Recommending the Right Activities based on the Needs of each Student
Elias de Oliveira
, Márcia Gonçalves Oliveira and Patrick Marques Ciarelli
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, Brazil
Activities Recommendation, Computers Programming, e-Learning, kNN Algorithm.
Today more than ever, personalization is the most important feature that a system needs to exhibit. The
goal of many online systems, which are available in many areas, is to address the needs or desires of each
individual user. To achieve this goal, these systems need to rely on a good recommendation system. Hence,
recommendation systems must work under the assumption that an individual’s need could also be applied to
someone else who has similar desires, tastes, and/or necessities. In this paper, we took this assumption into
account and applied it to the context of learning computer programming. As a result, we present a system that
recommends additional activities to students according to their individual needs. An additional assumption
that is used is that a prompt reply and tailored guidance at each step of the learning process improves an
individual’s chances of success. We propose the use of the kNN algorithm to recommend activities that are as
similar as possible to those that an expert would assign. The results are promising because we were able to
mimic the human assessment decisions 90.0% of the time.
We are overwhelmed by the amount of information
that we need to process on a daily basis (Bawden and
Robinson, 2009) to select the information that is rele-
vant. Currently, one can find, either physically or on-
line, a large number of items in numerous areas that
might be of interest. Browsing all of these items and
choosing one or some of these is sometimes stress-
ful. To mitigate this difficult problem, an increasing
number of studies have been conducted in the area of
recommendation systems to help the user select those
items that may be suitable.
A recommendation system is a program that anal-
yses the behaviors and characteristics of users and
attempts to recommend actions or items that could
be useful to those users (Koren et al., 2009). Rec-
ommendation systems can be used in many differ-
ent areas of knowledge to learn what users’ interests
are and to make recommendations accordingly (Her-
locker et al., 1999). For instance, in e-commerce, rec-
ommendation systems can recognize customer pro-
files from their preferences or their buying habits and
recommend products according to their interests (Lin-
The first author would like to thanks CAPES for the
research grant 56128-12-2. And the second author would
like as well to thank the FAPES/FUNCITEC foundation for
their financial support for the development of this research
under the project number 001/2009.
den et al., 2003). In medical systems, patient profiles
can be associated with the presence of different symp-
toms, and medications can be recommended based on
the symptom combinations (Meisamshabanpoor and
Mahdavi, 2012; Chen et al., 2012). Similarly, in the
area of e-learning, recommendation systems can map
profiles based on the performances of students in dif-
ferent evaluation variables and offer them personal-
ized instruction (Baylari and Montazer, 2009).
In the e-learning area, teaching computer pro-
gramming is one of the modules that are considered
to be difficult by many,particularly the students them-
selves. This type of knowledge is considered complex
because it requires the combination of a set of cogni-
tive skills and extensivepractice of certain activitiesto
achieve mastery (Pea and Kurland, 1984). To be suc-
cessful and to encourage learning, the students must
be well monitored on their practice of programming.
Therefore, the goal of our recommendation system is
to recommend the most appropriate activities for stu-
dents such that they can improve their performances
and reduce their difficulty as they learn programming.
To identify and automatically recommend activi-
ties in accordance with the evaluation variables that
need improvement, we use a kNN (nearest neighbor)
strategy (Soucy and Mineau, 2001). This is a baseline
type of algorithm for recommendation systems (Tsai
and Hung, 2012).
The kNN algorithm is a typical technique of col-
de Oliveira E., Gonçalves Oliveira M. and Marques Ciarelli P..
Recommending the Right Activities based on the Needs of each Student.
DOI: 10.5220/0004549501830190
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KDIR-2013), pages 183-190
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
laborative filtering recommendation systems because
it makes recommendations based on the following
three steps: building user profiles from user prefer-
ences, discovering user behaviors similar to the pro-
file, and recommending the top-N preferred items
from the nearest neighbors (Park et al., 2012).
When the implementation of our strategy was ap-
plied to our dataset, which is composed of 1,784 sam-
ples, the results showed that our strategy is effective
for the recommendation of the most appropriate ac-
tivities for different student profiles. The experiments
indicated that our algorithm can mimic the instruc-
tor’s assessment decisions most of the time.
