We demonstrated with five typical experiments from
the field of robot learning and early evolutionary
robotics, that a simple random search on a given net-
work topology is sufficient to find many suitable so-
lutions, as long as the network changes are started
and stopped by a reasonable feedback signal. In our
case, this feedback is realized with neuromodulators
that are triggered as a reaction to the sensed behav-
ior. Because of this, and the simplicity of the im-
plementation, the learning should also work directly
on physical robots without external supervision. The
benchmarks show that the feasibility of the method
strongly depends on the experiment complexity, not
so much on the chosen network substrate. Also, tem-
porary solutions appear and get relearned when the
behavior proves ineffective in some situations. These
aspects – already available in such a simple approach
– are highly desired in the field of robot learning to
allow adaptive, self-contained robots with life-long
learning capabilities. The method, however, is not
meant to be used as a competitive learning paradigm
for real robots. Instead, one intention of the bench-
mark is to provide a minimal testbed to evaluate new
learning paradigms for recurrent neural networks in
the sensori-motor loop. These paradigms should be
better in some aspects compared to such a simple ran-
dom search to justify their usually much higher com-
plexity. For this, the benchmarks are also publicly
available at the supplementary page.
Supplementary Material can be found at:
This work was partially funded by DFG-grant PA
480/7-1. We thank Josef Behr and Florian Ziegler for
testing and refining the simulation model and for their
contributions to the NERD toolkit.
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