Quantitative Models Evaluating the Effect Climate Change
Effects on Tourism
State of the Art
Jaume Rosselló
Departament d’Economia Aplicada, Universitat de les Illes Balears,
Carretera Valldemossa km 7.5, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Keywords: Climate Change, Climate Change Effects, Climatic Indices, Tourism Demand.
Abstract: In a context of climate change, many destinations are considering what effects can be predicted on the
tourist demand and how they should be tackled. This work analyses the most relevant perspectives
presented in the literature evaluating the effect of climate change on tourism. A review is made by showing
the results that rise from a triple point of view: the consideration of physical changes, the analysis of the
tourist attractiveness through climatic indexes and modeling tourism demand. The review suggests that,
although some methodologies are on a primary stage of development, results from the different perspectives
agree in presenting a similar map of the main affected areas (positively and negatively) in terms of tourism
demand and/or tourism attractiveness.
Climate science is very certain that the Earth's
climate will change at an unprecedented rate over
the 21st century. Whether through the direct effects
of climate change, such as increased temperature, or
through ancillary effects such as sea-level rise, loss
of snow cover or impact on landscapes, the spatial
and temporal pattern of tourism demand can be
expected to adjust. Despite the apparent
overwhelming dependence of tourism on climatic
factors, it is surprising that, in spite of the economic
significance of the Travel and Tourism Industry
(9.1% of the Gross domestic product worldwide
according to the WTTC, 2012), the literature on the
sectorial implications of climate change has been
dominated by other sectors such as agriculture - with
a lower weight in economic terms (6.1% of the
Gross Domestic Product according to CIA, 2012) -
while tourism has been pushed into the background.
This circumstance is evidenced in the successive
reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change where tourism only recently appeared with
some strength during the last AR4 Report (IPCC,
An initial justification of the relative neglect of
tourism can be found in the uncertainties and
complexity of expected tourism demand responses.
In a recent study, Gössling et al. (2012) highlight the
complexity of understanding tourist perceptions and
reactions to the impacts of climate change in order to
anticipate the decline or increase of specific tourism
markets and seasonal shifts in tourism demand. They
argue that tourism is characterized by a large
adaptive capacity that has to be combined with other
uncertainties concerning the implementation of
future mitigation policies and its impacts on
transportation systems, the wide range of climate
change impacts on destinations, as well as broader
impacts on society and economic development.
However, the industry needs to anticipate today
the consequences of climate change on future
demand in order to plan new infrastructures
strategically and to detect business opportunities
efficiently. Despite the controversy over the
weaknesses of statistical models in predicting tourist
flows under scenarios of climate change (Gössling
and Hall, 2006; Bigano et al., 2006), results from
this literature should be contextualized under the
ceteris paribus clause entailing that all the
determinants of tourism demand remain constant,
except the climate, whose influence one wishes to
study. One of the problems arising from the
application of the clause is related to the
interpretation of results. Thus, while in the short run
the estimation of a tourism demand model and the
Rosselló J..
Quantitative Models Evaluating the Effect Climate Change Effects on Tourism - State of the Art.
DOI: 10.5220/0004591404790488
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (MSCCEC-2013), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8565-69-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
evaluation of one single shock can produce direct
forecasts of the tourism demand variable
(Papatheodorou, et al., 2010) when long run
determinants – such as climate – are evaluated,
forecasts have a different interpretation and have to
be taken as general projections rather than real
Hence, for instance, regarding the specific
market segment of winter tourism, although it is
almost impossible to provide information regarding
the change in preferences of potential tourists
visiting mountain resorts during next 50 years, it is
feasible to evaluate the physical consequences of
loss of snow coverage originated by climate change.
