Mobile Technologies to Enable Users’ Informed Decisions
Xavier Franch
, Anna Perini
, Hugo H. Pibernat
and Norbert Seyff
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy
Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Songkhla, Thailand
University of Zurich (UZH), Zurich, Switzerland
Keywords: Software Engineering, Software Services, Mobile Platforms, Service-Oriented Computing, Decision-
Making, Thoughtful Living.
Abstract: The significant wide impact of mobile technologies (e.g., smartphones, tablets) and the difficulty of
mastering their complexity (due to factors like constant emergence and evolution) pose new challenges to
many (if not all) software engineering disciplines. We particularly see these challenges when thinking of
average citizens that carry out their daily activities in smart environments where mobile technologies and
sensors installed provide many potential advantages to support them. Applications that could enable
informed decision-making are currently beyond what software developers can provide. This position paper
discusses challenges, and highlights current approaches available in order to support decision-making for
thoughtful living. We present an initial version of a comprehensive framework to overcome the challenges
identified and analyse which software engineering research lines may help to implement it. A motivating
scenario is used to conduct the discussion.
The amount of software services available in the
software market (in the form of web services, mobile
apps, etc.) dramatically increases year after year.
Service providers continuously emerge, and the
portfolio they offer grows steadily. Mobile
technologies provide access to these services and are
therefore becoming ubiquitous in our society. This
lead to a magnitude of growth that was hardly
conceivable in the recent past (e.g., the number of
mobile phone subscriptions reached 5.000 million in
2010). This opens a lot of unforeseen opportunities
for citizens worldwide and it is a fact that this huge
offer has improved citizenship’s quality of life
(West, 2012). We are particularly interested in
supporting informed decision-making with novel
mobile applications and services. We envision that
such services can further improve individual
citizen’s quality of life and will also lead to more
thoughtful use of resources and therefore thoughtful
living of citizens. However, this vision currently
goes beyond state of the art software engineering
techniques and approaches. We have identified work
in the following areas as most promising to realize
our vision: context-awareness, personalization and
evolution of services. We claim that advances in
these areas are necessary to boost the impact of
current software service technologies at the
individual and the society level. In this position
paper, we discuss a proposal to improve aggregation,
awareness, personalization and evolution capabilities
in current software service technologies. For
awareness, we propose to include knowledge about
the individual and about the environment in the heart
of mobile technologies. For personalization, we
propose as ultimate goal the (semi-) automatic
orchestration and enactment of software services
according to a user’s past behaviour. For evolution,
we propose that it is driven by needs of individual
citizens rather than developer assumptions.
We foresee that achieving these goals in the near
future is plausible due to the significant and
continuous advances in mobile technologies.
However, we also see that software engineering
methods and tools are lacking behind the fast
advances in mobile technologies. We have identified
several challenges within the above-mentioned
areas. Among them the fact that services nowadays
lack a semantic layer and push their users to learn
new rules which are imposed by its provider. This
Franch X., Perini A., H. Pibernat H. and Seyff N..
Mobile Technologies to Enable Users’ Informed Decisions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004591903450353
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT-EA-2013), pages 345-353
ISBN: 978-989-8565-68-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
lack of standardization can demotivate potential
platform users and contradicts with the interest of
service providers who aim at increasing the usage
rate of their services.
In this paper we also present our vision on a
semantic service engineering framework, which
could allow users to interact seamlessly with mobile
technologies. Such an easy-to-use approach would
encourage all different kinds of potential users to
adopt the framework. Automatic service enactment
would allow exploiting techniques from other fields,
such as machine learning.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents a scenario highlighting today’s
decision-making approaches and section 3 discusses
issues with regard to the presented scenario. Section
4 highlights how decision-making support could
look like in the future. In section 5 we discuss
challenges in order to achieve our vision. Section 6
provides a first solution idea by outlining a platform
supporting informed decision-making. Section 7
discusses the way ahead. In section 8 we highlight
related work and section 9 concludes the paper.
