Context Based Content Aggregation
for Social Life Networks
Maneesh Mathai and Athula Ginige
School of Computing, Engineering And Mathematics, University of Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Context Modelling, Content Aggregation, Social Life Networks, Mobile Application.
It is extremely useful to have right information at the right time. Social Life Networks (SLN) extend the
capabilities of current social networks by combining them with the technological advances now found in
Smartphones that include myriad of sensors and multimedia input and output capabilities to provide essential
information to support livelihood activities. The challenge is to provide this information within the required
context. For this we need to model the context by acquiring the physical data to provide meaningful abstrac-
tions with respect to the application domain and the needs of the users. We have developed a physical context
model based on user profile, location, time and activity and a mapping to match the logical context of vari-
ous data sources from which we can get the required information. Based on this model we have developed a
SLN for farmers in Sri Lanka to provide agricultural information in the context of farming life cycle stages,
location of their farm land, cultivation season and other economic parameters. In the field trails there was
unanimous agreement among farmers that this application is very useful for them because they were able to
get the required information in context.
Due to lack of access to current information, often
farmers tend to grow the same crop within a region,
and this is causing potential over supply of crops
(Hettiarachchi, 2011). Farmers come to know, or re-
alize, there is an oversupply only when they bring
their harvest to the market, and the oversupply re-
duces market price for the crop, disadvantaging the
farmers. This is a frequent scenario happening in de-
veloping countries (Hettiarachchi, 2011). Neither the
farmers nor government agencies are able to make
necessary adjustments for lack of timely information
on what farmers plan to cultivate, or have cultivated.
The yield could also be affected by various factors in-
cluding availability of water, weather, and pests.
(De Silva et al., 2012) have shown that farmers
can make an informed decision on what crop to grow
if they have access to a mobile phone based informa-
tion system to inquire what others in that region are
growing. The information system can provide this in-
formation only if most farmers use this system and
indicate what crop they plan to grow. Aggregating
the information provided by the farmers the informa-
tion system can also inform the government agen-
cies monitoring and managing agriculture sector in
a country, fertilizer and pesticide suppliers and po-
tential buyers what has already been grown for better
management of the overall crop production.
Mobile phone usage in the world has grown
rapidly including among people in developing coun-
tries. At present, 90% of the world population is cov-
ered by a mobile signal, 128% of the world population
has a mobile subscription and in developing coun-
tries the subscription rate is 89% (ict, 2013). Further
Smartphone prices are rapidly decreasing and now are
comparable to a cost of a basic mobile phone few
years ago. A Smartphone can be considered as a
sensor in the hands of a human capable of capturing
user input as text, voice or gestures and other envi-
ronmental parameters using build in sensors such as
GPS, camera etc. It is also capable of communicating
with the user using range of media types; text, images,
video, and audio.
An International Collaborative research project
was started to develop a Social Life Network (SLN)
(ict, 2013) ; a mobile based information system to
support livelihood activities of people in developing
countries. Social Life Networks (SLN) tries to ex-
tend the capabilities of current social networks by
combining them with the technological advances now
found in Smartphones that include myriad of sensors
Mathai M. and Ginige A..
Context Based Content Aggregation for Social Life Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004596205700577
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT-PT-2013), pages 570-577
ISBN: 978-989-8565-68-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and multimedia input and output capabilities (Jain and
Sonnen, 2011). An essential component of the SLN
architecture is a module that provides information to
users in context. In order to get a deeper insight into
research challenges and to investigate possible solu-
tions we selected a specific real world problem to
work on. The first SLN was developed for farmers
in Sri Lanka to address the over production problem
mentioned above.
2.1 Components for SLN
(Jain and Sonnen, 2011; Ginige; et al., 2012) pro-
posed that there are a few basic components for real-
izing the vision of social life networks. Data coming
from multiple users and heterogeneous devices needs
to be wrapped into a common format and made ac-
cessible to the system. Logically the data needs to
be translated from localized sensor/human input to
higher level situational abstractions. There is also an
encompassing issue of user engagement. Both intrin-
sic and extrinsic factors matter, but enhanced feed-
back and user motivation are key aspects of it.
The biggest catalyst for the adoption of the tradi-
tional Web was the presence of search engines which
routed users to their desired resources (static web
pages). A situation analysis performs a similar role
in the dynamic social life networks i.e. routing the
users to the appropriate resources based on situation
detected. In this paper we propose that to carry out
the situation analysis, it is vital to identify the context
and using the contextual information will result in a
more personalized set of results for the user.
