Information Security in Business Intelligence based on
Cloud: A Survey of Key Issues and the Premises of a
Elena Jaramillo, Manuel Munier and Philippe Aniorté
LIUPPA, Univ Pau & Pays Adour, Pau, France
Abstract. More sophisticated inter-organizational interactions have generated
changes in the way in which organizations make business. Advanced forms of
collaborations, such as Business Process as a Service (BPaaS), allow different
partners to leverage business intelligence within organizations. However, al-
though it presents powerfull economical and technical benefits, it also arrises
some pitfalls about data security, especially when it is mediated by the cloud. In
this article
, current aspects which have been tackled in the literature related to
data risks and accountability are presented. In addition, some open issues are
also presented from the analysis of the existing methodologies and techniques
proposed in the literature. A final point is made by proposing an approach, which
aims at preventive, detective and corrective accountability and data risk manage-
ment, based on usage control policies and model driven engineering.
1 Introduction
The growing needs of communication and business collaboration, attributed among oth-
ers to internationalization and free trade agreements, have generated deep changes in
the underlying information and communication technologies, thus causing a rapid de-
velopment in infrastructure and the emergence of new and novel architectures and pro-
gramming paradigms. Currently, Cloud Computing and Service Oriented Architectures
are frenzy and promising technologies, both implemented in order to leverage organi-
zational business goals, by facing complex and rapid enterprise challenges.
The genesis of cloud computing seems to be a natural evolution of IT technologies
regarding organizational needs. Beyond an economic decision, delegating the man-
agement of the physical machines and processing of application to a cloud provider
allow organizations to concentrate on what really matters: their business goals. Thus,
cloud computing allows companies an on-demand access to pool resources through the
Internet. Moreover, regarding the cloud computing stack, the layer representing the
Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) focuses on the outsource of business process
services from the cloud, a new interaction mechanisms that entails complex challenges
This work is supported by the Conseil Général des Landes (doctoral fellowship to E.J.)
Jaramillo E., Munier M. and Aniorté P..
Information Security in Business Intelligence based on Cloud: A Survey of Key Issues and the Premises of a Proposal.
DOI: 10.5220/0004589400890099
In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2013), pages 89-99
ISBN: 978-989-8565-64-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
that compel to "rethink" the information system architecture that supports such a com-
munication form. In this context, Service Oriented Architectures show up for allowing
system integration.
Taking into account the enterprise advantages of both SOA and the cloud, particu-
larly BPaaS, in the remaining of the article, we discuss the main issues that have been
commonly associated to inter-organizational interaction by means the cloud with re-
spect to information security. We present in Section 3 an overview, in which some
works related to inter-organizational workflow, quality of service and accountability
are described. Next, in Section 4 we propose some clues to better tackle some existing
open issues. Additionally, we also present a proposal that aims trustworthiness in the
inter-organizational service interaction by means the cloud. Finally, we conclude in
Section 5.
2 Business Process as a Service and the Cloud
In order to successfully accomplish cooperation among enterprises through the cloud,
two important issues highlight: standards and interoperability. Thus, interaction, out-
sourcing, data exchange and collaboration are requirements that are becoming more fre-
quent when performing business activities and as we presented in the previous section,
BPaaS and SOA are both technical approaches proposed for getting support to those
needs. To clarify both concepts, cloud computing uses the Internet to enable interac-
tions (among others in the form of BPaaS) between the cloud service user and cloud
service provider. On the other hand, SOA focuses on enterprise integration technolo-
gies to exchange information between systems. Although SOA and cloud computing
can exist independently, they can be treated as complementary activities thus leveraging
business goals in the form of BPaaS.
Considering their main constituents and characteristics, the following are advan-
tages widely reported in the literature of implementing a service oriented architecture:
Reuse: each service should be implemented and deployed having in mind their
reutilization in order to develop business functionalities and expose it as a service
only once, to then be used several times by different clients.
Loosely-coupled: this characteristic is twofold: services should be independent
and service implementation changes should remain transparent for service users.
Integration: services should be able to cooperate (composed services) in order to
build more complex business processes.
