Linguistic-variable Definition in OWL 2
A Prot
e Plugin
Silvia Calegari
, Davide Ciucci
and Matteo Mondini
DISCo, Universit
a di Milano–Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche ”Mario Negri”, IRCCS, Milano, Italy
Linguistic Variable, Fuzzy Ontology, Prot
e, OWL 2.
Linguistic Variables play a key role in the Computing with Words paradigm and in general in representing and
managing vague knowledge. They are strongly related to Fuzzy Set Theory since the semantic of linguistic
variables is given through fuzzy sets. In order to deal with structured vague information, it is thus fundamental
to integrate ontologies and related instruments with fuzzy capabilities. Several approaches are known in
literature that introduce fuzzy ontology languages, fuzzy reasoners and editor plug-ins to represent them.
However, none directly deals with the problem of representing linguistic variables. In the present paper, we
introduce a Prot
e Plugin developed to define linguistic variables in ontologies. The plug-in is based on
OWL2 and on a lite version of its fuzzy extension.
In the last decade the need to represent and share
knowledge in several domain applications has given
rise to a growing interest in research on ontology.
An ontology is defined as an explicit specification of
a conceptualization (Gruber, 1993a; Gruber, 1993b)
and following this principle an ontology identifies the
objects (both abstract and concrete things of the do-
main) and the relations that link them. Ontologies
are used in many research areas such as knowledge
engineering, database design, information retrieval
and extraction, context-aware, agent-based system,
etc. (Guarino, 1998); but its great notoriety can be
awarded to the key role in the Semantic Web.
In the Semantic Web a critical open issue is how
to deal with imprecise and vague knowledge that is
a typical factor in real world applications (Sanchez,
2006). It is well known that Fuzzy Set Theory is able
to describe vague concepts through a generalized no-
tion of set according to which an object may belong to
it with a certain degree (typically, a real number in the
range [0, 1]) (Klir and Yuan, 1996). Many researchers
have focused their research activities in order to inte-
grate the fuzzy logic formalism in the ontological one
with the aim of defining the so called Fuzzy Ontology
(Sanchez and Yamanoi, 2006; Calegari and Ciucci,
2008; Calegari and Sanchez, 2008). To support the
fuzzy ontology formalism is a really hard topic that
mainly includes four aspects: (i) extend both the se-
mantic and syntax of Description Logics
(DLs) with
fuzziness, (ii) define a fuzzy extension of the OWL
language (OWL, 2005) (the well-known ontology lan-
guage that provides three increasingly expressive lan-
guages, i.e. “OWL Lite”, “OWL DL and “OWL
Full”) based on the considered fuzzy DL, (iii) have
reasoners that can support the fuzzy OWL language,
and (iv) extend ontology editors with new plug-ins
able to define and represent fuzzy knowledge based
on the previous points.
In literature, there exist many papers related to the
definition of fuzzy DLs (Bobillo and Straccia, 2013;
Bobillo et al., 2013b; Mailis et al., 2010) or fuzzy
OWL (Calegari and Ciucci, 2007b; Gao and Liu,
2005; Stoilos et al., 2005), but none of these works
do tackle the problem of real situations where experts
by interacting with an ontology editor have to con-
cretely define knowledge based on the fuzzy ontol-
ogy formalism. Also to define fuzzy reasoners is not
a simple process due to the time complexity for the
execution of some reasoning tasks. Currently only
the fuzzyDL
reasoner for fuzzy S H I F with con-
crete fuzzy concepts has been presented. This rea-
Description Logics are a family of knowledge repre-
senting structured knowledge. Each logic is named through
a sequence of capital letters that identify the constructors of
the logic and then its complexity.
Calegari S., Ciucci D. and Mondini M..
Linguistic-variable Definition in OWL 2 - A Protégé Plugin.
DOI: 10.5220/0004548002690277
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 269-277
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
soner supports the “OWL Lite” language which is
the less expressive OWL language as it is used only
for a classification hierarchy and simple constraints
features. At this point, straightforward problems on
the use of scalable reasoning procedures to deal with
vague knowledge can arise too (Cimiano et al., 2008).