Extrapolation can be carried out through the
quantification of expected snowfall which implicitly
determines the availability of winter tourism
conditions. Otherwise, optimal conditions for
tourism can also be evaluated by assuming that a
certain level of favorable climate conditions is
required for main tourism activities. In this case, an
assessment of what tourists consider optimal
conditions have to be evaluated previously, in which
case the assessment of these future climatic
conditions is what later determines the loss or gain
of tourism attractiveness in terms of climate
conditions. Evidently, again, changes in climatic
preferences by people are difficult to anticipate and
only actual optimal climatic conditions can be
Within the tourism demand modeling context,
although tourism demand models had traditionally
disregarded the consideration of climatic
determinants in tourism demand modeling exercises
(Goh, 2012), since the turn of the century the
inclusion of climate variables (such as temperature,
precipitation and wind) within tourism demand
models have become more frequent. The evaluation
of climate on tourism demand is often taken as a
short-run determinant in the context of time series
models or as a push/pull factor of the destination
choice when both discrete choice models and
aggregated tourism models are considered. The
ceteris paribus clause here is clear since estimation
techniques usually entail the isolation of each of the
determinants possible in order to make simulations
concerning the effect of climatic conditions while
the rest of variables remain constant.
Therefore, a significant number of quantitative
studies have attempted to evaluate climate change
consequences on tourism over the last fifteen years.
So far, however, no attempt has been made to
comprehensively integrate these findings to reveal a
regular pattern, the establishment of which will
constitute general principles and cumulative
knowledge. Due to the multiple methodological
alternatives that have appeared during the last years
assessing the consequences of climate change on
tourism quantitatively, this papers aims to evaluate
them, showing how despite the different approaches
used in tackling the problem, significant agreements
in results can be found. What is more, as the distinct
alternatives are analyzed jointly for the first time, it
is possible to highlight some of the main advantages
and limitations for each one.
One of the most direct consequences of climate
change is frequently illustrated by the losing of
snow-cover depth. Mountain resorts depend heavily
on tourism and snow-reliability is one of the key
elements of the offers made by winter tourism. The
financial viability of winter tourism, however,
depends on sufficient snow conditions. If climate
change occurs, the level of snow-reliability will rise
to higher altitudes over the next few decades.
Although today, adaptation strategies are
predominant in this tourism segment (e.g. artificial
snow production), to anticipate the consequences of
climate change on snow-cover depth becomes a key
element when adaptation strategies have to be
adopted. In this context, Breiling and Charamza
(1999) analyze, for all districts in Austria, the impact
of a 2°C change in temperature on seasonal snow-
cover depth. They estimate that these changes will
reduce ski season length and the usability of ski
facilities. Warming will have strong impact on low
altitude resorts, which the authors expect will
disappear first and the remaining resorts will become
more expensive. Similar studies have been carried
out for winter sports tourism in Scotland (Harrison
et al., 1999), Switzerland (Elsasser and Messerli,
2001), and Canada (Scott et al., 2006).
The methodological background of all these
studies remains in estimating accurately the amount
of precipitation that falls as snow and rain, the snow
accumulation, and the snowmelt. Historical
precipitation data can be analyzed for each alpine
resort to determine the temperatures that best predict
historical snowfall amounts. Then, using
temperature and precipitation projected data from
the different climate change scenarios (or assuming
some trend in temperatures and precipitations) it is
possible to estimate the amount of snow
precipitation that in the meantime determines snow
accumulation. Breiling and Charamza (1999),
Harrison et al. (1999) Elsasser and Messerli, (2001),
Scott et al., (2006) and other similar studies find a
general decline in natural skiing conditions, although
this will be less of a problem at high altitude sites.
At this point it should be mentioned how the use of
snow making machines, should be considered in the
final evaluation, even though this partial solution is
also temperature dependent.
At any rate, although the specific segment of
winter tourism may be of special interest for certain
regions, within the physical evaluation perspective it
is possible to be more generalist and consider other
physical consequences which, under climate change,
could affect other segments including summer &
beach tourism. Then , in the same way that winter
tourism depends on snow, summer tourism in some
destinations rely on other physical conditions
necessary for the development of tourism activities.
