Multiple Clicks Model for Web Search of Multi-clickable Documents
L´ea Laporte
, S´ebastien D´ejean
and Josiane Mothe
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, UMR 5505, Universit´e de Toulouse,
118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
Institut de Math´ematiques de Toulouse, UMR 5219, Universit´e de Toulouse,
118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
Nomao SA, 1 Avenue Jean Rieux, 31500 Toulouse, France
IUFM Midi-Pyr´en´ees, 56 Avenue de l’URSS, 31078 Toulouse cedex 4, France
Information Retrieval, Web Search, Clickthrough Information, Evaluation, Document Relevance Model.
This paper presents a novel document relevance model based on clickthrough information. Compared to the
models from the literature we consider the case when documents can be clicked several times in a given search
session. This case occurs more and more frequently, specifically for multi-clickable documents such as maps
in location search enginess. Considering a real system query log, we evaluate our model and show that SVM
can learn with fewer errors and with better MAP when the various types of clicks are considered in the model.
Information Retrieval (IR) systems aim at retrieving
documents that answer information needs that users
expressed in queries. Evaluation is a core component
in IR. The dominant evaluation framework in the do-
main is the one set in the Cranfield project (Clever-
don et al., 1966), which relies on performance mea-
sures to be calculated using a test collection com-
posed of a collection of documents, a collection of
queries and a collection of relevance assessments col-
lected manually. Whereas full relevance judgment
has been possible in Cranfield because of the rela-
tively small size of the document collection (1400
documents) and query set used, more recent evalua-
tion projects such as NIST
on the pooling method in which relevance judgments
are collected on the set of documents selected by the
various participating systems.
Even if it allows researchers to get gold standard
collections to evaluate various IR methods, the pool-
ing method has some drawbacks (Harman, 2010).
One of them is that some relevant documents are not
in pools; however detecting relevant documents that
could not be retrieved by any system can hardly be
circumvented in large scale evaluation. A probably
more critical drawback is that the user model is some-
how ignored by this relevance model: the process of
the formation of information need and of relevance
assessment requires realism (Borlund, 2003). A doc-
ument should be considered as relevant if the user
uses it in some ways and if it answers a real users’
need. When building adhoc collections, users’ in-
formation needs are solicited rather than correspond-
ing to real ones. Relevance models based on logs
and clickthrough information aim at answering these
issues while providing large scale evaluation collec-
tions (Joachims, 2002; Dupret et al., 2007). In addi-
tion, they provide a non-intrusive way of collecting
information regardless users’ actions; the latter being
not well-accepted by users.
However, deriving reliable judgments from im-
plicit feedback is not trivial. It is well established that
clicks cannot be considered on an absolute scale but
rather than clicked results are better than skipped re-
sults (Yue et al., 2010). Various models have been de-
veloped to evaluate systems by using clickthrough in-
formation (Chapelle and Zhang, 2009; Craswell et al.,
2008; Guo et al., 2009; He et al., 2011).
Existing models consider that several results can
be clicked in a search session. However, they do not
take into account the fact that a given reference can be
clicked through several times in a single session (La-
porte et al., 2012). For example, a user can choose a
reference, go back to the initial list of references and
Laporte L., Déjean S. and Mothe J..
Multiple Clicks Model for Web Search of Multi-clickable Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0004553902980303
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 298-303
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
choose another one he has clicked through just be-
fore. The multiple click feature on a given reference
can also occur in the case of some types of documents
such as maps that provide various information (sev-
eral locations for example), which is more and more
common. Other examples are on digital libraries that
gives access to collections through a list of results on
which the user can either click on the title, view the
document or have access to a record of information
such as its author and his/her other publications, the
publication date or the editors. Each action is a clue
on the document relevance.
