Introducing a Security Governance Framework
for Cloud Computing
Oscar Rebollo
, Daniel Mellado
and Eduardo Fernández-Medina
Social Security IT Management, Ministry of Labour and Immigration,
Doctor Tolosa Latour s/n, Madrid, Spain
Spanish Tax Agency - Large taxpayers department - IT Auditing Unit,
Paseo de la Castellana 106, Madrid, Spain
GSyA Research Group, Department of Information Technologies and Systems,
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad 4, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. The cloud computing paradigm provides a more efficient way in
which to provide IT services, introducing on-demand services and flexible
computing resources. The adoption of these cloud services is being hindered by
the security issues that arise with this new environment. A global security solu-
tion, which deals with the specific particularities of the cloud paradigm, is
therefore needed, and literature fails to report on such a solution. As a conse-
quence, in this paper we propose a novel security governance framework fo-
cused on the cloud computing environment (ISGcloud). This framework is
founded upon two main standards: on the one hand, we implement the core
governance principles of the ISO/IEC 38500 governance standard; and on the
other hand, we propose a cloud service lifecycle based on the ISO/IEC 27036
outsourcing security draft. The paper includes an overview of the framework
and the description of a collection of activities and their related tasks.
1 Introduction
During the last few years, both organisations and individuals have started paying
attention to the explosive growth and adoption of cloud computing services. This new
paradigm encompasses access to a shared pool of computing resources that can be
rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort [1]. Users may
benefit from the flexibility and elasticity of on-demand cloud services, especially at
present when economic restrictions require IT departments to achieve more objectives
with less resources. When these kinds of services are aligned with well-defined stra-
tegic initiatives and objectives, they make valuable contributions to an enterprise [2].
However, the many benefits provided by cloud computing are also accompanied by
the appearance of new risks [3], in addition to the continued presence of all the securi-
ty issues that may affect its underlying technologies [4]. The independence of the
cloud service delivery model signifies that security management is necessary if its
adoption is to be fostered [5]. Cloud computing extends computing resources across
the corporate perimeter, resulting in control being lost over its information assets. A
security governance function therefore needs to be established for the management
Rebollo O., Mellado D. and Fernández-Medina E..
Introducing a Security Governance Framework for Cloud Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004601400240033
In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2013), pages 24-33
ISBN: 978-989-8565-64-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
levels, with a clear security strategy [6]. Regardless of the cloud model adopted, secu-
rity and governance must lead and guide the adoption of cloud services [7]. Security
policies and measures involve a third party when moving services to cloud compu-
ting, and this loss of control emphasizes the need for security governance within the
enterprise and for the transparency of cloud providers [8, 9]. Security governance, as
part of the company’s corporate governance, is the most suitable path by which to
gain control of security processes and guarantee an alignment with business strategies
An Information Security Governance (ISG) framework that tackles all the security
issues in the cloud environment in a uniform manner is not currently available. Alt-
hough there are many technological approaches that can improve cloud security, there
are currently no comprehensive solutions [11]. Our previous research shows that
existing efforts that attempt to deal with cloud computing security do not detail the
governance aspects [12]. In this paper we therefore propose a first approach to a secu-
rity governance framework that considers the particularities of cloud deployments
(ISGcloud). The ISGcloud framework compiles existing published guidance works on
the field, and groups them homogeneously to provide a model that is capable of deliv-
ering an ISG process for the cloud services. ISGcloud is led by standards, resulting in
an alignment with actual best practices. With the use of standards we aim to increase
the quality and reliability of the results and simplify the governance process while
guaranteeing the security of the cloud service and promoting the reuse of resources
The perspective followed in our approach is process oriented, thus facilitating its
inclusion in any organisation. In order to deploy security governance, we have chosen
the model published in the ISO/IEC 38500 standard, which states that directors should
perform governance by using three main processes: Evaluate, Direct and Monitor
[14]. The Evaluate-Direct-Monitor cycle will therefore become a core process of our
framework. We also propose the addition of a fourth process, namely Communicate,
owing to the relevance of disseminating security knowledge within the organisation,
particularly as regards the adoption of new services such as those of cloud computing.
