Cross-domain Sentiment Classification using an Adapted Na
ıve Bayes
Approach and Features Derived from Syntax Trees
Srilaxmi Cheeti, Ana Stanescu and Doina Caragea
Department of Computing and Information Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.
Domain Adaptation, Sentiment Classification, Adapted Na¨ıve Bayes, Syntax Trees.
Online product reviews contain information that can assist in the decision making process of new customers
looking for various products. To assist customers, supervised learning algorithms can be used to categorize the
reviews as either positive or negative, if large amounts of labeled data are available. However, some domains
have few or no labeled instances (i.e., reviews), yet a large number of unlabeled instances. Therefore, domain
adaptation algorithms that can leverage the knowledge from a source domain to label reviews from a target do-
main are needed. We address the problem of classifying product reviews using domain adaptation algorithms,
in particular, an Adapted Na¨ıve Bayes classifier, and features derived from syntax trees. Our experiments on
several cross-domain product review datasets show that this approach produces accurate domain adaptation
classifiers for the sentiment classification task.
Web 2.0 contains a vast amount of user generated in-
formation, in the form of reviews, blogs, webpages,
etc. Shoppers tend more and more to seek online re-
views before making a purchase. For example, users
interested in buying a camera must evaluate alterna-
tive products with various characteristics. In addition
to product descriptions, positive and negative opin-
ions from previous users can also make an impact
on the customer’s choices. Manufacturers and retail-
ers also find such reviews helpful, as they can learn
more about customer’s likes and dislikes and adjust
the products accordingly, or use that information to
train recommender systems for suggesting products
to potential users, and targeting customers.
Manually classifying customer reviews can be an
intensive, time consuming process, as it requires a lot
of browsing and reading of reviews. Therefore, au-
tomated tools to do this classification are desirable,
as they could save both customers and companies a
lot of time and quickly provide the gist of the re-
views about a product. Automated classification of
online data as positive, negativeor neutral is known as
sentiment classification, an area at the intersection of
Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP). In supervised frameworks, the senti-
ment classification problem is formulated as a ma-
chine learning problem, where labeled training data
is provided to a learning algorithm and a classifier
is learned. The resulting classifier can then predict
the sentiment of new unlabeled data. Both training
and test instances are represented using automatically
generated features, e.g., NLP features.
The sentiment classification, in general, can be ad-
dressed at word, sentence, or document level. Much
of the previous sentiment classification work has been
done at the document level using keyword based ap-
proaches, and there has not been a lot of work done
at the sentence level. Sentence level classification is
more challenging when compared to document level
classification because classification of a sentence as
positive, negativeor neutral has to be performed in the
absence of context. This problem can be alleviated, if
two or more consecutive sentences are combined to-
gether, or if the whole document is used. Another
challenge in sentiment classification is that a sentence
or a document can have more than one sentiment.
In this work, we focus on sentiment classifica-
tion at sentence level, but consider sentences that have
only one sentiment, either positive or negative, as neu-
tral reviews are not particularly helpful in the process
of making a decision. Usually, with enough training
data, the supervised approach can produce accurate
domain-specific classifiers. For example, one can use
movie review data to train a movie sentiment classi-
fier and then use the classifier to predict the sentiment
of new movie reviews. However, in real world ap-
Cheeti S., Stanescu A. and Caragea D..
Cross-domain Sentiment Classification using an Adapted Naïve Bayes Approach and Features Derived from Syntax Trees.
DOI: 10.5220/0004546501690176
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KDIR-2013), pages 169-176
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
plications, the amount of labeled data for a particu-
lar domain can be limited and it is interesting to con-
sider cross-domain classifiers, in other words, classi-
fiers that leverage training data from a source domain
to learn a classifier for a target domain with limited
labeled data. For example, we can use books as the
source domain, while the target domain can be either
music, DVDs, movies, electronics, clothing, toys, etc.
