Table 1: Contemporary knowledge engineering methods.
Knowledge Engineering
Generic Task
Inspired by diagnostic and design tasks ×
Include fixed PSM strategy which specify the inference steps ×
Provides task specific vocabulary √
Views PSM as fixed ×
Provides a set of predefined terminology √
Proposes informal and semi-formal specification techniques to describe knowledge √
Uses executable KARL ×
Applies reversible process in system development ×
Allows development of PSM independently from the knowledge base √
Decomposable of PSM into sub-method enable a configuration of generic problem-solver √
The domain layer is comprise in domain ontology √
Platform specific design and implementation ×
Has a broad view of the process during early stage of requirement and analysis √
The Model of Expertise provides four layers of knowledge: domain, inference, task and
strategy layer
Provides general knowledge-intensive task templates √
Emphasize on the internal control √
Platform independent design and implementation √
Knowledge engineering extracts the concepts and
relationships among them from the knowledge
sources and resources, and defines them in
knowledge models.
We propose to adopt a top-down knowledge
engineering approach to the modelling of the triage
decision-support knowledge. The top-down
modelling approach avail general task structures that
could be reused and adapted to engineer the
knowledge models (Kingston, 2007). Knowledge
acquisition is directed and focussed to knowledge
that is relevant to the problem in hand. As a result,
the time required for knowledge acquisition and
analysis will be reduced.
Contemporary top-down knowledge modelling
and engineering methods are Generic task
(Chandrasekaran, 1986), Role-limiting (Marcus,
1988), MIKE (Angele et al., 1998), Protégé-II
(Gennari et al., 2003), KADS (Schreiber et al., 1993)
and CommonKADS (Schreiber et al., 2000). Table
1 highlights the strengths of each method and
indicate the ones (with
√), which we think are useful
to support the development of the TDSS.
Inspired by diagnostic and design task, the
Generic Task try to solve different types problems
by creating a taxonomy or vocabulary which
appropriate for a particular domain knowledge.
However, the clarity of knowledge representation is
weak because the fact that the languages to
implement the expert system is not standardized
across the tasks. On the other hand, the Role-limiting
method separates the Problem Solving Method
(PSM) from the domain knowledge where the object
and their relation including the environment are
fixed building block. It also provides a predefined
terminology. The orientation of the terminology is a
problem-solving-method-specific, and not domain-
specific. This feature gives flexibility to knowledge
engineer to accommodate a particular domain
MIKE proposes the informal and semi-formal
specification techniques to describe the knowledge.
MIKE uses KARL (Knowledge Acquisition and
Representation Language) to describe the
functionality of the knowledge precisely. Since it is
an executable language, the specification will be
developed based on prototyping approach and the
functionality can be tested by a running prototype.
Another special feature of MIKE is the ability to
increment and reverse during system development
process. However, the ability to develop the system
is not required since we do not intend to develop the
TDSS in this manner to test its functionality.
Protégé-II provides several PSMs which were
developed separately from the knowledge base and
those PSMs can be used to work with different
knowledge bases and solve different real-world
problems. Ever though this feature is not significant
in the development of TDSS, the decomposable of
generic PSM featuring in Protégé-II will help a lot.
The domain layer in Model of Expertise in Protégé-
II was captured in domain ontology and the other
three layers were kept optional and can be used for
any appropriate PSM. This separation however
limits the system-level view of the process,
particularly in triage process. The implementation is
however within the Protégé knowledge acquisition
KADS on the other hand provides all layers of
knowledge in Model of Expertise. Therefore the