Use of a Duplex Construction of SHA-3 for Certificate
Revocation in VANETs
F. Mart
andez, P. Caballero-Gil, and C. Caballero-Gil
Department of Statistics, Operations Research and Computing,
University of La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain
Abstract. This work describes the application of a version of the new standard
SHA-3 to improve the performance of certificate revocation in Vehicular Ad-hoc
NETworks (VANETs). In particular, it proposes the use of a duplex construction
instead of the sponge one present in the SHA-3 version of the Keccak hash func-
tion, combined with a dynamic authenticated data structure based on k-ary trees
that allows taking advantage of such a construction. Besides, a new scheme for
authenticated encryption is also introduced to ensure integrity, authenticity and
privacy of an auxiliary structure used to link the ordered identifier in the k-ary
tree with the corresponding certificate serial number. This is an ongoing work,
and the implementation of a prototype based on smartphones is being developed.
1 Introduction
Vehicular ad-hoc networks are self-organizing networks built up from moving vehicles
that communicate with each other mainly to prevent adverse circumstances on the roads,
but also to achieve a more efficient traffic management. Particularly, these networks are
considered an emerging research area of mobile communications because they offer a
wide variety of possible applications, ranging from road safety and transport efficiency,
to commercial services, passenger comfort, and infotainment delivery. Furthermore,
VANETs can be seen as an extension of mobile ad-hoc networks where there are not
only mobile nodes, called On-Board Units (OBUs), but also static nodes, called Road-
Side Units (RSUs).
Without security, all network nodes are potentially vulnerable to misbehavior of any
dishonest user, what would make all services provided by the VANET untrustworthy.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to have a secure procedure not only to identify
misbehaving nodes, but also to exclude them from the network. One of the basic solu-
tions to accomplish this task in networks where communications are based on a Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) is the use of certificate revocation. Thus, a critical part in such
networks is the management of revoked certificates. Related to this issue, in the bibli-
ography we can find two different types of solutions. On the one hand, a decentralized
proposal enables revocation without the participation of any centralized infrastructure,
based on trusting the criteria of honest network nodes. On the other hand, a central-
ized approach relies on the existence of a central trustful Certificate Authority (CA),
which is the only entity responsible for deciding on the validity of each node certificate.
Martín-Fernández F., Caballero-Gil P. and Caballero-Gil C..
Use of a Duplex Construction of SHA-3 for Certificate Revocation in VANETs.
DOI: 10.5220/0004587300030011
In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2013), pages 3-11
ISBN: 978-989-8565-64-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This second approach is usually based on the distribution of the so-called Certificate
Revocation Lists (CRLs), which can be seen as blacklists of revoked certificates.
IEEE 1609 is a family of standards based on the IEEE 802.11p, which is an ap-
proved amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard for vehicular communications [8].
Within such a family, 1609.2 deals with the issues related to security services for appli-
cations and management messages. In particular, the IEEE 1609.2 standard defines the
use of PKIs, CAs and CRLs in VANETs, and implies that in order to revoke a vehicle,
a CRL has to be issued by the CA to the RSUs, who are in charge of sending the infor-
mation to the OBUs. Thus, an efficient management of certificate revocation is crucial
for the robust and reliable operation of VANETs.
Once VANETs are implemented in practice on a large scale, their size will grow
and the use of multiple temporary certificates or pseudonyms will become necessary
to protect the privacy of the users. Thus, it is foreseeable that CRLs will grow up to
become very large. Moreover, in this context it is also expected a phenomena known
as implosion request, consisting of several nodes who synchronously want to download
the CRL at the time of its updating, producing serious congestion and overload of the
network, what could ultimately lead to a longer latency in the process of validating a
certificate. Consequently, since known naive approaches for the management of revoked
certificates do not scale to large networks, the main motivation of this paper is to reduce
the size of the part of the CRL that must be sent to the OBUs.
This proposal uses a k-ary tree as an Authenticated Data Structure (ADS), for the
management of certificate revocation in VANETs. By using this ADS, the process of
query on the validity of certificates will be more efficient because OBUs will send
queries to RSUs, who will answer them on behalf of the CA. In this way, at the same
time the CA will no longer be a bottleneck, and OBUs will not have to download the
entire CRL. In particular, the used perfect k-ary trees are based on a version of the
Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-3 that was recently chosen as standard [5].
