NNP, environment NN and CC sustainability NN. Boca NNP Raton NNP, FL NN: Lewis NNP.
(e) The DT appearance NN of IN any DT coast NN, the DT Arctic NNP included VBD, depends VBZ on IN the DT
NNS that WDT have VBP occurred VBN to TO the DT geologic JJ base NN it PRP inherited VBD.
(f) The
TITLE appearance TITLE of TITLE any TITLE coast TITLE, the TITLE Arctic TITLE included TITLE,
NOTE on NOTE the NOTE alterations NOTE that NOTE have NOTE occurred NOTE to NOTE
NOTE geologic NOTE base NOTE it NOTE inherited NOTE.
after the first paragraph in a long document, the loca-
tion information of this block would not be different
in comparison to other normal blocks. So the posi-
tion of a block with a reference in the document is not
significant for the learning process.
3.1 Extraction of Blocks
Table 3 shows an example of two references (a) and
their corresponding source code (b). As one can see
in this case an unordered list is used to arrange the two
references. But there are many other ways to structure
the same information, for example by using a table
, a new paragraph
for each entry or just
line breaks
between text.
In order to get blocks of content belonging to-
gether, one can not just use the DOM and extract all
elements that have no child elements. For example
in Table 3 (b) the title of the two citations is italic.
Extracting elements without children as blocks would
lead to very small blocks, which have too few relevant
information for a correct classification.
To cope with that, a bottom-up approach is used
to successively merge inline DOM nodes. These are
nodes that do not introduce line breaks. For this we
use the HTML parser jsoup
. This parser has a prede-
fined lists of tags that introduce line-breaks like
and those, which are inline elements like
or simple text. In the example of Table 3 (b)
the italic titles would be merged with the surrounding
rest of the reference string, because the text and the
italic HTML node are inline elements. The
ement however, introduces a line-break. So each of
these two references would end up in an own block.
Figure 1 shows examples of extracted blocks. If the
whole document basically only contains text and is
structured by
and inline elements that use Cas-
cading Style Sheet (CSS) information, the extraction
of the blocks can be quite difficult.
Figure 1: Examples for extracted blocks.
3.2 Reference Block Classification
First of all, the features for the classification process
are introduced. Afterwards it is shown, how two dif-
ferent machine learning techniques can be used to
classify blocks into those, which contain a reference
and those which do not contain a reference. There-
fore, a SVM approachis presented and then compared
to a CRF for classification.
Initially, a set of features is generated by other ma-
chine learning modules. The Stanford Named Entity
Recognizer (Finkel, 2007) is used to extract persons,
dates, locations and organizations. This software in
turn utilizes a Conditional Random Field to extract
these entities. An example output for a reference
block is given in Table 3 (c). In this table the cor-
responding label to a word is appended by LABEL.
In comparison to blocks that do not belong to a refer-
ence section, the number of extracted entities is much
higher. So the number of entities is a clear indicator
for a reference entry.
Next the Stanford Log-linear Part-Of-Speech Tag-
ger (Toutanova et al., 2003) is applied to each block.
This uses a Cyclic Dependency Network for its label-
ing process. Table 3 (d) and (e) show the output of
this tagging process for a reference block and a ran-
dom other block from our corpus. Almost all words
in the reference string are tagged as NN (Noun, sin-
gular or mass) or NNP (Proper noun, singular). In the
case of a random non-reference paragraph however,
the number of conjunctions or verbs is much higher
like VBD (Verb, past tense), VBZ (Verb, 3rd person
singular present), VBP (Verb, non-3rd person singular
present), VBN (Verb, past participle) or VBG (Verb,
gerund or present participle). So the number of verb
forms in a block is another indicator for classification.
Other labels that appear in this table are: CC (Coor-
dinating conjunction), DT (Determiner), IN (Preposi-
tion or subordinating conjunction), JJ (Adjective).
In addition to these, we use the output of our own
reference parser as input for classification. While it
is able to correctly label most reference sections, its
output is very different for a non-reference section as
shown in Table 3 (f). All words are labeled as titles or
notes. Not even one author is found in the string. So
the output of the CRF reference tagger can also be of
value to tell a reference and a non-reference section
On top of the machine learning outputs, a number
of other features are used for classification. All fea-
tures generated by the reference parsing process are
reused in this reference locating step as well. Mean-
ing features for dictionaries, important keywords, reg-
ular expressions and so on.
Furthermore, we used the following features for
each block:
text length
number of words
average word length
number of punctuation characters
average number of punctuation character (normal-
ized by the number of words)
The number of occurrences of each of the previously
mentioned features is then used for training. To take
the position of these features in the block into ac-
count, each of the features is also combined with a
position number (from 1 to 6) that indicates where
the feature appeared. It is for example expected to
find many author names at the beginning of a refer-
ence entry and only a few at the end.
