Impressionism in Cloud Computing
A Position Paper on Capacity Planning in Cloud Computing Environments
Iv´an Carrera Izurieta and Cl´audio Resin Geyer
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Cloud Computing, Capacity Planning, Virtualization, Performance Evaluation.
Cloud computing is a model that relies on virtualization and can lower costs to the user by charging only for
the computational resources used by the application. There is a way to use the advantages of cloud computing
in data-intensive applications like MapReduce and it is by using a virtual machine (VM) cluster in the cloud.
An interesting challenge with VM clusters is determining the size of the VMs that will compose the cluster,
because with an appropriate cluster and VM size, users will be able to take a full advantage of resources, i.e.,
reducing costs by using idle resources and gaining performance. This position paper is intended to bring to
consideration the necessity for accurate capacity planning at user level, in order to take fully advantage of
cloud resources and will focus specially for data-intensive applications users.
Cloud computing, as defined by the U. S. National In-
stitute of Standards and Technology NIST, is a model
for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand net-
work access to a shared pool of configurable comput-
ing resources (Mell and Grance, 2011). The cloud
infrastructure can be understood as an elastic shared
pool of configurable computing resources, so users
can define the features of their virtual machine char-
acteristics to meet application requirements, and in-
crease or decrease said features when the require-
ments change.
Cloud computing nowadays is a paradigm that is
becoming morepresent in many environmentsand ap-
plications. Works like (Boutaba et al., 2012) agree
that Cloud Computing is by far the most cost-effective
A Brief Explanation about the Title
Impressionism was a 19th-century art movement originated
by a group of Paris-based artists. Those artists developed a
technique in which the representation of objects was made
by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes. In Im-
pressionism, no objects were drawn but only represented
by these brush strokes whose size was determined by each
artist’s technique.
In a Cloud Computing environment, virtual machines
with variable size compose a cluster that behaves like a sin-
gle machine as the brush strokes did for the objects in the
Impressionism. In our case, the skill for the capacity plan-
ner will be to find the exact size of the virtual machines that
could achieve a desired performance.
technology for hosting Internet-scale services and ap-
plications, and also say that dealing with workload
and cluster resources heterogeneity is a very impor-
tant challenge.
Virtualization is a key technology for Cloud Com-
puting because it introduces an abstraction layer that
partitions a computer system into virtual machines
as if they were physically isolated (Carissimi, 2008).
Managing computers as virtual machines that can be
modified and therefore optimized for a certain appli-
cation is a key advantage for Cloud Computing.
Distributed applications, when moved to cloud en-
vironments require a cost-effective and time-effective
resource planning for their clusters, formed now by
virtual machines. An optimal cluster size should
save money by optimizing resources (Boutaba et al.,
2012), but this optimization cannot be generalized for
all applications (Herodotou et al., 2011).
In this work we discuss the introduction of a
methodology that can help a cloud computing appli-
cation user to take advantage of the inherent elasticity
of a cloud infrastructure to determine the size of the
virtual machine cluster running in the cloud that can
have a predictible performance.
The remainder of this work will be structured
as follows: Section 2 discusses the motivation for
this work and the relevance of Capacity Planning in
cloud environments, Section 3 addresses a methodol-
ogy for determining general purpose Capacity Plan-
ning in cloud environments, Section 4 exposes an ex-
Carrera Izurieta I. and Resin Geyer C..
Impressionism in Cloud Computing - A Position Paper on Capacity Planning in Cloud Computing Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0004567803330338
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 333-338
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ample for using the methodology explained in Section
3, and finally Section 5 explains future work for this
approach, and finally the Conclusions of this work are
According to the Magellan Report, a document pre-
sented by the U.S. Department of Energy DOE in
2011 (Yelick et al., 2011), a cloud computing model
can bring to the user a big gain in terms of scalabil-
ity and usability of a computing infrastructure; but
a cloud computing model still lacks a good manage-
ment of security and performance.
In the opinion of the authors of this work, a cloud
performance management model should guide the
cloud user in the capacity planning process of its vir-
tual machine cluster in order to have a time and cost-
effective performance for its application.
In a private cloud environment, parameters of the
virtual machines such as: number of cores of the
processor, amount of RAM, bandwidth capacity and
some other features can be freely managed according
to the administrator definitions; on the other hand, in
a public cloud environment this ability is restricted by
the provider’s instance types, which are specifications
of the virtual hardware that will be provided for the
virtual machines. For a named user, a modification to
the parameters of the virtual machines will depend of
the application, in other words, there is no single way
to tune a virtual machine (Herodotou et al., 2011) in a
cloud environment; but we believe that for a specific
application this could be accomplished and general-
ized for similar applications.