Simplicity and Platform Independent: service oriented technologies should rely
on standards in order to guarantee interoperability.
However, despite the optimistic growth and undeniable advantages of both cloud
computing and SOA, recent studies have shown a strong fear of companies and a feeling
of insecurity when delivering their information to a third party (cloud service provider).
In this way, their attracting advantages have been compensated by several issues that
have thus restrained the widely adoption of these models, namely:
Due to the fact that business processes are orchestrated through several domains
and/or cloud providers, it is difficult to detect faults and data breaches, and, in turn,
it is difficult to establish a chain of accountability.
The cloud user has no direct control over the process and data.
Legal aspects and possible conflicts get involved in case of transborder data.
The lack of standards between service providers can hamper interoperability.
Cloud user’s fear that the data may be manipulated by another cloud user sharing
resources from the same provider.
In addition, traditional risks presented in distributed environments also appear: avail-
ability, integrity and confidentiality. In general terms, issues related to data privacy, data
security and accountability, as evident in the aforementioned pitfalls, need several in-
terrelated study areas in order to create a solid framework. For that purpose, in this
article we consider some insights that show the strong relation among information se-
curity policies, and their social impacts, the changes in the organizational culture, the
legislation and the technical aspects that reflects all those features.
Relating to the legislation, in the interaction between cloud service users and cloud
service providers, public legislation is presented as a regulatory framework dealing
with national security policies that restrict and regulate data processing. Currently,
two major aspects continue to be interesting research topic by the community. The
first one is linked to jurisdictional laws applicable in data transfers and accountability
about data protection and data lost . Recognizing the importance of protecting personal
information along the entire value chain, different countries have implemented poli-
cies to ensure and protect business operations as well as gain trust in their information
technologies. Within the European Union, Directive 95/46/EC, Directive 2010/87/EC,
Sopot Memorandum and the legislation documents issued by Article 29 of the Data
Protection Working Party [1,2,3,4,5] have been proposed in order to define the respon-
sibilities of each entity participating in the interaction process. Alternatively, in the US
legislation[6], the government plays an important role in data exchange, which grants
the right of accessing personal and commercial information. The second aspect, related
to legislation is the real implementation of the public politics inside an organization or
an information system. The cases of ChoicePoint Inc.
, Google
are some examples in which heavy fines were got by incorrect use to user’s private
information, in particular, those practices related to confidentility.
On the other hand, as stated in [7], technology built without taking into consider-
ation a human impact is bound to fail. Decisions made from the whole information
gathering from different cloud sources, affect people in a direct or indirect way. Espe-
cially, now that the increase of social networks has changed the way in which people
expose personal information. Although it is an interesting research line that covers
technological strategies as well as preventive, detective and corrective regulations asso-
ciated to data protection, especially, personal data protection, it is out of the scope of
our work because it is not directly related to the technical aspects of the BPaaS model.
However, interesting thoughts can be found in [8,9,10].
In the next section, we focus on the technological aspects such as architectures and
interaction models proposed in the literature aimed at data risks and trustworthiness.
3 Litterature Review
In this section we present different architectural models and technical solutions reported
in the literature to tackle data risks and trustworthiness. Due to the fact that those topics
are actively researched and they can be studied in several domains from different per-
spectives, we narrowed our survey to those covering aspects of BPaaS, namely: interor-
ganizational workflows through orchestration and choreographies, quality of service
and accountability.
3.1 Interorganizational Workflows
In [11] an interorganizational workflow is defined as a cooperation of several, au-
tonomous and heterogeneous business processes, in order to achieve a common goal.
From a design perspective, workflows represent the coordination of several tasks to ac-
complish a business process. From an organizational point of view, it is an attracting
approach which enables to integrate services exposed in the cloud, to accomplish their
own business process, creating temporary Virtual Enterprises (VE)
[12]. However,
from a technological point of view it is hard to integrate workflows from different orga-
nizations since several issues emerge related to security and autonomy of each partner,
as well as managing of the VE.