Next we use the Selenium web browser automa-
tion framework
to determine the y-coordinate of
each block. This framework is able to render an
HTML page in a browser and provides an interface
to get all visual and DOM based information for this
page. The blocks are then ordered according to their
vertical position and the features of block neighbors
are added to the current block. Because it is ex-
pected that reference blocks are found in groups, the
classification results can be increased this way. The
same is true for blocks that are not reference entries.
We could retrieve additional layout information about
each block from rendering it in a browser, but since
we have multiple reference sections in some docu-
ments, additional visual information were not useful.
As Support Vector Machine implementation we
used the Weka Data Mining software (Hall et al.,
2009). It implements a SVM with Sequential Mini-
mal Optimization and some additional improvements
to increase training speed (Keerthi et al., 2001). The
SVM is then used to classify each block into the cate-
gories reference or non-reference. Since a CRF’s pur-
pose is to label an input sequence and not a single
block, a whole document and all blocks in it are used
as an input sequence for training. Unfortunately the
Mallet CRF does not support continuous values for
training, so first all features have to be discretized.
This is done with the help of an algorithm by Fayyad
and Irani (Fayyad and Irani, 1993), which is also im-
plemented by the Weka framework.
To evaluate the reference locating, we collected a
random set of 1,000 articles from our SpringerRef-
erence corpus that had a reference section. These
were then split into 500 articles for training and
500 for testing. The 500 testing articles contained
42,023 blocks of which 8,983 were reference blocks.
From these 41,764 could be correctly classified by the
SVM approach and 259 got mislabeled. This means
99.3837% of the blocks got the correct classification,
while only 0.6163% blocks were classified wrong.
The CRF however did not perform this well. It
only achieved 91.3% accuracy. Perhaps the CRF is
not able to extract the most important features out of
such a variety of features. Additionally, since the CRF
uses each document as only one training instance and
treats all the blocks as an input sequence, 500 training
instances might just not be enough training material.
Another problem might be that the algorithm used for
discretizing did not split the value ranges into usefull
The results are slightly worse in comparison to
those of Zou et al. (Zou et al., 2010). Only 8 blocks
out of 22,147 got misclassified by their approach us-
ing the MEDLINE 2006 database. As already men-
tioned before, their approach would not be as success-
ful on our data. In contrast to the MEDLINE docu-
ments, many of our documents have zero or only one
reference. Despite that, there are articles that have
more than one reference section e.g. a further read-
ing section. Using a ’repair step’ to find the first and
last entry of a reference section would not be possible
here. Either because there is only one entry or all en-
tries between two different reference section would be
classified as a reference section through this step. So
we concentrated our effort on generating better fea-
tures for learning, instead of trying to increase results
through an additional ’repair step’ at the end.
As a reference parsing test domain we used the
Cora reference extraction task (McCallum et al.,
2000) to compare our approach to previous ones.
This set contains 500 labeled reference with 13 dif-
ferent labels like AUTHOR, BOOKTITLE, DATE,
5.1 Labeling Results
Generally the same test approach as described in
(Chang et al., 2007) was used. 500 reference in-
stances were split into 300 for training, 100 for de-
velopment and 100 for testing in the evaluation pro-
cess. From this training set we take a varying num-
ber of samples from 5 to 300 for training. For semi-
supervised learning we also use 1000 instances of un-
labeled data, we took from the FLUX-CiM and Cite-
SeerX databases. These can be obtained from the
The labeling results are shown in Table 4. The re-
sults report the token based accuracy i.e. the percent-
age of correct labels and are calculated as averages
over 5 runs. Column Sup contains the results for a
CRF with the same features as previously described
but with no constraints. Column GE-KL shows the
results for our Generalized Expectation with Multi-
ple Feature approach using the KL-divergenceand the
last column those for the L
-Range distance metric
Table 4: Comparison of token based accuracy for different
supervised / semi-supervised training models for a varying
number of labeled training examples N. Results are an av-
erage over 5 runs in percent.
5 69.0 75.6 76.0 74.6 75.4
73.8 - 83.4 81.2 83.3
80.1 85.4 86.1 85.1 86.1
84.2 - 87.4 87.2 88.4
87.5 - - 89.0 90.5
90.2 - - 90.4 91.2
93.3 94.8 93.6 93.9 94.1
In this paragraph, our method is compared to other
state-of-the-art semi-supervised approaches. Column
CODL shows the results for the constraint-driven
learning framework (Chang et al., 2007). Here the
top-k-inference results are iteratively used in a next
learning step. In Posterior Regularization (column
PR) the E-Step in the expectation maximization al-
gorithm is modified to take constraints into account
(Ganchev et al., 2010). Dashes indicate that the refer-
enced papers did not contain values for a comparison.