In this paper we present a new multiple-click
model in web search. As opposed to other models we
consider multiple clicks of the same document in a
single session as a relevance clue. The second contri-
bution of this paper is an experimental study based on
a data set from a geo-referenced information search
engine. It demonstrates the usefulness of our model
in learning the function used to rank the documents to
be retrieved according to a user’s query.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We
first present some related works in Section 2. In Sec-
tion 3, we present our multiple-click model. In Sec-
tion 4, we report experimental studies. Section 5 dis-
cusses the results and concludes this paper.
Building gold standard collections is a key issue in
IR. Manual building is a long and demanding pro-
cess. Clickthrough information conveys somehow
user’s interest and for this reason can be considered
as users’ implicit relevance judgments.
(Joachims, 2002) and (Joachims et al., 2005) pro-
posed methods to extract users’ preferences based on
click information. The SkipAbove strategy considers
that the last clicked document should be preferred to
any document retrieved at a higher rank. (Radlinski
and Joachims, 2005) expand this rule in the case of
query sessions. Other works focus on the so called
position bias. It refers to the fact that users have
the tendency to choose from the first retrieved doc-
uments. The position model proposed in (Craswell
et al., 2008) considers that documents have different
click probabilities and that this probability should de-
crease with the document rank. This model consid-
ers that a single document is clicked. The cascade
model is different since it considers that users view
results from top to bottom and leave as soon as they
see a relevant document (Craswell et al., 2008). Both
models make a strong assumption that a single doc-
ument is clicked in a given search. The dependent
click model proposed in (Guo et al., 2009) generalizes
the cascade model and takes into account search ses-
sions with multiple clicks. The model hypothesizes
that the user browses the retrieved list from top to bot-
tom, and can go back to the list after he has selected
one item. The document relevance is then computed
overall, considering the various users. In (Guo et al.,
2009), the authors show that the document relevance
can be written as the number of clicks on that doc-
ument on the session set divided by the number of
sessions that retrieved the document.
The dynamic bayesian network click model
(Chapelle and Zhang, 2009) also generalizes the cas-
cade model to multiple click sessions. They introduce
two types of relevance: the perceived relevance and
the actual relevance. The latter relevance corresponds
to the fact that the user is satisfied by the results of the
search: when the user’s need is satisfied, he stops the
session; otherwise, he goes back to the search result
list. The global relevance is calculated as the product
of the perceived relevance and the actual relevance; it
corresponds to the final relevance judgment. In (Liu
et al., 2010), a Bayesian model is used with multi-
ple click sessions. Rather than predicting a relevance
score, it predicts the probability that a document is
preferred to another. This approach is interesting for
systems that use pairwise algorithms when ranking.
In (Yue et al., 2010) suggest an alternative way of
scoring differently clicks depending on when they oc-
cur in the search process. These scores are used to
compute the document relevance. In addition, this
work as well as the one in (He et al., 2011) optimizes
the size of the data set needed for evaluation.
The proposed model focuses on the case when a doc-
ument can receive multiple clicks in a single session.
Following previous related work in the domain,
we aim at defining a relevance score based on users’
clicks. We hypothesize that a click is an implicit judg-
ment of document relevance. We also consider the
case when a given document can be clicked several
times in a given session, mainly because it provides
several links to various data (phone number, pop-up
information, addresses...). We thus hypothesize that
the more a document is clicked through, the more rel-
evant it is. Relevance can be computed according to
the number of clicks it received. This approach corre-
sponds to the simple multi-click model. However this
approach considers that any action on the document,
any click is equivalent and depicts a similar interest
from the user. On the contrary, we think that the vari-
ous types of actions can be considered differently. For
example, the fact that a user clicks on the phone num-
ber item on a document should be weighted differ-
ently than other clickthroughs. When clicking on the
phone number item for example, which automatically
shows the current phone number and eventually con-
nect the user to a phone service, the user expresses the
fact the document is of sufficient interest to call the
phone owner. Intuitively, different actions or clicks
on different items from a clickable document imply
different levels of interest for the user. This intuition
leads us to complete the model considering not only
the number of clicks but also the various natures of
the links that can be clicked through. We finally de-
fine the relevance score as follows:
where r
is the relevance of document d for the
query q and user u, c
is the number of clicks of
type i on the document d for the query q and user u
and α
is a coefficient that traduce the importance of
the click of type i.