2.2 Context
During the past two decades, researchers have devel-
oped techniques that enable systems to adapt to their
users in many different ways (Seher et al., 2007). One
of the major research directions for humancomputer
interaction (HCI) and Information Retrieval (IR) has
been exploring the novel forms of interaction that can
be achieved by integrating computer technology with
the everyday physical world in which we live and
work. Ubiquitous or pervasive computing represents
a powerful shift in computation, where people live,
work and play in a seamless computer-enabled envi-
ronment and people are surrounded by computing de-
vices and a computing infrastructure that supports us
in everything we do (Poslad, 2011; ?; ?). Ability to
accurately represent user context is very important to
make optimum use of these smart environments. For
this we need to model the context by acquiring the
physical data to provide meaningful abstractions with
respect to the application domain and the needs of the
users interacting with the application.
A qualified definition of context is given by (Dey,
2001). In this work the term context is defined as fol-
Context as any information that can be used to char-
acterize the situation of an entity. An entity is a per-
son, place, or object that is considered relevant to
the interaction between a user and an application, in-
cluding the user and applications themselves.
After defining context, context modelling is used
to handle context information for the different entities
of the application.
2.2.1 Need for Context
Human communications are quite successful and
seem to be very easy. This is mainly due to the rich-
ness of the language used, and the common under-
standing humans have about how the world works
(Dey, 2001). Human communication is more success-
ful when there is an implicit understanding of the ev-
eryday situations of others who take part in the com-
For example, in a conversation between two
friends, the question How was the game? might not
require any further elaboration. This question is in-
complete, as it does not explicitly describe the game.
Still, the respondent can understand the question.
This is possible if the humans involved in the commu-
nication have a shared context which includes know-
ing the everyday situations of each others lives. More-
over, the type of the answer expected is not mentioned
in the question. However, it is understood that the an-
swer is not only about who won the game, but also
should include descriptions of the game, such as the
For an automated system to have the ability of
bringing this contextual information in the interaction
between the human and the computer is challenging.
By improving the computers access to the context, the
richness of communication in humancomputer inter-
action can be increased, giving more useful compu-
tational services. Furthermore, personalized informa-
tion services help to improve the conversational band-
width in a humancomputer interaction.
2.2.2 Context-specific information for
Information must be relevant and meaningful to farm-
ers, in addition to being packaged and delivered in a
way preferred by them (Diekmann et al., 2009) cited
in (Babu et al., 2012). Context-specific information
could have a greater impact on the adoption of tech-
nologies and increase farm productivity for marginal
and small agricultural landholders (Samaddar, 2006)
cited in (Babu et al., 2012). However, making infor-
mation context-specific is more resource intensive. It
requires information at the farm level, which could
vary spatially and temporally, and with different de-
grees of specificity (Garforth et al., 2003) cited in
(Babu et al., 2012). Despite the additional cost and
time associated with generating localized content, this
content could be more relevant and useful in meeting
farmers information needs (Cecchini and Scott, 2003)
cited in (Babu et al., 2012).
(Babu et al., 2012) discuss clearly the importance
of contextualized information and knowledge for the
farmers in India. They further explain how effective
this knowledge can improve their productivity and in-
come since this information is more relevant to their
farm enterprises and better reflects needs of the farm-
ers. They therefore recommend that the existence of
context-specific and relevant information should be
considered when developing approaches for farmers.
In this paper, we describe context specific to the
farmers in Sri Lanka and the approach we developed
to design the context expansion module to provide
context-specific information and knowledge to farm-
ers. It further discusses the design and implementa-
tion of the first version of a mobile application for
framers. The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. Section 3 presents the methodology for mod-
elling context. Section 4 describes the high level ar-
chitecture and implementation of the mobile applica-
tion. Finally, section 6 concludes the paper.
Every activity that a user can perform can be subdi-
vided into sub tasks or phases. User needs specific
information based on each phase.
In farming domain, (De Silva et al., 2012) has
identified that farmers in Sri-Lanka need specific in-
formation rather than generic information. For in-
stance, farmers need agricultural information relevant
to their situation such as the location of their farm
land, their economic condition, their interest and be-
lief, need and available equipments etc.