Katie is the head of the paediatrics surgery unit at
the Feeling Better International Hospital in
Barcelona. Every day, her unit works with more than
100 patients. This work includes standard treatments
that require only 30 minutes of their time, but also
complex surgery lasting for several hours and
involving several doctors. Her unit includes 30
doctors, 40 nurses and 10 administrative staff
members. Most of the doctors are also academic
members of the Medical School at the Barcelona
University. This means that on top of their medical
duties they have teaching responsibilities and need
to take care of research projects (which might
involve travelling).
Therefore, it is normal that members of her team
are active from early morning to late at night.
Although a daily schedule is available, it has to be
reorganized in many cases as there are unexpected
events occurring (e.g., an operation takes longer).
Observing the everyday work of her team, Katie has
learnt that when this happens doctors feel distracted
and even might think about possible appointments
they have to cancel or reschedule while performing
surgery. Furthermore, working late causes that
doctors are tired and stressed. This is also worsened
by the fact that most staff members live outside the
city and have to travel for more than an hours on the
average. Therefore, Katie has set up a new policy. In
case a doctor finishes work later than 8pm, the
hospital offers free accommodation for the night
including the transportation to and from the selected
hotel. Furthermore, the hospital offers the doctors to
manage their agenda and to inform family and
friends about re-scheduling and delays.
Although Katie was confident on the success of
the initiative, she observed problems. Managing the
transportation and accommodation issue was not
trivial because a doctor has to finish the on-going
task before he can be asked about his preferences,
therefore: 1) secretarial support staff complained
about staying longer to take care of this service, 2)
the doctor had to wait for the service, 3) from time
to time it was difficult to book a room or find
transportation without previous booking.
Furthermore, some doctors rejected to use the
provided agenda management services, as they did
not want to provide access to their personal calendar.
Katie concluded that a different solution was needed.
The scenario above presents some issues that make
the current support for doctors unsatisfactory:
Individuality. Every doctor is an individual with
very different preferences, abilities, resources, etc. A
one-fits-all solution might not be applicable. Katie is
aware of this fact and, therefore, she would like to
offers services which are negotiated on an individual
Privacy. Doctors are reluctant to make their
private agenda public at the level required by the
novel services offered. They do not want hospital
staff to know about their private appointments.
Therefore, Katie cannot have all the information
needed to make the best possible decisions.
Agility. As a consequence of these factors,
business processes around doctors’ rescheduling are
not as agile and flexible as Katie would like them to
be. Furthermore, the current solution often results in
loosing time and requires additional resources,
which is all in all bad for the hospital.
These limitations make Katie wonder about the
possibility of alternative scenarios that are able to
better exploit current mobile technologies.
Katie consults the software engineering research
team from the local university to find out how
mobile technologies could support her in finding a
solution. The researchers highlight that one
possibility to achieve her goal could be to shift the
focus: from a central, hospital-based perspective, to
a distributed, person-based point of view: doctors
themselves are the ones who have full responsibility
so that the provided services fit with their own
individual needs (also regarding privacy). Together
with the researchers, Katie discusses a scenario
where personal mobile devices suggest actions to
doctors, or even execute them on their behalf. This
approach avoids the assignment of new tasks to the
hospital administrative staff, and simultaneously
simplifies doctors’ daily life. Austin, who is one of
the most prestigious surgeons in the Feeling Better
International Hospital, is the key person within this
scenario. He is young, ambitious and loves his job,
so he often accepts a certain overload in his daily
work. On a particular day, he was expecting to finish
at 19:30 but an unexpected problem with medical
supplies has postponed the start of the last operation
of the day (Norman’s cardio-surgery) from 17:00 to
20:00. Katie offered him to delay the operation until
tomorrow, but the next day Austin is flying to
Brussels early in the morning for a project meeting,
so he decided to go ahead.