The α
parameter is worth studying since it in-
dicates the importance of each type of click in the
model. When α
= 1 whatever i is, the model corre-
sponds to the simple model we start with. This model
is a good start to evaluate ranking functions in the case
of multi-clickable documents. This evaluation aims at
demonstrating that defining the query-document rel-
evance score based on this model allows learning a
ranking function in an efficient and effective way. We
also study in the rest of the paper the influence of the
various types of clicks on learning to rank documents.
We aim at defining an order of importance of the var-
ious types of clicks in order to learn the best ranking
4.1 Preliminary Analysis
This first analysis is based on a limited log file from
Nomao search engine
and aims at getting informa-
tion on the data. Nomao allows users to search for lo-
cations that are recommended according to the users
profiles based on their tastes, location and social net-
work. Results are presented under the form of docu-
ments in which several items can be clicked through
by users and under the form of geographic maps.
We extract several elements from the logs: the
query identifier and content, the first 20 documents
corresponding to the system answer, the number and
the type of clicks for each user-query-document set.
We then extract query-document pairs to be asso-
ciated to a relevance score. We identify five types of
clicks: on the document title (α
), booking button
), phone number (α
), web site (α
and the result from the geographic map (α
In this first analysis, we keep solely queries that
are associated at least with two retrieved documents
and for which an item has been clicked through. We
extracted 14700 user-query-document sets for which
the number and the types of clicks are known. This
collection corresponds to 2014 distinct queries, 1745
different users, and 14343 documents.
The average rank on the first page of results is
3.54: users click on the third or fourth document from
the retrieved list. However, the median of the click
rank is 1: at least half of the clicks concern the first
retrieved document. This result may illustrate the po-
sition bias (users click through the first retrieved doc-
ument even if not relevant). It can also be the results
of unequally performance on queries (some queries
being easier for the system than others).
We found out that the number of clicks of the var-
ious types is different. Clicks on title, phone and
map are the most frequent (44%, 28%, and 24% re-
spectively). Clicks on the web site (3%) and on the
booking button (1%) are far less numerous. For some
queries, users only use a single type of clicks. For
example, 37% of the queries imply title clickthrough
action only. Queries associated with a single type of
click correspond to 22% for phone only, 12% for map
only, 1% web site only, and 0.6% for booking only.
Finally, the number of retrieved documents is dif-
ferent from one query to another. 38% of the queries
lead to 20 retrieved documents whereas 26% retrieves
3 or less documents. This distribution has an im-
pact on the results over the evaluation measures. In
this study we consider the precision at rank k (P@k)
which is defined as the number of relevant documents
the system retrieves when considering the first k re-
trieved documents. We also use the mean average
precision (MAP) over queries.
4.2 Experimental Setup
We evaluate the relevance document model consider-
ing the learning to rank task.
Learning to rank in IR aims at automatically de-
ciding the best ranking function to order the retrieved
documents. Considering a query, learning to rank
aims at ranking documents according to document
relevance. Ranking is based on various features as-
sociated to queries, query-document similarities and
documents. Ranking functions are usually learned on
training data consisting of query-document pairs for
which relevance is known. The trained functions are
then used to rank documents on new queries.
Learning to rank algorithms can be grouped into
three types which differ on the way they consider
learning (Liu, 2011). The pointwise approach con-
siders documents independently. To each document
is associated a relevance score for a given query. The
learning process either uses regression (Cossock and
Zhang, 2006) or classification (Nallapati, 2004). In-
puts of the pairwise approach are document pairs to
which preferences are associated to. For a given
query, a preference value of 1 for pair (d
, d
) implies
that d
is more relevant than d
whereas the reverse
preference 1 means that d
should be ranked higher
than d
. The learning problem can be reduced to a
classification problem. Various classifiers, including
Support Vector Machine (Joachims, 2002; Chapelle
and Zhang, 2009), Neural Networks (Burges et al.,
2005) or Boosting (Freund et al., 2003), have been
proposed to solve this problem. Finally, the listwise
approach uses an ordered list of documents as input.