In [13] an architectural model based on a "smart" UDDI (Universal, Description,
Discovery and Integration) is proposed to assemble heterogeneous SOA networks. This
central entity plays the role of a SOA network manager being able to know everything
about each service and the whole process by using information such as transport proto-
col rules, network routing rules, security information, QoS and SLA rules, and changes
in the management status. In that approach, privacy and data integrity is guaranteed by
implementing a message interceptor between the service user and the service provider.
Several works have been proposed in the same research line, which have some central
entity in their architecture. In [12] an interorganizational workflow management agent
takes responsibility for the creation and supervision of the workflow, and recovering
from exceptions. All those works are interesting approaches that present as main ad-
vantage having a general and unified knowledge of the state of the overall system but
two major concerns also arise; the first relates on how to keep organizational auton-
omy of each party, and the second, and possibly more important, there is no agreed
knowledge about who is in charge of the management of the central entity.
Van Der Aalst’s work about inter-organizational workflows [14] tackles local au-
tonomy of the different parties but allowing high levels of interaction. The basis of his
A virtual enterprise is a temporary alliance of enterprises that come together to share skills
or core competencies and resources in order to better respond tobusiness opportunities, and
whose cooperation is supported by computer networks.
work is to allow individual parties to change their internal workflows without affecting
the cross-organizational process behavior. In order to do so, he proposes a three-step
methodology which consists in creating a public workflow (contract) which in a second
step is split up among the different domains (business partners) and in a final step all
the public parts are replaced for private workflows. Similarly, based on the principle
that partners do not want to grant a public view on their internal processes, in [15]
an architecture that tackles control flow and data flow for web services orchestration
and choreography is proposed. It proposes the implementation of a workflow view in
which each partner offers different public views only exposing those elements of their
internals that are useful for another entity workflow.
Finally, the standard ISO 27010 [16] is a complete guide that covers methods, poli-
cies, processes and controls that have to be considered in inter-organizational data shar-
ing in complex scenarios. It aims to fulfill legal and contractual agreements.
3.2 Quality of Service
In the relation between the cloud service provider and the cloud service user, contracts
are the evidence which describe the terms of the interaction. Particularly, private con-
tracts should contain the responsibilities of the entities involved in the process, the
public law concerns, but also technical details about data protection, data security, and
functional and nonfunctional characteristics of the service. In [17] a methodological
approach that defines the Service Level Agreement (SLA) life-cycle is proposed. In
that work the five-step SLA life cycle comprises: contract definition, publishing and
discovering, negotiation, operationalization, and de-commissioning. In terms of data
protection, it is important to highlight that in the decommissioning step, transfer and
erasure of the service user’s data is an issue that needs to be clarified in the contract.
In [18] Quality of Service (QoS) metrics are incorporated into business workflows. In
that work, authors analyze both qualitative and quantitative metrics and propose as qual-
ity of service metrics: fidelity, reliability, task response time (delay time and process
time) and the cost associated to the workflow execution; all represented in a quantifiable
form. In [19] another approach based on a contracting workflow for multiple services
is proposed. That work focuses in particular on the negotiation process by proposing
eight negotiation patterns, which cover from a simple "implicit-accept" interaction to
alternating binding counter offer patterns, which, in theory, could include the negoti-
ation of SLA terms. However, the inclusion of QoS in the patterns are left for future
Due mainly to an important characteristic of SLO: measurability, most of, or al-
most all of the SLA only include infrastructure QoS metrics in the agreements, which
gather [17]: hardware availability, power availability, data center network availabil-
ity, backbone network availability, service credit for unavailability, outage notification
guarantee, Internet latency guarantee, packet loss guarantee, service level parameter
metric, function, measurement directive, SLO and penalties.
On the other hand, in order to facilitate the evaluation of the compliance of SLA
by implementing machine-readable contracts, several agreement modeling have been
proposed in the literature, i.e., SLANG, WSLA, WSOL and WS-Agreement.
For further information, [20] presents a comprehensive survey about agreements in
cross-organizational enterprises considering several evalution criteria: does it covers a
multiple architectural layer or a single layer, dependencies techniques, the life cycle it
covers and the specification language used.