To overcome the scalability issue, a trend of research
deals with how to reduce fuzzy DLs to crisp DLs with
the aim of preserving the knowledge satisfiability. In
this way, standard DL reasoners based on the crisp
OWL language can be used for reasoning with fuzzy
ontologies. For example, in (Bobillo et al., 2012; Bo-
billo et al., 2013b) the Pellet
(Sirin et al., 2007)) DL
reasoner that supports OWL 2
is adopted. OWL 2 is
the new standard ontology language for the Semantic
Web supported by the W3C
, and it is conformed to
the “OWL 2 DL” language.
The aim of this paper is to present the develop-
ment of a plug-in, called FuzzyOntologyView, that is
compliant with the fuzzy logic formalism.The Prot
ontology editor has been chosen to be integrated
with the FuzzyOntologyView plug-in as it supports
(Horridge and Bechhofer, 2011), the lat-
est version of the OWL APIs. Our plug-in does not
use fuzzy (or crisp) reasoners but it allows to man-
age fuzzy knowledge by defining fuzzy concepts that
are represented as linguistic variables in the sense of
Zadeh (Zadeh, 1975). A linguistic variable is a vari-
able whose values correspond to linguistic adjectives,
e.g. the variable Height with values “small, medium
and tall”. We propose a solution to extend the OWL 2
language by including fuzzy concepts defined as lin-
guistic variables preserving the standard formalism of
. As previously stated, the works presented
in (Bobillo et al., 2012; Bobillo et al., 2013b) pro-
pose a solution to reduce the fuzzy ontology to the
corresponding crisp ontology using standard DL rea-
soners. To this aim, a plug-in in Prot
e 4.2 (Bo-
billo and Straccia, 2011) that allows to manage fuzzy
knowledge has been developed, but only by adding
such information as annotations simplifying the prob-
lem of representing the fuzzy knowledge in OWL 2.
On the other hand, the plug-ins defined in (H. Ghorbel
and Bouaziz, 2009; Calegari and Ciucci, 2008; Cale-
OWL 2 Web Ontology Language:
World Wide Web Consortium:
Let us remark that we need some functionalities of
OWL2 not present in OWL, such as punning and extended
gari and Ciucci, 2007a) are able to manage fuzzy lite
ontologies where only membership relations are con-
sidered, and they support old ontology languages, i.e.
RDFS and “OWL Lite”, respectively. The paper is
organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the fuzzy
notions used for the development of the plug-in, in
Section 3 the FuzzyOntologyView plugin is presented
and comparative evaluations with other solutions pro-
posed in literature are given. In Section 4 some con-
clusions and possible future trends are outlined.
2.1 Fuzzy Set Basics
Fuzzy sets on a universe U are a generalization of
standard sets defined through a membership function
: U 7→ [0, 1] which associates with any element
x U its degree of membership to a set A. Fuzzy
set theory has almost fifty years, the first paper dates
back to 1965 (Zadeh, 1965), and it is now widely used
in all those situations where we need to represent and
manage vague information. Despite of this general
definition of a fuzzy set, where no restrictions are put
on the function f
, the membership function shape is
often chosen among a limited set of possibilities. The
most used ones are: singleton, triangular, trapezoidal,
gaussian and beta, whose definition reads as follows.
Singleton: s : U 7→ [0, 1], there exists a particular
element x U such that s(x) = 1 and s(y) = 0 for
all y 6= x, that is the set s has only one element
with membership value equal to 1;
Trapezoidal: Tr : U 7→ [0, 1], Tr(x) =
, 1), 0) where a, b, c, d are
constants whose meaning is clear from figure 1;
Triangular fuzzy sets are trapezoidal ones with
b = c;
Gaussian: G : U 7→ [0, 1], G(x) = e
with c
the center of the curve and σ the width;
Beta: B : U 7→ [0, 1], B(x) = x
α, β > 0 real-valued parameters.
a b
Figure 1: An example of trapezoidal fuzzy set.