Generally, a classifier built on one domain (i.e.,
source domain) does not perform well when used to
classify the sentiment in another domain (i.e., target
domain). One reason for this is that there might be
some specific words that express the overall polarity
of a given sentence in a given domain, and the same
words can have different meaning or polarity in an-
other domain. Let us consider kitchen appliances and
cameras as our domains, then words such as good and
excellent express positive sentiments in both kitchen
appliance domain, as well as camera domain. Words
such as bad and worse express a negative sentiment in
both domains; they are known as domain independent
words. On the other hand, words such as safe, stain-
less, sturdy, efficient express sentiments in the kitchen
domain and may or may not express any sentiment in
the camera domain. These are known as domain de-
pendent or domain specific words.
In cross-domain classification, the general goal is
to use labeled data in the source domain and, possibly,
some labeled data in the target domain, together with
unlabeled data from the target to learn cross-domain
classifiers for predicting the sentiment of future target
instances. The cross-domain sentiment classification
problem presents additional challenges compared to
the corresponding problem in a single domain. Us-
ing both source and target data to construct the classi-
fier requires substantial insight and effort, specifically
with respect to how to choose source features that are
predictive for target, and also how to combine data or
classifiers from source and target.
To address the first problem, most recent ap-
proaches (Blitzer et al., 2006), (Blitzer et al., 2007),
(Tan et al., 2009) identify domain independent fea-
tures (a.k.a., generalized or pivot features) to repre-
sent the source, and domain specific features to repre-
sent the target. Domain independent features serve as
a bridge between source and target, thus reducing the
gap between them. The performance of the final clas-
sifier will heavily depend on the domain independent
features; therefore, care must be used when select-
ing these features. In this work, we use NLP syntax
structured trees to generate features. Domain inde-
pendent features are selected based on the frequently
co-occurring entropy (FCE) method proposed by Tan
et al. (2009). Features with high entropy values are
assumed to be independent features and used to rep-
resent the source domain. Furthermore, to combine
source and target data, we use an Expectation Maxi-
mization (EM) based Na¨ıve Bayes classifier proposed
also by Tan et al., (2009). Originally, the approach
in (Tan et al., 2009) assumes labeled source data and
unlabeled target data. In our implementation, we can
also incorporate labeled target domain data, if avail-
able. As the number of iterations increases, we reduce
the weight for the source domain instances, while in-
creasing the weight for the target domain instances,
so that the resulting classifier can ultimately be used
for predicting target domain instances.
Sentiment classification across domains is a very
challenging problem. Classifiers trained on one do-
main cannot always predict the instances from a dif-
ferent domain accurately, due to the fact that domain-
specific features can have different meanings in dif-
ferent domains. The main challenges when perform-
ing sentiment classification experiments consist of se-
lecting the appropriate features and the right Machine
Learning algorithms for a particular dataset.
Relevant to our work, in the context of a single
domain sentiment classification, Harb et al., (2008)
introduced the AMOD (Automatic Mining of Opin-
ion Dictionaries) approach consisting of the following
three phases. The first phase, known as the Corpora
Acquisition Learning Phase, solves a major challenge
by automatically extracting the data from the web us-
ing a predefined set of seed words (positive and neg-
ative terms). The second phase, also known as the
Adjective Extraction Phase, extracts a list of adjec-
tive words with positive and negative opinions. The
third phase, known as the Classification Phase is used
to classify the given documents using the adjective
words extracted in the second phase. The authors used
unigrams as AMOD features and then used the list
of adjective words to classify the given documents.
They used movie review dataset and the car dataset
and the results show that the AMOD approach was
able to classify the given documents by using a list of
adjective words in a single domain.
Zhang et al., (2010) proposed to use several types
of syntax subtrees as features, where the subtrees are
obtained from complete syntax trees by using both ad-
jective and sentiment word pruning strategies. The
syntax trees are derived using the Stanford parser.