In addition to the four core processes highlighted, we consider that it is paramount
to identify a cloud service lifecycle as part of our objective of defining an ISG de-
ployment. The relationship between the cloud client and its provider, as with any
other outsourcing service, leads to new risks throughout its lifecycle phases that must
be managed in order to guarantee the service’s success [15]. The ISO/IEC 27036
standard [16], despite being in its draft stage, outlines security controls to be ad-
dressed in an outsourcing lifecycle. We have adapted this standard to a generic cloud
computing lifecycle in order to identify the steps in the processes.
This paper is structured as follows: the following section contains related work in
the fields of security governance and cloud computing that have influenced our re-
search; Section 3 provides an overview of our ISGcloud framework, describing its
core processes and the proposed lifecycle of a cloud service; Section 4 presents a
detailed description of our framework’s activities and tasks; finally, Section 5 con-
tains a discussion of our contribution and future work.
2 Related Work
This section briefly summarises those proposals published in recent years whose ob-
jective is to tackle security issues from the governance perspective. We focus particu-
larly on those dealing with cloud computing deployments.
A key reference, when discussing IT Governance, is Control Objectives for Infor-
mation and related Technology (COBIT) [17]. COBIT is a framework for IT Govern-
ance which introduces a set of 37 processes grouped into five domains; detailing the
control objectives, metrics, maturity models and other management guidelines for
each of these processes.
The International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) has a wide portfolio of
standards, some of which are dedicated to security and governance aspects. The
ISO/IEC 27001 standard is of particular interest to our objective as is related to In-
formation Security Management Systems, which can be used by organisations to
develop and implement a framework for managing the security of their information
assets and prepare for an independent assessment applied to the protection of their
information [18].
These two frameworks are analysed in [19], in which some other references are al-
so considered. Of these approaches it is worth highlighting the ISG proposal [20],
which defines an information security framework, clearly distinguishing between the
governance and management sides, in addition to describing the tasks, roles and re-
sponsibilities of any key individual in an organisation.
The main drawback of using these frameworks when dealing with cloud computing
security is that they have not been specifically designed for this environment, and
therefore lack the particularities that arise in this situation. The special security re-
quirements that arise when dealing with a cloud computing deployment have led to
many publications that attempt to tackle these matters. Existing cloud security pro-
posals are reviewed in [21], and the most representative are introduced below.
The security guidance published by the Cloud Security Alliance provides practical
recommendations on reducing the associated risks when adopting cloud computing
[22]. The guidance proposes recommendations that help identify threats in the cloud
context and choose the best options to mitigate vulnerabilities. Organisations using
this guide must select which lines are applicable to their cloud deployment. These
lines range from governance to operation issues.
A security risk assessment has been proposed by the European Network and In-
formation Security Agency (ENISA) to provide both a framework to evaluate risks
and security guidance for existing users [23]. The risk assessment evolves into an
information assurance framework, which includes controls from the ISO 27000 fami-
ly of standards.
In order to provide an understanding of cloud computing and its related risks, the
Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) has published [24].
This proposal tackles governance and security aspects separately, and contains refer-
ences to additional publications in order to complement the framework.
The systematic review performed in [12] analyses all of these cloud security pro-
posals together with other literature publications. The results of this comparison show
many lacks in existing frameworks as regards the comprehensive embracement of
security governance in cloud computing environments.
There are various core governance processes approaches in literature; some ISO
standards, such as that of the ISO/IEC 27001, propose adopting the Plan-Do-
Check-Act (PDCA) process model to implement the governance of the security of
information systems and networks [18]. We consider this approach and the ISO/IEC
38500 (Evaluate-Direct-Monitor) as valid and plausible, since both reflect the estab-
lishment of iterative processes that provide feedback on the activities performed.
Similar approaches with which to define these processes can also be found in
literature. For instance, in [25] the authors define a security governance framework
based on the Direct-Control cycle. Upon examining this process it was discovered that
it shares many dualities with the aforementioned ones, as it differentiates the
governance and management domains, and applies the iterative cycle to the strategic,
tactical and operational levels.
