Magnitude Sensitive Image Compression
Enrique Pelayo, David Buldain and Carlos Orrite
Aragon Institute of Engineering Research, Zaragoza University, Mariano Esquilor, Zaragoza, Spain
Image Compression, Competitive Learning, Neural Networks, Saliency, Self Organizing Maps, JPEG, DCT.
This paper introduces the Magnitude Sensitive Competitive Learning (MSCL) algorithm as a reliable and effi-
cient approach for selective image compression. MSCL is a neural network that has the property of distributing
the unit centroids in certain data-distribution zones according to a target magnitude locally calculated for every
unit. This feature can be used for image compression to define the block images that will be compressed by
Vector Quantization in a later step. As a result, areas of interest receive a lower compression than other parts
in the image. Following this approach higher quality in the salient areas of a compressed image is achieved in
relation to other methods.
In the human vision system the attention is attracted to
visually salient stimuli and therefore only scene loca-
tions sufficiently different from their surroundings are
processed in detail. This provides the necessary mo-
tivation to devise a novel image compression method
capable of applying distinct compression ratios to dif-
ferent zones of the image according to their saliency.
In this paper we make use of the Magnitude
Sensitive Competitive Learning Algorithm (MSCL)
(Pelayo et al., 2013). MSCL is a Vector Quantization
method based on competitive learning, where units
compete not only by distance but also by a user de-
fined magnitude. Using saliency as the magnitude,
units tends to model more accurately the salient ar-
eas of the images, and therefore the neural network
behavior imitates the human vision system.
Vector quantization (VQ) is a classical quantiza-
tion method. In the context of image processing, basic
vector quantization consists in dividing the input im-
age into blocks of pixels of a pre-defined size, where
each block is considered as a d-dimensional vector.
Each of these input vectors from the original im-
age is replaced by the index of its nearest codeword.
Only this index is transmitted through the media. The
whole codebook serve as a database known on the re-
construction site. This scheme reduces the transmis-
sion rate while maintaining a good visual quality.
In VQ, compression level depends on two factors,
the number of blocks and the level of compression of
each block. Both factors are related in an inverse way.
As less number of blocks are higher is the bit depth
necessary to codify each block for a similar quality.
Some authors (Laha et al., 2004), (Amerijckx
et al., 2003), (Harandi and Gharavi-Alkhansari, 2003)
and (Liou, 2007) have already used some VQ vari-
ants, such as Kohonen neural network (Kohonen,
1998) for image compression. These algorithms use a
fixed block size and concentrate in several ways to get
a smaller codification of each block or to improve the
quality of the codification. Laha (Laha et al., 2004)
uses surface fitting of data assigned to each codeword
instead of the codeword itself, which improves the vi-
sual quality of the results. (Amerijckx et al., 2003),
(Harandi and Gharavi-Alkhansari, 2003) and (Liou,
2007) apply DCT filtering (Ahmed et al., 1974) to
each block previous to the quantization step to lower
the dimension of the input data. On the other hand,
(Amerijckx et al., 2003) takes advantage of the topo-
logical ordering property of the SOM neural network
to codify indexes with a few bytes.
In this paper blocks may have different size, cho-
sen according to its relevance (which is selected fol-
lowing the image saliency). Blocks located in areas of
high image saliency are smaller than those assigned
with low saliency. As bit depth used in the quantiza-
tion step is the same for all blocks, quantization error
increases directly with the block size in areas of low
image saliency. Therefore, a lower number of blocks
are used to represent the whole image increasing the
overall image compression and preserving at the same
time the quality of most relevant areas.
One important difference from these methods is
Pelayo E., Buldain D. and Orrite C..
Magnitude Sensitive Image Compression.
DOI: 10.5220/0004552103700380
In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (NCTA-2013), pages 370-380
ISBN: 978-989-8565-77-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
that, in our approach, block shape is, in general, ir-
regular, i.e., neither rectangular nor squared.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes the MSCL algorithm. Sec-
tion 3 shows its use to achieve selective image com-
pression focused on the most salient regions of an im-
age with the method that we call Magnitude Sensitive
Image Compression (MSIC). A comparative between
MSCL and classical JPEG and SOM based VQ algo-
rithms for a high compression ratio task is carried out
in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes with a dis-
cussion and ideas for future work.