These features were found to be very efficientfor clas-
sification in a single domain scenario.
Blitzer et al., (2007) introduced a domain adap-
tation strategy, which is an extension of an approach
previouslyproposed by the same authors, called struc-
tural correspondence learning (SCL) (Blitzer et al.,
2006). As a baseline, the authors first chose a set
of features that occur frequently in both source and
target domains as pivot (or generalized) features, and
compare these features with the pivot features se-
lected as those target features that have the highest
mutual information (MI) to the source domain. First,
the authors assume that the source domain dataset
contains labeled and unlabeled data, whereas the
target domain dataset contains only unlabeled data.
They observed that choosing the pivot features us-
ing MI has reduced the relative error by 36%. Af-
ter introducing 50 labeled instances from the target
domain, they observed that the average reduction in
error is 46%. Overall, the algorithm is found to be
very useful for cross-domain sentiment classification
especially due to the use of the MI to select the pivot
features. Furthermore, the results in this paper show
that using a small number of training labeled data can
yield improved classifiers.
The Spectral Feature Alignment (SFA) algorithm
for cross-domain sentiment classification was pro-
posed by Pan et al., (2010). The process of selecting
the pivot features is the same as the one described in
(Blitzer et al., 2007). The results of the SFA algorithm
are better than SCL and NoTransf, where a classifier
is trained using only source domain data.
Tan et al. (2009) proposed an Adapted Na¨ıve
Bayes (ANB) algorithm to perform cross-domain sen-
timent classification. The first step in their approach is
to find generalized features that can serve as a bridge
between the source and the target domains. In order
to retrieve the generalized features they used a fre-
quently co-occurring entropy method and picked the
features with the highest entropy values as the gen-
eralized features. Subsequently, two classifiers are
learned, one from the source domain using only the
generalized features and the other from the target do-
main using all the features from the target domain.
Next, the classifiers are used to predict the target do-
main unlabeled instances. The process of learning the
classifiers and then using them to predict the target
domain instances is repeated until the algorithm con-
vergences. The authors used Chinese domain-specific
datasets for their experiments. They compared the
ANB algorithm with Na¨ıve Bayes Multinomial (su-
pervised), EM-based Na¨ıve Bayes (semi-supervised)
described in (Nigam et al., 1998), Na¨ıve Bayes Trans-
fer Classifier (transfer-learning) described in (Dai
et al., 2007). The results show that ANB performs
much better than the other algorithms.
Our goal is to perform sentence level sentiment classi-
fication across domains. As described earlier, Zhang
et al. (2010) have shown that features constructed
based on syntax trees can give good results for sen-
timent classification problems in a single domain.
We have also seen that there are many algorithms
for learning cross-domain classifiers, including SCL
(Blitzer et al., 2006), AMOD (Harb et al., 2008), SFA
(Pan et al., 2010), and ANB (Tan et al., 2009). Pre-
vious results have shown that the features used and
the methods for selecting generalized features, for ex-
ample MI (Pan et al., 2010) or FCE (Blitzer et al.,
2006), can have a high impact on the performance
of the resulting classifiers. To identify generalized
features, we use the frequently co-occurring entropy
(FCE) proposed by Tan et al. (2009), thus eliminating
the need for a predefined set of domain specific and
domain independent features required by other meth-
ods. We also use the Adapted Na¨ıve Bayes algorithm
(ANB) proposed by Tan et al. (2009) to learn cross-
domain classifiers. However, we have modified the
ANB approach to enable it to use labeled data from
the target domain during the training phase.
3.1 ANB with Target Labeled
Adapted Na¨ıve Bayes (ANB) (Tan et al., 2009) is a
domain adaptation algorithm, based on a weighted
transfer version of the Nıve Bayes classifier. It builds
a classifier using the Expectation Maximization (EM)
technique together with the Nıve Bayes classifier,
to predict the target domain unlabeled data. More
specifically, the EM algorithm is used to maximize
the likelihood of the data, and consists of two steps:
E-step (Expectation-step)and M-step (Maximization-
step). In the E-step, we estimate the missing data (in
our case, the labels of the unlabeled target data) given
the current model. In the M-step, we update the model
by maximizing the likelihood function under the as-
sumption that the missing data is now known. The
two steps are repeated until convergence.
