Semantic Gastroenterological Images Annotation and Retrieval
Reasoning with a Polyp Ontology
Yahia Chabane and Christophe Rey
Clermont Universit
e, LIMOS, CNRS UMR 6158, F-63171 Aubiere, France
Semantic Medical Image Retrieval, Polyp Ontology, Local Subsumption, Annotation.
In gastroenterology, monitoring polyps is fundamental in order to detect a cancer. It may be difficult for
surgeons to decide whether he should remove a polyp or not. A wrong decision may generate unjustified costs
or be dangerous for the patient health. To help their diagnosis, physicians may need images of previously
treated cases. For this purpose, we present in this paper a semantic image retrieval approach focused on
endoscopic gastroenterological images. This approach is based on a slight extension of classical description
logic reasonings, associated with a polyp ontology and a suited image annotation mechanism.
In medicine, and for instance in gastroenterology,
phycisians and surgeons are used to basing some of
their decisions on images they have taken during med-
ical exams (e.g. whether to remove or not a polyp).
But medical images can also be used during medical
studies, throughout epidemiological research works,
for medicolegal purposes, ... Thus they are a really
important element in medical practises.
One step that is crucial in a medical images man-
agement platform is the research one. Of course, re-
searching a medical image must be intuitive and im-
ages must be quickly obtained and be as relevant as
possible. Since image retrieval is mainly based on
a comparison between image annotations and image
queries, annotating images must also be intuitive. In
this paper, we adress these problems of annotating
and retrieving medical images in the field of gastroen-
terology, focusing on endoscopic images of polyps.
We follow a semantic image retrieval approach based
on a new polyp ontology. This work is part of the Sy-
seo project (Syseo, 2011), which aims at building an
integrated gastroenterological DICOM images man-
agement platform.
In classical syntactic image retrieval approaches,
images are described with a set of keywords (Datta
et al., 2008), (Rui et al., 1999), (Bimbo, 1999). The
quality of the image retrieval process comes from the
relevance of these keywords, but also from the rele-
vance of the keywords used to express the user query,
and of course from the adequation between the anno-
tated keywords and the user ones. If the user does not
use exactly the same keywords as those in the image
description, then he may not retrieve this image even
if it is relevant for him.
To add more flexibility, the semantic approach is
based on a so-called ”ontology” of the domain (Gru-
ber, 2009), that is a dictionary where keywords are
given a definition, expressed with other keywords
having themselves a definition, and so on. We then
talk about concepts more than keywords. So an on-
tology usually describes a whole domain with hun-
dreds of concepts. As these concepts have a precise
definition which links them to other concepts, the re-
trieval process can be based on the use of these links,
which are called ”semantic” since they are related to
the concept definitions. Flexible retrieval techniques
can then be designed as logical inference techniques
called ”reasonings”. For instance, we can exploit the
semantic link saying that a polyp is a kind of a lesion,
to retrieve lesion images, as an extended research cri-
teria (or if there is no polyp images). In this case the
underlying reasoning is called ”subsumption”.
Current semantic image management systems
generally make use of a knowledge representation
formalism such as description logics (Baader et al.,
2007) or semantic networks (Meghini et al., 2001) to
be able to define ontologies and reasonings. In this
paper we have chosen the description logics approach.
Indeed, it allows us to reuse many theoretical results
about languages expressivity and associated reason-
ings. Moreover the web ontology language OWL
(OWL, 2007), which has been standardized by the
Chabane Y. and Rey C..
Semantic Gastroenterological Images Annotation and Retrieval - Reasoning with a Polyp Ontology.
DOI: 10.5220/0004549202930300
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 293-300
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
W3C for more than 10 years, is grounded on descrip-
tion logics. And last but not least, many reasoners
implementing efficient reasonings are available (Her-
miT, 2013; RacerPro, 2013; Pellet, 2013; FaCT++,
In section 2, we explain what problems gastroen-
terologists face to manage there images, and infor-
mally expose how the semantic image retrieval mech-
anism we’re proposing can help. Then, we formally
present our proposal in section 3. Afterwards, in sec-
tion 4, we quickly survey the image retrieval field with
a focus on semantic medical image retrieval, before
To be precise, let’s first define the suited vocabulary.