3 Overview of the ISGcloud Framework
This section provides a general overview of our proposed ISGcloud framework. We
describe how the process has been developed by considering the specificities of a
cloud computing environment and what links to existing standards it includes.
As previously mentioned, the core processes of ISGcloud are based on the
ISO/IEC 38500 standard. According to this standard, the governance cycle follows
three processes: a) Evaluate the current and future use of IT; b) Direct preparation and
implementation of plans and policies to ensure that the use of IT meets business
objectives; and c) Monitor conformance to policies, and performance against the
plans [14]. We additionally incorporate the Communicate process which adds the
dissemination of the knowledge that is required in ISG. From here on, we shall refer
to these iterations as the Evaluate-Direct-Monitor cycle.
This iterative governance cycle is also similar to the COBIT 5 proposal, where the
Evaluate-Direct-Monitor cycle is intended for IT governance processes, and a Plan-
Build-Run-Monitor cycle is suggested for the management areas [17].
The process of implementing and managing ISG in cloud computing is closely
bound to the service offered by the cloud provider and consequently with its lifecycle.
Taking the ISO/IEC 27036 standard [16] as a basis, we propose the following generic
cloud computing lifecycle: 1. Planning / Strategy Definition; 2. Cloud Security
Analysis; 3. Cloud Security Design; 4. Cloud Implementation / Migration; 5. Secure
Cloud Operation; and 6. Cloud Service Termination.
We intend to use the proposed lifecycle to develop a framework that will be
suitable for all cloud deployments. Depending on the details of the cloud
implementation or even on whether the cloud service is already in use, practitioners
will be able to discard some of the proposed activities and tailor those remaining to
their needs.
The four ISG processes constitute one dimension of the ISGcloud framework, and
the six activities of the cloud computing lifecycle become a second dimension. We
therefore depict our framework in a bi-dimensional perspective, in which the cloud
services traverse the six activities in which successive Evaluate-Direct-Monitor cycles
are held. The relationship between the core security governance cycle and the cloud
lifecycle is shown in Fig. 1. The front of the triangular prism represents the four main
security governance processes (Evaluate, Direct, Monitor and Communicate) that are
executed iteratively in each activity of the process. The lateral side of the prism
depicts the consecutive activities of the cloud service lifecycle through which security
governance is implemented.
Fig. 1. Overview of the ISGcloud framework.
Surrounding the prism in Fig. 1 are some of the most relevant aspects to have
influenced the security governance activities and which must therefore be considered
in our framework. The left-hand side of the figure contains those issues that are
internal to the organisation, while the right-hand side lists external matters. The
inclusion of standards and best practices has been represented over the cloud service
lifecycle in order to reflect the primordial importance of these contributions to our
framework. Although we propose some relevant standards, these guidelines may
already exist and be deployed within the organisation, or can be obtained from
external sources.
4 ISGcloud’s Activities
Having introduced the core processes of our cloud security governance framework
and its main components, this section details the process structure throughout the
cloud service lifecycle.
The user roles involved in the proposed framework include personnel from the
whole organisation. The governance activities require the active involvement of
senior officers, high executives and managers, and therefore participate along with
other lower level roles. Since senior officers are responsible for the organisation’s
governance processes, they are involved in all the activities, signifying that they need
to be informed of ISGcloud’s evolution and approve the results of its tasks.
All the activities should be performed iteratively, following the core principles of
our framework. This feedback will allow practitioners to return to activities that have
previously been accomplished with new output products that may contain additional
information to perform another cycle. The remainder of this section details the tasks
proposed in each activity along with a brief description.
Direct Monitor
4.1 Activity 1: Planning /Strategy Definition
The first activity of the ISGcloud framework is designed as an introductory process to
establish the foundations needed for the remaining activities.
Task 1A: Establish Information Security Governance Structure. Given the
importance of security governance, the intention of this task is to introduce ISG into
the organisation’s culture. Senior officers and high executives, who have knowledge
of the company’s structure, mission and goals, are in charge of identifying the
participants, grouping them in teams by affinity and assigning their responsibilities.
