Extracting Services from Legacy for Service-Oriented
Business Processes: Challenges and Issues
Youcef Baghdadi
and Ricardo Pérez-Castillo
Department of Computer Science, Sultan Qaboos University,
PO Box 36 – PC 123, Al-Khod, Oman
Alarcos Research Group, University of Castilla-La Mancha,
Paseo de la Universidad, 4 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. Non-agile enterprises slowly adapts to changing business require-
ments, which could be harmful and affects their competitiveness. Their busi-
ness processes are rigid and could not respond to the changes. One of the solu-
tions is to use a service-oriented business modeling by stressing out role of
SOA and Web services. In this modeling, business processes are represented by
specialized services having separated concerns. These are (i) controller service,
(ii) state service, and (iii) worker services. This solution requires an approach
to: (1) map the existing services of the organization or its partners, or (2) re-
verse engineering techniques to provide business objects, represented in the in-
formation system, as a set of common, consistent service providers.
1 Introduction
Non-agile enterprises slowly adapts to changing business requirements, which could
be harmful and affects their competitiveness. Their Business Processes (BPs) are rigid
and could not adapt to the changes. This agility is not possible if all the instances of a
same BP run the same way because of the architecture of the existing Information
System (IS) that supports the BPs.
One of the solutions is to reengineer the BPs by using a service-oriented business
modeling stressing out the roles of SOA, and Web services in promoting agility. First,
we define a BP a service that responds to Business Events (BEs) of different natures.
It specifies a state that reflects the control flow and data flow, where changes in BEs
are solely reflected in the state. The BP adapts to the state changes, which allows a
dynamic realization. This service is itself realized by enterprise assets that play the
role of service providers[1]. Then, we model a BP by a set of specialized services,
having separated concerns. These are: (i) controller service, (ii) state service, and (iii)
worker services. The controller service uses the state service to match and invoke the
worker services that realize the required activities [2]. The worker services are them-
selves provided by shared, discoverable, reusable enterprise assets known as Business
Objects (BOs). BOs model the enterprise service units that encapsulate activities and
data; and provide them as services to all BPs.
Baghdadi Y. and Pérez-Castillo R..
Extracting Services from Legacy for Service-Oriented Business Processes: Challenges and Issues.
DOI: 10.5220/0004574100030011
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop in Software Evolution and Modernization (SEM-2013), pages 3-11
ISBN: 978-989-8565-66-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This solution requires both reverse and forward engineering. This work limits to a
reverse engineering that (i) transforms the IS into BOs, including the existing enter-
prise service portfolio into some of the specialized services, (ii) extract services from
existing BPs (if any), and (iii) reusing partner and provider services, or (iv) all of
The reverse engineering would modernize the IS so that it provides the required
worker services.
The mapping would map the existing service portfolio into specialized services,
including the controller and worker services.
The extraction would abstract the existing BPs.
This approach would have practical implications in terms of (i) compliance with
SOA, and (ii) reuse of the existing assets of an organization to rapidly modeling,
enacting, and execution of BPs.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides some re-
lated work. Section 3 details the concepts of the BP modeling. Section 4 develops the
reverse engineering approach. Finally, Section 5 discusses further development.
2 Related Work
Managing BPs as services has recently started making its way in IS by promoting BPs
as compositions of loosely coupled services having separated concerns. This work
concerns with two perspectives: (1) modeling BPs as services, (2) modernizing sup-
porting ISs with respect to SOA. From service-oriented BP modeling, the academics
have raised the importance of service-oriented as one of the top three issues to deal
within BPs [3]. In [4], the author proposed a business model for B2B integration
through Web services. The authors in [5] proposed an approach for designing BPs in
service-oriented way, where a service composition process organizes the discovery,
selection and assembly of business services to build BPs tailored to business design-
er's requirements. In [6], the author investigated how to extend Event-Process Chain
(EPC) to come up with a new modeling language for service-oriented BP manage-
From a general perspective of modernizing ISs and BPs, different approaches
have been proposed [7]. In [8], the authors developed Marble to reengineer BPs with-
in a BP archeology. This approach makes it possible to obtain BP models from source
code and other software artifacts by reverse engineering. Efforts that concern with
modernization for SOA have been reported in [9]. In [10], the author proposed to
reverse engineer relational databases into services. In [11] the authors have defined a
technique to wrap legacy applications for reuse in a SOA.
From the perspective of mapping enterprise services into a given service-oriented
business modeling, there is a lack of approaches, though many authors such [12],
[13], [14], [15],[16],[17],[18], [19] and [20] have attempted to classify services into
The drawback of these approaches is that they do not explicitly consider the reuse
existing service portfolio of services in their service-oriented BP modeling neither
have they reverse engineered the IS into BOs that provide reusable services.
3 Service-Oriented Business Process Modeling
Modeling is a representation technique that relies on first, a set of limited notations
and concepts to represent relevant elements such as enterprise BPs and second, a set
of rules that guarantee the proper use of these concepts.
A BP has a value expressed in terms of quality of services to customers. That is, a
BP is a description of a service provided to customers upon their demands (of differ-
ent natures). A set of coordinated activities realize the service. The IS supports these
activities by providing them with data they consume.