Although the models under this wide perspective are
at a lower stage of development, the rise in sea level
and its consequences on beach coverage (Nicholls et
al., 2011), coral reef health (Hoegh-Guldberg, et al.
2007), proliferation of jellyfish (Purcell, 2012) and
algal blooms (Englebert et al., 2008) would be on
the agenda of future quantifications of the effects of
climate change on tourism.
In this context it is important to highlight that
although some exploratory studies have shown the
relative irrelevance of tourism opinions when faced
with a marginal loss of environmental quality
(Gössling, et al. 2006), a certain threshold level -
defined sometimes by visibility, abundance and
variety of species, occurrence of algae or physically
disappeared beaches- would exist (Gössling, et al.
2007), evidencing how tourists might respond to
climate changes in a non-linear way. Then, although
a marginal effect on environmental quality can not
be detected through simple techniques, it is
suggested that ecosystem responses to pressures are
characterized by discontinuities and thresholds
effects, resulting in difficulties for the accurate
estimation of the tourism consequences.
A Climatic index refers to a set of climate variables
that are combined through a mathematical formula
in order to capture human comfort preferences.
More precisely, a tourism climatic index (TCI) can
be understood as a tool that “has evolved from more
general knowledge about the influence of climatic
conditions on the physical wellbeing of humans”
(Amelung and Viner, 2006; p.351). The potential
changes in human comfort levels suggested by
combination of the TCI with scenarios of climate
change could have profound implications for the
tourism industry. Whereas some locations are likely
to experience substantial increases in attractiveness
due to improvements in their weather conditions,
others may become significantly less appealing to
tourists, leading to shifts in the temporal patterns of
visitation and/or actual declines in the number of
Mieczkowski (1985) was among the first to
apply the results of climate indices for tourism-
related activities by developing a TCI. Although 12
climate variables were initially identified from the
literature as pertinent to be included in the TCI,
meteorological data limitations reduced the number
of climate variables integrated into the TCI to seven
which were combined in five sub-indices that
comprised the most popular TCI. A standardized
rating system, ranging from 5 (optional) to -1
(extremely unfavorable), was devised to provide a
common basis of measurement for each of the sub-
indices. Then, analytically the TCI can be derived
from the following equation:
Where, Cid is the daytime thermal comfort index;
Cia is the daily thermal comfort index; Sun is an
index of the amount of sunshine; Prec is an index of
the amount of precipitation; and Wind is the index of
the appreciation of wind. Bearing in mind that TCI
scores range from -20 to 100, Mieczkowski
proposed a classification of TCI scores, with values
in excess of 60 corresponding to ‘good' conditions,
scores exceeding 70 expressing ‘very good' climatic
conditions, levels of over 80 corresponding to
‘excellent' conditions, and scores of 90 or more
standing for ‘ideal' circumstances.
Although the Mieczkowski index was not
originally devised to explore the impacts of climate
change on tourism, since climatologists can provide
future data about the five sub-indices it is possible to
evaluate the climatic attractiveness of regions under
different climate change scenarios and to compare
them with the current situation. This has been
carried out for Europe (Rotmans, et al. 1994),
European beaches (Moreno and Amelung, 2009),
Mediterranean countries (Amelung and Viner,
2006), North America (Scott et al., 2004) and even
on a worldwide scale (Amelung et al., 2007). It
should be noted how maps depicting TCI show a
strong correlation with currently popular
destinations, suggesting that the index performs
quite well as a predictor of tourist arrivals.
Weights used in Equation (1) give the highest
weight to the daytime comfort index to reflect the
fact that tourists are generally most active during the
day. The amount of sunshine and the amount of
precipitation are given the second-highest weights,
followed by daily thermal comfort and wind speed.