The governance process involves the whole organisation, signifying that the
relationships among the different management levels and the reporting lines need to
be clearly defined. This task comes up with the ISG strategic plan that covers all these
issues and includes the top-level policies concerning security governance.
Task 1B: Define Information Security Program. Once an effective governance
structure and top-level security policies have been defined, then an Information
Security Program must be developed. This program consists of a series of activities
that support the enterprise risk management plan and result in the development of the
security strategy and policies [26]. This task must be performed co-ordinately by IT
and security managers and senior officers, in order to guarantee that the security
program is aligned with the business objectives.
4.2 Activity 2: Cloud Security Analysis
The second activity focuses on performing various analyses related to the security of
the cloud service. These analyses are developed according to the governance structure
and the Information Security Program elaborated in the former activity.
Task 2A: Define Information Security Requirements. The first task in this activity
has the objective of translating the strategic security policies and high level threats
defined with the security program into more detailed requirements. Ensuring a
complete alignment with the organisation’s mission, the goals are translated into
security requirements. This task requires a previous evaluation of existing standards
and guidelines that are suitable for the organisation. When defining these
requirements it is important to start considering the cloud service that the organisation
intends to implement and its related deployment. Hence it is in this step when the
ISGcloud framework begins its relationship with the cloud computing environment.
Task 2B: Cost/benefit Analysis of Available Cloud Options. Once the security
requirements and security policies have been defined, the organisation needs to
evaluate the cloud options that are available for the services being deployed. This
evaluation is performed in this task through cost/benefit analyses that include the cost
of effective governance to manage risk and ensure regulatory compliance [27] and the
value added by the cloud service. These analyses must include security considerations
of the different candidate cloud providers in relation to the cloud service model
chosen. Although it is an early estimation, the business case provides a first economic
approach as regards the organisation’s cloud service security prospects.
Task 2C: Cloud Risk Analysis. The third analysis included in this activity is a cloud
security risk analysis. The objective of this task is to provide an understanding of the
cloud service security risks identified and to define management processes for these
risks. Like any risk assessment, this includes the identification of the information
assets with their related threats and vulnerabilities, and the definition of procedures to
manage the risk and counteract them. We recommend using the Information
assurance framework defined in [23] by ENISA, which assists in following these
4.3 Activity 3: Cloud Security Design
The objective of ISGcloud’s third activity is to provide a comprehensive design of the
security governance that will be implemented together with the cloud service.
Task 3A: Define SLAs and legal contracts. Like any outsourcing service, cloud
computing services need adequate service level agreements (SLAs) to be properly
managed. Successful security governance is achieved through an appropriate
translation of the organisation’s security requirements into agreements with its cloud
provider in order to manage and minimise risks. These agreements should include not
only legal clauses, but also a complete group of security measures, which will be the
starting point for the subsequent audit and monitoring tasks. SLAs, as part of the
iterative governance cycle, must be periodically reviewed with the purpose of
modifying detected lacks and improving the cloud service’s security management.
Task 3B: Establish Information Security Roles and Responsibilities. The security
design requires a detailed establishment of responsibilities within the organisation.
This assignment depends to a great extent on the governance structure defined in the
first activity. This task demands an identification of the information assets, in order to
define the ownership and responsibility of each one.
Task 3C: Specify Cloud Service Monitoring and Auditing. This is a key task in the
security design as it specifies the conditions under which the cloud service will be
monitored. The organisation defines the processes and metrics needed to perform
security audits based on the previously defined SLAs. The results of this activity
determine how the Monitor and Evaluate processes of the iterative cycle will be
executed in the operation activities.
Task 3D: Define Applicable Security Controls. The last task in the design activity
is focused on defining the security controls. Based on the risk analysis, the
organisation must develop the security measures that it will apply both during the
cloud service operation and also in cases of incidents or major disasters. This task can
be performed by following any of the existing security standards, such as ISO/IEC
27001 [18].
4.4 Activity 4: Cloud Implementation / Migration
Once the security design has been completed, then the cloud service implementation
takes place. The execution of this activity varies depending on whether the cloud
service implemented has been previously used in the organisation or whether it is a
migration from one cloud provider to another.