The EM approach used in ANB and described in
(Tan et al., 2009) is different from the traditional EM,
as in ANB we use both source and target data for
training, while we aim to maximize the likelihood
only with respect to the target data. Towards this goal,
ANB maintains weights for instances in both source
and target domains. At each iteration, the weights are
increased for the target-domain data, and decreased
for the source-domain data, under the assumption that
the classifier continues to improvewith respect to pre-
dicting target data. This behavior is controlled by a
constant lambda (λ). Furthermore, for the source do-
main we do not use domain specific features, but only
domain independent features, as only they can serve
as a bridge for transferring information from source to
target. As opposed to the source domain, for the tar-
get domain, we use the whole vocabulary, i.e., target-
specific features and domain independent features.
In the original formulation of the ANB algorithm,
the authors assume that no labeled target data is avail-
able. We modify the algorithm to allow it to make use
of labeled target data, in cases where a small amount
of such data is available. We follow the notation in
(Tan et al., 2009) to describe the ANB algorithm:
) P(c
(P( f
) =
(1 λ)
) + λ
(1 λ) |D
| + λ |D
P( f
) =
(1 λ)
+ λ
+ 1
(1 λ)
+ λ
+ |V|
In the above formulas, N
and N
denote the num-
ber of appearances of feature f
in class c
, for source
domain (D
) and target domain (D
), respectively, and
are obtained as follows:
), N
Furthermore, λ is a parameter for controlling the
weights for the source domain versus target domain
instances. The value of λ changes with the number of
iterations (τ), which is expressed as: λ = min(δ τ,1)
and τ {1,2,3,...}. Here, δ is a constant (in our work
we used δ = 0.2, similar to the value used by Tan et
al.); η
is 0 if f
/ V
and 1 f
We use this algorithm under two scenarios. First,
we assume that no labeled target data is available. In
the second scenario, we assume that a small amount
of labeled target data is available (in addition to la-
beled source and unlabeled target data). The differ-
ence between the two scenarios is captured as follows:
Case 1: During the first iteration D
= φ in the
M-step. From the second iteration onwards, D
, with labels predicted by the current model,
until convergenceis met. This case corresponds to the
original version of the algorithm (Tan et al., 2009).
Case 2: During the first iteration D
is given by D
in the above M-step. From the second iteration on-
wards D
consists of D
and D
t unlab
with labels
predicted based on the current model, until we reach
a convergence point. This case captures the modifica-
tion that we made to the original algorithm.
More precisely, in the first case, we assume that
the target domain has only unlabeled data. Thus, we
first train a classifier using the source domain labeled
data and predict the correspondinglabels for the target
domain unlabeled data. Starting with the second iter-
ation, we train a classifier using both source and target
data, and use the trained classifier to predict labels for
the target domain unlabeled data. This process is re-
peated iteratively until we meet a convergence point,
i.e., until we have the same labels for the target do-
main unlabeled instances for two consecutive itera-
tions. During this iterative process, we use only the
generalized features for the source domain, whereas
for the target domain we use the whole vocabulary as
features. Also, during training, we reduce the weight
for the source domain instances (to decrease the in-
fluence of the source), while increasing the weight for
the new target domain instances, in an effort to help
predict the target domain instances accurately.
In the second case, we assume that the target do-
main has a small amountof labeled data and also unla-
beled data. This case is similar to the first case, except
that we used both source-domain labeled data along
with target-domain labeled data instead of using only
source labeled data to initially train the classifier.