(De Silva et al., 2012) carried out a causal analysis
to determine the factors that influence farmers deci-
sion making at various stages of the farming lifecycle
and in that process they identified what specific in-
formation is required in each stage. The causal anal-
ysis was carried out through a series of surveys. In
this process, they also looked at the various informa-
tion sources currently available for farmers following
which (De Silva et al., 2012) determined how the in-
formation needs to flow to the farmers. (De Silva
et al., 2012) postulated that the information should be
made available to farmers in context to make mean-
ingful use of the information and that the information
needs of farmers change with each stage of the farm-
ing cycle.
Deeper information need analysis revealed that
the farmers need two types of information for each
stage; dynamic information such as current extent of
crop cultivation, market prices etc. and more stable
static information such as crop types, cultivars, suit-
able pesticides, fertilizer, previous market prices etc
(De Silva et al., 2012; Walisadeera et al., 2013). The
agriculture domain knowledge obtained from (Wal-
isadeera et al., 2013), also suggests that farm envi-
ronment, types of farmers, farmers preferences and
farming stages are the important factors that needs to
be considered for filtering relevant information.
3.1 Physical and Logical Context
When developing context aware applications we need
to consider two types of contexts. The physical
context attributes are the raw environmental param-
eters which are captured in real time using sensors
or pre stored in the system while the logical context
attributes are concepts associated to physical data,
which provide meaningful abstractions with respect
to the application domain and the needs of the users
interacting with the application.
Each user of the application will have different
physical values according to their settings. Every ap-
plication would have its own logical interpretation of
the stored physical data. The system needs to derive
the logical application context from the physical data
to get information in context.
3.2 Modelling Context in Farming
To develop a context model for the farming domain
we had to first identify the relevant physical context,
the logical context and the mapping between the two.
For example one of the attribute of the physical con-
text that is stored by the system is the geo coordinates.
The geo-coordinates can be interpreted in many pos-
sible ways like agro ecological zones or administra-
tive districts. If the goal of the application is to deter-
mine the environmental attributes of the region then
the application can map the geo-coordinates into agro
ecological zones otherwise if the goal is to obtain the
market price of the region, then the application needs
to determine under which administrative district the
given geo-coordinates belong and then query the ap-
propriate information source to get the relevant data.
Figure 1: Physical to Logical Context Mapping.
Thus, it can be seen that the same physical context
attribute can be mapped into different logical context
attribute according to the information requirements of
each of the application. So, one of the important ca-
pabilities of the context expanding application would
be to facilitate this conversion of raw physical data to
match the required logical context. Different appli-
cation can have space- time- user related information
and activities represented different ways which would
allow different application to identify and querying
different databases static or dynamic, based on the
3.3 Designing the Generic Model for
Physical Context
Physical context can be modelled using user profile,
space, time and activity as major sub categories. Each
sub category will consist of further sub categories and
Profile Modelling: This consists of the user con-
text, such as the users profile and preferences. Some
of these are general or domain-independent to a user.
Examples include the users personal characteristics
such as profession, age and gender. Some other user
preferences are specific to the domain or application
in consideration. These could be the users level of
knowledge of particular topics, and the users level of
interest in particular topics. Starting from the identity
of a user, it is possible to obtain individual context
information. This can be achieved by having a regis-
tration system which manages the basic user profile.
Spatial Information: This context type describes
aspects relating to the spatial extent of the user con-
text. It can contain attributes like location, direc-
tion and speed. One of the most common contexts
used is the location of the user. Location-awareness
is the most important part of context-awareness for
mobile computing systems. The spatial region of
interest defines the physical boundaries and may be
of any shape. Spatial context is represented as re-
gions, spatial relationships and geometric coordi-
nates. In a regional representation, a boundary is
specified as regions, such as Australia, Sydney or Par-
ramatta. These representations can be hierarchically
organized. Spatial relationships can be direction rela-
tionships (above, below, or north of, southwest of),
topological relationships (near, far, around, within,
adjacent, inside), and metric relationships (distance).
The geometric coordinates specify points or areas in a
metric space that represent the latitude, longitude and
elevation above sea level.
A users location can be sensed using Active
Badges, radar, video cameras or GPS (Global Po-
sitioning System) units. GPS sensors have become
available in very small package sizes, enabling their
integration in mobile devices. The level of precision
required by the GPS module will depend on the in-
formation requirement of the application. For some
application there could be instances where multiple
geo-coordinates may be made associated with an in-
dividual user profile.
