worldwide. The impacts of the discussion on this
subject certainly are not restricted to the academic
sphere, which can be demonstrated by the evolution
of national legislations regarding government data in
several countries as well as the settlement of
international agreements that begin to set standards
on procedures in the public sphere. These
movements are in sync with the results of releasing
government data experiences on LD format in recent
years, especially those made in Britain and in the
United States.
Although most studies here raised come from
American, British and German institutions the
development of research in many other countries,
such as Brazil, Chile, Romania, Spain and Albania is
noteworthy, because it reveals recognition to linked
government data in a global level.
The conclusion reached in this study is that
linked government data is a new paradigm that
directly affects public sectors, creating new
possibilities for interaction between citizens,
businesses and government.
However, more extensive bibliometric research
can be made, considering the use of other keywords
in the databases, such as “Semantic Web”, “
The most important consequences from the
meeting of this new paradigm with the demand for
more efficient public administrations must be
studied in detail, possibly with the development of
case studies and other convenient methods.
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