Task 4A: Secure Cloud Implementation. This task focuses on the security during
the service implementation and the parallel modification of the organisational security
processes. Additional security controls are needed in the migration, some of which
will depend on the type of cloud deployment. Along with the service implementation,
the organisation’s processes are adapted to the newly designed specification.
Task 4B: Educate and Train Staff. The extension of the cloud service security
issues within the organisation is a key governance process. Although the
Communicate process should have increased the security awareness in previous
activities, it is in this task in which a global training plan is developed, and each
member of the staff is educated according to his/her participation in the cloud service.
4.5 Activity 5: Secure Cloud Operation
The fifth activity of ISGcloud is devoted to the cloud service operation. The previous
activities can be considered as time delimited, but it is generally difficult to fix time
limits to the operation since it usually has an indefinite duration. This is why the pro-
posed core iterative cycle is especially relevant in this activity.
Task 5A: Cloud Security Operation. The security operation task reflects the
successive iterations of the governance cycle. This cycle requires a precise design of
the processes, so that every participant can play their defined role. The continuous
improvement process may produce modifications to products from previous activities,
such as the Information Security Program or the Risk Analysis. If so, it may be
interesting to revisit previous activities, even while the cloud service is operating.
Successful security governance not only requires regular service measurement, but
also an adequate prioritization of the programs and regular reporting of security
issues, which may include recommendations for corrective and preventive actions.
Task 5B: Communicate Information Security within the Organisation. This task
reflects the continuous communication process that takes place within the
organisation to maintain security awareness and permit the extension of new policies.
Although this task could also be included in the previous one (Cloud security
operation), the differences between the Communicate process and the Evaluate-
Direct-Monitor cycle suggest this separation, in a more illustrative and understandable
4.6 Activity 6: Cloud Service Termination
The objective of the last activity is to provide the service termination with security.
Task 6A: Cloud Service Termination. This task includes the steps needed to
guarantee a secure service termination and information retrieval from the cloud
provider, whether the service is transferred to another provider or is finally discarded.
The main outputs of this task are the security reports that contain the knowledge
gained by the organisation, which can be reused in successive security governance
5 Conclusions
Several research efforts concerning cloud services’ security have been published, but
we have spotted a lack of a security governance framework that takes into account the
particularities of cloud computing. The main contribution of this work is the proposal
of a comprehensive ISG framework (ISGcloud) that is intimately linked with the
cloud service lifecycle. The objective of ISGcloud framework is to provide practition-
ers with a systematic approach that can be easily followed to guarantee successful
security governance, independently of the type of cloud deployment.
In order to being able to understand the framework, we have introduced a brief
description of ISGcloud’s activities and tasks. However, we are aware that more
detail is needed before our proposal is put into practice. We plan to continue our
research expanding the proposed tasks, so that each one identifies its involved steps,
the user roles that participate in its execution, its input and output products, and
proposed guidance documents that may help to achieve its objectives. Our future
research should allow us to provide a structured process approach that facilitates its
integration with other organisational processes and its reusability, which may be
modelled following the Software & Systems Process Engineering Meta-Model
Specification (SPEM) [28]. Following this line, we plan to complement the SPEM
definition of the framework’s activities with a supporting tool, such as EPF
Furthermore, we intend to be able to carry out a practical utilizacion of ISGcloud
framework in a real life scenario, so that our theoretical research is put into practice to
evaluate and validate its utility. We shall continue to validate our proposal by
contacting candidate organisations that intend to develop cloud services or have
already deployed them, and are interested in security governance issues related to the
cloud environment.
This research is part of the following projects: MEDUSAS (IDI-20090557), financed
by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), ORIGIN (IDI-
2010043(1-5)) financed by the CDTI and the FEDER, SERENIDAD (PEII11-037-
7035) financed by the "Viceconsejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Comun-
idades de Castilla- La Mancha" (Spain) and FEDER, and SIGMA-CC (TIN2012-
36904) and GEODAS (TIN2012-37493-C03-01) financed by the "Ministerio de
Economía y Competitividad" (Spain).
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