Whereas the original SHA-3 uses the sponge construction [3], the proposal pre-
sented in this work applies a duplex construction of SHA-3 [4] because the combination
of both structures allows improving the efficiency of updating and querying of revoked
certificates. Besides, the proposal uses Authentication Encryption (AE) for providing
confidentiality, integrity and authenticity during the transmission of information from
the CA to the RSUs.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 addresses the general problem of the
use of certificate revocation lists in VANETs, and provides a succinct revision of related
works. Then, Section 3 focuses on the necessary preliminaries and a brief explanation
of the tree-based module of the proposal. Afterwards, Section 4 introduces a novel
authenticated encryption scheme proposed for transferring the CRL tree from the CA
to the RSU. Finally, Section 5 discusses conclusions and possible future research lines.
2 Related Work
The general procedure when CRLs are used and a CA has to revoke a public-key cer-
tificate consists in including the corresponding certificate serial number in the CRL and
distribute this CRL within the network in order to let users know which nodes are no
longer trustworthy [15]. It is important that the distribution of the CRL is done effi-
ciently in order to allow that the knowledge about untrustworthy nodes can be spread
quickly to the entire network.
In the particular case of VANETs, previous works assume that the entire CRL
may be delivered by broadcasting it directly from RSUs to OBUs [10], and then dis-
tributed among OBUs cooperatively [14]. However, the large size of VANETs, and
consequent large size of the CRLs, makes this approach infeasible due to the overhead
it would cause to network communications. This issue is further increased with the use
of multiple pseudonyms for the nodes, what has been suggested to protect privacy and
anonymity of OBUs [16].
Since there are almost one thousand million cars in the world [11], considering
the use of pseudonyms, a direct conclusion is that the number of revoked certificates
might reach soon the same amount, one thousand million. On the other hand, assuming
that each certificate takes at least 224 bits, in such a case the CRL size would be 224
Gbits, what means that its management following the traditional approach would not
be efficient. Even though regional CAs were used and the CRLs could be reduced to 1
Gbit, by using the 802.11a protocol to communicate with RSUs in range, the maximum
download speed of OBUs would be between 6 and 54 Mbit/s depending on vehicle
speed and road congestion, so on average an OBU would need more than 30 seconds to
download a regional CRL from an RSU.
A straight consequence of this size problem is that a new CRL cannot be issued very
often, what would affect the freshness of revocation data. On the other hand, if a known
technique for large data transfers were used for CRL distribution as solution for the size
problem, it would result in higher latencies, what would also impact in the revocation
data validity. Consequently, a solution not requiring the distribution of the full CRL
from RSUs to OBUs, like the one proposed in this work, would be very helpful for the
secure and efficient operation of VANETs.
In particular, to improve efficiency of communication and computation in the man-
agement of revoked public-key certificates in VANETs, some authors have proposed
the use of particular ADSs such as Merkle trees [12] and skip lists [6] [9]. However,
to the best of our knowledge no previous work has described in detail the use of k-ary
trees in general as ADSs for the management of certificate revocation.
In general, a hash tree is a tree structure whose nodes contain digests that can be
used to verify larger pieces of data [13]. The leaves in a hash tree are hashes of data
blocks while nodes further up in the tree are the hashes of their respective children so
that the root of the tree is the digest representing the whole structure. Hash trees usually
require the use of a cryptographic hash function in order to prevent collisions. Most
implementations of hash trees are binary, but this work proposes the use of the more
general structure of k-ary trees because when combining it with a particular choice of
cryptographic hash function, it is possible to optimize the update of the hash tree.
This paper proposes the use of a new version of Keccak as cryptographic hash func-
tion in the hash tree. Keccak is the cryptographic hash function used in the new SHA-3
standard [17]. The requirements set by NIST for SHA-3 candidates included classical
security properties of hash functions, such as collision resistance, preimage resistance
and second preimage resistance [1]. Different types of implementations of SHA-3 fi-
nalists have been evaluated in several works [7] [2], obtaining in most cases positive
conclusions. The original SHA-3 uses a sponge construction [3], which in a crypto-
graphic context is an operating mode on the base of a fixed length transformation and
a padding rule. Instead of it, this paper proposes a duplex construction [4]. The main
advantage of the duplex construction is that it provides digests on the input blocks re-
ceived so far. This benefit is applied in the proposal here described so that the hash tree
is constructed efficiently.