MSCL is a type of artificial neural network that is
trained using unsupervised learning to produce a rep-
resentation of the input space of the training sam-
ples depending on a magnitude. Prototype of unit
i (i = 1 . .. M) is described by a vector of weights
(t) = (w
, .., w
) in a d-dimensional space, and the
magnitude value MF(i, t). This function is a mea-
sure of any feature or property of the data inside the
Voronoi region of unit i, or a function of the unit pa-
The idea behind the use of this magnitude term is
that, in the units, the winner will be the unit with the
lowest magnitude value. As a result of the training
process units will be forced to move from the data re-
gions with low MF(i,t) values to regions where this
magnitude function is higher. MSCL follows next
2.1 Global Unit Competition
Two units { j
, j
} with minimum distance from their
weights to the input data vector x(t) are selected as
winners in this step:
x(t) w
(t) < x(t) w
i ̸= k k { j
, j
} (1)
2.2 Local Unit Competition
In the second step, final winner unit j is selected from
units belonging to { j
, j
} as the one that minimizes
the product of its Magnitude Function and the dis-
tance of its weights to input data vector:
j = argmin(MF(k, t) · x(t) w
k { j
, j
} (2)
2.3 Winner Updating
Only winner’s weights are adjusted as follows:
(t + 1) = w
(t) + α(t)(x(t) w
(t)) (3)
where α(t) is the learning factor forced to decay with
iteration time t. After that the new magnitude function
MF( j, t) is calculated for this new codeword value.
Winner j is called the best matching unit (BMU).
Figure 1 shows the whole MSIC algorithm applied to
grayscale images, where image compression, in the
transmitter, is represented on the top and the image
restoration process at the receiver is depicted on the
bottom. Image is compressed with different quality
according to a selected user magnitude. Subsection
3.6 explain how to extent this methodology to color
In this work we use as magnitude the saliency
map, with the same size as the processed image, pro-
vided by a user function. Section 4 explain the func-
tions used in this work.
The results of the compression are a group of im-
age blocks encoded by indexes. Unlike other image
compression methods, our algorithm uses blocks of
different sizes, which are located in any position of
the image. Therefore, this implies that block centers
and sizes has to be sent to the receiver, apart from the
corresponding index. As this approach would mean
the transmission of huge quantity of information, we
have adopted an alternative solution.
We use the saliency map to train a MSCL network,
using as inputs the coordinates (x
, x
) of each pixel
and the saliency as magnitude. After training, the
weights of its units (codewords) are the block cen-
ters (bc(k), k = 1 ..N
).. The surrounding assigned to
the Voronoi region of each block-center configure the
corresponding blocks. The image is so fragmented in
so many blocks as units in this network (N
). In sub-
section 3.1 we will show how to determine the block
sizes (and block limits) for each codeword or unit.
This process encodes the saliency map with low qual-
ity, and both the encoded image and the encoded map
are transmitted.
At the receiver first the saliency map is regener-
ated, and with it, the image block limits and centers
can be calculated. They are used with the image in-
dexes to restore the image.
Figure 1: Global algorithm for grayscale images. Marked with #n the corresponding subsection with the detailed explanation
and, also showing the order of processing steps in the transmitter and receiver.
It is worth noting that it is necessary an additional
step at the transmitter. Instead of using directly the
saliency map to extract the image blocks, we first de-
code a saliency map from the encoded map that has
to be transmitted. Then we calculate the image cen-
ters and limits of image blocks using this Regenerated
Saliency Map that will be also regenerated by the re-
Summarizing the MSIC algorithm steps are:
1. Map quantization (at transmitter).
2. Map restoration (at transmitter).
3. Image quantization (at transmitter).
4. Map restoration (at receiver).
5. Image restoration (at receiver).
MSIC algorithm uses several MSCL networks:
(map center) to extract map blocks,
(image center) to extract image blocks, and
a pool of MSCLs that he call MSCL picture li-
brary (MSCL
) to generate indexes that encode each
block pixels, and act as Look-Up-Table to decode the
block shapes with these indexes. The first and second
neural networks are trained online during map and im-
age quantization. Their codewords are the block cen-
ters. However MSCL
form a codebook database
that is trained offline. It is known by the transmitter
and the receiver as a library of the method. Finally re-
ceiver uses another MSCL (MSCL
), that becomes
identical to MSCL
when trained at receiver.
Following sections explain the process in detail.
3.1 Saliency Map Quantization
The idea is to consider the saliency map as an image
and apply the same compression steps that will be ap-
plied to the image.