Figure 2: Generic Model for Physical Context.
Temporal Information: This context type de-
scribes aspects relating to time. Time is a fundamen-
tal variable, since the context is dynamic and changes
with time. A temporal context can be represented as
time instants or absolute time references, time inter-
vals, periodic descriptors, and temporal relationship.
A time instant or absolute time reference is an in-
stant of time that is an absolute moment of time. It
can be different in time units such as 9.00 a.m. and
11/10/2005. A time interval is based on calendar units
such as year, today, morning. It is the time interval
between two absolute time references.
Activity Information: The task context can be de-
scribed with explicit goals, tasks, actions, activities,
or events. The task context could be specific to the
domain in which those tasks are performed. It can be
decomposed into sub-tasks.
(Ginige and Ginige, 2011) states that connectivity
and empowerment as the two important characteris-
tics that needs to be addressed when developing an
application for farmers. Now let us look at an exem-
plary scenario to show how an application can work
in an agriculture domain.
Example: A good example to describe the advan-
tage of using a context aware application would be
a situation in which the farmer decide what crop to
grow?. The system identifies that the farmer is in the
first stage of farming and thus only needs to concern
itself with the subset of information that the farmer
might need at this stage. This sub set of information
needs has already been identified through the analysis
of the domain (Lokanathan and Kapugama, 2012) as
shown in table 1.
Table 1: Information needs of Farmers.
Information needs of Farmers
in Crop Selection Stage.
Current market prices for a specific crop(s)
in the specific market that I sell at
Current market prices for a specific crop(s)
in the specific market that I sell at
Current market prices for a specific crop(s)
in market(s) other than what I sell at
Expected future market prices for a specific crop(s)
around the time when your crops will be ready for
Information on finance
(formal and informal sources, the cost involved etc)
Information on govt. schemes
(including subsidies and minimum support prices)
and policies on agriculture (current as well as changes)
Information on higher yield crops
Information on best farming practices
including how to grow a particular crop
Information on crop diseases and how to solve them
Information on input availability and associated costs
Information on labour availability and associated costs
Information on land availability and associated costs
Information on farming machinery/equipment
and associated costs
Information on electricity timings
Information on water availability
Information on weather
The system then provides a list of crops suitable
to the farm of the farmer based on the fact that the
farm is located in a particular agro ecological zone of
Sri-Lanka and therefore a matching can be done to
produce a list of crops that could be grown in that
ecological zone. This list is further limited by the
season in which the farmer intends to grow the crop.
This list of crop can then be ranked according to the
current production level if that dynamic information
is available to the system. To empower the farmers
each crop would be associated with vital information,
which would then assist the farmers in their decision
making process.
In this particular scenario, the system is able to
filter, rank and provide information about different
crops by identifying the context of the farmer. The
context of the farmer is dictated by the ecological
zone in which the farm is located, the farming stage,
the season in which the farmer intends to grow the
crop, and the personal preferences of the farmer.
4.1 Components of SLN4Farmers
An appropriate infrastructure for social life networks
should support most of the tasks required to identify
the context. The context expansion model needs to
focus on a scalable context management while a data
manger should be responsible for reasoning and con-
cept representation. For example if the farming stage
is crop selection then the context expansion module
creates the query what crop to grow?.
Figure 3: High Level Architecture for SLN.
Conceptually the data manager can be grouped
into two, ontology based knowledge repository for
static information and real time aggregation module
for dynamic information. (Walisadeera et al., 2013)
has shown how ontology can be used to find a re-
sponse to queries within a specified context in the
domain of agriculture. This structured view is essen-
tial to facilitate knowledge sharing, knowledge aggre-
gation, information retrieval, and question answering
while the real time aggregation module ingests and
manages the sensory and dynamic data, based on the
attribute values available at run time.
The focus of this paper, the context expansion
module has the application data that is specific to the
application domains characteristics which is used to
carry out the logical interpretations and a physical
context model that is responsible for keeping the con-
text state updated for each individual user of the ap-
plication. The context characterizing properties that
change with spatial and temporal attributes is cap-
tured by the physical context model.
The context expansion module provide the follow-
ing functionality :
The definition and structure of context model that
is used to represent the task being carried out by
the specific application.
The acquisition of data at run time that is used by
the context model to provide personalized infor-
mation in context.