3 Tree-based Module of the Proposal
The scheme described in this paper is based on using as ADS a k-ary tree, which is a
rooted tree where each node has no more than k children. The use of k-ary hash trees
instead of binary trees allows increasing efficiency of the construction and update of
hash trees, as we will see later. Specifically we propose the use of a perfect k-ary tree in
which all leaf nodes are at the same depth. Thus, one of the major drawbacks of ordered
tree structures, which is the necessary restructuring when there are changes in the tree,
only occurs when the perfect k-ary tree requires a new level of depth, because otherwise
the nodes simply are inserted from left to right to complete each level of depth. In this
way, our proposal is based on a dynamic tree-based data structure that varies depending
on the number of revoked certificates.
In the proposed scheme, the bandwidth cost of sending the new versions of the
CRL tree from the CA to the OBUs is significantly reduced because only nodes in the
tree that have changed need to be updated. This implies a significant improvement with
respect to previous tree-based schemes for revoked certificate management because one
of their main problems is the necessary update of the entire hash tree every time a new
leaf node is added or an existing leaf node is deleted.
The authenticity of the used hash tree structure is guaranteed thanks to the CA
signature of the root. The procedure to follow when the part of the CRL tree that is
necessary for authenticity verification is pushed from an RSU to an OBU after this
latter queries the first one about a certificate, is as follows. If the RSU finds the digest
of the certificate among the leaves of the tree because it is a revoked certificate, then
the RSU sends to the OBU the route from the root to the corresponding leaf, along with
all the siblings of the nodes on this path. After checking all the digests corresponding
to the received path and the CA signature of the root, the OBU gets convinced of the
validity of the evidence on the revoked certificate received from the RSU.
The proposed model is based on the following notation:
h: Cryptographic hash function used in the hash tree.
D ( 1): Depth of the hash tree.
d (< D): Depth of an internal node in the hash tree.
s: Number of revoked certificates.
(j = 1, 2, ..., s): Serial number of the j th Revoked Certificate.
(i = D d and j = 0, 1...): Internal Node of the hash tree obtained by hashing
the concatenation of all the digests contained in its children.
(j = 0, 1...): Leaf node of the hash tree containing h(RC
), ordered according
to revocation.
Fig. 1. Hash tree based on a perfect 5-ary tree.
k: Maximum number of children for each internal node in the hash tree.
f: Keccak function used in SHA-3.
n: Bit size of the digest of h, which is here assumed to be the lowest possible size
of SHA-3 digest, 224.
b: Bit size of the input to f, which is here assumed to be one of the possible values
of Keccak, 800.
r: Bit size of input blocks after padding for h, which is here assumed to be 352.
c: Difference between b and r, which is here assumed to be as in SHA-3, 2n, that
is 448.
l: Bit size of output blocks for building the digest of h, which is here assumed to be
lower than r.
m: Bit size of input message blocks for the AE scheme.
Regarding the cryptographic hash function h used in the hash tree (see Figure 1),
our proposal is based on the use of a new version of the Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-3.
In SHA-3, the basic cryptographic hash function f called Keccak contains 24 rounds of
a basic transformation and its input is represented by a 5 × 5 matrix of 64-bit lanes. In
contrast, our proposal is based on 32-bit lanes. Another proposed variation of SHA-3 is
the use of a duplex version of the sponge structure of SHA-3. On the one hand, like the
sponge construction of SHA-3, our proposal based on a duplex construction also uses
Keccak as fixed-length transformation f , the same padding rule and data bit rate r. On
the other hand, unlike a sponge function, the duplex construction output corresponding
to an input string might be obtained through the concatenation of the outputs resulting
from successive input blocks (see Figure 2). Thus, the use of the duplex construction in
the proposed hash tree allows the insertion of a new revoked certificate as new leaf of
the tree by running a new iteration of the duplex construction only on the new revoked
certificate. In particular, the RSU can take advantage of all the digests corresponding
to the sibling nodes of the new node, which were computed in previous iterations, by
simply discarding the same minimum number of the last bits of each one of those digests
so that the total size of the resulting digest of all the children remains the same, n. This
Fig. 2. Proposed duplex construction.
proposed procedure makes the hash tree construction more efficient than previous tree-
based schemes when a new leaf corresponding to a new revoked certificate has to be
added to the tree.