We now introduce linguistic variables (Zadeh,
1975) a central notion in so called Computing with
words paradigm (Zadeh, 1996). A linguistic variable
is a quintuple (L, T (L),U, G, M) where L is the name
of the variable, T (L) is the set of values for L, which
are called linguistic terms (also linguistic values or
linguistic labels), U is a universe of discourse; G is a
syntactic rule which generates the terms in T (L), and
M is a semantic rule which maps each linguistic term
A T (L) to its meaning, M(A), where M(A) denotes
a fuzzy subset of U.
Example 2.1. As an example let us consider to de-
fine the concept of Height with its nuances. We have
that the linguistic variable is L = Height and its val-
ues are T(L) = {small, medium, tall }. The universe
is the interval U = [0, 200] expressing the height in
centimeters, the rule G just says that the only linguis-
tic terms are the ones in T (L) and the mapping M is
represented by the fuzzy subsets of Figure 2.
Figure 2: “Height”: an example of Linguistic Variable.
2.2 Combining Fuzzy Sets with
As said in the introduction, several approaches to use
fuzzy sets with ontologies can be found in literature.
Here, we are dealing with a simple situation, where
each concept is a fuzzy subset on the instance domain.
Definition 2.1. A Fuzzy Ontology is defined as the tu-
ple O
= {I, C, R, F, A} where:
- I is the set of individuals, also called instances.
- C is the set of concepts. Each concept C C is a
fuzzy set on the domain of instances C : I 7→ [0, 1].
-A special role is held by the taxonomic relation T
which identifies the subsumption relation among
the concepts.
-R is the set of non-taxonomic and crisp relations;
- F is the set of the fuzzy relations on the set of
entities E and a specific domain contained in D =
{integer, string, ...}. In detail, they are n-ary func-
tions such that each element F F is a relation F :
× P 7→ [0, 1] where P D.
- A is the set of axioms expressed in a proper logical
language, i.e., predicates that constrain the meaning
of concepts, individuals, relationships and functions.
This corresponds to a fragment of the more gen-
eral definition of fuzzy ontology (Calegari and Ciucci,
2008), where any relation can be fuzzy and more
freedom is given in the possibility to define axioms.
This issue becomes more clear when considering the
OWL/DL definition of fuzzy ontology. Indeed, from
a more formal standpoint we have to consider the
definition of a fuzzy ontology based on description
logic. Let us note that in literature several defini-
tions of Fuzzy Description Logic can be found (Strac-
cia, 2006; Stoilos et al., 2005; Calegari and Ciucci,
2007b; Bobillo et al., 2012). We consider here a
fuzzy variant of SROIQ(D), since it is equivalent to
the OWL2, the W3C standard language. However, in
order to cope with linguistic variables only a fragment
of fuzzy S ROIQ(D) is needed. The only parts which
need to be fuzzyfied are concepts, concrete domains
and individual axioms. Indeed, in order to represent
the concept of Small_People, subconcept of People
(i.e., the set of people corresponding to the linguistic
term Small, relative to the linguistic variable Height),
we need to define the relation Height, the concrete
fuzzy concept Small as a fuzzy set on the universe
[0, 250] and then state that the concept Small-People
is equivalent to Height.Small.
For further details about S ROIQ(D) we refer the read-
ers to (Bobillo et al., 2012).
3 FuzzyOntologyView: THE
This section presents the Prot
e plugin that inte-
grates the Fuzzy Set Theory notions (see Section 2)
into the ontology-knowledge; this goal is obtained by
defining linguistic variables through fuzzy concepts.
The first part of this section describes the main phases
of the FuzzyOntologyView plug-in that allow to create
the fuzzy concepts. The second part explains how the
fuzzy concepts definition can preserve the standard
formalism of OWL 2 and provides a simple example.