Works like (Herodotou et al., 2011) and (Boutaba
et al., 2012) say that an optimal cluster size should
save money by optimizing infrastructure cloud re-
sources for the cloud user and provider. Also, in (Mi-
etzner and Leymann, 2008) the vision of a Software
as a Service that requires Infrastucture as a Service
level management is described as very important re-
search field and an interesting trend in cloud comput-
ing. This vision relates to the resource provisioning
based on the application performance. This optimiza-
tion can let users to take a better advantage of the re-
sources they are using in the cloud.
This way of thinking has been tested, for example
in (Wang et al., 2010), where authors evaluate the ra-
tio of the number of virtual machines and the number
of cores of a physical computer, and how that ratio
affects the performance of a distributed application
(a MapReduce application). The overall suggestion
of Wang’s work is that in a computer with n cores
there should be instantiated no more than n virtual
machines. But, as we have said, there are more pa-
rameters that can be optimized for a given application
in a cloud computing environment.
Another interesting work is (Ibrahim et al., 2009)
where virtual machines are tuned for data-intensive
applications, but the master node is shown as a sin-
gle point of failure (SPoF) in a MapReduce applica-
tion. In that case, the master node is recommended
to be instantiated on a physical machine rather than
a virtual machine. Ibrahim’s work does not consider
a cloud computing middleware, as it works directly
with XEN based virtual machines. In a cloud comput-
ing environment this way of thinking is valid, but will
not necessarily present the same results, and likely the
experiments will not be the same either.
So, by citing these works we show the relevance
for this particular issue of determining a-priori the
size of a virtual machine cluster for distributed ap-
plications to be run in the cloud, with the objective of
having a time- and/or cost-effective performance.
The approach intended in this work is a way to
present a methodology that can guide users finding a
capacity planning model for cloud computing appli-
cations by modeling the performance of an specific
In this section it will be explained how a capacity
planning model should be done for any specific cloud
computing application.
3.1 Define the Parameters that Affect
the Performance
For any application, it should be determined which
characteristics of the cluster affect its performance.
As it has been said, virtual machines in a private
cloud can be configured by customizing the number
of cores, amount of RAM, storage capacity and some
other features depending of the cloud computing mid-
dleware. All of these parameters could affect the per-
formance in some way or another, the key will be to
determine for an specific application whether or not
this performance variations are significant.
In a public cloud environment these factors are
not so easily modifiable, because of the instance types
each cloud platform defines. So, the instance type is
per-se a unique factor and should be treated as such.
Also, some other application-specific parameters
affect the performance of an application, and they
could be as diverse as the kind of applications any
user could want to run in a cloud computing envi-
ronment. For distributed applications, which is our
study field, the workload is certainly an important
factor that affects the performance of the cluster. In
MapReduce applications it is not only important to
know the amount of workload that a certain applica-
tion wants to process, but it is also important to know
the type of workload it is. Works like (Abad et al.,
2012) study the kinds of workloads a MapReduce ap-
plication can have, and other works like (Sangroya
et al., 2012) even characterize the workloads on sev-
eral groups, according to their types.
Another very important parameter is the number
of virtual machines that would compose the cluster.
Depending on their escalability and degree of paral-
lelism, some applications could benefit from running
in bigger or smaller clusters.
Defining these parameters will help users to focus
on what is actually affecting the performance.
3.2 Perform Observations
After the parameters that affect the performance are
defined, observations of the behavior of the appli-
cation have to be performed. Observations generate
metrics, e.g. execution time, throughput, and time be-
tween errors (Jain, 1991), and are done with probes
inserted into a normal implementation of the applica-
tion. The selection of these metrics depends on the
nature of the application and what the user defines as
performance. By varying independently each factor, a
user could observe which parameters are responsible
for how much of the variation on the performance.
This study is known as general full factorial exper-
imental design, which is a generalization of the 2
experimental design proposed in (Jain, 1991).
This approach has its disadvantages because it
could be very extensive to test each and every combi-
nation of parameters. For example, if a public cloud
user wants to test its application
3 types of workload,
4 sizes of each workload,
4 instance types for the virtual machines,
and 3 different cluster sizes,
this will make a total of:
3 x 4 x 4 x 3 = 144 experiments
and each experiment run 30 times in order to have
statisticly significant results.