A BP modeling captures the relevant properties with respect to the above-
mentioned definition of BP. In our service-oriented modeling approach, specialized
services are used as constructs to represent the different relevant elements of BPs.
A BP has a set of state values (including initial and final state values) that the BP
modeler sets and changes over time when business requirements change. A state
value reflects the execution BP.
The following are the related concepts used to model a BP with services and the
relationships between them. These are ‘use’, ‘has’, or ‘is’ relationships.
3.1 Modeling Concepts
A service [14] may be defined from business and technology perspectives. In our
modeling, we use web services and data services.
Our service-oriented approach for BP modeling emphasizes the separation of con-
cerns that differentiate the activities of control and execution. Similarly, the data
packaged into BOs are separated from the state of the BP. Therefore, we specialize a
service into controller service, state service, and worker service.
The Controller Service (CS) is the central element of our modeling. It oversees a
BP execution through its state. The CS deals only with the control and coordination
of the BP. It invokes a State Service (SS) to retrieve the state of the BP; and accord-
ingly invokes the respective Worker Service (WW) and updates the BP state when
any of the WS terminates its job. The CS is invoked by an Initiator Web Service
The Initiator Web Service (IWS) deals only with the initialization and starting of
an instance of the BP.
The State Service (SS) is a data service that represents the structure of the state of
a BP. It is used by the CS to retrieve the state of the BP.
The Worker Services (WWs) add value to a BP towards the achievement of its
goal. WWs are provided by BOs. The CS according to the BP state invokes them.
Inversely, WWs report the outcome of their execution to the CS.
WWs may use Data Services (DS) if necessary to retrieve simple or integrate data
from BOs. DSs retrieve or integrate the requested data from the BOs.
Business Object is “a representation of a thing active in the business domain, in-
cluding its business name and definition, attributes, behavior, relationships, and con
straints” (OMG). To represent BOs in a consistent way regardless of the needs of BP
modeling, we insist on the monolithic representation of the activities and data of these
BOs. Unfortunately, this representation is not happening nowadays as different repre-
sentations (or images) of the same BO are developed depending on the needs of each
organizational body, which leads to a limited view and inconsistency of BO across
the whole organization.
3.2 Relationships between the Specialized Services
There are four types of relationships: association, specialization, realization, and use.
Association Relationships indicate how the elements of a BP environment are
associated with each other. For instance, a BP is associated with an event, a set of
BOs, a set of states, including an initial state, and a final state.
Specialization Relationships indicate the specific roles of some elements of the
model. For instance, a service may be a CS, a SS, or a WW.
Use Relationships show that some services use the capabilities of others. For
instance, the CS uses both WWs and SS. The latter provides it with the state of the
BP, whereas the former perform the required activity. The IWS uses the CS.
Realization Relationships show that WWs are realized in the IS by the BOs,
whereas the SS is realized by a specific data structure representing the state val-
4 Mining Services for Service-Oriented Business Processes
The common problem of service-oriented BP modeling is that most techniques dis-
card existing services of organizations. Our approach proposes to transform an as-is
BPs into to-be BPs by using different techniques as shown in Figure 1, namely (i): a
mapping existing Enterprise Portfolio Services (ESP), (ii) reverse engineering IS, (iii)
extract services from exiting BPs, or (iv) reuse Partner and Provider Services (P&P).
In this approach, everything transforms to reusable services.
4.1 Service Taxonomy
The objective of service mapping is to identify services that are valuable, from busi-
ness and IT perspectives. However, what constitutes a service has different meanings
due to the lack of a standard classification. Several researchers attempted to provide
taxonomy [15],[16],[17],[18], [19] and [20]. Taxonomy supports service-mapping
process by clarifying the roles of the different types of services, which helps in under-
standing the role of each service. It also assists with the discoverability of services,
which can further promote reuse. In addition, taxonomy helps to make organizational
decisions like how to obtain a capability (build vs. buy vs. lease). To summarize the
classification efforts of these researchers, services can be divided into three broad
1. Conceptual Services (also called business services) service represents the core of
software product requirements. They express organizational ideas, thoughts, opin-
ions, views, or themes that propose software solutions to organization.
2. Capability Services provide an explicit business value, ranging from generic ser-
vices, reused in multiple service-oriented applications to specialized services, part
of a single service-oriented application. Capability services include: (i) Process
services are services whose operations are directed by the BP definition. BPEL are
example of such kinds of services. (ii) Task services (aka applica-
tion/activity/capability) encapsulate business logic specific to activities or BP. A
task service represents an atomic unit of process logic. (iii) Entity services (also
called data service) represent one or more related business entities such as invoice.