A concept definition (or simply a definition) is an ex-
pression using concepts of the ontology that gives its
meaning to another concept. This suggests the ex-
istence of atomic concepts which are only defined by
their name. An annotation is the expression of what is
observable in an image, expressed with concepts from
the ontology. So an annotation is a kind of definition.
A property is a part of a definition. For instance, a
property of an annotation may be the part of the an-
notation which describes a specific observable aspect
of the annotated image (color, texture,...). A classifi-
cation is an existing thesaurus related to polyps that
has been integrated into our ontology: each keyword
of the thesaurus has been transformed into a concept
of the ontology, and these have been given a definition
according to gastroenterological concepts previously
stored in the ontology.
The practical problem adressed in this paper is
how to set up a semantic search mechanism suited
for gastroenterologists in their everyday use. Such
a mechanism should provide more flexibility and ex-
tendability wrt classical syntactic search. Concretely,
this is especially interesting for a physician when he
wants to match a set of information to a set of ref-
erence images (images for which it is known which
kind of polyp and pathology they show) or reference
concepts (classes from a polyp classification).
For instance, this matching can be useful in the
following cases:
as an help for annotation: during a surgery, when
he takes a photo, a surgeon may want to describe
it even basically; in this context he can give his
observations (color, shapes, ...) to the system
which will display corresponding reference im-
ages (those described by a annotation semanti-
cally linked with the same observations), help-
ing him annotating his image with the suited (and
standard) concepts.
as an help for a diagnosis: after having anno-
tated the taken image, the surgeon may have to de-
cide whether he removes or not the polyp. Then
he can once again be helped by the system that
would classify the image, according to its annota-
tion, into various classifications (related to medi-
cal acts, pathologies, procedures,...). He can also
be displayed images of the same kind of polyps
that have been previously removed.
as an help during medical education: learning a
polyp classification can be eased by a system that
is able to quickly relate a set of observations to the
possible polyp classes it corresponds, and also to
give the polyp classes that are not related to the
observations by focusing on what is contradictory
between the observation and the polyp descrip-
To make the previous cases a reality, we propose a
three-parts system: (i) the ontology which contains
the definitions of gastroenterological concepts, fo-
cused on polyps, and also containing all polyp classi-
fications and their associated classes (see section 3.1),
(ii) a set of reasonings (see section 3.3), and (iii) a
set of reference images with their annotations which
have been validated by experts. Now, we have iso-
lated three main scenarios:
S1 semantic images retrieval: given a image class
(resp. an image annotation) the issue is to find
the reference images belonging to this class (resp.
being similar to this annotation). Here the seman-
tic approach holds in the fact that classes of ref-
erence images are inferred from their annotation
(and validated by experts).
S2 exact classes retrieval: given an image annotation,
and the name of a classification, the issue is to find
the exact classes (in this classification) of the im-
age, that is the classes which all definition proper-
ties can be inferred from the input image annota-
S3 approximated classes retrieval: given an image
annotation, and the name of a classification, the
issue is to find the approximated classes (in this
classification) of the image, that is the classes
from the definition of which we can infer all the
properties of the input image annotation.
An interesting point with the previous scenarios,
is that they can be combined. Combining S1 after S2
allows to retrieve all the reference image annotations
that belong to the exact classes of an input image an-
notation. Similarly, combining S1 after S3 allows to
retrieve all the reference image annotations that be-
long to the approximated classes of an input image
annotation. Moreover combining S3 after S1 allows
to retrieve all the approximated classes of the refer-
ence images annotations belonging to an input class
(or input image annotation). This can be helpful for
the understanding of links between classes.
Setting up a semantic system, based upon descrip-
tion logics, implies to make a few critical choices:
what language in the description logics family to ex-
press concepts definitions ? What reasonings to com-
pute inferences ? What reasoner to make reasonings
run ? The difficult point resides in the well-known
tradeoff between expressivity and computation per-
formances. Indeed, the finer one can express knowl-
edge, the harder (and thus slower) the reasonings are.
