Citable by Design
A Model for Making Data in Dynamic Environments Citable
Stefan Pr
and Andreas Rauber
SBA Research, Vienna, Austria
Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Dynamic Data Citation, Relational Databases, SQL, Persistent Identifiers.
Data forms the basis for research publications. But still the focus of researchers is a paper based publication,
data is rather seen as a supplement that could be offered as a download, often without further comments.
Yet validation, verification, reproduction and re-usage of existing knowledge can only be applied when the
research data is accessible and identifiable. For this reason, precise data citation mechanisms are required,
that allow reproducing experiments with exactly the same data basis. In this paper, we propose a model that
enables to cite, identify and reference specific data sets within their dynamic environments. Our model allows
the selection of subsets that support experiment verification and result re-utilisation in different contexts. The
approach is based on assigning persistent identifiers to timestamped queries which are executed against times-
tamped and versioned databases. This facilitates transparent implementation and scalable means to ensure
identical result sets being delivered upon re-invocation of the query.
Scientific research has fully arrived in the digital age,
where researchers have powerful infrastructures at
their fingertips (Hey et al., 2009). Within the area
of eScience, increasingly complex experiments are
based on large data sets. Many scientists still have
their primary focus on the paper based publication. In
principle, these publications remained conceptually
the same as they have been since decades. Despite
the fact that it has never been so easy to publish not
only the results in a written format, but also the under-
lying data that were the foundation of these results,
little attention is attributed towards the research data.
Many funding bodies, such as the FWF
in Austria or
the European Union
, but also governments and Jour-
nals e.g. Nature
demand or at least recommend the
availability of data and other material, that is required
for the re-execution of an experiment. So far data is
often considered as a supplement or metadata to the
publication, that has to be cited in its entirety. Thus
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although several approaches address the data citation
problem, there are open issues specifically concern-
ing the scalable and machine-readable citation of sub-
sets of potentially dynamically changing and evolving
and growing data sets. If data is deposited, it often is
submitted in large, indivisible units and often offered
as a download. Data only will be reused if it can be
utilised within different scientific contexts. Hence a
more flexible way of citing also specific subsets is re-
Data sets need to be identifiable in order to fos-
ter reuse, enable validation, re-production and re-
execution of scientific experiments. We propose a
model for citing subsets of large scale research data.
In this paper our focus is specifically on relational
database management systems (RDBMS), which al-
low to define precise subsets with the SQL language.
We concentrate on the queries and their results, not on
the large, indivisible data dumps as a basis for refer-
ence. Our model increases the scalability of data ci-
tation by assigning unique identifiers only to queries
used for selecting the data used in subsequent exper-
iments. Being based upon temporal database aspects
and unambiguous result presentation, citing only the
query persistently is sufficient for our model. It guar-
antees not only consistent result sets across time, but
also consistent result lists.
Pröll S. and Rauber A..
Citable by Design - A Model for Making Data in Dynamic Environments Citable.
DOI: 10.5220/0004589102060210
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA-2013), pages 206-210
ISBN: 978-989-8565-67-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides an overview of current data
citation practises and motivates the need for a new
model for data citation. Section 3 introduces a model
for citing data in dynamic environments. The model
is described for relational databases and generalised
for generic data sources. Section 4 concludes the pa-
per and provides an outlook of our future work.
Publications increasingly contain references to data
that was used or generated during the research that
substantiates the work. However, research data sets
are often treated as one entity, i.e. indivisible, static
and referencable as one unit. In many cases, data is
referenced bibliographically. As a minimum (Brase,
2009), the following metadata about a data set are re-
quired (Australian National Data Service, 2011): au-
thor, title, date, publisher, identifier and access infor-
mation. The data itself is then often deposited at an
institutional site and referenced by providing an URL.
Obviously this mechanism is not suitable for sustain-
able data citation for several reasons. Uniform Re-
source Locators (URL)
have not been designed to be
stable for the long term. As their name implies, URLs
refer to a location, not the object itself. As a result,
many URLs that served as data citation reference are
not accessible any more. Either because the author
of the data set left the institution and the Web page
was taken down, or because the server moved and the
location changed.