Luckily, he recently bought a smartphone with
access to a novel platform supporting informed
decision-making. This smartphone offers a lot of
capabilities whilst being quite simple to use. It reacts
to changes in the agenda and reschedules
appointments accordingly. What happens is:
Katie reschedules Norman’s cardio-surgery in the
hospital information system to start at 20:00. This
change is propagated to Austin’s personal agenda.
Two events are still scheduled in Austin agenda for
after the operation. The first one is “buying a
present for his mothers birthday next week”. The
platform just reallocates this task to another
possible day before the birthday.
The second event is different, a romantic dinner
with his friend Angie at 21:30. Since the operation
is expected to last 2:30 hours, the platform knows
that it has to cancel this appointment (differently
from above, the event cannot be rescheduled
without interacting with the interested parties). The
platform sends a nice apology message, specially
designed by Austin in advance, to his wife.
The platform detects the early morning flight to
Brussels (leaving at 6:00). Considering Austin’s
travelling record track, the platform decides to
book Austin a room in a hotel near the airport.
Since the platform knows that, unless otherwise
stated, Austin always drives his own car to the
hospital, no taxi is needed.
The platform sends Austin an e-mail with the
summary of actions. This also includes a booking
reference for the hotel and the parking space at the
Once Austin leaves the operating room, he checks
his smartphone and reads those messages. He feels
reassured that his new device works correctly. He
remembers, that after he started to use the novel
platform he needed some time to get familiar with
the system and also the idea that the platform has
access to all his personal data. With the current level
of configuration and the history available, he is more
than happy with the way it behaves.
In order to address the scenario described above we
identified several challenges regarding software
engineering. In the following we highlight key
challenges identified, but also discuss strategies in
order to overcome those issues.
5.1 Limited Context Awareness
and Personalization Capabilities
Modern mobile devices, such as smartphones, are
equipped with numerous sensors. However,
approaches that allow determining a users context,
are still limited. Furthermore, services still require
the end user to make a tedious personalization job.
The support given by providers to adapt services to
the needs of an individual user is quite limited and
just includes some basic characteristics (e.g.,
language selection). These issues limit current
services to react based on the given environment and
particular user profiles and needs. In our scenario the
hotel booking action is an example. Selecting an
hotel that fits at best may depend on the place of the
first morning commitment: next time that Austin
needs a hotel room, it may be booked near the
University for his Tuesday’s 8:00 lessons.
Awareness. Decision-making may be improved
by increasing the awareness about the environment.
For instance, the platform could be informed about
the current location of Austins car. This could
improve decision-making so that the need of calling
a taxi for bringing him to the airport is automatically
History. Individuals tend to apply patterns of
behaviour. These patterns may be tacit but usually
will emerge after some time. For instance, being
Austin young and energetic, he does not mind
sleeping in hotels paid by the hospital, whilst other
doctors with children will prefer to sleep at home
and take a taxi early next morning to the airport.
Their decisions along time will reflect their
preferences. This means that decisions need to be
monitored and analysed in order to support decision-
making in the future.
Interaction. As part of the individualization
aspect, some citizens may rely more than others in
technology. Whilst Austin seems to be fully
confident on the mobile platform, other doctors who
have similar smartphones may choose the “Always
Require Confirmation” option. Therefore, we need
to be aware of and respect different ways of
interacting with a possible solution.
Privacy. Success of an IT product like the new
platform heavily relies on respecting privacy.
Sensible data must be kept inside the individual’s
boundary. For example, Austin prefers to keep his
friendship with Angie confidential. A balance needs
to be set up though: some kind of aggregated,
anonymous data sent to the service providers may
help them to analyse service usage and improve their
products in the future.
Adaptation. The increasing availability of
information paves the road for better decision-
making. The best decision today may not be the best
tomorrow. For instance, a hotel, which now has good
ratings, might be a bad choice next year.
Furthermore, sudden adaptation is required as
unexpected events might occur (e.g., bad weather
forecast in Brussels) may require unexpected
reaction (e.g., Austin passing by his home for taking
his coat). This means that services need to adapt
constantly to a changing environment.