Although these weights are ultimately subjective,
they are founded on scientific knowledge owing to
the fact that they are based on the declared
preferences of tourists collected through
questionnaires. Consequently they can be adapted
for different tourist market segments. This is the
case of Morgan, Gatell, Junyent, Micallef, Özhan
and Williams (2009) who devised a specific climate
index for beach tourism that contained the same
elements as Mieczkowski’s (1985) TCI except for
the daily thermal component. The main difference
between the two indices is in the rating and
weighting schemes. While Mieczkowski (1985)
based his schemes heavily on expert judgment,
Morgan et al., (2000) based theirs on the stated
preferences of actual beach users. These preferences
were elicited from 1,354 questionnaires, filled out by
a total of north European beach users while spending
their holidays in Wales, Malta, and Turkey in 1994
and 1995.
One of the main goals of the use of climatic
indexes can be found in the analysis of seasonality.
Hence, as sub-indices composing TCI are referred to
monthly data, implications of projected climate
change on tourism seasonality can be revealed. In
this way, Amelung et al. (2007) shows how
countries in northern Europe may experience
substantial improvements in summer climatic
conditions while countries in the northern
Mediterranean that currently attract the traditional
“sun and sand” summer vacationer are likely to
become too hot for comfort in the current summer
season, which would contrast with the improvement
of climatic conditions during the non-summer
period. Thus, while northern countries are expected
to improve their tourism attractiveness under climate
change, the consequences for actual warmer
destinations remain uncertain owing to the final
balance between a loss of attractiveness during the
summer and a gain of attractiveness during the rest
of the year.
The Physiologically Equivalent Temperature has
recently emerged as alternative to the TCI.
Originally developed to assess human comfort in
general (Matzarakis et al., 1999), it has been applied
to tourism comfort by Lin and Matzarakis (2011)
who depict seasonal distribution maps of the
physiologically equivalent temperature showing that
Taiwan and Eastern China are perceived as
comfortable during spring and autumn for those
residing in temperate regions, while only the
southern region during spring and the northern
region during summer are perceived as comfortable
for those residing in sub-tropical regions.
An advantage of thermal indices is that they are
rooted in the long tradition of physiological
research; a major drawback is that they disregard
important non-thermal aspects of weather and
climate. For a proper assessment of the suitability of
climate and weather conditions for tourism purposes,
the use of composite measures is to be preferred
(Moreno and Amelung, 2009). At any rate, the main
drawback of the use of TCIs is the inability to
provide a quantitative measure of tourism impact in
economic terms or in tourism arrivals. This explains
why Amelung and Moreno (2012) recently included
the TCI as an independent variable in a tourism
demand model estimating the number of bed nights
for European countries. However, this perspective,
based on revealed preferences, brings us to the
following section.
The neglect of tourism within the literature on
climate change came with the omission of climate
variables within tourism demand models since the
turn of the century (Goh, 2012). In the revision of
Crouch (1994), only few papers had included
climate or weather variables as determining
variables, and, on many occasions, with limited
success. A feasible explanation for this omission
would be related to the interest of researchers and
planners in income elasticities and/or price
elasticities in order to forecast tourism demand in an
accurate way - a key issue for service industries with
relatively high fixed costs – or, alternatively, in
order to evaluate the consequences of taxes or
exchange rate policies. This explains why tourism
demand literature has been dominated by time series
models and frequently linked to forecasting issues
(Song and Li, 2008). Thus, as climate is a relatively
stable variable, the climate factor does not have the
required variability and, additionally, is not
correlated with the determining variable, so no bias
in estimated elasticities is expected.
However, with increasing interest in climate
issues and, more precisely, in evaluating the
consequences of climate change on tourism, part of
the literature on tourism demand modeling has been
reoriented in order to integrate climate and weather
factors in the estimation of tourism demand. Hence,
consumers are assumed to be revealing their climate
preferences through purchasing habits. Knowing
their climate preferences and, ceteris paribus, it is
possible to project future tendencies through
projected climatic conditions. Note how within this
framework the focus of the analysis is the tourists
not the physical conditions. Within the tourism
demand framework, three main perspectives have
been adopted: time series analysis, discrete choice
models, and aggregated tourism models.