Entity service is considered a highly reusable service because it is agnostic to
most BPs. (iv) Utility services contain logic derived from a solution or technology
platform. Utility services expose capabilities of multiple applications within the
organization, including migrated, reengineered legacy systems, and some Com-
mercial Of-The-Shelf software (COTS). (v) Hybrid services contain logic derived
from both BPs and applications. Hybrid services expose capabilities wrapped leg-
acy systems and some COTS that may exists within the organization. (vi) Partner
services are offered to/by external partners based on agreed terms, this type of
services is known as Application as a Service (AaaS) or Software as a Service
3. Infrastructure Services are part of the organization supporting distributed compu-
ting infrastructure. These are: (i) Communication services transport messages into,
out of, and within the system. Examples include publish-subscribe services,
queues, and ESB; and (ii) Auxiliary services provide facilities for monitoring, di-
agnostics, and management activities of other services. These may include statisti-
cal information.
Fig. 1. Techniques to transform as-is BP into service-oriented BP.
4.2 Service to Business Process Mapping
Table 1 shows that any kind of existing services within the organization portfolio
(first column) could be mapped into one of the services we use in our modeling: a CS,
a WW, or a DS. It is worth noting that none of the ESP is mapped into a SS since SS
is specific to our modeling. Infrastructure services map to SOA auxiliary services.
Table 1. Services-to-service-oriented BP Mapping.
Existing (ESPs) Refined Services Service-Oriented BP
Conceptual services
Capability services
Process service
Task service
Entity service
WW or DS
Utility service
Hybrid service
Partner services
Infrastructure services
Communication services (e.g.,
SOA auxiliary services
Auxiliary services (e.g., Registry)
This mapping might be automated if the organization could have a portfolio or
services that have common meaning, which is the role of the BOs in our modeling.
4.3 Reverse Engineering LIS to Extract Services
When organizations do not have a portfolio of services, the reverse engineering of
legacy IS (LIS) is required to first mine BPs, then extract services from these BPs to
further reuse them in service-oriented BP modeling.
Most BPs in organizations are supported by their IS. The optimal BPM is there-
fore achieved when organizations additionally combine the management of their LIS
[21]. The configuration management of LIS is particularly important since these sys-
tems undergo a considerable amount of changes during their lifecycles. Because of
the evolutionary maintenance over time, new business knowledge and rules are em-
bedded in LIS. This embedded business knowledge may not exist anywhere else [22].
The evolution of IS in isolation consequently affects the evolution of BPs (see scenar-
io 1 in Fig. 2). In this case, it is necessary to discover and reconstitute the underlying
BPs that are currently supported by LIS [23].
However, there are many organizations that currently carry out a vast amount of
daily transactions through their IS without having ever done their own BP modeling.
When these organizations deal with BP modeling for the first time, a recurrent meth-
od by which to attempt this modeling is the extraction of BP from LIS [24] (see sce-
nario 2 in Fig. 2). This is owing to the fact that LIS is one of the few knowledge as-
sets in organizations that can be used to attain an accurate understanding of the actual
In both scenarios (Fig. 2), retrieving an up-to-date version of BPs from LIS allows
organizations to take advantage of at least two main benefits:
Benefits for BP modeling: BPs can always be up-to-date. Organizations may
therefore conduct BPM by following the continuous improvement process [25].
This kind of BPM facilitates an agile adaptation of BP to meet the changes that
occur in the uncertain environment. The rapid evolution of BPs allows organiza-
tions to maintain, or even improve, their degree of competitiveness [26].
Benefits for LIS: LIS continue to be modernized on more occasions. A recent
study by the SEI (Software Engineering Institute) states that it is first necessary to
retrieve embedded business knowledge in order to modernize systems in line with
the organization BPs [27]. Organizations can thus modernize their LIS whilst they
align the new systems with their actual BPs. LIS is therefore evolved rather than
being immediately retired and the ROI (return of investment) on such systems is
Fig. 2. Scenarios to discover and reconstitute BP embedded in systems.
Once we extract a BP from LIS, it is then possible to present it as a set of coordi-
nated activities and data. The BP, its activities and data could easily be mapped into
services. Indeed:
A BP is mapped into CS
Each activity output of an activity is mapped into state value
Each activity is mapped into WW
Each piece of data is mapped into data service
5 Conclusions
We have defined a service-oriented business process modeling, where the elements of
business process environment are modeled as services, including controller service,
state service and worker services. The worker services and state service are provided
by real and artifact business objects respectively.
This modeling has required different techniques to move from as-is BPs to to-be
BPs. We have categorized these techniques into: (i) reverse engineering the legacy
information system and mapping the enterprise service portfolio, (ii) extracting ser-
vices from traces of running business processes, and (iii) reusing partner and provider
services. Then, we have sketched out the process of each technique.
This is a step towards moving SOA maturity towards the next levels, where ser-
vices are part of the requirements and the solutions as business-related services and
IT-related services respectively. This would promote integration, composition, flexi-
bility, and agility in response to changing business events.
Although, we have presented approaches and processes for transformation tech-
niques having a real impact on the way BPs should responsive to the changes in the
business requirements by using web service-based SOA, this work has limitation.
Therefore, we would consider that this work has presented the service-oriented busi-
ness process as rather a roadmap towards research issues and questions related to
transformation techniques than a definitive solution.
We need to develop tools and dig deeper in the different transformation tech-
Further work would complete the close the cycle with the forward engineering
phase by using MDD, as services define both the requirements and the solutions.
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