The ranking function minimizes the distance between
the obtained ranked list and the reference ranked list
(Cao et al., 2007) or optimizes an information re-
trieval performance measure (Yue et al., 2007).
In the following experiments, we use the same
learning algorithm for which we consider 145 features
corresponding to query, query-document matching,
document and user features. We analyze the impact
of the scores on the quality of the ranking. We con-
duct two main experiments to evaluate our approach
and to determine the impact of each type of clicks.
In the first experiment, we evaluate our model when
all the clicks are weighted to 1. In the second experi-
ment, we consider different scores for which all types
of clicks received the same weight except for one type
which weight is set to 0, so that we can evaluate the
impact of each type of clicks.
4.3 RankSVM
We use RankSVM for learning to rank. RankSVM
implements a pairwise ranking SVM as proposed in
(Joachims, 2002). It predicts the relevance judgments
by minimizing the following function (Liu, 2011):
under the constraints
) 1 ξ
if y
= 1
and ξ
0i = 1, . . . , n
where n is the number of queries of the training set,
) the pair of documents u and v represented
in the feature space and associated with the query i,
is the preference judgment for the document pair,
and ξ
corresponds to the error for the non-linearly
separable SVM. C allows the control of the error rate.
It is chosen by cross validation.
In order to evaluate the robustness of the model, we
simulated 5 data collections from the initial data set
presented in section 4.1, each one containing train-
ing data and test data. To build one collection, we
randomly associate the queries from the initial set
either to the training set or to the test set. The
size of the training set is 80% of the initial set so
that the test set contains 20% of the initial queries.
We build 5 different collections this way and use
them in experiments. The C parameter is set by 10-
folds cross validation considering the following val-
ues {0.001, . . . , 0.009, 0.01, . . . , 1, 1.1, . . . , 1.3}.
Regarding effectiveness, we obtained high MAP val-
ues (from 0.78 to 0.80) during these preliminary
experiments. Comparing to MAP performance of
RankSVM on LETOR datasets
, these values can
seem high. This behaviour is due to the amount of
queries that have a few number of retrieved docu-
ments associated to. Indeed, for queries that have
only two retrieved documents associated to, the av-
erage precision is either 1 or 0.5. Taking into account
these queries for the MAP computation will lead to
high MAP values. However, this does not affect the
reliability of the measure that can be used to com-
pared scores between various versions of the process.
4.4 Results
4.4.1 Equal Contribution of the Clicks
In this experiment, we analyze the equally contribu-
tion of the various types of clicks and compare the re-
sults with a random binary relevance score. To do so,
in one hand we randomly associate a relevance score
to the document (0 for non-relevant; 1 for relevant); in
the other hand in formula 1 that describes our model,
we consider α
= 1 whatever i. This is done for each
user-query-document set. The system learns the rank-
ing function using the score defined these ways. We
then compare the processing time of the two models.
A higher processing time indicates a greater difficulty
to learn the function and thus a less powerful rele-
vance score. We also compare the prediction error as
well as MAP which are effectiveness indicators.
MAP varies from 0.22 to 0.74 on test set depending on
the dataset
The results show that whatever the measure, we
obtain better results using the multiple click method
than when considering the random relevance score.
First, the time needed to process the cross validation
decreases about 15000 seconds (random) to 10000
seconds (multiple clicks). In the same way, we found
a prediction error on the test set equal to 82.7% for
the random model and equal to 38.6% for the multiple
click model. In the case of random relevance scores,
the algorithm fails to learn the ranking function. Fi-
nally, MAP is about 0.65 using the random model and
is about 0.78 using the multiple click model. This ex-
periment shows that using the number of times a doc-
ument has been clicked through makes sense.