4.1 Time Series Analysis
In the context of time series analysis, it is preferable
to talk about weather (the short term atmospheric
conditions) rather than climate (the mean
atmospheric conditions of a region) because under
this perspective the most popular proposal is to
attempt to capture some kind of short term
relationship between tourism demand and an
extreme weather event. Thus, Subak, et al. (2000)
assess impacts on tourism of the anomalously hot
summer of 1995 and the warm period from
November 1994 through October 1995 in the U.K
finding how the tourism sector showed clear
differences in its response to winter and summer
warm anomalies. Agnew and Palutikof (2006) look
into the sensitivity of UK tourism to weather
conditions using monthly data for domestic tourism
and annual data for trips abroad, showing that
outbound flows of tourists are responsive to weather
variability of the preceding year, whereas domestic
tourism is responsive to variability within the year of
the trip. Using the anomalously warm year of 1995
in the UK, the potential impact of climate change is
evaluated suggesting that the generally warmer and
drier conditions of 1995 benefited the UK domestic
tourist industry but wetter and duller-than-average
conditions in the previous year seemed to encourage
more trips abroad.
In a more general framework, it is proposed that,
using a monthly time series model, on the one hand,
the cyclical-trend component can be captured
through an ARIMA model (Rosselló et al., 2011) or
even including prices, and other economic
determining variables (Álvarez and Rosselló, 2010;
Rosselló, 2011). On the other hand, because
meteorological variables can present a high
variability and are not present in the long-run, it is
hypothesized that affect the short run of the time
series and consequently can not be captured though
ARIMA or Economic factors, and remain in the
error term. Then, the hypothesis to be tested is
whether short term extreme weather episodes are
related to this residual term. Analytically, the
problem can be summarized in terms of a Transfer
Function Model:
  
where Y
is the number of tourism flows a month t; a
is the innovation or moving average term; d
is a
weather variable (or a set of weather variables) that
could influence the number of tourism flows;
are the lag operator polynomials for both
and a
, respectively capturing the cyclical-trend
component (the long-term component) of Y
as is
common practice in ARIMA modeling; and
are the lag operator polynomial (or transfer function)
for the weather determining variables, thus assuming
that some lag between the observation of weather
variables and tourist flow data occurs.
The estimation of equation (2) makes the
prediction of within-sample values possible, which
can be compared with simulated predictions using
scenarios of climate change thus affecting the d
variables. For instance, Rosselló et al. (2011) using
the transfer function methodology found a
significant relationship between British tourists
abroad and different British weather variables such
as temperature, heat waves, air frost days and
sunshine duration. Using different simulations in the
context of average temperature warming they found
that an additional 1C to the UK average
temperature will provoke an annual decrease of
1.73% of British outbound flows, a percentage that
is not homogeneous throughout the year because of
the expected higher impact during the winter time.
This result suggests, again, the presence of non-
linear relationships between temperatures and tourist
The use of more complex structures has
dominated the most recent literature. Then,
Kulendran and Dwyer (2012) use the
Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity
modeling approach for identifying the relationship
between climate variables such as maximum
temperature, relative humidity, and hours of
sunshine and seasonal variation, defined as the
repetitive and predictable movement around the
trend line in holiday tourism demand in the context
of seasonal variation in holiday tourism demand to
Australia from the US, UK, Japan, and New
Zealand. Otero-Giráldez et al. (2012) found also a
significant positive connection between the North
Atlantic Oscillation –as a meteorological indicator-
and tourism demand in Galicia (Spain) using
autoregressive distributed lag model. Goh (2012)
built an error correction tourism model for tourism
demand which also looks into the presence of
structural changes in the estimations using the TCI
as a determining variable, showing how the climatic
index is found to have a significant and positive
relationship for all the tourism demand series
Summarizing, the analysis of the relationship
between climate (or weather) and tourism through
time series models has evidenced a current, real
relationship between tourism and climatology. Like
TCI, one of the main goals of the use of time series
can be found in the analysis of seasonality.