The third part gives a comparison of the FuzzyOntolo-
gyView plug-in with other approaches proposed in the
3.1 Defining Fuzzy Knowledge in
Domain Ontologies
To interact with the plug-in, it must be previously in-
stalled in the usual way of Prot
e plug-ins. A new
tab called FuzzyOWLView will be added as a new
functionality of the standard element Classes in the
editor, i.e., beside the tabs Class hierarchy and Class
hierarchy (inferred). The first two phases for using
the FuzzyOWLView tab are: (1) create/import the non-
fuzzy domain Ontology, (2) select the concept from
the Class hierarchy tab that has to be fuzzified. Now,
a user can select the FuzzyOWLView tab and choose
the membership function (see Section 2) that better
represents the semantic of the fuzzified concept.
As an example we define inside the Travel domain
Ontology the linguistic variable Airport Distance, the
two terms Near Airport, Not so far Airport and finally,
the individuals Roma, Madrid, Washington will be as-
sociated to these terms.
Figure 3: Selection of a membership function.
Figure 3 shows the FuzzyOWLView tab where the
concept nearAirport has been selected and the list of
four membership functions that a user has to choose
among. In our example, we suppose that the Trape-
zoid function has been selected, and the related panel
is displayed. Figure 4 illustrates the Trapezoidal func-
tion defined by typing the values of the constants in
the specific area called Trapezoid parameters. In de-
tail, the left-shoulder trapezoidal function has been
defined as it better represents the notion of a near
airport. However, a user can draw and redraw in-
finite times the selected function by the button Re-
draw function, and only when she/he is convinced
can click-on the button Create membership function.
However, before it is mandatory to choose the Dat-
aProperty associated with the fuzzy concept, other-
wise an alert message will advice the user. In the ex-
ample, the DataProperty is AirportDistance and the
fuzzy concept is nearAirport.
Figure 4: Trapezoidal function for the concept nearAirport.
After that a membership function is associated
with a concept, whenever the same concept is chosen
by interacting with FuzzyOWLView then a new panel
will be displayed to the user (see Figure 5). Now,
there are three different operations on individuals of
a fuzzy concept: (1) create a new individual to asso-
ciate with the concept, (2) add an existing individual
in the ontology to the concept by selecting the indi-
vidual from a list and then write a suitable value, and
(3) view all the fuzzy concepts and individuals that
Figure 5: Management of individuals to a fuzzy concept.
Figure 6: Management of individuals to a fuzzy concept.
have been assigned to the same DataProperty.
In Figure 6 a user is creating the individual Roma
belonging to the fuzzy concept not-so-farAirport with
a distance from the airport of 28km. As it happens
for the creation of a membership function, a user can
draw and re-draw an individual and only the selection
of the button Create individual establishes its defini-
tion in the Ontology.
Figure 7: Management of individuals to a fuzzy concept.
In Figure 7 there is a more complete view of the
fuzzy concepts and individuals that have been de-
fined. In this case, for the DataProperty AirportDis-
tance two fuzzy concepts have been defined, i.e. near-
Airport and not-so-farAirport, and two individuals
have been assigned to them, i.e. Madrid and Washing-
ton cities with the meaning that Madrid is more near
to its airport than Washington (considering Dulles In-
ternational Airport).
3.2 Translation in OWL 2
The output of the FuzzyOntologyView plug-in is a
fuzzy ontology that can be directly encoded in the
OWL 2 language by the usage of the library OWL API
3. The crucial objective of adding fuzzy notions by
preserving the standard formalism of OWL 2 will be
reached by a suitable definition of linguistic variables.
In the following all the elements defined to map the
notion of linguistic variable in OWL 2 are explained.