4.2 Context Expansion
The context expansion module identifies information
need of the sub task of the activity performed by the
user. This information along with the logical interpre-
tation of the application of the stored physical context
of the user is used to filter and provide the required
Figure 4: Conceptual Model for Context Expansion.
Let us look at one of the working example of the
application. The farmer logs into the system, the sys-
tem asks the farmer to register his farm. This is gov-
erned by the basic application domain knowledge that
a farmer might have multiple farms associated with
him. The context model allows us to capture this in-
formation through the user profile. The current stage
of farming is also captured in the user profile and
having the relationship that each farmer has multiple
farms allows us to capture the farming stage of each
farm associated with the farmer. The GPS system of
the mobile is used to capture the geo-coordinates for
each farm.
Figure 5: Input Output Table for Context.
Once the farmer selects a farm the information
specific to that farm will be made available by the
system. If the farmer selects crop planning the con-
text expansion module checks the farming stage of
that particular farm and then provide information rel-
evant to that farm for that particular farming stage by
creating a corresponding query.
For example if the farming stage is crop selection
then the context expansion module creates the query
what crop to grow?.
This query is further expanded by different blocks
of context expansion module as shown in the figure
3. Thus the query createTd by the context expansion
module is expanded from What crop to grow? into
What crop to grow in Yala with values agro ecolog-
ical zone=DL1, Low country, Dry zone; Rainfall =
100, Elevation = Low. This query is then passed on to
the data manager where agriculture ontology is used
to obtain a list of crops. For each of the individual
crop, a query is generated and sent to the aggregation
module, to obtain the current production level of each
4.3 Implementation
To test the concept an end to end prototype was devel-
oped. Focus was on user interface, usability and ac-
ceptance of the system by the end-users. The design
process was based on the research done by (De Silva
et al., 2012) and took into account several factors such
as users level of literacy, familiarity in using the de-
vice, users cultural background, and language beliefs.
Scenarios based on (Di Giovanni et al., 2012) studies
were used to identify a list of non-functional require-
ments. The above architecture was implemented as a
mobile up for Android phoned connected to a back-
end server through web services.
The application model specifies the following in-
The user is a farmer and that he can have multiple
farms and multiple mobiles.
Each farm has geo-coordinates, season and the
farming stage associated with it.
There is a set of information required for each
farming stage.
Figure 6: Login and Farm Selection.
Figure 7: Crop selection and List of crops.
Figure 6 shows the login screen. It has been de-
signed to handle the situation of farmers having mul-
tiple mobiles and also for the authentication process.
The application domain dictates the fact that a farmer
might have multiple farms and since each farm has
its own unique characteristics, the farmer is asked to
select a unique farm at the start of the application.
Figure 7 represents the higher level of grouping of
information needs in the agriculture domain, which
Figure 8: Crop Characteristics.
caters to the different information needs at different
stages of farming. In the first version, the crop plan-
ning stage was implemented, so when the farmer se-
lects this button, the system provides the user with a
list of suitable crops as shown in figure 8. The farmer
can find more information about a particular crop by
selecting the individual crop. The farmer can on this
screen indicate which crop he plans to grow and in
what quantity. This information is stored as part of
the user profile and is associated with the farm of the
The usability field test with 32 farmers in Sri Lanka
was done to prove the effectiveness of the initial solu-
tion and positive response was obtained.
There was universal agreement among the farm-
ers participated in the field trial to varying degree
(strongly agree, agree, moderately agree) to the ques-
tion All information for the crop choosing stage is
provided. This information was provided to the farm-
ers using farmer context via low cost Smart phones
running Android operating system.
To understand the research challenges and to derive
possible solutions to provide context based informa-
tion in Social Life Networks, we have taken a con-
crete example in the form of an application for farm-
ers that could meet the information needs within the
farmers context. To represent information in context,
we have developed an approach to model users phys-
ical context and carried out the mapping to obtain
the logical context required by various data managers
based on the current attribute values of the physical
context. The context expanding module of the appli-
cation was responsible for facilitating the conversion
of raw physical data to match the required logical con-
text of the application.
The solution described in this paper have been
tested by creating a mobile application which has al-
lowed us to prove that the solution is feasible and
meets the information needs of farmers in Sri Lanka.
In the future we plan to improve the context expansion
module by inferring the intent of the users from their
interactions with the system (Deufemia et al., 2013).
The current application is a specific instance of the
SLN project and we plan to create a generalized ar-
chitecture that would be useful in creating many ap-
plication for SLN.
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