correspondence between model stimulus intensity
and real stimulus intensity is lacking. iii) To
simulate adaptation at different spatial positions with
a fixed visual-auditory disparity. In the present
work, the adaptation phase consisted in presenting
a visual and an auditory stimulus in fixed spatial
positions. In future, the network could be trained by
presenting two cross-modal stimuli with assigned
spatial difference but variable locations (as in
experimental studies). iv) To mimic aftereffect
generalization on even wider range of frequencies
(i.e., four-octave range as reported by (Frissen et al
2005)). This would require to augment the number
of neurons in the auditory layer. v) To explore the
involvement of other potential factors (e.g. attentive
factors) in producing different aftereffect
generalizations. Focusing selective attention to
either modality (visual or auditory) during the
adaptation phase might impact the overall size of the
aftereffects (Frissen et al., 2003). Selective attention
in the model could be simulated via
facilitatory/inhibitory effects on neuron activation
and/or via increase/decrease of synaptic learning
This work has been supported by the 2007-2013
Emilia-Romagna Regional Operational Programme
of the European Regional Development Fund.
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