3.2 Features
As mentioned earlier, we focus on sentence level sen-
timent classification and build classifiers based on
grams derived from structured syntax trees. For a
given sentence, we retrieve its complete syntax tree
using the Stanford parser described in (Klein and
Manning, 2003). A syntax tree is an ordered tree con-
sisting of a root node, branch nodes and leaf nodes.
For example, if the original sentence is ”Too simple
for its own good., the syntax tree obtained using the
Stanford parser is shown in Figure 1.
To generate features from syntax trees, we con-
struct “grams”, which are defined as subtrees of the
complete syntax trees. Specifically, we use the fol-
lowing classes of subtrees (grams) for our problem:
All Grams with Leaf Nodes: This representation has
all the possible parent-child subtrees as features.
Unigrams with Leaf Nodes: This type representa-
tion contains unigram subtrees as features. Unigram
subtrees are defined as pairs composed of a child node
which is the leaf, and the corresponding parent node.
Unigrams without Leaf Nodes: This type of fea-
Figure 1: Syntax tree for the phrase “too simple for its own
good” generated using the Stanford parser.
ture representation contains all possible unigram sub-
trees as features, except the unigrams with leaf nodes.
Thus, unigram subtrees are defined as pairs composed
of a child node and its corresponding parent, where
the child node is not a leaf node.
All Unigrams: All possible unigrams present in the
syntax tree are used as features. The combination of
unigrams with leaf nodes and unigrams without leaf
nodes gives all possible unigrams.
Experiments performed with these types of grams
as features, using a supervised algorithm in a single
domain, showed that they can effectively predict the
sentiment of review sentences. However, the main
challenge for performing domain adaptation is to se-
lect the domain independent features, i.e., features
that bridge between the source domain and target do-
main. As mentioned earlier, domain independent fea-
tures have the same meaning in both source and tar-
get domains. The domain independent features are
important because these features occur frequently in
both domains and can be used in order to transfer
knowledge from source to target.
Our goal is to learn a classifier based on source do-
main labeled data along with target domain unlabeled
data, or on source domain labeled data along with tar-
get domain labeled and unlabeled data, and use the
classifier to predict the labels for target domain un-
labeled instances. Source data should be represented
using domain independent features, while target data
is represented using all features in the target domain
(including the specific features), as we want to learn
to predict target well. We use the Frequently Co-
occurring Entropy (FCE) method as described by Tan
et al., (2009) to retrieve the domain independent fea-
tures, also known as generalized features. This mea-
sure satisfies the following two criteria: (a) indepen-
dent features occur frequently in both source and tar-
get domains; (b) Independent features must have sim-
ilar occurring probability. To satisfy these require-
ments, we used the formula from (Tan et al., 2009):
= log
(v) P
(v) P
where f
represents the entropy value for the feature
v, P
(v) is the probability of feature v occurring in the
source domain and P
(v) is the probability of feature v
occurring in the target domain. Specifically, we have:
(v) =
+ α)
+ 2 α)
, P
(v) =
+ α)
+ 2 α)
where N
and N
denote the number of times feature v
has occurred in the source domain and target domain,
respectively. D
and D
denote the total number of
instances in the source domain and target domain, re-
spectively. We haveused a constant α to smooth prob-
abilities and avoid overflow. In our work, α value is
set as 0.0001. To avoid the division by zero when both
the source domain and the target domain probabilities
are the same, a constant factor β is introduced, which
in our work is set to 0.0001, and the above formula is
modified as follows:
= log
(v) P
(v) P
(v)) + β
Before performing the domain adaptation experi-
ments, we studied the necessity of using all the grams
(within a category) as opposed to reducing the num-
ber of grams in the target domain, based on frequency.
Specifically, we performed experiments where tar-
get data was represented with all grams or only with
grams that occur more than one time, two times and
three times, respectively. Similarly, we varied the
number of FCE grams in order to identify the number
of domain independent features to be used for repre-
senting the source data. Specifically, we ran experi-
ments with 50 and 100 domain independent features.
