Is Usability an Obstacle for Information Systems
Laura Zapata
, Ana M
and Eduardo Fernandez-Medina
Faculty of Informatics, Technical University of Madrid, Campus de Montegancedo s/n,
28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain
Department of Information Technologies and Systems, University of Castilla-La Mancha,
Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. Keeping information systems secure is costly. Organizations allocate
financial and human resources in order to prevent security incidents having an im-
pact on software applications. There is evidence that information systems security
has in some cases been affected by human errors that might be caused by a poor
usability design. There is clearly a link between security and usability. To clar-
ify this, we have conducted a systematic mapping study of the literature produced
over the last decade. We identified five relationship types: inverse, direct, relative,
one-way inverse, and no-relationship. Most authors agree that there is an inverse
relationship between security and usability, which means that increasing usability
leads to a decrease in security issues in a product and vice versa. However, this is
not a unanimous finding, and this study unveils a number of open questions, like
application domain dependency and the need to explore lower level relationships
between attribute sub-characteristics.
1 Introduction
The development of secure information systems has become critical in the last decade.
The use of electronic transactions over the Internet and other networks, and the storage
of an ever-increasing amount of sensitive data, is among the main factors behind this
development [1].
Therefore, keeping information systems secure is by no means a simple and inex-
pensive task, as discussed by the Australian Governments Department of Defence [2].
Cyber security incidents can be costly, consuming financial and human resources. Ex-
amples of impacts are: service unavailability and loss of productivity, damage to the
reputation of and customers confidence in the targeted organization, lost or stolen in-
formation, loss of privacy, etc.
The Microsoft Security TechCenter [3] reported a similar study, adding, however,
more detailed information about costs. They consider direct and indirect costs, such
as costs due to the loss of competitive edge as a result of the release of proprietary
or sensitive information, legal costs, labour costs on the analysis of breaches, software
reinstallation, and data recovery, costs of system downtime (for example, lost employee
productivity, lost sales, replacement of hardware, software and so on).
Zapata L., M
Moreno A. and Fernandez-Medina E..
Is Usability an Obstacle for Information Systems Security?.
DOI: 10.5220/0004602300530065
In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2013), pages 53-65
ISBN: 978-989-8565-64-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
On the other hand, Braz et al. [4] pointed out that secure systems also need to be
usable. Usability is, however, wrongly added on at the end of the life cycle development
process because of the mistaken belief that security is related to the software system
functionality and can be designed independently of usability which relates only to the
UI component.
Mechanisms for ensuring security in information systems, such as authentication,
sophisticated encryption algorithms and so on are only effective when they are config-
ured and used correctly. As a result, security experts have identified users as being the
weakest link in the security chain [1].
This is when we instinctively realize that there is a link between security and usabil-
ity, and system users are the nexus between the two. We might even venture to say that
usability goes hand in hand with security in the context of secure information systems.
The literature is replete with major debates concerning the relationship between se-
curity and usability. For instance, Cranor and Garfinkel [5] refer to e-banking systems
and some secure implementations that use the two-factor authentication method. This
method consists of a user-password and an automatically generated password generally
sent to a mobile device for user authentication. This clearly detracts from system us-
ability but is, at the same time, necessary in order to establish a level of security. As
the authors state, At first glance, the source of conflict might appear obvious: security
usually aims to make operations harder to do, while usability aims to make operations
easier. However, it
s more precise to say that security restricts access to operations that
have undesirable results, whereas usability improves access to operations that have de-
sirable results.
From a software engineering (SE) point of view, security and usability are two in-
dependent quality factors that are specified in quality standards [6],[7],[8].
The most recent software quality standard, ISO/IEC25010 also called SQuaRE [6],
defines security as the degree of protection of information and data so that unautho-
rized persons or systems cannot read or modify them and authorized persons or system
are not denied access to them. On the other hand, usability is defined as the extent
to which a product can be used by specific users to achieve specific goals with ef-
fectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. Additionally, the
standards provide a set of subfactors for each of these quality attributes. The subfactors
specified for security include confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, accountability,
authenticity and security compliance, whereas, according to this standard, usability sub-
factors are effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction.
Even though a thorough reading of the definitions of security and usability suggest
that there is a relationship, the detailed link between the two concepts is today an open
issue in the SE field. In this context, and bearing in mind that users are a key factor in
secure systems, we believe that it would be important to find out of the details of the
relationship between security and usability.
As far as we know, no other literature review has addressed this issue. On this
ground, we conducted a systematic mapping study designed to summarize, analyse and
understand what authors have been researching with respect to the relationship between
security and usability over the last decade.
Our literature review focuses on security and usability as high-level quality factors.
This is the prelude to more thorough-going research addressing the relationship between
the characteristics and sub-characteristics of each of these two attributes.
To do this, the remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 outlines
the research method that we have followed to perform the systematic mapping study.
Section 3 reports the results, and Section 4 discusses our conclusions.
2 Research Method and Procedure
This section presents the process enacted to conduct our systematic mapping study of
the literature related to security and usability. The guidelines provided by Petersen et
al. [9] were used to build this systematic map.
2.1 Research Question
As stated above, software quality models establish security and usability as quality
factors. Accordingly, we formulated the following research question:
RQ. 1. What type of relationship is there between security and usability?
This question intends to clarify the relationship between security and usability fac-
tors globally. Once we have the answer to this question, we will extend the mapping
study to the characteristics and subcharacteristics of each factor.