This work is organized as follows. We present
the problem and its context in Section 2. In Section
3, some related works are briefly reviewed. We dis-
cuss the results of an analogous problem tackled by
a very simple strategy (kNN, when k = 1) in Section
4. This simple strategy will be compared against the
more general kNN approach (kNN, when k > 1), and
the first technique will be used as a lower bound in
this work. In Section 5, we describe how the experi-
ments were performed and the results obtained in the
activities recommendation task. The conclusions are
then presented in Section 6.
In a learning environment, a recommendation system
will be of great use if it can constantly monitor the
coursework performances of the students. By analyz-
ing their performances, this system could then rec-
ommend a tailored set of activities for the improve-
ment of the learning performance of each individual
student. Typically, a recommendation system uses in-
formation from other neighboring users to predict the
choices that an active user would make. In the learn-
ing context, this strategy is analogous to the use of
a set of neighboring students’ profiles to suggest a
range of activities to the target student, i.e., activities
that could change the target student’s performance in
terms of his/her learning progress. In other words, in
this paper, we discuss the recommendation portion of
the system (see Section 5) using our dataset, which
structural features are similar to those of MovieLens,
which is a traditional dataset used for movie recom-
mendations (Herlocker et al., 1999), as discussed in
Section 4.
In a more formal manner, consider D the domain
of profiles and = {d
, d
, . . . , d
} an initial cor-
pus of profiles to which extra activities were previ-
ously manually assigned by an expert. A profile d
, x
, x
, ..., x
)( j = 1, 2, 3, . . . ||) is composed
of a set of |d
| assessment variables v
0 (q =
1, 2, 3, . . . , |d
|). Each profile d
of is previously
associated with a subset of activities c
C (i =
1, 2, . . . , |C|). A recommendation system of activi-
ties implements a function f : D × C R that re-
turns a value for each pair (d
, c
) D × C, which
indicates that the test profile d
should be assigned
activity c
, where
C. The function
of the actual value f (., .) can be transformed into a
ranking function r(., .), which is a one-to-one map-
ping onto 1, 2, . . . , |C| such that f(d
, c
) > f (d
, c
This results in r(d
, c
) < r(d
, c
). If A
is the set of
appropriate activities for test profile d
, a good recom-
mendation system should organize the activities for d
within A
over those that are not in A
In this work, a formalization of the problem was
applied as follows: D is the domain of profiles that
are obtained from the programming activities of the
students at
. The activities c
C are assumed to be related to
more than one type of programming language module
contents. Within profile d
, each value v
is the per-
formance of a student on a cognitive q item within a
programming activity. For example, item q can rep-
resent an understanding indicator of a programming
concept or the proper use of an arithmetic, logical, or
relational operator.
Recommendation systems can be categorized accord-
ing to their goal. For instance, in the e-commerce
field, the goal is to finalize the business transactions,
assist consumers in purchasing even more products,
encourage consumers to buy other products, and/or
conquer the loyalty of consumers (Drachsler et al.,
2009). A slightly different goal is found in the ed-
ucational context. In this case, the goal of recom-
mendation systems for Technology Enhanced Learn-
ing (TEL) is to assist the students on their learning
activities either by providing tips or actually suggest-
ing a variety of activities to help them improve their
learning experience. In these cases, the objective of
the system was to support the development of the stu-
dent’s skills (Drachsler et al., 2009).
Other systems tackle the problem of finding al-
ternative paths through learning sources (Manouselis
et al., 2011). The Protus system is a proposed hybrid
recommendation model that was developed to recom-
mend a sequence or a path to be followed by selected
sources of learning (Klašnja-Mili
c et al., 2011).
Protus recognizes student profiles through their habits
and learning styles. From these profiles, the system
identifies clusters of students, discovers patterns, and
recommends a sequence of activities based on fre-
quent sequences of learning and perceived patterns in
accordance with the profiles of the learners (Klašnja-
c et al., 2011). In this recommendation strat-
egy, the sequence of suggested activities is based on
a browsing history of the learner through the contents
of a course. As a result, the system can find the habits
and preferences of the learner but might not necessar-
ily help their in the learning process. Thus, the Protus
system could also assess whether the sequence of ac-
tivities that is recommended to the learner does repre-
sent the most necessary activities that could improve
the student’s learning.