5.2 Limited Evolution Capabilities
Literature highlights that software must be adapted
and enhanced continuously to remain satisfactory
(Bennett and Rajlich, 2000). User needs and
expectations change over time and services should
provide the desired new features. Furthermore, they
need to improve in quality. Currently, methods and
approaches to identify changing user needs are
limited and do not allow to continuously involve
end-users in service evolution.
Incremental end-user driven evolution.
Functionality provided by a service platform may
grow by increments, as an average user needs some
time to master a new service. Then new needs may
be identified. For instance, Austin may at some time
investigate how to use the invoice generation
facilities by hotels in order to store a copy of such an
invoice in his dropbox account for his own purposes
or post this need to developers if not yet provided.
(Semi-)automatic identification of relevant novel
services. The dramatic increment of available apps
and services requires improved mechanisms to
identify interesting functionalities that emerge from
providers of any kind. For instance, Austin should be
offered new services on transportation. In case
Austin is interested to try these services should be
automatically integrated into the workflow required.
Filtering, recommendations and crowdsourcing
become cornerstones of this idea.
In the next section we propose a high-level
architecture that aims to overcome these challenges.
Fig. 1 shows a high-level description of the software
ecosystem we are envisaging in order to overcome
these challenges. Given their current predominance
in society, smart mobile devices (smartphones,
tablets, etc.) provide all necessary functionalities to
help citizens organizing their daily activities. We
envision that over time, the appropriate apps are
discovered and installed according to the citizen
profile. This profile resides in the citizen personal
cloud that contains all sensible information that
needs to be private. Being in the cloud, it is shared
by all mobile devices used by the citizen, thus
preventing problems in synchronization of data and
profile. The profile goes beyond the typical concept
that is applied for using applications today, we
envision a social profile that emerges from past
actions and feedback given by the citizen to
suggestions that the mobile devices provide over
time. The mobile device is tightly connected to the
environment, especially to the smart city that
Figure 1: Software ecosystem of our approach.
surrounds the citizen, and any possible sensor that
the citizen may use (e.g., smart clothes for medical
monitoring). With all this information and also
interoperating with more classical information
systems that are of interest for the citizen (e.g., at
work), the mobile device may take decisions on the
go and inform other individuals about the
consequences of these decisions.
Considering the logical architectures that can
enable the described ecosystem, the choice of
whether to put a decision-making component on-
board of the mobile device or in the personal cloud
or distributed on both, brings to a family of
architectures. Fig. 2 zoomed in one member of this
family, adopting distributed decision-making. Three
main logical components are highlighted:
Personal cloud. We identify four main resources,
each controlled by a specific manager (not shown
in the figure):
o Agenda. Keeps track of the citizen’s daily
o Context. Represents the context of the user,
continuously updated.
o Event history. Stores the activities of the citizen
in the past.
o Avatar. Creates a representation of the citizen
that is used for decision-making. This can be
done exploiting decision-making algorithms
executing in the personal cloud, which, for
instance, dynamically rank alternatives (e.g.
services, or products) along the users
Mobile device. Composed of:
o GUI manager. Intelligent interface of the mobile
device with the user, supporting agile
composition and personalization.
o Decision-maker. Continuously decides about the
next actions to make.
o Environmental monitor and interoperability
manager. Communicate with the outside world
(smart cities, body sensors, information systems,
o Service manager. Discovers and, when
appropriate, installs services in the mobile
o Service space. Set of services installed in the
device. Some of them may be used to inform
other users affected by decision-making.
Semantic bus. A classical interoperability bus for
event-driven communication, with the particularity
that events have a high semantic content (see next
section). It implements a publisher-observer
The realization and adoption of the envisaged
platform asks for the consolidation of research along
several lines. In this section we enumerate the most
important ones.
Figure 2: High-level architecture of a platform for enabling informed decision-making.