144 x 30 = 4320 iterations in total.
If it were in a private cloud, there would be even more
variations for instance types
4320 iterations could be impractical to perform.
So, some of the cases should be cut out of the ex-
perimental design, using the fractional factorial ex-
perimental design explained in (Jain, 1991), mainly
because some of the combinations will be more im-
portant than others.
Observations done at this step will provide the in-
formation to continue with the following mathemati-
cal modeling.
3.3 Propose a Model
From the observations done in the previous step, some
measures must be taken. If the goal of the model is to
improve the performance, perhaps the execution time
should be the main metric to be measured, but also
some other metrics could be important to model the
application performance like: energy consumption,
throughput, resource utilization, time between errors,
and some others.
After enough metrics are taken, depending on the
nature of the observations, using regression models
and statistical tools, a mathematical model can be pro-
posed (Jain, 1991). There are some general ways that
can help the user to propose a model, for example,
the number of instances are inversely proportional to
the execution time (the more machines compose the
cluster, lesser the time the application will need to be
performed, until it reaches a limit); some other met-
rics could be directly proportional, like the amount of
workload (the more workload it is to be processed, the
more time the application will need to be performed).
So, some previous criteria should help the user to
propose a model that will relate the parameters spec-
ified in section 3.1 to the metrics taken from the ob-
3.4 Assess the Model
Once the user has got a model that specifies a math-
ematical relation for the parameters of the cluster
and the application with the performance metrics, this
model will have to be proven by experimentation.
The experiments done at this step should confirm
(or not) the mathematical model with a certain con-
fidence interval. So, values of the parameters should
be given and, with these values, the metrics should be
calculated a-priori (before the experiments) and then
the experiments should be performed in order to con-
firm the calculations.
This is where things get interesting, because if
the model is not quite correct, the results in this step
should give feedback to correct and tune the mathe-
matical model.
For some help to the user that is modeling the per-
formance of the application, some limits for the pa-
rameters should also be given, like saying that some
model is useful if the parameters are between some
limits specified by the application. This could help
making the model easier to define, but at the same
time this would take credibility from the model. The
strength of a model is its generalization.
In figure 1 we present a simple flowchart that sums
up the steps described in this section:
Figure 1: Flowchart for developing a model for capacity
We now present an example on how the methodol-
ogy presented in this work should be put into practice.
We performed some experiments to determine which
componentsof the virtual machines in the cluster have
an incidence on the performance of the Map Reduce
4.1 Description of the Experiments
For this experiments, the System Under Testing, SUT,
was a cluster of four virtual machines inside a cloud
environment. Inside of this SUT the component stud-
ied was the cluster as a whole. Understanding the
cluster as a whole gave us the idea that the cluster
behaves as a single thing, and not as a collection of
several components, which was better for improving
the cluster performance.
The specified system ran a MapReduce applica-
tion, particularly a Word Count application. And in
the experimentation, the errors in execution were not
considered, so all outcomes were considered as cor-
4.1.1 Parameters
The factor to study in these experiments was one: the
amount of RAM of each virtual machine. The work-
load was fixed to a 512MB file of plain-text data for
the Word count application.
Three values of RAM were tested: 512MB,
1024MB and 1536MB. The experiments were per-
formed 40 times.
4.1.2 Observations
The speed of the system was considered as the main
and only criteria for these experiments. The execution
time was taken from the log files provided by the Map
Reduce application.
For these experiments, the following configura-
tion was used:
For the Cloud infrastructure:
Cloud middleware: Eucalyptus 3.1.2
Virtual machine hypervisor: KVM
4 physical cloud nodes: 1 master, 3 slaves
Node: Dual-core, Intel-VT, 4GB RAM,
1GbEthernet, 180GB HDD
For the Map Reduce application:
Virtual machine cluster of 4 virtual nodes
Apache Hadoop 1.1.1 (released in Nov. 2012)
Example Wordcount application, included in
Hadoop 1.1.1 package
Workload: 512MB of plain-text data
Metrics: execution time obtained from log files
4.1.3 Mathematical Model
Two regression models were applied to the taken data
from the experiments.
For a linear model like:
time = β
+ β
RAM (1)
Using the linear regression tool in R software
two constants were calculated to:
time = 279, 59 0, 05 RAM (2)
This linear model has a coefficient of determination
= 0,8087.