In our work, we are guided by our previous sce-
narios S1, S2 and S3: indeed, the first corresponds
to the classical instance retrieval reasoning, while the
other two are strongly based on subsumption. Since
these reasonings are the fondamental ones for de-
scription logics, they have been exhaustively studied
for a great panel of languages (Baader et al., 2007).
And some of these languages have been implemented
throughout efficient reasoners (HermiT, 2013; Rac-
erPro, 2013; Pellet, 2013; FaCT++, 2013). So we
decided to use a very expressive description logic,
namely SH OIQ
associated with its reasoner called
HermiT(Motik et al., 2009).
Description logics (DL) are a knowledge repre-
sentation and reasoning formalism (Baader et al.,
2007) on which is based the OWL language (OWL,
2007), one of the main standards in semantic tech-
nologies. When modelling knowledge using DL, one
define elements called individuals, sets of elements
called concepts and relationships between these sets
called roles. In our context, individuals correspond to
images and concepts and roles to gastroenterological
concepts and their relationships. We refer to (Baader
et al., 2007) for more information on concept and role
construction, language, reasoning and complexity in
We now present the content of the polyp ontology,
the annotation and query mechanism.
3.1 Ontology
The core hierarchy of the ontology is presented in
figure 1 (where the black arrows associated to Flat,
Vienna, PitPattern and Paris means that there are
other subconcepts unrevealed).
Figure 1: Core hierarchy of the polyp ontology. Snapshot
taken in Prot
e 4.2 (Prot
e, 2013) with the OWL viz plug-
The ontology is divided in three main parts. The
first part is related to the observable properties of the
image content (color, shape, texture, and anatomical
properties like the considered organ and some mea-
sure about polyps). The second part is dedicated to
medical comments (or even diagnosis) on the image.
The last part is the definition of what is an image. This
definition is tightly linked with the first two parts. It
is described with the following concept description:
Image represents.(
This description means a polyp image may be as-
sociated to an information of type Diagnosis (e.g. the
name of a class in a classification), to a location (an
organ), to a measure (a polyp depth associated with a
length and a width for the polyp dimensions), and to
other observations (shape, texture, ...).
In the ontology, gastroenterological concepts
come mainly from four standard classifications that
have been integrated: the Paris classification (Paris,
2003) that describes polyp shapes, the Pit-Pattern
classification (Kudo et al., 1994) that describes polyp
surfaces, the Vienna classification (RJ et al., 2000)
that describes pathological states associated to polyps
and the MST3.0 (MST, 2009) that lists many gas-
troenterological concepts related to anatomy, obser-
vations and medical acts. Each concept coming from
a classification and denoting a special set of polyps
is called a class. Statistically speaking, the ontology
gathers 58 defined concepts, 23 roles and 188 indi-
viduals, among them 100 images and 88 various indi-
viduals (names or gastroenterological organs, colors,
textures). These data are linked through 58 subsump-
tion relations, 40 disjoint concepts axioms and about
200 individuals assertions. It is contained into a 476
KBytes files. This is a quite small ontology since it is
still in its infancy. In the future, we do not expect the
TBox to contain thousands of concepts. On the con-
trary, the ABox size will grow linearly in the number
of stored images.
The chosen language, SH OI Q
, is a very ex-
pressive language since it allows the use of 12 concept
and role constructors and 12 kinds of axioms. We re-
fer to (Motik et al., 2009) for a precise description of
these constructors and the associated semantics. It is
also the language on which is built the HermiT rea-
soner which is one of the most effective reasoner up
to our knowledge (HermiT, 2013).
3.2 Annotation and Query Building
The image annotation and queries are generated in
the same manner. They are generated manually using
an interactive interface. This interface allows naviga-
tion in the ontology. According to his observation (or
need), the physician select most appropriate concepts
and individuals for the representation of image. For-
mally, an image annotation (as a query) is a concept
description A in conjunctive form defined as follow-
A represents.(
Such as :
, Location
, Measure
, Observation
are concepts descriptions and (i, j, k, l) :
v Diagnosis
v Location
v Measure
v Observation
, location
, measure
, observation
roles names and (i, j, k, l) :
v diagnosis
v location
v measure
v observation
One purpose of semantic annotation is to be car-
ried out manually by experts.