These elements act on Classes, ObjectProperties and
DataProperties. Classes:
FuzzyTypeDefinition. This class can be con-
sidered one of the most important as its scope is
to define ternary relations among an individual, a
concept and its degree of membership. In OWL
2 it is not possible to directly create a ternary re-
lation among a concept, an individual and a de-
gree. The solution adopted in the ontology lan-
guages is to consider the standard notion of reifi-
cation where a link between two individuals or an
individual and a value is defined. This means to
duplicate the concept involved in the relation as an
individual and to link this last with each instance
assigned to the starting fuzzy concept (see Sec-
tion 3.1). By considering the example of Figure 7
and the notion of linguistic variable (see Section
2), we have four ternary relations between two in-
dividuals and their degree as each individual be-
longs to the two fuzzy concepts (NearAirport, not-
so-far-Airport) with a different degree. For ex-
ample, one of them is r1(Madrid, nearAir port +
code) = 1.0 with the assumption that the trans-
formation ’concept 7→individual’ for nearAirport
is applied. During the reification process a code
is automatically added to the new instance by the
editor. Finally, the class FuzzyTypeDefinition
is defined at the top level in the hierarchy, and
when this class is selected in the Usage tab all the
ternary relations between individuals are listed.
Type of membership function. Several
classes related to the type of membership
function selected by the user are instanci-
ated. In the example of Section 3.1 the class
TrapezoidalMembershipFunction is defined at
the top level in the hierarchy tree as the user has
always preferred the Trapezoidal function, and
thus only the class related to this function has to
be presented to the user. In case of selection of
other functions, the corresponding class will be
instanciated as GaussianMembershipFunction,
SingletonMembershipFunction, and BetaMem-
bershipFunction. In the considered example,
when the TrapezoidalMembershipFunction
class is selected all the Trapezoidal functions
are listed in the Usage tab. Moreover, at this
step, the definitions of the specific Trapezoidal
functions created in the ontology are shown.
By considering the example of Section 3.1, the
functions membershipFunctionOfnearAirport
and membershipFunctionOfnot-so-farAirport are
listed as individuals. This is due to the necessity
to manage and save the parameters inserted by
the user during the creation of the specific mem-
bership function (see the statement datatype in
FuzzyConcept. This class is defined to know all
the concepts that have been defined as a member-
ship function in the ontology, and it is created at
the top level in the hierarchy. By considering the
example of Section 3.1, the two concepts nearAir-
port and not-so-farAirport defined as individuals
(see FuzzyTypeDefinition) are listed.
fuzzyType. It represents the name of
the relation between an individual and the
FuzzyTypeDefinition class.
By analysing the previous example of
FuzzyTypeDefinition, we have that
r1(Madrid, nearAirport + code) = 1.0 7→
FuzzyType(Madrid, nearAirport + code) = 1.0.
hasBaseType. It links a FuzzyTypeDefinition
to a concept in order to represent which individu-
als belong to the specific concept.
hasMembershipFunction. It links a concept to
the related fuzzy membership function.
hasDegree. It indicates the degree between two
individuals in a ternary relation as defined in the
FuzzyTypeDefinition class. The degree is de-
fined in the range [0, 1]. This value is automati-
cally obtained as shown in the example of Figure
2 where the compatibility of Height 156cm with
Small might be 0.35.
datatype. It allows to save the parameters for the
type of membership function selected by the user.
DataProperty. It indicates the DataProperty
name used to group all the fuzzy concepts that
have a semantic association (i.e., the linguistic
variable name). Moreover, by selecting each in-
dividual it also stores the value that has been writ-
ten by the user during the creation of the individ-
ual for a specific fuzzy concept (see Section 3.1
where the user has inserted the value 12Km to in-
dicate the distance from the city of Madrid to its
3.2.1 From a Linguistic Variable to OWL 2
We now explain through an example how a linguistic
term has been represented in OWL 2.
First of all, a linguistic variable L, AirportDis-
tance in our case, is realized through a DataProp-
erty. Then, a term A T (L) is a concept, in our ex-
ample Not-so-farAirport is a subclass of the concept
City. In order to represent the semantic of a term,
that is the fuzzy set M(A), we reify the term A = Not-
so-farAirport (see FuzzyTypeDefinition) and ob-
tain the individual Not-so-farAirport which belongs
to the class FuzzyConcept and is linked through
the object property hasMembershipFunction to the
individual MembershipFunctionOfnot-so-farAirport.