With respect to the algorithms used in this area,
the kNN algorithm is a typical technique of collab-
orative filtering recommendation systems because it
makes recommendations based on the following three
steps: building user profiles from user preferences,
discovering user behaviors similar to a profile, and
recommending the top-N preferred items from the
nearest neighbors (Park et al., 2012). The neighbor-
hood selection consists of three main tasks: profile
selection, profile matching, and best profile collec-
tion (Ujjin and Bentley, 2002). After profile selection,
the profile matching process computes the distance or
similarity between the selected profiles and the active
user’s profile using a distance function (Sarwar et al.,
2001; Ujjin and Bentley, 2002).
Following these steps, as described by (Baylari
and Montazer, 2009), we used the performance of stu-
dents to compose multidimensional profiles in order
to recognize learning difficulties that are character-
ized by the students’ performances on different eval-
uation variables. We can then predict the evaluation
variables of a student’s performance profile based on
the performances of other students on the same vari-
ables (Sarwar et al., 2001). This prediction may be
based on the similarities between the students’ pro-
files (Manouselis et al., 2010) or on the similarities
between items, i.e., between the values of the assess-
ment variables (Sarwar et al., 2001; Lops et al., 2011).
In this paper, we used the user similarity approach
based on profiles. To develop a student’s skills, as
was noted by (Drachsler et al., 2009), we then recom-
mend the most appropriate activities according to the
values of the performance evaluation variables associ-
ated with the target student’s profile (Tsai and Hung,
In the next section, we show some of the results of
our strategy using the MovieLens dataset to compare
and discuss the similarities of both problems.
In general, a recommendation system considers that
one’s choices could also be applied to someone else
with similar tastes. Therefore, one basic approach is
to use a set of users’ choices to make recommenda-
tions to the target user, which is also named the ac-
tive user. The set of users with similar tastes will be
called neighbors of the target user, and the neighbor-
hood is usually found by calculating a threshold simi-
larity value between the target user and the other users
in the dataset (Herlocker et al., 1999).
In the area of movie recommendations, a very
well-known dataset is included in MovieLens, which
is provided by the GroupLens research group
et al., 2012). Within this dataset, one can find users’
profiles, their choices, and their actual ratings of
movies. It is not necessary to mention that choos-
ing movies is a very subjective type of decision mak-
ing. Thus, the challenge in this area is to devise a
system that recommends the right movies to a person
based on their characteristics, their previous choices,
and other knowledge available in their profile. Usu-
ally, this is achieved through a comparison with the
profiles of similar users. In other words, the system
attempts to find a user in the database who is very
similar to the target user by searching for another user
whose profile exhibits the most similar choices (Ujjin
and Bentley, 2002).
The MovieLens dataset utilizes 17 features to char-
acterize movies genres: (1) action, (2) adventure,
(3) animation, (4) children, (5) comedy, (6) crime,
(7) documentary, (8) drama, (9) fantasy, (10) film-
noir, (11) horror, (12) musical, (13) mystery, (14) ro-
mance, (15) sci-fi, (16) thriller, (17) war, and western.
An additional 4 features are used to profile the user:
(1) movie rating, (2) age, (3) gender, and (4) occupa-
(Herlocker et al., 1999)extensivelyevaluated a va-
riety of features to analyze their effect on the accu-
racy of the system. One of their findings was that the
number of neighbors used to predict the active user’s
rate affects the results. Based on their work, we pro-
pose the use of the kNN algorithm (Hao et al., 2007),
and briefly discuss two situations. In the first situa-
tion, we choose only one neighbor (the nearest one),
i.e. k = 1, to predict the outcome of the active user.
This will be our lower-bound result for the additional
experiments. In the second case, we choose a better
neighborhood using more neighbors to improve the
results, i.e. k = 5.
4.1 Recommending Movies based on the
Nearest Neighbor
In this first approach, similarly to (Sarwar et al.,
2001), we are interested in analyzing the accuracy of
the results if we base our movie recommendations to
the target user solely on the nearest neighbor.