3.3 Accountability
Beyond legal aspects regarding the compliance and penalties of the contract, account-
ability aims for the compliance in terms of workflow executions and trustworthiness of
the entities which interact in the achievement of a composite business process. Several
authors [21,22] agree to define that a system is accountable if faults can be reliably de-
tected and each fault can be undeniably linked to one or more nodes. In this way, an
entity is trustworthy if accountability is guaranteed. Also, it can be established that for
accomplishing the two named characteristics, every particular action has to be associ-
ated to a node in the process. In turn, this implies that accountability involves aspects
such as knowing where information crosses, possible data transformation, and the rea-
son and purpose of the processing. For that purpose, techniques as logging, monitoring
and auditing have been proposed.
Ringelstein’s work [23] tackles monitor agreed-upon policies in distributed work-
flows by retrieving information about who, why and how the data is processed. The
proposal consists of attaching logs, specified by RDF-based semantic formalism, to all
data instances in SOAP messages. That kind of metadata includes data type specifi-
cation for entity identification (who process the data), action activity (how to process
the data) and it includes an ontology to define the purpose of the processing (why pro-
cess the data). In [22] strong accountability is implemented in the design of the TSOA
(Trustworthy Service Oriented Architecture) system, which is able to identify misbe-
havior, the entity responsible for the fault and the evidence of the guilty party. The
logging in the cited work is done by modifying the original BPEL document by insert-
ing XML invoke messages before or after the data is transmitted to any entity, in this
way, it is possible to trace the data. Additionally, time information is included in order
to check QoS compliance. In the architecture of the system, a single accountability
service entity contains the BPEL script, SLA and WSDL for accomplishing monitor-
ing and auditing. A different approach in which every node maintains its own log to
detect incorrect executions is presented in [21]. In this approach logs contain informa-
tion about input and output messages by implemented tamper-evident logs, in addition,
trusted timestamping are also added, allowing SLA check compliance.
Accountability as seen from a holistic point of view, covering legal, socioeconomic,
regulatory and technical aspects is presented in [24]. That European project named
A4Cloud aims at four objects which tackles accountability developing tools that:
i enable cloud service providers to give their users appropriate control and trans-
parency over how their data is used,
ii enable cloud end users to make choices about how cloud service provider may be
iii monitor and check compliance with user’s expectation, business policies and regu-
iv develop recommendations and guidelines for how to achieve accountability for the
use of data by cloud services.
Although, the project is in its early stages and not many publications are reported,
it seems to be a promising approach that tackles preventive, detective and corrective
control which allow to achieve accountability.
Despite not presenting a technical approach, several authors have also remarked the
relevance of trust and auditing data in the cloud [7,25], especially taking into account
the natural fluid property of data.
4 Discussion and Open Issues
In light of the above literature review, it is not difficult to see that accountability encom-
passes the other two aforementioned technical areas. Trust in a partner entity for data
transfer as an intermediate step in the building of a composed service in the cloud, does
not only attach importance to the technical aspects, it involves to know the use other
entities will give to that data, the purposes of the processing, the traceability of the data,
and the quality of the result data as well as the overall service. Additionally, all of these
issues imply to take into account legislation that governs data transfer, duties of parties
involved in the process, business goals and the social impact that creates the making
decision process in the case of incorrect results. By performing reverse engineering to
the previous section, we get back to the three technical aspects presented in the previ-
ous section beginning at accountability and relating it to the other areas, but this time
by highlighting some issues that need to be considered to achieve trustworthiness both
in the partners and the data.
With regards to trustworthiness (including data and partners), monitoring every step
of the process workflow and data workflow is a critical activity. According to the liter-
ature review, three major approaches can be identified, monitoring the action of every
partner (user-centric), monitoring the process, by for example, monitoring the work-
flow (process-centric) or monitoring the data flow itself (data-centric). Each of these
approaches has its advantages and drawbacks, however the logging seems to be a com-
mon denominator. Regardless the approach implemented, several issues need to be
i taking into account that penalties may be imputed to faulty entities, some of them
could prefer to hide their misperforming. Thus, checking that reliable information
is recorded in the log and insuring that the log is not modified, become a non-trivial
ii keeping privacy in the log is a relevant matter that affects the customers and the
entities business logic. This means, that not every single activity has to be record
in the log - due to the fact that some relevant business logic could be compromised,
which is crucial especially when the log is shared among all the participants,
iii based on a final log feedback, careful attention needs to be paid to penalties espe-
cially in critical activities,
iv improved assessment tools need to be implemented to detect, based on the expected
results, in which specific node the data was corrupted,
v special security measures need to be implemented for logging by considering for
example if the log format is readable for humans or not, and in the case of sharing
log security, measures also need to be implemented to the entity that housed it, in
order to restrict that unauthorized users access the log. In this latter, access control
models offer an important support.