To overcome the problem of changing locations,
the concept of persistent identifiers was introduced.
Persistent identifiers (PIDs) provide unique identifica-
tion of digital objects and reliable locations of Inter-
net resources. PIDs require organisational effort for
the management for the linking between the data and
the identifier. Also, services for locating and access-
ing objects are necessary. The organisations provid-
ing these services are denoted Registration Author-
ities (RA). These RAs are responsible for the long
term access, resolution and maintenance of the iden-
tifiers they issued for digital objects. There exist dif-
ferent solutions for the implementation of persistent
identifiers. The authors of (Hans-Werner Hilse, 2006)
provide an overview of the most common approaches.
In (Bellini et al., 2008), six steps are identified for im-
plementing a persistent identifier system:
1. Select the resource that needs persistent identifi-
cation and define the granularity.
2. Decide which RA is trustworthy and suitable
3. Define resolution granularity and access rights
4. Assign a resource name register the object
5. Execute resolution service
6. Maintain the link between PID and the resource
Although persistent identifiers solve the problem
with locations of digital objects, there are drawbacks
for dynamic data. As stated in the enumeration above,
the granularity of the identifiers can be adjusted to
the requirements of the data set. Subsets require their
own identification and metadata. Assigning persistent
identifiers (PIDs) to data portions of finer granularity,
i.e. database rows or even cells would require enor-
mous numbers of unique identifiers and yield infeasi-
ble citations. PID approaches are suited very well for
static data, which should only serve as reference point
once it has been created. Using the identification and
additional metadata is sufficient to search, identify,
and retrieve data again. However, many settings re-
quire us to go beyond these limitations and introduce
scalable and machine-actionable methods that can be
used in dynamically changing, very large databases.
Also, many data sets continue to grow and are up-
dated as the data sets are used in experiments. In or-
der to enable data citation in dynamic environments
versioning support is required. Furthermore, different
stakeholders may be interested in diverse portions of
the data. Hence, clearly defined subsets of the data
need to be identifiable and citable as well. These are
some reasons why PIDs assigned to entire data sets or
databases are not sufficient for several applications.
In many cases research data is not just static. It can
change and evolve during the time, records can be
updated or deleted. To understand which data actu-
ally was involved in an experiment and to reference
that data, a new model is required. In order to be
able to unambiguously and transparently cite subsets
of data under such conditions, the following require-
ments need to be met:
1. Subsets of large data collections can be referenced
2. Dynamic data can be handled
3. Scalability is enabled
4. Implementation is transparent
The first requirement covers the reuse of data,
which enables to perform new analysis on old data
and therefore generate new knowledge. The second
requirement covers the capability of citing dynami-
cally changing data. Data sources can potentially be
huge in size. Citing individual attributes and cells
would require enormous numbers of unique identi-
fiers and yield infeasible citations. Hence the third re-
quirement covers scalable solutions, feasible to deal
with large data sources. The fourth requirement re-
gards usability. Only if a solution is pragmatic and
transparent, it will be accepted. The proposed re-
quirements are valid for all kinds of research data for-
mats. We demonstrate and motivate the model that
we propose by uses relational databases for tackling
these four requirements. Section 3.3 then introduces
a generic model that can be used for other data such as
flat files, streaming data or various other data formats.
3.1 Dynamic Data Citation using
Relational Databases
Research data is often stored in relational database
management systems (RDBMS). The results that they
deliver are the basis for further processing. We con-
centrate on the queries and their results, not on the
large, indivisible data portions as a basis for refer-
ence. Our model increases the scalability of data cita-
tion by assigning unique identifiers only to the query
itself. Furthermore our model increases the preserva-
tion awareness or readiness of research projects. Our
model provides guidance on how to enhance the data
model used for processing research data, in order to
ensure it can be reliably cited and re-used in the fu-
Relational database management systems
(RDBMS) support many of our requirements off
the shelf. These databases can be used to retrieve
arbitrary subsets of data. Hence we concentrated on
this database model for a first pilot study before dis-
cussing the general applicability. Our model is based
on timestamped SELECT-Statements and versioned
data. Queries can be used in order to persistently
identify subsets of arbitrary complexity and size.