We want to investigate the degree of accu-
racy of the lower-bound result. In this case,
only the nearest neighbor user was used to deter-
mine the recommendation. Therefore, let T
, R
, . . . , R
, . . . , R
} be the set of items rated
by the nearest neighbor and T
= {. . . , R
, . . .} be that
set of items rated by the active user. Note that each
user can give different rates to the same movie. How-
ever, we calculate the predicted rate only when both
the neighbor and the active user rated an item, e.g.
, and R
. In this case, the predicted rate that the
active user would use for this item is determined us-
ing the following equation:
= R
× φ, where, in
the case of the experiments included in Sections 4.1
and 4.2, we use the cosine similarity (Baeza-Yates and
Ribeiro-Neto, 2011) between the active user and the
nearest neighbor for the value of φ. The difference
between the actual rate and the predicted rate will be
computed as an error: MAE
= e
In this equation, N is the total number of items that
both the nearest neighbor and the active user rated.
Thus, N is typically markedly less than the total num-
ber of items within the dataset. The results of this
approach are shown in Table 1.
These results show that the average error is
0.9161. As shown in Figure 1(a), half of the error
values are either above or below 0.91.
Table 1: Descriptive analysis of the error predictions.
Min. Median Mean Max. SD
0.0204 0.9041 0.9161 2.2631 0.2697
The first column in Table 1 (Min.) shows the min-
imum MAE error value obtained using this strategy.
The second column (Median) shows the middle (me-
dian) value among the list of error values. The (Mean)
column show the calculated mean value of the set of
errors. The maximum error value is shown in the col-
umn titled (Max.), whereas the standard deviation is
shown in the last column (SD).
In this case, the standard deviation is high at
0.9161±0.2697. Due to this level of error, we may
conclude that, in the worst case, we are missing the
exact prediction match by, on average, 1 point over
the N items rated by the pair of users (active user and
nearest neighbor).
Table 2: Descriptive analysis of the error predictions.
Min. Median Mean Max. SD
0.0060 0.0316 0.0521 0.7343 0.0546
Based on the quadratic complexity nature of the
procedure used to find the nearest neighbor, we argue
that this is the simplest and the fastest strategy for this
type of problem.
4.2 Recommending Movies based on the
In this second approach, we exert a greater effort to
find better results using the neighborhood to predict
the ratings of the active user. As mentioned previ-
ously, the size and the quality of the neighborhood
has a great impact on the predicted results (Herlocker
et al., 1999). However, in this section, we will show
only the results of a neighborhood constructed of the
ve nearest neighbors to the active user.
As shown in Figure 2, the results were improved
by using a neighborhood for the prediction of the rat-
ings. From the descriptive statistics, we found that the
error decrease, on average, to 0.0521 compared with
the previous results. Moreover, the results in Figure
2(a) demonstrate the new median value is 0.031. In
summary, these results assert what was already noted
by other authors in the literature on simple strategies.
Although other strategies exist and have been pro-
posed by other researchers, the strategy that used a
combination of techniques yielded better results (Tsai
and Hung, 2012).
In our recommendation system, we follow the same
strategy used with the MovieLens dataset to predict
the users ratings and recommend movies (Herlocker
et al., 1999). The user-based collaborative filtering
recommendation system was used to suggest activ-
ities for the students of a programming course. In
this case, we predict the performance of a student in
an assessment variable based on the performances of
similar students in this same variable. After a value
has been predicted for the assessment variable, we as-
sessed whether this value is an indicator of learning
success or a deficiency. If this value indicates a learn-
ing deficiency, activities related to this variable are
Through the prediction, we can anticipate a stu-
dent’s performance in different assessment variables
to recognize their skills and difficulties in program-
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Error distributions found using the nearest neighbor approach
(a) (b)
Figure 2: The neighborhood approach.
ming practice and to evaluate their learning condi-
tions for the development of new computer programs
with various levels of complexity. Using the system to
determine the learning states of the students through
their predicted performances, we can improve the
learning process of these students by providing them
recommendations of specific activities according to
their learning needs. The process of predicting the
performances and recommending activities proposed
in this paper uses the following steps (Herlocker et al.,
1999): 1. Generate a dataset representing the perfor-
mance of students through different evaluation vari-
ables; 2. Compute the similarity between the profiles
of different students; 3. Predict the values of the eval-
uation variables of a student based on the profiles of
the nearest students; 4. Recommend activities accord-
ing to the values of the predicted variables; 5. Evalu-
ate the results of the prediction. These steps are pre-
sented in detail in the following subsections.