In the second place, as it was shown in some works presented previously, trust in a
partner also implies to be sure about its performance in such way that the service level
agreement is respected. As stated in [22], spreading business processes among several
administrative domains adds complexity to the process of failure detection, due to the
fact that each domain may have its own interests and priorities. Four major concerns
arise in this point:
i most of the existing works on service agreements focus on infrastructure quality of
service and service level agreements, thus leaving aside Business Level Agreements
(BLA), Business Service Level Agreements (BSLA) and Underpinning Contract
(UC) in the overall process [20]. The inclusion of that kind of approaches along
with machine readable techniques could help to agree organizational goals with
interorganizational processes.
ii a second aspect that has been already reported in [20] is the lack of a tool to sup-
port dependence on service quality objectives, therefore few works consider that a
parameter could be expressed in terms of measuring one or more characteristics.
iii as mentioned in the previous paragraph, the implementation of an access model
should be included in the SLA and should not be left it aside, and
iv lastly, but probably more important, it is necessary to clearly define what Quality of
Service means in light of an interorganizational composed service.
Finally, due to the fact that data trustworthiness involves the overall data flow, the
design of the workflow affects the assessment of the accountability process as well as
the quality of service. The implications of an architectural decision about implementing
a centralized or distributed architecture for governing the workflow are tightly obvious.
In a centralized approach, it is possible to have a more complete and uniform view of
the system. However, it is also more susceptible to attacks, lack of availability of the
central entity, and compromises the internal logic of the different partner entities. On
the other hand, the implementation of a distributed architecture could emerge in a weak
information about the state of the system and the management of the interaction process
becomes more difficult. Additionally, as a result of the penalties imposed by the breach
of the contract, the workflow should be able to adapt in order to remove and include
partners in the workflow process.
Although a solution which enables to cover all of the previous aspects is an ambi-
tious multidisciplinary approach, we aim to tackle accountability in composed services
in the cloud by implementing an usage control approach, which defines conditions, re-
strictions and obligations that have to be performed by both the cloud provider and the
cloud user before, during and after the interaction process. In this context, the support
in existing models such as OrBAC [26], which merges both an access control model
and an usage control model, will be extremly helpful. In the proposed approach quality
of service is defined in terms of security policies that have to be fulfilled in order to
guarantee security goals. By using a MDE (Model Driven Engineering) approach three
different models will be defined, i.e., an interaction model, a security model and a su-
pervision model. The target pursued by our approach is twofold, it allows to exploit the
well-known advantages of MDE approaches mainly automatic operations with models
such as transformation, waving and merging, but also auditing the traceability of the
data in order to verify if participants of the process have respected the security policies
or determinate if changes could be made in order to accomplish the business goals, if
so, metadata will be recorded for proper explanations.
5 Conclusions
In this article a survey of the aspects related to data risk in business processes composed
through the cloud was presented. Although in the literature several data risk in the
cloud have been identified, such as availability, integrity, confidentiality, transparency,
isolation, intervenability, portability, insecure data deletion, insufficient audit trails and
accountability, we particularly focus on thrustworthiness, both in partners and data,
both gained by an acoutability process. Enhancing the importance of providing more
transparency and control to processes mediated by the cloud and taking into account that
data is dynamic due to the complex responsibility chains, we thus propose an approach
based on preventive, detective and corrective accountability methods. Although this
work does not present relevant results, it offers a significant analysis about issues that
have to be addressed when considering a solution based on cloud for composed business
processes, which we expect could be used as a basis for further discussions.
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