The results, reported in (Cheeti, 2012), show that it is
preferable to remove grams that occur only once, and
also that it is preferable to use 100 FCE as opposed to
only 50. Thus, for all the experiments reported here
(corresponding to various source and target combina-
tions, along with different gram representations), we
use the top 100 FCE grams as generalized features,
and consider only grams that appear more than one
time in source and target domains.
The purpose of these experiments is to compare
the performance of sentiment classification using the
Adapted Na¨ıve Bayes algorithm (ANB), a domain
adaptation classifier, and the supervised Na¨ıve Bayes
Multinomial algorithm (NBM), a domain-specific
classifier, across various combinations of source and
target domains. We also compare the performance of
the ANB classifier for cross-domain sentiment clas-
sification when using a small amount of target do-
main labeled data versus the ANB classifier without
any target domain labeled data.
We used 3 domains and 4 datasets in our exper-
iments (see Section 5 for more details). In each ex-
periment, we start with a labeled set of target data,
and we split this set into two subsets, one that will
be used as target labeled data and another one (larger)
that will be used as target unlabeled data (by pretend-
ing that the labels are not known, in other words, not
using them in the learning process). Each subset is
further split into three sub-folds in order to apply the
cross-validation technique. Our choice to work only
with target data for which labels are known is justi-
fied by the choice of comparisons that we perform be-
tween the cross-domain adaptation algorithms and su-
pervised baselines, as described below. Specifically,
we performed the following experiments in our work:
1. ANB SL TL denotes experiments performed
in a cross-domain sentiment classification framework,
using our extension of the ANB classifier, which al-
lows the labeled data from both the source domain
(SL) and the target domain (TL) to be utilized. Here,
along with the source domain labeled data (SL), two
folds of target domain labeled data (TL) and two folds
of target domain unlabeled data (TU) are used in the
training phase. The resulting model is tested on the
remaining fold of the target domain unlabeled data.
This procedure is repeated 3 times, in order to per-
form 3-fold cross-validation. The labeled data (SL)
from the source domain is used in its entirety with
each of the three folds of the target data.
2. ANB
SL represents experiments using an ANB
classifier trained on labeled data that comes from the
source domain (SL) and unlabeled data (TU) coming
from the target domain. In this scenario, the assump-
tion is that the target domain has no labeled instances,
hence knowledge from the source domain must be
leveraged. At each fold, all the labeled data from the
source domain is used along with two folds of unla-
beled data from the target domain to learn a model,
which is then evaluated on the remaining third fold of
the target unlabeled data. ANB
SL is expected to be
worst than ANB SL TU, since labeled data is coming
only from the source domain, whereas ANB
also makes use of whatever limited (but nevertheless
important) amount of labeled data the target domain
may have. As before, this procedure is repeated 3
times, in order to perform 3-fold cross-validation.
3. NBM
TL corresponds to experiments using a
supervised classifier (NBM) trained only on the tar-
get domain labeled data (TL), which is also used in
SL TL. Again, one third of the target domain
unlabeled data is used for evaluating the model in a 3-
fold cross validation procedure. The results of this ex-
periment are expected to be worse than the results of
the domain adaptation experiments(i.e., ANB
and ANB SL) because the model is trained only on
the labeled data (without any unlabeled data). How-
ever, being trained on the labeled data from the tar-
get domain, NBM
TL is expected to exhibit improve-
ments over the model learned from source labeled
data, namely NBM
4. NBM
TL TU denotes experiments using a su-
pervised classifier trained on target domain labeled
data (TL) along with target domain unlabeled data
(TU) as training instances (the labels of the TU re-
vealed this time). The remaining one third of target
domain unlabeled data is used as testing, with labels
intentionally ignored so that we can asses the quality
of the model. The results of this experiment are ex-
pected to be better than the results of the domain adap-
tation experiments (i.e., ANB SL TL and ANB SL),
given that all data available is used as labeled data.