The dynamic nature of research databases requires
mechanisms that allow to trace and monitor all
changes that occurred during time. Hence, temporal
aspects have to be included in the model. This timing
information needs to be stored on each UPDATE,
INSERT or DELETE statement for the affected
records, enabling to trace all changes that occurred.
As relational database systems are set based, sorting
is not an inherent criteria automatically. Therefore,
we need to specify stable sorting criteria that are
automatically applied to the subsets. Depending
on the size of the data set, the schema and the
complexity of the query, the retrieval of the result set
can challenging. If these properties are met, citing
only the query persistently is sufficient to meet our
requirements. It guarantees not only consistent result
sets across time, but also consistent result lists even
in case of none or ambiguous result set sorting in
the initial query, even in the case of migration to a
different DBMS.
3.2 A Basic Model for Citing Data Sets
in Relational Databases
In timestamped RDBMS, timestamps are provided for
all records. This ensures that specific versions of data
can be retrieved without having to stall the database
tables for additional data. As records can change, they
need to be versioned, i.e. all changes that affect the
data need to be traceable. This entails that statements
such as DELETE or UPDATE must not to destroy the
data, but rather set markers that indicate that a record
has been marked for deletion or that it as has been
updated by a more recent version.
The construction of subsets of complex databases
can be easily be achieved by issuing SELECT-Queries
against the RDBMS. To enable the data citation facil-
ities, the SQL-Query has also to be augmented with a
timestamp. This timestamp maps the subset to a spe-
cific state of the data. As the records in the database
can be altered individually, it needs to be ensured that
the correct version that was valid at the query’s times-
tamp is selected for inclusion in the subset. Hence the
timestamp of the query can be used to retrieve arbi-
trary subsets of a specific version of the data.
There are several possibilities how this version
information can be implemented (Snodgrass, 1999).
The temporal timestamp contains the explicit date at
which the data has been changed. Suitable times-
tamps are dates that are granular enough to capture
the point in time that enables to differentiate between
two versions of data. The actual chronon to be picked
depends on the potential frequency of changes in data,
which is not a trivial task(Jensen and Lomet, 2001).
Thus granularity can range from days to milliseconds.
Snodgrass et al. differentiate between valid time and
transaction time (Jensen et al., 1993). Valid time
refers to the period until the data was considered a
true fact in the database. Transaction time refers to
the time when the change occurred on the system,
independent of its temporal meaning for the actual
data. The valid time concept is a reference to the
real world, the transaction time only refers to the sys-
tem time, at which a change of data was manifested.
Both concepts could be used for managing versions
in our model. As we are interested in the state of the
database at a given point in time, the transaction time
concept is clearly better suited.
It is essential being able to identify all records
uniquely. This property can also be handled by any
RDBMS with the concept of primary keys. Hence
our citable database schema requires each table to be
equipped with a primary key. Primary keys are by
definition unique, hence it allows to specify a unique
sorting of the records to be included into the subset.
To achieve this stable sorting, each query needs to
specify a standard sorting order based on the primary
These queries themselves need to be stored and
augmented with a timestamp that reflects the time
when the query was issued. The query’s timestamp
defines what versions of the records are included in
the subset. A hash function over the SELECT-Query
allows to identify queries that have already been is-
sued against the system. Then a mechanism to iden-
tify the queries and the subsets they produced is re-
quired. In this case, PIDs become very useful, as a
query that identifies a precise subset is static. If no
changes of the records have occurred between two
runs of the identical query, the same PID needs to be
assigned to both runs of the query.
Figure 1 illustrates the interaction of the compo-
nents of the framework. The database contains all
records of a data set and maintains their versions.
Queries are stored with a timestamp of their issuing
in the Query Store. This ensures that a subset can be
reproduced by knowing the query and the time of its
execution. The citation is done by using PIDs. The
PID Store enables to identify queries again and reuse
the subsets created by the query.
Figure 1: Data Citation Model for Relational Databases
with PIDs and Versioned Data.
