a common MFS setup. No information should be
lost in the communication and no package routing
problems should occur.
Figure 5: CogniLog demonstrator setup.
This should demonstrate that small embedded
controllers with a proper multi-agent system
framework can be a flexible way to bring the ideas
of “Internet of Things” to material flow systems.
This paper describes the ideas of a modularized
intralogistical control system. After a summary about
suitable technologies a new approach is proposed.
Capsuled modules, which consist of their own sensor
barriers, actuators, intelligence and communication
abilities, form a new MFS. The intelligence is
distributed through a MAS platform for small
embedded controllers. This platform will be
constructed for this purpose. This paper also describes
the implementation environment inside the CogniLog
project. This will be an authentic test environment of
the usefulness of this approach of a CPS.
After the implementation phase the Agent RTE
has to be compared with other MAS frameworks to
evaluate the different features and cuts. When this is
done, the possible features can forecast a profit in
other domains. If a mechatronic task can be split in
many parts which do not need many processing
power, the new MAS platform could bring an
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