However, it should be noted how, within this
framework, only short term relationships are suitable
to be captured despite climate change issues belong
to the long term.
4.2 Discrete Choice Modeling
Within the framework of revealed preferences, a
second perspective is the use of Discrete Choice
Models. In this context the relevant question is why
people choose a particular destination, and the
theoretical background is found in Lancaster (1966)
where the source of utility is proposed to be the
characteristics of the commodities and services not
the commodities or services by themselves. Then,
taking the utility theory into account within the
context of tourism decisions, as formally described
for the first time in Morley (1992), a new framework
is introduced that allows different perspectives of
tourism decisions and a larger set of explanatory
variables to be considered. Analytically, the utility
that a tourist n derives from choosing to visit
destination i is assumed to take the following form:
where β
is the deterministic portion of the utility
received if destination i is visited. Therefore, x
the observed attributes characterizing the
alternatives available to tourists and β
is the vector
of estimated coefficients for tourist n representing
his/her tastes. Finally, the error term ε
captures the
variation in preferences between tourists in the
population. As the individual is assumed to visit the
destination yielding the greatest utility, the
probability π
of him choosing the i-th alternative is:
Thus, individuals or households with exactly the
same socioeconomic and demographic
characteristics might choose very different
destinations. However, over and above the
consideration of the utility theory, through the use of
random utility models it is generally recognized that
tourists have different tastes and that choosing a
final destination is not an independent decision, but
the final decision of a set of choices. In this sense, it
is argued that once tourists have decided to go on
holiday and have established a budget and mode of
transport, they choose a destination conditional upon
their preferences and the attributes characterizing the
alternatives in the choice set (Eugenio-Martin,
This framework for modeling tourism demand
from a microeconomic perspective has become of
interest to different tourism stakeholders, such as
tourism marketing analysts, because of the high
potential for identifying the determinants of
destination choice decisions. It is important to
highlight that choosing a destination is considered to
be one of the most complex stages in the decision
process by tourists, with a wide number of variables
(dependent on the aim of the study) that are likely to
influence such decisions (Marcussen, 2011).
In the context of climate change and tourism,
Eugenio-Martín and Campos-Soria (2010), using a
Discrete Choice Model for European households,
focus their analysis on the relationship between
climate in the home area and the choice of taking
holidays in the region of origin or abroad, showing
that the climate in the region of residence is a strong
determinant of holiday destination choice. They
show that residents in regions with better climate
indices have a higher probability of travelling
domestically and a lower probability of travelling
abroad while colder regions trend to travel abroad
with a higher frequency than warmer ones.
Thanks to the estimation of the β
vector of
equation (4) they project how individuals’ choice
changes when input climatic data from Europe
change, evaluating the probability of travel abroad
and/or domestically. Thus, under a scenario of
climate change, a not very strong relationship is
found when the evaluation of both travelling abroad
and travelling domestically is considered. However,
it seems that a rise in temperature increases the
likelihood of traveling domestically only and lowers
the likelihood of traveling abroad, a result that was
also obtained within the time series framework.
Using the same methodology, Bujosa and
Rosselló (2013) investigate the impact of climate
change on destination choice decisions in the context
of summer domestic coastal tourism in Spain. Once
destinations are characterized in terms of travel cost
and coastal ‘attractors’ (temperature and beach-
related attributes) the observed pattern of
interprovincial domestic trips is modeled, showing
trade-offs between temperature and attractiveness in
the likelihood of a particular destination being
chosen. Using A1FI and B1 climate change
scenarios they show how Spain’s colder Northern
provinces would benefit from rising temperatures
while provinces in the south would experience a
decrease in the frequency of trips. In this application
it is important to highlight how a squared term for
the temperature was used, thus providing an
estimation of maximum or minimum comfort
temperatures and evidencing the non-linear
relationship between tourism and climate.