First step corresponds to the block extraction from
the saliency map according to the saliency values.
We train a MSCL network (MSCL
) using as inputs
the 2D coordinates of each pixel(x) and as magnitude
MF(i,t) =
where x
are the data samples belonging to the
Voronoi region of unit i at time t, V
(t) is the num-
ber of samples in the Voronoi region, and saliency(x)
is the pixel saliency of the corresponding sample.
Trained unit weights correspond to the coordinates of
the unit in the image, and the magnitude value is the
mean of the saliency inside its Voronoi region. Once
trained, it is possible to find the best matching unit
) assigned to every pixel (using magnitude
during competition). The block assigned to each unit
is the rectangle wrapping its Voronoi region. A block
mask of equal size than the block is also provided
in order to mark the pixels belonging to that irregu-
lar Voronoi region, see Fig. 2. We used 40 units for
in our experiment. With this small number
of units a coarse saliency map is obtained, but it is
enough to define areas with high saliency.
To codify each of the blocks by VQ, we first re-
size the block to a squared shape with side value
as the maximum between its horizontal and vertical
block sizes. The block and the mask are inserted in
the squared image filling with zeros the void rows or
columns. After that, both are resized to a vector form.
We use mean-removed vectors to have a better quan-
tification. Mean value of saliency in each block of
pixels, that we call mean block-saliency (m
(x, y)), is
sent encoded by 7 bits.
The resulting vector is separated according to its
size and dispatched for training or testing to the
MSCL picture library (MSCL
(l)). This pool of
codebooks are trained separately only once and be-
come a lookup table in the algorithm. In order to
avoid the transmission of the whole codebook pool
it is known by both the transmitter and the receiver.
Each codebook of the pool, with 256 codewords,
is dedicated to a precise input-vector length. This
election of the same number of codewords for differ-
ent block sizes forces that larger blocks present less
detail in pictorial content than smaller blocks. We
have chosen a limited group of sizes that model sev-
eral size possibilities (the value of l is the length of
the square edge to which we have resized the block):
l = [4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 29] (5)
This pool of codebooks can be specialized in the
type of images considered in the transmission task, or
can be generated using an universal library of training
images. The images for training are processed follow-
ing previous described steps, but the magnitude func-
tion chosen for these MSCL
(l) networks is the hit
frequency of each unit, that is:
MF(i,t) = hits(i, t) (6)
During competition the BMU
is calculated
taking into account the mask vector in order to avoid
the zero-padding mentioned before. Each time a
sample is presented to each neural network of the
pool, the corresponding mask is also presented, and
only masked weight components are used to compete
(see Fig.2, Right). Each sample might have different
masked components. In this way, only pixels corre-
sponding to the Voronoi region of a block are used to
find its BMU
At the end of this step, the magnitude map has
been divided in 40 blocks. We have to send to the re-
ceiver the following information of each block: Map
indexes (BMU
) (1 byte), Map mean (7 bits) and
Map Centers (2 bytes). Size of each block is not nec-
essary because it is calculated with the block centers
and magnitude.
3.2 Map Restoration at Transmitter
Map representing the saliency of the image is also re-
stored at transmitter with the information generated
at the previous step. This is because the restored map
will be used at both transmitter and receiver to de-
fine the block centers of the image, so results are the
same in both sides. Map restoration is accomplished
following the previous step in inverse order. First
we calculate Voronoi regions assigned to each of the
Map Centers by searching the BMU
of each pixel
. The codewords of this neural network
are the Map Centers. Additionally, we calculate block
limits and mask wrapping by a rectangle the area cor-
responding to the Voronoi region of each center.
Figure 2: Neural networks used in the MSIC algorithm: Top: BMU
and BMU
. It is important to mention that this last
MSCL is used also in receiver (BMU
). Bottom: Block extraction phase. Each block delivers the block limits, the image and
a binary mask. MSCL
(l) neural network, where a input sample (vectorized block from the extraction phase) has several
masked components.
With the i index of the new block, it is converted
again into an image block by the look-up table created
with MSCL
(l). The codeword of the BMU
consists of the pictorical content of the block im-
age, but needs to be displaced with the mean block-
saliency value of the corresponding block. After sum-
ming the mean, it is masked by the binary mask and
added to the regenerated saliency map. Repeating the
process for all the blocks we obtain the regenerated
saliency map, that will represent the saliency values
of pixels for the reconstructed image.