The annotation(query) mechanism building is il-
lustrated in figure 2. The user selects three concepts of
ontology {stomach}, {orange} and {haemorrhaic}.
The subsumers (belonging to the annotation concept
definition) of these concepts will be determined in or-
der to select the most appropriate roles for each con-
cept. Thereafter, a concept description is built from
these subsumers and roles. The result is the user an-
notation (or the user query).
Figure 2: Annotation/query building.
Since the annotation / query building process
depends on the A image concept description, then
the same process (with another description) al-
lows the generation of other types of annotations
(queries),making the system easily extendable to
other query needs.
3.3 Semantic Image Retrieval Process
The whole process of our semantic image retrieval ap-
proach is illustrated in figure 3.
First, DICOM images
are stored in a cloud
database (1). The ontology (2) is linked to this
database via a keyword database (3): in the keyword
database are stored image identifiers linked with key-
words which are concepts taken from the ontology.
Moreover image identifiers are also stored in the on-
tology as individuals that are instance of their asso-
ciated image annotations. Two modules (4) and (5)
ensure the coherency between (1), (2) and (3).
Upon this knowledge infrastructure, the seman-
tic image retrieval process runs as follows. First the
system displays the subsumption hierarchy (the com-
pleted one from figure 1) computed from the ontology
Our prototype works on images stored into DICOM
files. DICOM is a well-known file format that is widely
used in medicine (DICOM, 1993).
Figure 3: Semantic image retrieval approach.
(6). Then the user can browse it (7) and select a set
of keywords which are concepts of the ontology (8).
This set is then mapped to the previous definition of
an image to obtain an image annotation. So, such an
annotation is an instance of the generic definition of
an image. Afterwards, this annotation (10) can ei-
ther be stored in the ontology (this is the annotation
scenario), or this annotation (11) can be viewed as a
query (this is the semantic retrieval scenario).
In section 2, we defined three semantic retrieval
cases (12): S1 (15), S2 (13) and S3 (14). We pro-
pose three DL reasonings to implement them (see ta-
bles 1 and 2). Reasoning R1 is well-known in the
DL litterature: we want to find all individuals (images
identifiers) that belong to a given concept description
(the annotation). Reasonings R2 and R3 are slight
modifications of subsumption. In R2, we find all the
subclasses of a given classification (e.g. Paris or Pit-
Pattern) that are also subclasses of the query. So all
properties defined in the query are true in these sub-
classes, knowing that these subclasses may have other
properties not expressed in the query. In R3, we find
all the superclasses of the query that are subclasses a
given classification. So these superclasses share some
of the properties defined in the query but not mandato-
rily all. That’s why it is an approximation reasoning.
Once image identifiers have been obtained (18), it
remains to look for (19) associated DICOM images
(20). Then images can be displayed (21). Once im-
age classes have been inferred (16), these can be dis-
played to the user (17). An very interesting feature in
this process is that the semantic part can be inserted
within a classical syntactic retrieval. Indeed, once the
Table 1: Scenarios and corresping reasonings.
# Scenario # Reasoning Fig.
S1 Semantic images
R1 Individual
S2 Exact classes re-
R2 Retrieval of lo-
cal subsumees
S3 Approximated
classes retrieval
R3 Retrieval of lo-
cal subsumers
Table 2: Proposed reasonings definitions.
# Input Output
R1 TBox T
ABox A
Query C
All i A
such that
T , A |= C(i)
R2 TBox T
Query A
Classification con-
cept D
All concepts C T
such that
C v A u D
R3 TBox T
Query A
Classification con-
cept D
All concepts C T
such that
A v C v D
list of keywords is known (8), a keyword-based search
engine can be run (22) to retrieve images identifiers
(18) from the keyword database (3).