Although models evaluating the effects of
climate change on tourism within the discrete choice
modeling framework have just emerged, it should be
noted how the assumptions about the utility function
should be deeper investigated. Then, the use of
additive sum of the individual utilities would be that
the tourist is assumed to be risk-neutral, an
assumption sometimes difficult to justify within the
framework of tourism choices.
4.3 Aggregated Tourism Demand
Aggregated tourism demand modeling continues to
be a popular issue in tourism literature. Reviews by
Lim (1999), Li et al. (2005) and Song and Li (2008)
show that tourism demand estimation mainly
focuses on time series models, thus including
variables with significant short term variability, such
as prices and income, and neglecting structural
determinants, such as climate, which are expected to
be collected by the constant term. This practice can
be justified by the interests of tourism planners, who
have preferably been interested in income elasticities
and/or price elasticities in order to forecast tourism
demand in an accurate way (a key issue for service
industries with relatively high fixed costs), or
alternatively in order to evaluate the consequences
of taxes or exchange rate policies.
However, with the growing interest of climate
issues, a set of aggregated tourism demand models
have emerged focusing their interest on climate
variables. Hence, the pioneering study of Maddison
(2001) sets out a cross-sectional model for chosen
destinations of British tourists using classical price
determinants of tourism demand and incorporating
climate variables in terms of attractors. The
estimation of the model permits the quantification of
the trade-off between climate and holiday
expenditure and, because of the introduction of non-
linear effects (through a 4
order polynomial) the
identification of ‘optimal’ climate for British
generating tourism. The findings are used to predict
the impact of several climate change scenarios on
different tourist destinations. In a similar way, Lise
and Tol (2002), using aggregated data and
regression analysis, find optimal temperatures at
travel destinations for different tourists and tourist
activities, showing that OECD tourists prefer an
average of the hottest month of the year temperature
of 21 C indicating that, under a scenario of gradual
warming, tourists will spend their holidays in
different places than they currently do. With a global
perspective, Hamilton et al. (2005a and 2005b) set
out what is known as the Hamburg Tourism Model
(HTM), consisting of the estimation of two
equations for international tourist departures and
arrivals for a specific year. Analytically:
where A refers to the total number of arrivals in a
country d; D the total number of departures from s
country O; P the population in thousands; G the area
in squared kilometers; T the country’s mean yearly
temperature for the period 1961-1990 in degrees
centigrade; C the length of the coastline in
kilometers; Y the country’s per-capita income; B the
number of countries bordering a particular country;
parameters to be estimated.
Hamilton et al. (2005a and 2005b) use the HTM
to analyze how climate change alters the relative
appeal of countries, studying the redistribution of
tourist arrivals and departures due to changes in
population, per-capita income and climate change.
The results show how, in the medium to long term,
tourism will grow in absolute terms but this increase
will be smaller than population and income changes
and not homogeneously distributed, with it being
higher for colder countries and lower for warmer
ones. Climate change would also imply that the
currently dominant group of international tourists -
sun and beach lovers from Western Europe - would
stay closer to home, implying a relatively small fall
in total international tourist numbers and total
distance travelled. However, it should be noted how
the authors highlight that changes induced by
climate change are generally much smaller than
those resulting from population and economic
The HTM, as an aggregated model, has been
criticized and extended in many ways, although the
improvement of the methodology has often implied
a loss of generalization. Thereby, Bigano et. al.