5.1 The ds-FAR Dataset
For the prediction of a student’s performance and the
recommendation of activities, we generated a dataset
denoted the Formative Assessment Recommendation
(ds-FAR) that is composed of computer programs
written in the programming language that were de-
veloped by students in a programming course. These
programs were mapped to assessment variables repre-
senting the use of keywords, operations, commands,
symbols, and structures of the C programming lan-
The ds-FAR dataset consists of 1,784 samples of
programs in the C programming language mapped to
37 assessment variables. These programs were devel-
oped by approximately 50 students for 39 activities
proposedby an instructor. Unlike discrete ratings, i.e.,
the values of the MovieLens dataset were limited be-
tween the values 0 and 5, the values R
0. Mapped
from a profile d
to the assessment variable v
are con-
The programming activities within ds-FAR were
divided into seven coursework activities and a final
exam. Figure 4 shows an example of how three stu-
dent profiles were represented by these assessment
In Figure 4, the three profile states A1, A2 and A3
are represented by the performances of students in a
programming activity that students solve by writing a
computer program in the C programming language.
Figure 3: Selection of predictors for the assessment vari-
Each written program is mapped to the assess-
ment variables, and each variable v
represents the
frequency of occurrence of a reserved word, an op-
erator in the C programming language, or an execu-
tion indicator of the compilation of the program and
its correct execution. The values for each assessment
variable v
of a student profile were calculated by di-
viding the value of the variable by its corresponding
value in the model solution chosen by the instruc-
tor. The comments and strings found in the programs
written by the students were not considered in the as-
If the performance of a student in an assessment
variable has a value less than 0.7, we assume that the
student has difficulties using the C programming con-
cept associated with the variable.
Similarly, if a student’s performance on any of the
assessment variables is above 1, s/he likely has some
difficultiesassociated with the efficient use of the con-
trols, structures, and operations of the C programming
language that are represented by these variables. In
other words, this particular student developed a com-
puter program using more structures and operations
than is required for resolving the given task.
In summary, the ds-FAR is a representative dataset
for the prediction of student performances and for ac-
tivities recommendations because it has many sam-
ples, it exhibits a great variability in the solutions de-
veloped by the students, and it contains a wide range
of values for the different assessment variables.
5.2 Procedures
To predict the student performances, we utilized
the traditional neighborhood-based recommendation
method (see Section 4) using three steps (Herlocker
et al., 1999): 1. Assign weights to the assessment vari-
ables of the student profiles based on their similarity
with the active user; 2. Select a subset of student pro-
files to be predictors of an active user; 3. Normalize
the values of the assessment variables and compute
the prediction of a weighted combination of the near-
est neighbors.
In Step 1, after we have represented the active user
and the other students using multidimensional vec-
tors, we calculated the similarity index between these
profiles using the cosine similarity and formed a sim-
ilarity matrix M
, where each of this matrix is the
similarity between two profiles (d
and d
All of the variables of each student profile are then
weighted by multiplying the similarity indexes be-
tween these profiles and d
the profile of the active
In Step 2, using the kNN algorithm (Soucy and
Mineau, 2001; Duda et al., 2001), we identified the k
nearest neighbors to the active user d
, i.e., those stu-
dents whose profiles exhibit higher rates of similari-
ties with the profile of the active user. Thus, the neigh-
bors that are selected as predictors to determine the
value of assessment variable v
of the active user are
those with non-zero performance and those who have
obtained better performances on the particular assess-
ment variable of interest. In Figure 3, the hatched
student profiles represent the selected predictors that
will be used to predict the values and for variables R
and R
, respectively, of active user A1.