3.4 Prototype and Experiments
The process described in the previous section was im-
plemented using different technologies: the Struts 2
framework was used to implement the MVC pattern,
Java Server Pages to create the interface, the OWL
API for ontology management (the ontology being
stored in an OWL file under an XML syntax), the
HermiT reasoner (Motik et al., 2009) to be able to
run classification and subsumption on the ontology,
and Prefuse (Heer et al., 2005) to create the smooth
interface used to display and browse the ontology.
Let’s see now an execution example. By browsing
the ontology as represented in figure 1, the user may
select the concepts Lesion and totallyFlat (which
in fact is an invididual). By selecting these concepts
like keywords, the user expresses that he’s looking
for images where man can see some lesion that is
totally flat. From these keywords, the prototype
may run a classical syntactic search. But, as seen in
section 3.2, it may also built two semantic queries:
the first will be built as the most general concept
linking both Lesion and totallyFlat, and the second
as the most general concept linking both Lesion
and totallyFlat and being a subconcept of Image:
Query Lesiont
observation.oneO f {totallyFlat}
is the first query which can be associated
to a classification name (e.g. Vienna) so as
the system can run reasoning R2 and R1.
Query represents.(
observation.oneO f {totallyFlat})
is the second query for which the system can retrieve
all corresponding images (images that describe a
totally flat lesion with other extra properties). On
our current ontology, with a hundred of randomly
generated images, the second query with reasoning
R1 shows that 11 images correspond to these criteria,
and the first query, with reasonings R2 and R3, shows
that these criteria are present in the class Paris II B of
the Paris classification, and in no other classification.
Anyhow, we are in the very early stages of exper-
imentation. We plan to lead the testing of our ap-
proach in a twofold perspective. First we will qual-
itatively test the prototype on real images provided by
gastroenterologists. The aim is to validate or invali-
date parts of our ontology in order to improve it, and
to test the accuracy and the usability of the proposed
reasonings for practitioners. The second perspective
is a quantitative study, focusing on reasoning perfor-
mances. In our very first tests, we have randomly
generated a hundred of images annotations and asso-
ciated images identifiers. Since individuals retrieval
could be achieved in an average of 30 seconds, we
conclude that performances are not good. So we are
now working to find the precise root cause of these
bad performances.
In this section, we survey the works addressing the
semantic management of medical images with a focus
on description logics based approaches.
4.1 Medical and Gastroenterological
In medicine, building lexicons, taxonomies, thesaurii
and classifications is not a new task. But what is new
is adding them a semantics to get a real ontology, that
is expressing concepts using a language that has a
formal semantics, and defining concepts using com-
plex constructions from other concepts. This is the
knowledge representation principle description log-
ics enable. The use of DL-based ontologies (espe-
cially OWL ontologies) is effective since about 15
years now (Staab and Studer, 2009; BioPortal, 2013).
The first purpose of medical ontologies (OpenClini-
cal, 2013) is to gather existing taxonomies so as to
link together concepts having a same meaning but a
different name, which is frequent among taxonomies
like (Galen, 2013; University, 2002; FMA, 2013;
SnomedCT, 2007). We refer to (BioPortal, 2013) to
a more complete panel of existing ontologies and tax-
onomies in medicine and biology. These are mainly
used as knowledge references in information manage-
ment systems which however are mainly used in an
academic context (Horridge et al., 2011).
In the gastroenterological field, four classifica-
tions have been built, which are not ontologies. The
MST classification (Minimal Standard Terminology
for gastrointestinal endoscopy), release 3.0 (MST,
2009), contains a set of concepts related to gas-
troenterological anatomy, acts, observations and im-
age capture hardware. The Paris classification (Paris,
2003) is focused on the description of polyp shapes.
The Pit-Pattern classification (Kudo et al., 1994) de-
scribes polyp suface characteristics. The Vienna clas-
sification (RJ et al., 2000) contains terms related to
pathological states that can be associated to polyps.
In the building of our polyp ontology, we have in-
tegrated these four gastroenterological classifications.