As one can see, our approaches can compete
with other leading semi-supervised training methods.
While our approaches perform slightly worse than the
others with a very limited amount of training data, one
of our approaches outperforms the other techniques
with N = 25 and N = 50 training instances. One rec-
ognizes that the introductionof constraints greatly im-
proves labeling results. For N = 20 the improvement
of GE-L
-Range in comparison to (column Sup) is
6 percentage points. In our experiments a CRF us-
ing GE constraints with multiple feature functions and
Range as distance metric has the best labeling re-
The results also suggest that the positive influence
of constraints decreases with an increasing number of
training instances N. The traditional CRF (column
Sup) is then able to determine proper weights for fea-
tures without user provided constraints. In the case
of relatively many training instances N = 300 com-
plex constraints even seem to have slightly negative
effects in comparison to use of simpler constraints in
other approaches (column PR).
Table 5 shows precision, recall and the F
for each separate label with 15 training instances us-
ing GE with multiple feature functions and L
as distance metric.
Table 5: Precision, recall and F1 measure for label accuracy
with N = 15 for a CRF with GE-L
Precision Recall F
AUTHOR 98.5 98.6 98.6
95.0 82.5 88.3
92.3 52.8 67.2
85.5 98.2 91.4
84.3 84.1 84.2
82.6 90.0 86.1
75.8 73.5 74.6
73.7 35.0 47.5
71.9 66.6 69.1
67.5 25.7 37.2
62.4 43.4 51.2
51.4 60.0 55.4
15.6 10.0 12.2
As Table 5 indicates, there is a big difference in
the F
value for all labels. Because some labels like
AUTHOR occur much more often in the training set
and we set up more constraints for these labels, the
performances in these cases are better. In contrast to
that, labels like NOTE achieve a rather poor accuracy.
However it is important to have a good performance
for more common labels to achieve a good overall la-
beling performance.
It also has to be mentioned that in cases with only
few reference instances the results can have a high
standard deviation. The diversity of strings in this
small portion of training material might simply be to
high for proper training.
We proposed a new method for locating and parsing
bibliographic references in HTML documents. We
pointed out how HTML content can be grouped into
blocks based on the Document Object Model. After-
wards, we have shown how these then can be used for
classification into the categories is a reference’ or ’is
not a reference’. Therefore, the features and output of
the reference parsing step are used to locate the bibli-
ographic reference section.
In addition to that, we used other machine learning
techniques like Part Of Speech tagging and Named
Entity Recognition to obtain further input for our ref-
erence location process and so improvedclassification
results. Next, a Conditional Random Field and a Sup-
port Random Machine for the classification task were
compared against each other. In our setup the SVM
approach achieved much better results than a similar
approach using a CRF. Even though the reference lo-
cation process by Zou et al. achieves slightly better
results, we have shown that their approaches can not
be transferred to our documents from the Springer-
Reference corpus. Their repair step’ can not be ap-
plied to our document domain, because it assumes
many references in one section and only one reference
section per document. Despite the difficulties of our
test domain, our approach yields very good locating
Furthermore, we introduced a new method of
parsing references with constraints. The labeling re-
sults proof that the proposed semi-supervised ma-
chine learning algorithm can compete with other
state-of-the-art approaches. It even outperforms other
approaches with a certain amount of training in-
Both the reference locating and the reference pars-
ing approach can easily be adapted to other do-
mains of data. For example, the CRF with con-
straints approach could also be used to build a custom
Named Entity Recognizer for historical texts. Since
many NER approaches already use CRFs in the back-
ground, constraints could improve results while only
needing a few training instances. The proposed clas-
sification algorithms could for example be used to de-
termine if a page contains a shopping cart and so used
for data mining purposes.
In future we would like to evaluate how biblio-
graphic databases can be used to correct citations and
even augment them with missing information as pro-
posed by Gao et al. (Gao et al., 2012). The reference
information can then even be used to calculate a relat-
edness for documents. This information could for ex-
ample be used in an automatic link generation process
for disambiguation. Since a method for the automatic
extraction of keywords was proposed for feature ex-
traction, we would like to concentrate future effort in
the automatic extraction of further features. On top of
that, we are trying to not only include constraints in
the learning phase of a Conditional Random Field, but
also in the inference step. We believe that this could
even improve labeling results.
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