3.3 Image Quantization
A similar strategy to the previous described step is fol-
lowed for image quantization. Blocks are extracted
training the MSCL
(with the coordinates at each
pixel) to get the image block centers according to the
Regenerated Saliency Map at the transmitter. Then
the Voronoi regions of each of these centers are calcu-
lated. Blocks are extracted and vectorized. After re-
moving the mean, each image block is processed with
the MSCL
(l) that corresponds its size, in order
to use the most similar pictorial content of the library
that will be included in the reconstructed image. It is
only necessary to send for each block, the correspond-
ing block mean and index from the MSCL
3.4 Map Restoration at Receiver
Map restoration at receiver is accomplished follow-
ing exactly the same process than map restoration at
transmitter. To do it, the receiver uses for each block
its Map index, mean block-saliency, block-center and
the same offline MSCL
(l) picture library. As op-
erations are the same and they are applied to the same
data, the Regenerated Saliency Map at receiver is ex-
actly the same than the one at the transmitter.
3.5 Image Restoration
Last step in the whole process is image restoration,
using the received means of block-saliency, the pixel
indexes and the regenerated saliency map. This step
is similar to the previous described Map restoration
with small changes.
The main difference is that the image block cen-
ters are not available (they have not been transmitted).
They are calculated training a new MSCL (MSCL
with the coordinates of each pixel, and the magnitude
values in the Regenerated Saliency Map (magnitude
that was calculated with equation 4 at the emitter).
This neural network becomes identical to MSCL
The weights of MSCL
are the centers of the image
blocks, and their Voronoi regions define the masks
and limits.
Once again, image indexes are presented to the
look-up table created with MSCL
(l) (according
to the block size) that returns the block shape. Fi-
nal image is regenerated by adding means of block-
saliency, masking each block and positioning it in the
image (adding it to the regenerated image as we had
done before with the saliency map).
3.6 Extension to Color Images
Figure 3 defines the flowchart to use MSCL in the
case of color images. The process is similar to the
used in the case of grayscale images, but applied to
each of the color components of the image.
First, we calculate the saliency map from the color
image. With this saliency map we extract and quan-
tify blocks as described in subsection 3.1, blocks
which were restored at transmitter as mentioned in
3.2. As a result of this step we get the map block-
centers, block-means and indexes. Encoding is made
with the previously trained MSCL
(l) picture li-
Then, original RGB image is transformed to the
L-a-b color space. The reason of selecting this color
codification is that it has been demonstrated its suit-
ability for interpreting the real world (Cheung, 2005).
Now with these L-a-b color components of the im-
age, we follow the process indicated in 3.3. Each
of them will be trained with a MSCL neural net-
work (MSCL
,) and it will
return the block sizes and indexes for each compo-
nent. The indexes of the blocks are also encoded with
Once at receiver saliency map is restored (see
3.4). Then, we follow the image restoration
step, applied to each L-a-b component. Its cen-
ters are calculated training three MSCL networks
,), with the co-
ordinates of each pixel, and the regenerated saliency
map. These neural networks becomes identical to
those at the transmitter.
To get the final image, we transform the restored
L-a-b image to RGB.
4.1 Grayscale Images
Simulations were conducted on four 256x256 gray
scaled images (65536 bytes), all of them are typical
in image compression benchmarking tasks.
We applied the MSIC algorithm, with the follow-
ing MSCL training parameters: 15 cycles and learn-
ing factor varying along the training process from
0.9 to 0.05. We used Graph-Based Visual Saliency
GBV S(x) ( (Harel et al., 2006) ) as the pixel saliency
of the corresponding sample. However, it is possible
to use other kind of magnitudes to define which areas
of the image are compressed more or less deeply.
JPEG was done with the standard Matlab imple-
mentation and a compression Quality of Q = 3 or Q=5
(i.e., with a high compression ratio).
We also compare with the algorithm described in
(Liou, 2007), whose main steps are followed for all
the mentioned SOM based algorithms: The original
image is divided into small blocks (we select a size
of 8x8 to achieve a similar compression ratio to JPEG
or MSCL). The 2-D DCT is first performed on each
block. The DC term is directly send for reconstruc-
tion. The AC terms after low-pass filtering (we only
consider 8 AC coefficients) is fed to a SOM network
for training or testing. All experiments were carried
out with the following parameters: 256 units, 5 train-
ing cycles and learning factor decreasing from 0.9 to
The number of bytes used to compress each image
was the same for MSCL and JPEG (see table 1) and
fixed to 2048 for SOM.