We will integrate concepts from other medical ontolo-
gies in a second step, if it appears to improve the ac-
curacy of the image retrieval process.
4.2 Image Annotation
A concrete usage of medical ontologies is image an-
notation, especially in the case of syntactic keyword-
based image retrieval system. The Medico scenario
in the Theseus project (Theseus, 2009) aims at setting
up standards for the syntax and semantics in medical
image annotation from ontologies. Our approach is
quite similar in that we handle the annotation and re-
trieval problems using description logics. However,
our domain is restricted to polyps, and moreover, our
aim is less oriented towards diagnosis than towards
giving physicians a semantic infrastructure to manage
his/her medical images. The fact that it can be used
an a diagnosis help is a consequence, but it is not the
first objective.
The AIM project (AIM, 2010) aims at setting up
an ontology-based standard for the annotation and the
markup of medical images. Our approach differs in
that we put the semantic capabilities at the heart of
the system since we use a true ontology (not a lex-
icon) based on a DL and associated to precisely de-
fined reasonings. The semantic features seem not to
be a main objective in the AIM project.
Other works handle the issue of semantic image
annotation (S. Dasmahapatra and Shadbolt, 2005; Ru-
bin et al., 2008; Wennerberg et al., 2011). Our pro-
posal is close to these works, differing in the used re-
trieval reasonings or in the fact that our ontology is
not supposed to be distributed.
4.3 Semantic Image Retrieval
DL image retrieval reasonings are usually quite stan-
dard, since they are basically grounded on classifi-
cation (that is subsumption) and individual retrieval.
What differs from one approach to another is the
proximity notion that is used to qualify the good an-
swer images wrt a query. We can find two classical
approaches (Sciascio et al., 2000; Hu et al., 2003;
Rubin et al., 2008; Opitz et al., 2009) which corre-
spond to our R1, which is the classical individuals re-
trieval, and the composition of R2 followed by R1,
which amounts to finding images associated to con-
cepts that have the same properties as the query (and
maybe others). Other approaches are based on non-
standard DL reasonings (abduction and contraction)
(Di Noia et al., 2005; Colucci et al., 2011), which
imply, however, to use a less expressive DL. These
reasonings enable a better ranking of answers than
the previous ones. However we already handle the
ranking issue by allowing the user to interact with the
query interface.
This work is, up to our knowledge, the first attempt
to use a semantic approach to manage endoscopic im-
ages. If our tests bring validation, then it could be
experimented also in other domains of medicine.
In summary, we have proposed a complete seman-
tic image annotation and retrieval approach grounded
on a new polyp ontology expressed in the SH OI Q
description logic. It still need to be extensively tested
since many issues are adressed: the reasonings that
is at the core of the mechanism need to be validated
and then optimized to get close to a real time process-
ing, the polyp ontology content need to be validated
and/or updated to make the reasonings more accurate,
and the annotation interface need to be validated and
criticized by end users (physicians and surgeons) so it
can be improved to match their everyday use.
As our images are stored in the cloud, an inter-
esting perspective of this work would be to benefit
also from the computation capacities of the cloud by
moving our reasoning computation there. Since a few
years, some works adress this reasoning on the cloud
problem (Mutharaju et al., 2010; Aslani and Haarslev,
Another perspective of this work, to improve
performances of the individuals retrieval reasoning,
would be to use an ontological query answering ap-
proach. In this approach, the aim is to translate
the query and the ontology in a classical relational
database context so as to benefit from the perfo-
mances of the existing optimized (relational) database
management systems (Cal
ı et al., 2009; Lenzerini,
At last, another perspective of this work is re-
lated to the ranking of results. Now, this ranking
is achieved by the interaction between the user and
the browsing interface. It should be worthy to try to
rewrite the polyp ontology into a less expressive DL
so as to be able to apply more flexible reasonings like
those proposed in (Di Noia et al., 2005; Colucci et al.,
This work is supported in part by the Agence
Nationale de la Recherche (under grant SYSEO
ANR-10-TECSAN-005-01), the Conseil R
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