5. NBM SL refers to the experiments with the
supervised classifier NBM trained on source domain
labeled data. The results of these experiments are ex-
pected to be worst than any results where target data is
used, as the resulting classifier is tested on the target
data, which is presumably different from the source.
Our experiments are designed to compare
the results of the domain adaptation algorithms
SL TL and ANB SL) with the results of su-
pervised domain specific algorithms, where either tar-
get data (NBM
TL and NBM TL TU) or source data
SL) is used. We expect the results of the
SL classifier to be worse than the results of
classifiers where any target data is used, unless the
source data is very similar to target data. Further-
more, we expect the following relationship among the
results of the classifiers that make use of any target
data: NBM
In our experiments we used customer reviews from
Amazon (by crawling the Amazon customer reviews)
and BestBuy (for which the BestBuy API package
at was used). We as-
sumed that reviews with ratings 4 or 5 are positive and
reviews with ratings 1 and 2 are negative.
We considered three domains in our study: movie
reviews, DVD reviews and kitchen appliance reviews.
Our goal was to include a pair of two more closely re-
lated domains (i.e., movies and DVDs), and two pairs
of more distant domains (movies and kitchen appli-
ances, and DVDs and kitchen appliances). This al-
lows us to study the effect that the closeness of the do-
mains has on the performance of the domain adapta-
tion algorithms. Intuitively, we expect that the closer
the domains, the more knowledge can be transferred
from source to target, and thus the better the perfor-
mance of the domain adaptation algorithms.
We collected an equal number of positive and neg-
ative reviews for each domain, as we did not aim to
study the effect of data imbalance on the results of do-
main adaptation classifiers. Specifically, we collected
400 reviews (200 positive and 200 negative) for each
of the movie (M), DVD (D) and kitchen appliance (K)
domains. We extracted as many reviews as available
from BestBuy (using the BestBuy API) and the rest
were manually crawled from Amazon.
In addition to the initial 400 reviews for DVDs,
we collected 400 more DVD reviews, as we wanted
to study the performance of the algorithms with the
size of the data available, in our case 400 versus 800
instances available. We denote the dataset containing
800 DVD reviews by D’. Using these datasets, we run
experiments with the following source/target combi-
nations in our study: D M, M D,M K,K
M,D K, K D. Here, the left side of the arrow
represents the source domain and the right side of the
arrow represents the target domain.
To summarize, we assembled the datasets de-
scribed above with the following questions in mind:
1. How does the distance between source and tar-
get domains affect the performance of the domain
adaptation classifiers? Can we learn better classi-
fiers for D M,M D combinations as opposed to
M K, K M,D K,K D combinations?
2. Is there a similar amount of knowledge transfered
between 2 domains, regardless of the direction? In
other words, do we observe similar performance for
D M and M D?
3. How does the number of instances in the target
domain affectthe performance? Is M D
better than
M D classifier?
As mentioned in Section 4, we only used grams that
occur more than once in the target dataset (in other
words, we removed grams that occurred just one
time). Furthermore, we used 100 generalized features
to represent the source data. We measured the perfor-
mance of the classifiers using the F1 measure.
The values of the averaged F1 measure (over the
positive and negative classes) are shown in Figure 2
for all grams with leaf nodes. The trend observed
is consistent throughout all of our experiments: uni-
grams without leaf nodes, all unigrams, all grams (re-
sults not shown due to space constraints). However,
the results for “all grams with leaf nodes are better
than the results for “unigrams with leaf nodes”, which
in turn are better than the results for “all unigrams”.
Finally, “unigrams without leaf nodes” give the worst
results. In other words, “all grams with leaf nodes”
contain more predictive information than simply uni-
grams. On the other hand, if unigrams are used, the
most predictive ones are those with leaf nodes. There-
fore, the actual words used in the sentences are im-
portant for classification. But the syntactic structure
of the sentence, captured in the “all grams with leaf
nodes” is also important.