Semantic interoperability. In order to allow
interoperability among all the platform components
and the external services, ontologies are needed to
represent the information that flows around
according to some agreed conceptual reference
framework (Uschold and Gruninger, 1996). General
ontologies for time, localization, etc., from
organizations like W3C, could be adopted to serve
as lingua-franca for the platform. Data produced and
consumed by services should be compliant to these
ontologies in order to allow interconnection through
the platform.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. In order to
build an accurate and trustable knowledge base and
infer the behaviour that better matches users
expectations, AI techniques emerge naturally.
Recommender systems (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin,
2005) may provide (even automatically execute)
recommendations on which services to apply; some
applications in the marketing context, e.g. (de Bruin
et al., 2008), have explored this particular aspect.
Case-based reasoning (Aamodt and Plaza, 1994)
may be useful to improve the knowledge and
reasoning capabilities of individual users case by
Service solutions. A great deal of existing
proposals in the service-oriented computing field
clearly transfers into our envisaged platform.
Approaches for service discovery (Ran, 2003),
service composition (Rao and Su, 2005) (in
particular using AI techniques (Beauche and Poizat,
2008)) and service adaptation (Di Nitto et al., 2008)
are of application to satisfy some of the envisaged
Crowdsourcing and social networking. The
active participation of a large number of people to
perform particular tasks or solve problems is of great
interest for our work. Lim and Finkelstein (2012)
have investigated first approaches towards large-
scale requirements elicitation using social networks.
Furthermore, Onnela and Reed-Tsochase (2010)
provide first insights on social influence within
social networks.
Participatory sensing. Gathering contextual
information in order to allow services to adapt to a
particular user context is a key aim of our work.
Research on participatory sensing (Burke et al.,
2006) focuses on communities that use sensors as
provided by mobile devices to retrieve information
about the environment.
Change Management. Different sources of
change need to be identified, classified and analysed.
Service providers need to be aware not just of new
needs coming from the potential customers (the
citizens) but also new opportunities coming from
other services and applications. To this end, very
agile change management processes need to be
designed. The concept of “fluidity of design” (Jarke
et al., 2011) should be accommodated somehow in
these processes. Of course one crucial question here
is timing: when is the right moment to update the
service, for which selected requirements? May some
classical RE results on market-driven requirements
(Karlsson et al., 2007) be transferred to this context?
Personal and social values. Beyond pure
technological knowledge, personal and social factors
need to be considered in this kind of solutions. Long
ago Goguen (1994) already recognized this link in
requirements engineering. The key value of
requirements in this context was also recently
highlighted by Milne and Maiden (2011) who
demonstrated that requirements are socially
constructed in a political context. This means that
decision-making needs to consider all type of factors
surrounding individuals.
Feedback/Communication channels. Continuous
feedback on services is needed in order to ensure
long-term user satisfaction. Approaches which allow
end-user to give feedback on current context-aware
services (Schneider et al., 2010) and which allow
them to document their ideas on services in situ
(Seyff et al., 2010) build a basis to satisfy some of
the depicted issues.
Thoughtful living. Our vision includes the idea
that people should benefit individually from the
proposed solution. However, we also focus on the
big picture and aim at a solution that does not only
support the individual, but also the thoughtful use of
resources and energy.
Platform independent services/apps. There are
several mobile platforms available today. Identifying
ways to make services and apps available on key
platforms and limiting development effort at the
same time is a key challenge. Work on approaches
such as cross-platform development (Bishop and
Horspool, 2006) needs to be considered to overcome
this challenge.
In this position paper we have proposed a novel
approach to close the gap among regular citizens and
software services available in mobile technologies.
We aim at simplifying the interaction of multiple
internet services by means of a dedicated platform
that is able to make decisions autonomously and also
to learn from past decisions from the user. Our
vision relies on several existing works both in the
form of scientific contributions and existing
technologies that we survey below.