This last individual, on its turn, is a member of
the class TrapezoidalMembershipFunction. The
four values a, b, c, d defining the trapezoidal shape
of the fuzzy set M(Not so f arAirport) are set
using four datatype properties HasFirstParame-
ter, HasSecondParameter, HasThirdParameter, Has-
FourthParameter of MembershipFunctionOfnot-so-
Finally, we explain how to represent individu-
als. Let us consider the case of Madrid, whose air-
port is 12Km from the city and thus its member-
ship degree to not-so-farAirport is 0.0. The dis-
tance in kilometers, 12, is the value of the prop-
erty Airport Distance whereas 0.0 is the value of the
property hasDegree of the individual Fuzzynot-so-
far-Airport-921045970, linked to Madrid through the
fuzzyType property. Let us note that the individual
Fuzzynot-so-far-Airport-921045970 is automatically
created by the editor and generally is the value dis-
played during the reification process where the code
921045970 is added as previously explained. In or-
der to make the semantic of each individual readable,
we have defined a reified ternary relation between the
name of the individual and the individual having as-
signed the automatically generated code by the ob-
ject property fuzzyType. By considering the same
example, we have fuzzyType(madrid,Fuzzynot-so-far-
Here below, a partial fuzzified knowledge in OWL
2 of the Travel Ontology related to the example ex-
plained in the paper is reported. In particular, we con-
sider the definition of the city Madrid and its distance
to the airport by analysing the belongingness of the
fuzzy concept not-so-farAirport.
<!-- Individual: Madrid>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#madrid"/>
<Class IRI="#not-so-farAirport"/>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#madrid"/>
<DataProperty IRI="#AirportDistance"/>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#madrid"/>
<Literal datatypeIRI="&xsd;float">12.0</Literal>
<!-- Individual: Fuzzynot-so-farAirport-921045970>
<Class abbreviatedIRI="fuzzyOWL:FuzzyTypeDefinition"/>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#Fuzzynot-so-farAirport-921045970"/>
Figure 8: An overview of the fuzzy notions defined in the Travel Ontology.
<ObjectProperty abbreviatedIRI="fuzzyOWL:fuzzyType"/>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#madrid"/>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#Fuzzynot-so-farAirport-921045970"/>
<ObjectProperty abbreviatedIRI="fuzzyOWL:hasBaseType"/>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#Fuzzynot-so-farAirport-921045970"/>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#not-so-farAirport"/>
<DataProperty abbreviatedIRI="fuzzyOWL:hasDegree"/>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#Fuzzynot-so-farAirport-921045970"/>
<Literal datatypeIRI="&xsd;double">0.0</Literal>
<!-- Trapezoidal Function: TrapezoidalMembershipFunction>
<Class abbreviatedIRI="fuzzyOWL:TrapezoidalMembershipFunction"/>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#membershipFunctionOfnot-so-farAirport"/>
<DataProperty abbreviatedIRI="fuzzyOWL:hasFirstParameter"/>
<NamedIndividual IRI="#membershipFunctionOfnot-so-farAirport"/>
<Literal datatypeIRI="&xsd;double">15.0</Literal>
Figure 8 shows some of the fuzzy notions previ-
ously described by clicking-on the individual Madrid
after the selection of the concept not-so-farAirport.
As expected and depicted in Figure 7, two fuzzy-
Type are defined, i.e. fuzzyType 1.0 nearAirport
and fuzzyType 0.0 not-so-farAirport. In the lower
right window of Figure 8 also the DataProperty in-
formation is reported where the name of the prop-
erty (AirportDistance) and the value wrote by the
user (12.0 f ) are stated (the value is stored as a float
number). The same information is also reported
in the Usage tab for Individuals. At the bottom
left part of the figure, the concepts FuzzyConcept,
FuzzyTypeDefinition are located at the top level of
the hierarchy with the meaning explained previously.
Let us note that when the Individuals tab is focused on
the menu, then the FuzzyOWLView tab is displayed as
a plug-in and not as a tab beside the ones defined for
the Classes tab as shown in Figure 5.