In Step 3, using a regression algorithm, we predict
the performance of in assessment variable for the ac-
tive user P
. i
6∈ I
is the assessment variable set
in which the active user has already obtained perfor-
mances. The prediction value is computed by the fol-
lowing equation: P
In this equation, N is the number of nearest neigh-
bors to the active user d
who have a value for assess-
ment variable i. The value s
is the similarity index
between the k neighborsand the active user. The value
of R
is the performance of neighbor k in assessment
variable i.
Finally, to analyze the predicted value for an as-
sessment variable, we indicate what types of activities
should be recommended to an active user.
When the predicted values in some assessment
variables have values of less than 0.7, specific ac-
tivities related to these concepts are recommended to
help the student improve his/her performance in these
assessment variables.
Similarly, if the predicted values in any of the as-
sessment variables is higher than 1, activities are rec-
ommended to help the student more efficiently use
the concepts of the programming language associated
with the variable.
To evaluate the accuracy of the predictions ob-
tained using our strategy with the ds-FAR dataset, we
used the metric MAE, which was presented in Section
4 in the evaluation of the rating prediction using the
MovieLens dataset.
5.3 Results
The results in Figure 5 demonstrate the efficacy of
the user-based collaborativefiltering recommendation
Figure 4: Student profiles mapped to assessment variables that represent the student’s performances in different concepts of
the C programming language.
strategy using the neighborhood-basedmethod to pre-
dict student performances in programming activities.
Figure 5: Results of the prediction of student performances
using the ds-FAR dataset
As shown in Figure 5, the MAE values obtained
for the ds-FAR dataset increase as the number of
neighbors used in the evaluation is increased (Her-
locker et al., 1999). However, if 30 neighbors are used
for the prediction, the average MAE value for the ds-
FAR dataset does not exceed 0.2, which indicates that
the prediction results for the continuous assessment
variables are satisfactory.
The maximum values of MAE for the ds-FAR
dataset shown in Table 3 indicate poor predictions;
however, these values could be improved if the val-
ues that are greater than 1 are normalized to a unique
value, as performed in Step 2 of the experimental pro-
cedures, because any value greater than 1 represents
an inefficient use of the programming instructions.
The results presented by (Herlocker et al., 1999),
who analyzed the MovieLens dataset using different
numbers of neighbors in the range of 0 to 100, re-
vealed that the MAE error slightly oscillated between
0.69 and 0.71. As shown in Table 3, the results ob-
tained for the ds-FAR dataset were well above those
obtained using the MovieLens dataset.
Table 3: Descriptive analysis of the error predictions ob-
tained with the ds-FAR dataset.
k Min. Median Mean Max. SD
1 0.0000 0.0181 0.0945 7.2810 0.2692
30 0.0000 0.1146 0.1729 7.3600 0.2650
The superiority of the results obtained with the
ds-FAR dataset compared with the MovieLens dataset
might be the result of the difference in the level of
sparsity between these datasets. The non-null items in
the ds-FAR dataset constitute 38.8% of the total items,
whereas the non-null items in the MovieLens dataset
are 6.3%, which indicates that the ds-FAR dataset is
less sparse than the MovieLens dataset.
According to (Sarwar et al., 2001), the nearest
neighbor algorithms exhibit poor performance with
large and sparse datasets. However, for datasets that
are not as wide and sparse as the ds-FAR dataset,
these algorithms can exhibit good performance, as in-
dicated by our results.
In this paper, we proposed a strategy for profiling and
then recommending activities to students with learn-
ing difficulties in computer programming. The per-
sonalized recommendations give each individual stu-
dent specific suggestions to improve their learning ex-
perience by performing additional individualized ac-
The comparison of the results obtained with the
recommendation system and that produced by an ex-
pert revealed that the system was able to imitate the
human expert up to 90.0% of the times. This finding
also showed that we can greatly reduce the effort of
the instructor through the use of this approach. More-
over, the students would benefit the most because
they would have additional prompt support through-
out their learning process. In future work, we plan to
apply this strategy to a larger audience and to more
classes to further analyze the behavior and the quality
of the algorithm.
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