Furthermore, Figure 2 shows that the F1 values for
TL TU are consistently better than the results
of all the other classifiers. This is what we expected
as, in this experiment, we assume that all data is la-
beled (labels of the “unlabeled” data used for the do-
main adaptation classifiers are revealed here). Also,
the results of ANB
SL TL are better than the results
of ANB
SL - indeed, our modification of the origi-
nal domain adaptation algorithm, where we make use
of some labeled target data in addition to unlabeled
target data, shows better performance. As expected,
TL gives worse results than ANB SL TL.
The results of the comparison between NBM
(supervised classifier trained only on source) and
SL (domain adaptation classifier that uses
source labeled data and only unlabeled target data)
show that ANB
SL is not always better than than
SL. Again, our modification to include some
target labeled data (when available) is beneficial, as
the domain adaptation algorithm is not always justi-
fied otherwise - a classifier learned just from source
can sometimes give better results. One possible ex-
planation for this is that in the absence of any labeled
target data, the original labels assigned to the unla-
beled data are not so good, and ultimately the perfor-
mance is worse than learning from source alone.
From the graph, we can also see that the trans-
fer of knowledge is not symmetric, as the classifiers
learned depend on the set of instances provided as in-
put and the input instances could be better in a di-
rection as opposed to another. Thus, we observed
that the performance of sentiment classification is
better for M D,M K,K D as compared to
D M,K M, D K.
The knowledge transfer is also influenced by the
distance between domains. As D and M are more
closely related than D and K, or M and K, the results
of the domain adaptation algorithms are generally bet-
ter for the D/M source/target combinations. When the
domains are closer related, the use of source labeled
data is more helpful than in the cases where the do-
mains are more distant. The results for the combina-
tions D/K are better than the results for D/M. This can
be explained by the fact that both D and K are product
review, whereas M represents movie reviews.
At last, we observed that the M D classifier re-
sults are better than M D
. One possible expla-
nation for this is that as we increase the number of
instances in the target domain, the classifier learned
from the source domain may not be as informative to
predict the labels for the target domain instances dur-
ing the EM iterations.
M->D' D'->M M->D D->M D->K K->D K->M M->K
Figure 2: Domain Adaptation using All Grams with Leaf
Nodes coming from Complete Syntax Trees (CST).
We have studied the use of a domain adaptation al-
gorithm, specifically the ANB algorithm, for learn-
ing classifiers for predicting the sentiment of reviews
across domains. In addition to using the original ver-
sion of the ANB algorithm, which makes use of la-
beled source data and unlabeled target data, we have
also used a modified version of the algorithm, which
makes use of target labeled data, in addition of labeled
source data and unlabeled target data.
Based on the experimental results, we can con-
clude that the ANB classifier increases the perfor-
mance of sentiment classification across domains es-
pecially when we use some labeled target data with
our modified version of the original ANB. We can
also conclude that the results obtained using “all
grams with leaf nodes >“unigrams with leaf nodes
>“all unigrams”>“unigrams without leaf nodes”.
However, while our ANB approach performed
well across different domains, there are some ideas
that we would like to explore in future work. First,
we would like to perform sentiment classification
across domains by training a classifier using grams
extracted from minimal complete trees (obtained us-
ing sentiment-based pruning strategies). The expecta-
tion here is that some parts of the tree that might not
be useful for the sentiment classification problem will
be removed. Second, we would like to perform sen-
timent classification across domains, by considering
grams extracted from path subtrees (obtained using
adjective-based pruning strategies). As for minimal
complete trees, we expect that the results might be
better when we remove parts of the trees that might
not be predictive. Last, we would like to explore the
identification and use of “interesting” part of speech
(POS) patterns for a given set of sentences, with the
expectation that more carefully designed pattern fea-
tures might result in better results.
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