Note that, while the maximum number of children of an internal node has not been
reached, the RSU has to store not only all the digests of the tree structure but also
the state resulting from the application of Keccak hash function f in the last iteration
corresponding to such internal node, in order to use it as input in a next iteration.
On the other hand, periodic delete operations of certificates that are in the tree and
reach their expiration date, require rebuilding the part of the tree involving the path from
those nodes to the root. Thus, in order to maximize our proposal, such tree rebuilding is
proposed to be linked to the moment when all the sibling nodes of some internal node
expire because this avoids unnecessary reductions of the system efficiency by having to
rebuild the tree very often.
The choice of adequate values for the different parameters in our proposal must be
done carefully, taking into account the relationships among them. In particular, since
the maximum tree size:
n(1 + k + k
+ k
+ · · · + k
) =
is upperbounded by the size of available memory in the RSU, and the maximum number
of leaves of the k-ary tree k
is lowerbounded by the number of revoked certificates s,
both conditions can be used to deduce the optimal value for k.
4 Authenticated Encryption Module of the Proposal
In our proposal, the used k-ary tree structure assigns a unique identifier to each revoked
certificate to represent it in in order in each one of its leafs. Consequently, an auxiliary
Fig. 3. Proposed authentication encryption.
structure linking such identifiers with the corresponding certificate serial number must
be also stored in the RSU. Thus, when an OBU sends a request about a certificate, the
RSU first gets from such structure the identifier generated by the k-ary tree structure by
using the certificate serial number. Then it can proceed with the tree search.
In order to allow the ordered insertion of revoked certificates in the tree, the afore-
mentioned auxiliary structure may be defined as a hash table (data structure used to
implement an associative array mapping keys to values), or any other structure having
a quick and efficient way to return the order value required for the search in the tree.
This structure is first generated by the CA and then sent to all RSUs so that they can
properly perform searches. Since the information contained in this structure is sensitive,
it is necessary to ensure its authenticity, integrity and privacy along the communication
between CA and RSUs. To achieve this, the use the authenticated encryption is here pro-
posed. AE can be defined as an operation that simultaneously provides confidentiality,
integrity and authenticity on the input data.
Many specialized authenticated encryptions have been proposed based on block ci-
phers. However, authenticated encryption can be generically constructed by combining
an encryption scheme with a Message Authentication Code (MAC), provided that the
encryption scheme is semantically secure under chosen plaintext attack and the MAC
function is unforgeable under chosen message attack.
Here we propose the use of AE under the Output FeedBack (OFB) mode that applies
a block cipher as a synchronous stream cipher. Specifically, we suggest an adaptation
of the scheme proposed in [4], which combines a cipher-block chaining mode encryp-
tion with a duplex construction in a new mode of authenticated encryption (see Figure
3). The CA applies the proposed AE to encrypt and authenticate the auxiliary structure
containing the unique identifiers of the revoked certificate and the corresponding tree
identifiers, when sending it to the RSUs in order to protect its integrity, authenticity and
5 Conclusions and Future Works
One of the most important security issues in VANETs is the problem of management
of revoked certificates, because efficient verification of public-key certificates by OBUs
is crucial in order to ensure the safe operation of the network. This paper proposes an
alternative solution to CRL distribution, which uses authenticated data structures based
on dynamic k-ary trees. In particular, the proposed mechanism applies the basic hash
function of the new SHA-3 standard called Keccak combined with a duplex construc-
tion. Thanks to the structure of the used k-ary tree, the duplex construction allows taking
advantage of the digests of previous revoked certificates for calculating the hash of ev-
ery new revoked certificate, so that its inclusion in the tree can be performed by a single
iteration of the hash function. Consequently, the whole process is more efficient. This
work also includes the description of a new authenticated encryption scheme to ensure
integrity, authenticity and privacy of the auxiliary structure linking the tree identifier
with the corresponding certificate serial number, when such a structure is sent from the
CA to the RSU. A complete analysis of optimal values for the parameters, a perfor-
mance comparison with previous proposals, and the evaluation of practical and mea-
surable outcomes obtained from the implementation of the proposal both on VANET
devices and on Android and iOS smartphones are part of work in progress.
Research supported by the Spanish MINECO and the European FEDER Funds under
projects TIN2011-25452 and IPT-2012-0585-370000, and the FPI scholarships BES-
2009-016774 and BES-2012-051817.
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