(2006) extend the HTM by considering substitution
between domestic and international tourism, while
also analyzing tourist expenditure. However, the
consideration of these two issues implies the
limitation of the sample of countries to be included
in the model due to data restrictions, and only 45
origin-countries travelling to 200 destination-
countries are considered. Hamilton & Tol (2007)
assess the impact of climate change on tourism from
a regional perspective in Germany, the UK and
Ireland, based on different scenarios of climate
change for the regions under analysis. They suggest
that non-uniform warming within countries might
lead to tourist behavior patterns that are regionally
different, pointing to the need to develop HTM
methods on a lower scale than a national one.
Recent updates of the HTM can be found in
Rosselló and Santana (2012) and Tol and Walsh
(2012), who use bilateral tourism flows and consider
the nature of the data dynamics by testing the change
in tourism preferences in reference to climate
conditions. Despite the relatively high level of
complexity in the specification and estimation, using
specific projected climatic, population and economic
data related to A2, B1 and B2 scenarios, Rosselló
and Santana (2012) forecast tourist arrivals for 2080
finding similar results to previous works, thus
providing more evidence that climate change would
imply that the currently dominant international
tourism flow from North to South would be weaker.
Many tourist destinations around the world are
considering what kind of effects climate change
would lead to, with the consequences on tourist
demands as one of the most recurrent ones. Despite
the uncertainties and complexity of evaluating
expected tourism demand responses in a context of
climate change the literature has just started to
answer this question assuming the inability to
control the complexity nature of tourism demand
decisions by turning to the ceteris paribus clause. In
this work, the most relevant methodologies
presented in the literature quantitatively evaluating
the effect of climate change on tourism and
projecting this relationship to the future are
summarized in three categories: the consideration of
physical changes, the analysis of tourist
attractiveness through climatic indexes, and tourism
demand modeling based on revealed preferences.
One of the common results that the different
methodologies show is that climate change is, on the
whole, bad news for warm destinations whatever the
methodology used. Then, the search for a more
comfortable climate is found to be one of the main
motivations determining global tourism flows and,
as such, climate change will imply a loss of
attractiveness for traditional winter resorts and
traditional warmer destinations around the world.
However, it seems that climate change, on the one
hand, would increase domestic trips, especially in
colder countries, and, on the other hand, could be
good news for seasonality. This is what the revealed
preference methods show us. What is more, this
would be an opportunity for the industry to capture
the increasing segment of short breaks during non-
summer seasons. At any rate, further research in this
respect is encouraged. Another agreement that is
shown from the different perspectives is the non-
linear relationship that apparently exists between
tourism and climate. More precisely, an inverted u-
shape in the relationship between temperature and
tourism demand has been found using different
perspectives, thus revealing the existence of optimal
climatic conditions for the practice of tourism.
Nevertheless, some questions remain. Will some
destinations be too hot? The inverted u-shape can be
explained by both the existence of a turning point
(destination will be too hot) or by the increase of
competitors. What are the most sensitive marked
segments to climate change? What will the induced
effects of climate change be on biodiversity loss, dry
episodes, beach transformations, etc.? Thus, it seems
clear that more quantitative studies are needed
Given the aim of this paper, the integration of
research findings is limited to studies that report
quantitative evidence of the relationship between
tourism and climate with the aim of extrapolate the
relationship in the context of different climate
change scenarios. Other non-empirical studies,
however, may be applicable insofar as they provide
relevant theories which can contribute to the
knowledge of future reaction of tourism to climate
change. This study does not attempt to integrate the
findings of all the relevant empirical studies. For
instance, there is bound to be a number of
unpublished studies. Nevertheless, the set of studies
examined is reasonably comprehensive and the
resulting large set of findings is fairly representative.
The results provided in this article would be a
useful guide for other researchers and practitioners
interested in carrying out similar studies
investigating the effects of climate change on
tourism. The selection of the most suitable approach,
however, will depend upon the circumstances and
objectives of the study being planned. It would be
wrong to blindly adopt any one approach without
first judging its limitations and assumptions. In this
regard, this work provides a convenient reference.
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