6 Conclusions
This paper presents a novel mutation type, mutants-integration mutation that increases
the effectiveness of high order mutation and keeps its advantages. This mutation tech-
nique introduces a new restriction to consider that a mutant is killed, which produces
that the designed tests have better quality than tests designed with traditional muta-
The experimentation section of this paper shows some promising early results that
leads to think that the theoretical advantages of mutants-integration mutation are ful-
filled in practice. Moreover, these preliminary results show that with mutants-
integration mutation and 2
-order mutation it is possible to design test cases that
achieve a mutation score similar against 2
-order mutants and 1
-order mutants.
As future work, we plan to extend the empirical analysis of mutants-integration
mutation in order to provide enough empirical data to validate the benefits of it. Also,
we are defining a new algorithm to create second order mutants that complements
mutants-integration mutation in order to obtain better results. Finally, we plan to de-
velop a test generation algorithm specially designed for mutants-integration mutation,
since, as section 5 shows, the current approach used in this paper cannot produce tests
that reach very high mutation scores.
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