3.3 Other Solutions
The solution we adopted to represent a linguistic vari-
able, and specifically a fuzzy concept, is not the only
possible one in OWL2. Other possibilities are:
Add a Datatype property to the fuzzy axioms in
order to represent the membership degree. How-
ever, in this case it would be impossible for an
object to belong to two different classes, since we
would have two “withDegree” tags for the same
object without knowing the linked property, as in
the following example:
<fowl:Thing rdf:about="a">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="A" >
<rdf:type rdf:resource="B" >
Subclasses. Create a subclass of a fuzzy concept
C for any desired degree C
, C
, etc. This solu-
tion requires either to parse the name of the con-
cept to know the membership degree or to add it as
a property to the concept C, a feature only present
in OWL full (which is not desirable to use for its
well-known undecidability).
Annotations. With this solutions all the fuzzy part
is realized through the annotations. In this way
all the fuzzy constructs and axioms can be repre-
sented and standard editors and reasoners can use
the classical part. However, this is not compliant
with the scope of the annotations which, accord-
ing to the W3C, “should be used when the infor-
mation attached to entities should not be consid-
ered a part of the domain and when it should not
contribute to the logical consequences of an on-
tology”. Indeed, it is desirable that the fuzzy ele-
ments are at the same semantic level of the stan-
dard ones.
This last solution is the only one implemented in lit-
erature by (Bobillo and Straccia, 2011). It is part of a
complete suite with a Fuzzy Reasoner which enables
to represent and reason with a Fuzzy Ontology. Be-
sides the fact the we are moving towards a real fuzzy
ontology (not a one existing only in comments) as
described above, the main improvements to represent
fuzzy concepts introduced in our solution can be sum-
marized as follows:
Representation and Building of Linguistic Vari-
The possibility to represent a linguistic variable,
with all the linguistic terms linked among them
(see Section 3.1);
The simplicity to represent a linguistic term. In-
deed, in the approach (Bobillo and Straccia, 2011)
in order to create the concept “City not so far from
airport” we have to
Create the DataProperty Has-Distance-to-
airport and set it as a superclass of the concept
Create the trapezoidal fuzzy datatype not-so-
Add the concept City-no-far-airport with an an-
notation that it is a fuzzy concept, using a spec-
ify fuzzy logic (Zadeh or Łukasiewicz);
State that City-no-far-airport is equivalent to a
city with Has-Distance-to-airport SOME not-
A list of operations which is definitely more com-
plex than in our plug-in.
Graphical Issues:
the dynamical graphic representation, which is
absent in the Bobillo-Straccia approach. Indeed,
in our plug-in it is possible to draw and re-draw in-
finite time a function before to create it in the on-
tology; instead in the Bobillo-Straccia approach
only a static picture is displayed to help the user
recall the meaning of the parameters but a user
does not have the view of the membership func-
tion created. In addition, at any time it is possible
to have a complete overview of all the fuzzy con-
cepts and individuals associated with a specific
DataProperty. This functionality can improve the
usability of the system by supporting the user dur-
ing the definition of the domain Ontology.
in the Bobillo-Straccia approach only a few mem-
bership functions can be defined such as triangu-
lar, trapezoidal and linear.
the ontology updates in realtime when some mod-
ifications occur, whereas in the Bobillo-Straccia
approach it is necessary to save the ontology and
re-open it.
This paper has presented the FuzzyOntologyView
plug-in, the first that integrates the notion of linguistic
variable in ontologies. FuzzyOntologyView has been
defined for the well known ontology editor Prot
In detail, the plug-in is compliant with the last ver-
sion of this editor that directly supports the OWL 2
language. To extend the ontology knowledge with
fuzzy notions that is directly supported in OWL 2 is
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lows to manage fuzzy knowledge has been presented,
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ment annotation in OWL 2, thus simplifying the
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LOREAN reasoner inside the FuzzyOntologyView
plug-in with the objective to directly use all the defin-
able fuzzy notions to infer new knowledge inside the
OWL2 framework. Once this step will be complete,
the plug-in will be made available on-line.
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