It is easily possible to automate the creation of
timestamps for data altering events as well as for
queries. This allows to implement dynamic data ci-
tation transparently, i.e. no specific action is required
on the user side: whenever a researcher selects subset
of data for an experiment, the data is returned with a
PID. This ensures that upon re-invoking the query, the
PID is identified and an identical set is returned, even
in identical order.
The model we introduced in this section describes
how arbitrary subsets of data in potentially large rela-
tional databases can be created and retrieved at a later
point of time.
3.3 Generalisation: Expanding the
Model to Data Sources
The model that enables dynamic data citation in-
troduced in Section 3.2 is not limited to relational
databases. As nicely generalised from (Pr
oll and
Rauber, 2013) in (Moore, 2013), the core concepts
themselves can be mapped to other data models as
well. The following requirements enable dynamic
data citation on a generic level:
1. Uniquely identifiable data records
2. Time stamps of data
3. Versioned data, considering markings of deleted,
altered or inserted data records
4. Query language for constructing subsets
5. Persistent query store that keeps queries and the
timestamp of their issuing
6. An identification mechanism for queries, that en-
ables access
The basic requirements are uniquely identifiable
data records, that can be included in subsets of data.
These records that form a subset need to be identifi-
able on an individual level. Furthermore, a version-
ing scheme must be available. These versions should
reflect events such as insertion, updates or deletion.
Hence no change on the data must be lost, regard-
less what data model is used. The versioning mech-
anism should include timestamps that allow to derive
the set of valid records at a given point of time. For
constructing subsets, the data source must provide a
query language, which is powerful enough to select
specified records based on precise criteria. To en-
able citation of subsets, it is sufficient to store the
queries that led to the subsets and combine them with
the timestamp. This timestamp provides the mapping
between the query and the different versions of the
records. This query is the key to the subset. Hence
the query needs to be identifiable in order to retrieve
the subset at a later point in time. With the require-
ments introduced, arbitrary data sources can be cited.
The model based on these requirements allows to cite
data that is evolving within the data source.
Digitally driven research is a rather young discipline
that evolves fast. As a result the tools and the data are
rarely developed with a focus of long term awareness.
What matters most to researchers is fast results and
prompt publications. If the data they produce today
can be understood, interpreted or even accessed in the
future is not addressed with the same attention. We
want to change this paradigm and highlight the need
for preservation aware research data.
Therefore we introduced a model for citing data in
dynamically changing environments. We described
how the model can be applied to relational database
management systems and extended the framework to
generic data sources. We identified requirements that
enable data sources to provide citable subsets of data.
Once the framework has been applied, most parts can
be automated, hence transparent data citation capa-
bilities are easy to offer. The easier and transparently
this citation process can be implemented, the higher
is the acceptance among the target audience and the
designated community.
The concepts are currently considered to be ad-
dressed as part of a larger working group within the
Research Data Alliance (RDA
). Our goal is to pro-
vide proofs of concept, mock-ups and prototype im-
plementations, that can be tested and used by the com-
munity within the near future. A first prototype will
be implemented by inserting the query re-writing and
time-stamped storage of the query in the JDBC layer
and testing it on several data sources used for scien-
tific experiments. Future work will focus on other
data formats that are widely used within research.
This includes specialized file formats from various
disciplines and areas.
Besides these criteria introduced in 3.2, there are
additional considerations that have to be made. The
requirements mentioned so far only consider internal
properties of the system the data resides in. It is clear
that external influences that can alter data, but are not
recognised by the data storage system, need to be pre-
vented. Furthermore, side effects that depend on the
query system, the query language or specific proper-
ties of the data sets need to be removed in order to
enable reproducibility. If the query language provides
functions that are based on non-deterministic calcula-
tions, they have to be treated. This includes all sorts of
randomised functions (e.g. a random number genera-
tor) or relative time specifications (e.g. CURDATE()).
Such operations hinder the re-execution of a query for
retrieving the exact same result, as they depend on ex-
ternal influences. How this issue can be mitigated will
be part of our future work. Schema or format changes
are a challenge that needs to be addressed.
Part of this work was supported by the projects
APARSEN and TIMBUS, partially funded by the EU
under the FP7 contracts 269977 and 269940.
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