For evaluation purpose, we use the mean squared
error (MSE) as an objective measurement for the per-
formance. Table 1 shows the resulting mean of the
MSE in 10 tests using our algorithm compared to
JPEG and SOM applied to 4 test images. We present
a second column showing the value of MSE but only
calculated in those pixels which saliency is over 50%.
Standard deviation is also shown (in brackets).
To obtain the generic pictorial library
(l) we used three additional images
from the (Computer Vision Group, 2002) with the
same training parameters. This number is quite low,
but enough to show the good performance of our
proposal. However, in a real scenario it would be
necessary to use a higher number of images to get a
suitable pictorial library. Moreover, we have not used
any entropic coding applied to indexes which would
have result in a further compression.
As expected, the MSE value calculated for the
whole image area given by JPEG is lower than the one
provided by MSIC, because prototypes tend to focus
on zones with high saliency while other areas in the
image are under-represented.
However, when MSE was calculated taking into
account only those pixels with high saliency, MSIC
obtained better results than JPEG or SOM. This ef-
fect can be clearly appreciated by visual inspection of
Table 1: Mean MSE for the whole image as well as for areas with saliency over 50% (grayscale example).
Image Q/Bytes JPEG(Tot/50%) SOM(Tot/50%) MSIC(Tot/50%)
Lena Q5/2010 212.3/340.4 205.4/374.0 501.1(18.2)/211.0(6.1)
Street Q5/2127 302.3/369.0 322.1/465.3 466.2(7.8)/210.6(4.2)
Boat Q5/1988 263.9/383.7 280.4/486.6 436.4(12.3)/282.0(5.6)
Fish Q3/2090 485.7/597.7 466.3/904.3 895.8(15.8)/254.2(9.6)
Figure 3: Global algorithm for color images. Each color component is processed separately as in the grayscale method.
However this process is exemplified with a different magnitude definition for the saliency map, oriented to preserve the detail
of the image for certain colors selected by the user.
the images represented in Figure 4. They show how
MSIC achieves a higher detail level at image areas of
high saliency. In the case of JPEG, it tends to fill up
big portions of the image with plain blocks, being un-
able to obtain a good detail at any part of the image.
On the other hand, SOM produces slightly blurred im-
ages due to the low frequency filtering.
The new algorithm could also be used in com-
pression applications with other magnitude functions
instead of saliency. Figure 5 shows the compressed
results of applying MSIC using different Magnitude
Functions to the street image. From left to right, first
image is the original one, second image is MSIC us-
ing the same Magnitude Functions than the one used
Figure 4: Top in columns: Original image, saliency map, MSIC, JPEG and SOM compression for the test images. Bottom:
Lena detail in the three methods. It can be clearly seen that the Lena face, compressed with MSIC shows a more natural view
(altmost like painted with Pointillism technique) than the other methods that have square block borders.
in equation 4. The Magnitude function in third image
is the same of equation 4, but using 1 GBV S(x) in-
stead of the pixel saliency of the corresponding sam-
ple. The fourth image uses the value of the vertical
coordinate (normalized to one) and finally the fifth
one uses the value of the vertical coordinate (normal-
ized to one) minus one. It can be clearly seen that
depending on the defined Magnitude Function, cer-
tain areas are compressed in with quality (foreground,
background, top or bottom of the image).
This toy example was only presented to show
the possibilities of achieving selective compression in
different areas of the image just by varying the Mag-
nitude Function.
4.2 Color Images
In the color experiments, it is applied the same
method explained in section 3.6, with the same pa-
rameters used in the grayscale case.
We use a different saliency definition focused
in those image zones with colors selected by the
user.This type of compression, preserving with more
detail image zones with certain color selection, may
Figure 5: Original ’Street’ image and the compressed images using MSIC with four different Magnitude Functions.
Table 2: Mean MSE for the whole image as well as for areas with saliency over 50% (color example).