The IFTTT Project ( supports
user-designed service composition. For example, a
user can create a rule that is triggered when he
uploads an image to Instagram that saves this image
in his Dropbox account. Such rules (called recipes),
can be shared among users or created in a
personalised basis. Although the system is not
designed to learn from the user behavior, it opens the
path to communication between applications. Such a
technology could be integrated into the GUI
manager with the purpose of supporting the user to
configure his personalized workflows.
Similarly, the on{X} project (https://!landingPage) lets the user control
and extend the capabilities of his Android
smartphone using a JavaScript API. on{X} provides
an API that allows the device to detect several user
events, as for example the speed of movement or the
arrival to the office. Applications can use this API to
react to these events. This type of technology can be
integrated in the environment monitor e.g. to update
doctors’ context when they park the car at the
Also several applied research projects tackle
related issues. The PERSIST project (http://www.ict- envisions a Personal Smart Space (PSS)
that is associated with the personal devices carried
by the user and which follows him, providing
uninterrupted context-aware pervasiveness. This
concept of PSS could be the basis of the avatar
component in our platform. The SOCITIES project
( aims at improving on-
line community services, creating new ways of
communicating, working and socialising. In their
own words, “the vision of SOCITIES is to develop a
complete integrated Community Smart Space, which
extends pervasive systems beyond the individual to
dynamic communities of users”.
MUSIC ( devel-
oped an open framework for the development and
deployment of context aware and self-adaptive
mobile applications targeted for ubiquitous and
service oriented environments. The framework
offers a distributed context sensing and management
system and supports self-adapting distributed mobile
services collaborating in dynamically adapting
ensembles. With the help of MUSIC, a developer
can implement and deploy a custom context sensor
specific to a given device (e.g. a sensor for handling
compass data). Still, the framework requires
significant effort and a case-by-case study to
integrate new services into the user environment.
Some platforms start to be also available in
mobile infrastructure. BLOCCO (Hagino et al.,
2011) is a service linking system available in
Android platform that enables the building of new
application mash-ups by linking other existing
Android applications. This was delivered in the form
of an Android application. The main goal of the
project was to enable users to combine
functionalities provided by different applications and
to implement automatic execution of applications
according to user configuration. In addition, various
events happening in one application could be
detected and they could be used to trigger execution
of other services, using parameter passing and
processing techniques. Similar to IFTTT, BLOCCO
focused on constant rules for end-user configuration
and enabled end-users to build new applications
according to their specific needs, in a user-centred
Finally, some academic works have already
explored similar features or functionalities. An
event-driven approach for business process
modeling (Alexopoulou et al., 2008) was introduced
to enhance agility by means of learning rules
between events and actions. Similarly, the
integration of adaptive process management and
case handling was used to create a more flexible and
user-friendly approach to process management
(Gunther et al., 2008). Another noteworthy work
(Mehandjiev et al., 2009) studies end-user service
composition from the perspective of users. With this
goal, the authors review users perceptions,
intuitions and requirements regarding bridging
different services. Finally, Semantic Web Pipes (Le-
Phuoc et al., 2009) is a mechanism that supports fast
implementation of semantic data mash-ups while
preserving abstraction, encapsulation, component-
orientation, code re-usability and maintainability.
In this position paper, we have presented a short
report of work in progress in the development of a
platform for improving the state of the art on service
oriented mobile computing with the goal of
supporting context-awareness, personalization and
evolution. We have analysed the different challenges
to overcome, and depicted the main architectural
components of such a platform, showing one among
several different ways of organizing these
components. We have reflected on the different
research lines that may contribute to the realization
of this platform.
Whilst certainly there is a long path to achieve
the scenario presented in Section 4, we have tried to
show that a lot of work is already there and can be
used as the baseline for building such a platform.
Still, many fundamental questions need to be
addressed. For instance, recent findings dispute the
idea that people are rational decision-makers
(Lehrer, 2009). This opens an interesting debate: is it
cost-effective to try to embody all possible
preferences and attitudes of citizens in a
computational form? Answers to this kind of
fundamental questions allow us envisaging new
emerging interdisciplinary research lines.
This work has been supported by the Spanish project
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