The R Project for Statistical Computing
The coefficient of determination is a value that mea-
sures the accuracy of a model. A model is better when R
gets closer to 1 (Jain, 1991).
And, for a quadratic model like:
time = β
+ β
RAM + β
The three constants were calculated to:
time = 259 1, 044 10
RAM 2, 344 10
This quadratic model has an R
= 0,8187
4.1.4 Assessing the Model
Both values of R
cannot help to say if the relation
between RAM and the execution time is actually lin-
ear or quadratic, so, more tests will be needed. And
visually, no tendencies can be seen when the results
are plotted:
Figure 2: Execution time as a function of RAM of each VM.
Also, we can see that the results obtained with
512MB of RAM had a much bigger dispersion than
the results with 1024 or 1536MB. This shows that
512MB of RAM was not an efficient size of memory
for the application. Some further work should include
more values of RAM for evaluating the performance,
so the relation between RAM and the execution time
can be modeled in a more precise way.
So, the conclusions for these example experiments
can guide for new experiments and give feedback.
The objective of this work is to present a model that
can help users to find a capacity planning model for
cloud computing applications.
This work was motivated by a research that is
currently being performed with MapReduce applica-
tions, so, the future work is to apply this capacity
planning experimental model to MapReduce applica-
tions running in a cloud computing environment.
With MapReduce applications there are also some
more parameters to consider, one of them is the het-
erogeneity of the cluster. There are some works that
address heterogeneity issues, like (Anjos et al., 2012)
and (Zaharia et al., 2008), which stablish that a vir-
tual machine cluster should be homogeneous in order
to have a better performance, but they also say that in
a cloud computing environment it is hard to have ho-
mogeneity in terms of disk and network I/O because
of the co-location of virtual machines. It means that
sometimes other virtual machines running in the same
physical server could affectthe performance of virtual
machines making harder to model the behavior of the
So, the I/O heterogeneity is an important chal-
lenge that should be assessed when modeling capac-
ity planning for MapReduce applications. In this
case, testing high performance storage platforms like
the ones optimized for CDNs (Content Delivery Net-
works) is strongly recommended because will present
different performance models, and also an interesting
When it comes to cloud computing environments,
an important issue to assess is the costs that using
a public cloud generates, so another interesting fu-
ture work could be determining the price that could
take a certain amount of workload to be processed
and which specific parameters of a virtual machine
cluster would provide the most cost-effective combi-
nation. This would have to take into account that not
always the most time-effective combination will also
be the most cost-effective.
Also, the methodology presented in this work
should help modeling other cloud computing dis-
tributed applications, so we encourage other re-
searchers to try to confirm the methodology with
other parallel application problems running in a cloud
computing environment like graphic computation,
distributed filesystems, data processing, content de-
livery, search engines, and others.
As we have said in this work, this simple but general
methodology could come handy when modeling the
behavior of a parallel application in a cloud comput-
ing environment.
Determining a cluster size for a cloud comput-
ing application will help users to improve the perfor-
mance and the time they pay for using the cloud in-
frastructure. Also, by optimizing the use of an infras-
tructure we will be offering more resources for other
The reason why we present this methodology as
a new contribution is that it helps cloud computing
users take advantage of the exclusive feature of the
cloud, like elasticity, freedom for sizing the virtual
machines, the shorter time that would take for a sys-
tem administrator review his cluster sizing and per-
form changes on it.
This methodology could be used in other dis-
tributed environments, but it is in the cloud that a user
can really play with several configurations of virtual
We want to present this methodology for applica-
tions running in the cloud as general as we can, so
that any user can take advantage of it. The future
work indicated in the previous section will confirm
(or not) if this methodology is general enough to have
the strength to help defining a mathematical model for
MapReduce applications, and hopefully some other
cloud applications as well.
This work was made with the support of the Programa
Estudantes-Convˆenio de P´os-Graduac¸˜ao PEC-PG, of
CAPES/CNPq - Brazil.
This position paper was partially funded by Ed-
ital FAPERGS-CNPq n. 008/2009 Research
Project: GREEN-GRID: Sustainable High Perfor-
mance Computing, Edital MCT/CNPq No 70/2009
Also, we would like to thank Professor Arnaud
Legrand from the CNRS, Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique, and the University of Greno-
ble in France for his help and guidance in simplifying
the methodology presented in this work.
And a final acknowledgement to the special per-
son who inspired this vision of Impressionism in
Cloud Computing a few years ago by explaining the
art movement.
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