could be used for classifying other BPs.
In this paper, a BP system for classifying BPs has
been evaluated. The evaluation shows promising
results. First, all values of the variables were used by
students when classifying BPs, which shows that the
BP system supports the classification scheme.
Second, the students could justify their choice of
values, which suggests the BP system is easy to use
for classification. Third, the comparison to the
classification of research papers in the BP area
shows similar classification results. This indicates
comprehensiveness when classifying BPs. Fourth;
the students claimed that the BP system was
Our next step of further refining and evaluating
the BP system will be carried out according to the
design science strategy presented by Sein et al.
(2011). This artifact will be further developed in an
iterative evaluation process with feedback from BP
experts to provide an integrative perspective of
quality measures or checklist for the usefulness of
BP implementation. Therefore, to introduce this BP
system into practice and evaluating it is a necessary
step for its success.
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