Image Q/Bytes JPEG(Tot/50%) MSIC(Tot/50%)
Fish Q3/1702 1328/2695 2193(20.7)/1789(40.3)
Flower Q5/1722 862/1299 3540(227.1) /1167(49.4)
Boat Q6/1720 1303/1570 2366(87.4)/1190(25.3)
Sky Q5/1706 967/2312 240(58.2) /468(19.7)
have different applications. For instance, in medical
images, the specialist may define the colors of those
areas that has to be well preserved. Other applica-
tion is in video transmission limited by narrow band-
widths, as in underwater image transmission. In that
case it is possible to work with a high compressed
global image, and if the user wants a higher definition
in areas of a specific color, MSI could get to a better
definition of those areas, obviously degrading others
to keep the limited bandwidth.
To calculate the saliency map with the magnitude
values for the pixels, we first calculate the saliency
map for each color in the set of colors. The saliency
map of a selected color is obtained by binarizing the
image, based on thresholding the distance of the pixel
color and the selected color. Then we apply a bor-
der detection algorithm to get the edges of the im-
age zones painted in that color. The saliency map
of the image is obtained as the maximum of the fil-
tered edge images for all the set of colors. Using this
value of magnitude, we get more units in the inter-
esting regions whose colors are similar to de defined
set. JPEG was implemented using Matlab and differ-
ent compression qualities.
The experiments use the 4 test images depicted
in the first column of Figure 6. The second column
shows the resulting saliency maps for the images. To
maintain the details of the fish in the first image, it is
used as color set: orange and white. The flower im-
age uses dark and clear pink, the boat image uses only
brown and the parachute image uses pink and black
from the parachutist.
Table 2 shows in the first column the resulting
mean of the MSE in 10 tests using MSCL compared
to JPEG. Second column shows the value MSE cal-
culated in those pixels with saliency over 50%. Stan-
dard deviation is also shown (in brackets). Number of
bytes and quality are also shown.
As expected, the MSE value calculated for the
whole image area is lower using JPEG than the one
provided by MSIC. However, when MSE was calcu-
lated taking into account only those pixels exhibiting
a high saliency, MSIC obtained the best results.
In this paper we have shown how grayscale and color
images compressed with MSIC exhibit a higher qual-
ity in relevant areas of the compressed image when
compared to other methods such as JPEG or SOM
based compression algorithms.
MSIC has been proved to be a reliable and effi-
cient approach to achieve selective Vector Quantiza-
tion. This selectivity can be used in image compres-
sion to set the block centers focused on certain areas
of the image to be compressed in a further step by
Vector Quantization. The novelty of the algorithm
is that areas of interest which can be defined by a
magnitude function would receive lower compression
than the rest of the image. Another novelty of the al-
gorithm is that the image composition uses irregular
blocks of pixels that tend to be smaller in zones of
high interest and broader in zones of low interest.
These properties of the algorithm may be modu-
lated for different applications by choosing the ad-
equate magnitude function according to the desired
task. For instance, it could be a good choice to use the
Viola-Jones algorithm instead of GBSV to highlight
some particular areas when dealing with facial areas
in images with people. Another potential application
is the compression of satellite and aerial imagery of
Figure 6: Top in columns: Original color image, saliency map generated for a one or two-color selection (fish with orange and
white; flower with dark and clear pink; boat with brown; parachute with pink and black), MSIC and JPEG compression for
the test images.Bottom: Fish image detail in both compression methods.
the Earth. In that case, Automatic Building Extraction
from Satellite Imagery algorithms may be used to de-
fine the areas of interest. Then, MSIC may compress
the images keeping higher detail in the built areas. In
a similar way, medical image storage tools might use
MSIC to save images compressed with higher detail
in certain biological tissues or anatomical structures.
Several applications that require image transmis-
sion with low bandwidth may use the algorithm, as
in underwater image transmission, where there are
low data rates compared to terrestrial communication.
Another example of magnitude would be simply the
predicted position of the user’s fovea on the image
in the next frame. This magnitude is useful for ap-
plication in virtual reality glasses, where the image
zone, that is predicted the user is going to focus his
fovea, will present the highest detail, while surround-
ing zones can be more compressed.
Future work comprises several research lines such
as the use of entropy coding for the information of
each compressed image block, filtering each image
with DCTs, and comparison against other compres-
sion algorithms. Another point to be analysed is the
kind of images used to generate the generic pictorial
codebooks used for compression and restoration, as
the library of training images can be selected for the
chosen task. The test of the algorithm in different
tasks as mentioned in the previous paragraph is a re-
search line that is left for future work too.
This work is partially supported by Spanish Grant
TIN2010-20177 (MICINN) and FEDER and by the
regional government DGA-FSE.
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