4.4.2 Weighting the Various Types of Clicks
This version of the multiple click model we promote
hypothesizes that each type of action (click type) has
a different impact on relevance clue. Moreover, we
think that the clicks could be ordered according to
their importance in their contribution on the relevance
score. In this experiment set, we consider five scores
for which we successively set the contribution of one
type of clicks to zero. We then analyze the impact
on the MAP and prediction error. When comparing
two runs, lower values of MAP associated with higher
values of prediction error show that the corresponding
algorithm does not learn well the ranking function so
that the corresponding scores are less performing.
The MAP values we obtained are presented in ta-
ble 1. When considering the MAP, the first test set has
a different behavior than the others and lower MAP.
Results in terms of prediction error are similar, so we
only present and comment the MAP values.
When considering the test set, the MAP is the
lower for α
= 0, when the booking button is not
considered. The learning algorithm does not predict
the relevance in an accurate way in that case, which
means booking clicks play an important role in the
relevance model. Intuitively, this result makes sense.
When a user clicks on the booking link, his is likely
satisfied by the system answer. On the contrary, the
result we obtained regarding α
= 0 is quite un-
likely. On a practical view, when a user clicks on the
phone link it is supposed to mean that the user wants
to see the phone number and is likely to contact the
corresponding location. The booking and phone links
looks quite similar in an information usage point of
view, so we expected to get similar results for both
= 0 and α
= 0. However, the MAP is the
highest when clicks on the phone links are not con-
sidered. Phone clicks are noisy for the multiple click
model. As the coverage of MAP in that case is quite
large, the results seem quite collection dependent. We
also observe that the MAP is lower when the clicks on
the map are not taken into account. Those clicks are
also important in the multiple click model.
In this paper, we propose a novel document relevance
model based on clickthrough information. While ex-
isting models consider that either a single document is
clicked in a search session or several documents can
be clicked but a given document only once, we con-
sider the case when documents can be clicked several
times in a given session. This case occurs more and
more frequently, especially for multi-clickable docu-
ments such as maps in location search engines.
We evaluate our model on a real system query
log and show that SVM can learn with fewer errors
and with better MAP when the various types of clicks
are weighted differently in the model. Future works
will focus on refining the weights that should be as-
sociated to each type of clicks. The results we ob-
tained suggest that booking and map clicks should be
weighted more than title and web site links. We will
investigate the behaviour of phone clicks. We suspect
that the bad results they induce is due to the fact users
are redirected to overtaxed services that when click-
ing phone links. The users may then prefer to go back
to the result list to find other free information.
Further investigations are currently conducted on
a larger queries log from the Nomao search engine.
Massive analyses are planned by using the resources
of the supercomputer Hyperion from the scientific
group CalMip
. Preliminary experiments confirm the
impact on the MAP of queries with few retrieved doc-
uments. Indeed, when considering the score α
= 1
whatever i, the MAP increases from 0.30 to 0.60
when we include queries with only two documents
retrieved. The analysis of clicks distribution shows an
increase of the number of clicks on the phone link.
This may be explained by changes on phone link de-
sign. Further analysis are planned to evaluate the im-
pact of this new design on the users’ behavior.
We would like to thank the R´egion Midi-Pyr´en´ees, the
FREMIT federation and CalMip for their support.
Table 1: MAP on the various test sets.
Test Score
set α
= 1i α
1 0.75 0.75 0.73 0.76 0.74 0.70
2 0.81 0.73 0.77 0.79 0.77 0.76
3 0.78 0.77 0.79 0.80 0.76 0.79
4 0.75 0.75 0.81 0.76 0.73 0.77
5 0.79 0.74 0.81 0.76 0 .75 0.79
Average 0.78 0.75 0.78 0.77 0.75 0.76
Coverage 0.06 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.09
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