2.2 Search Strategy
The search was run on several well-known databases, such as IEEE Xplore, ACM Dig-
ital Library and Inspec, as well as some individual journals and papers.
The publication year was set between 2002 and 2012 to limit the results to docu-
ments published within the last 10 years. Then, the titles and the abstracts of the identi-
fied articles were checked against set eligibility and relevance criteria (this criterion is
explained in Section 2.3).
The literature was reviewed by a second researcher, and overlapping papers were
2.3 Data Retrieval
Search strings were devised in order to collect information that can be used to answer
the research question. The search strings were designed as follows:
X was composed of synonyms of or words possibly related to security in computer
science, each linked by the OR operator.
X: Security OR secure systems OR critical systems OR critical software OR security
software constraints OR security software permissions
Y was composed of synonyms of or words possibly related to usability in computer
science, using each linked by the OR operator.
Y: Usability OR operability OR user-centred design OR UCD OR human-computer
interaction OR HCI OR user interface OR UI OR ergonomics
Finally, the AND operator was added between X and Y to retrieve relevant lit-
erature related to security and usability (or respective synonyms) from the above data
sources. Search string matching was confined to terms in the title and abstract of each
2.4 Inclusion Process
The query strings devised in Section 2.3 were matched with the titles and abstracts of
publications published in the last decade (2002-2012). As a result, the search process
returned 120 papers for the three data sources. We read the abstract and introduction of
these papers and discarded 55 papers as being irrelevant. The other 65 were retained as
relevant for the research. From the resulting 65 papers, ve were duplicate publications,
that is, multiple data sources returned the same papers. These duplicates were discarded,
leaving 60 papers. Two papers were unavailable from the electronic data sources, leav-
ing 58 available full-text papers. We located another 17 papers in other sources, making
a total of 75 papers. Of these, 33 were considered irrelevant and 42 papers were selected
as being possibly useful for the research.
Finally, these 42 papers where analysed by reading the entire content in order to
decide whether they were of any use for answering the research question. As a result,
25 papers were considered irrelevant, and only 17 papers were found directly related to
security and usability.
3 Results
This section reports the results from the analysis of the seventeen papers detailed in the
Appendix. First, we identify the different types of relationships identified by authors.
Next, we classify the papers into research categories. Finally, we discuss the answers to
the stated research question.
3.1 Taxonomy of Relationship Type
As already mentioned, the papers are detailed in the Appendix. From these papers, we
established a taxonomy for the different relationships identified by the authors. These
relationships are listed and explained below.
Inverse Relationship. Increasing or decreasing usability has the inverse or reciprocal
effect on security and vice versa.
Direct Relationship. Increasing or decreasing usability has the same effect on occur in
security, and vice versa.
No Relationship. The two factors are unrelated, so increasing or decreasing usability
has no effect on security and vice versa.
One-way Inverse Relationship. There is an inverse relationship between the two fac-
tors, provided that the order is not changed.
Relative or Dependent Relationship. The relationship depends on some characteristic
and could be direct in some cases and inverse in others.
Another point that researchers made is that the increases or decreases are not nec-
essarily proportional. For example, increasing usability by 20% does not necessarily
mean that security will decrease by the same percentage.
Fig. 1 summarizes the findings by author and type of relationship.
Fig. 1. Authors grouped by the type of relationship agreed.
3.2 Papers Grouped by Research Category
We grouped papers according to the classification scheme proposed by Wieringa et al.
[10]. The short description of each category follows.
Evaluation research is a technique or a solution implemented and evaluated in prac-
tice. In a validation research, techniques are novel, but still have not been implemented
in practice, however, it probably tested in a laboratory environment. In a solution pro-
posal, a solution for a problem is proposed. In a philosophical paper, the field is struc-
tured in the form of a taxonomy, outlining a new way of looking at existing things.
In an experience paper, the personal experience of the author on what and how some-
thing happened in practice is reported. In an opinion paper, the personal opinion on a
particular matter is expressed.
Papers were grouped as follows: six were classed as solution proposals, ve, as
evaluation research, and the experience paper, validation research and opinion paper
categories each contained two papers. In the next section (3.3) are explained the papers
and the research category assigned.
3.3 Relationships Grouped by Authors and Assignation of Research Category
In this section, we detail the different types of relationships between security and us-
ability identified by the reviewed authors, and the type of research category assigned to
the publication.
Inverse Relationship. Fig. 1 shows that over half of the authors (nine out of seventeen)
identified an inverse relationship between security and usability and vice versa. The
reasons follow.
Minami et al. (2011). This paper reports evaluation research addressing the trade-off be-
tween usability and security in the context of medical systems. The authors were tasked
with adding an access control and encryption method to an existing system in order to
protect patient security and privacy. They gathered feedback from health professionals
in order to strike a balance between strict protection and usability.
Finally, they concluded that security compromises usability, but a good balance
could be achieved. Their results are valuable for our research because they used a real
system tested in a real environment, and this research used other sub-factors, such as
privacy and identification, which other papers often do not cover.
Fidas et al. (2010). Based on their experience, the authors argue that system design-
ers face contradicting requirements. On one side, stakeholders are willing to sacrifice
user convenience in order to achieve system security, whereas, on the other, users are
interested in system usability.
The argument suggests an inverse relationship, although the authors provide no ev-
idence. The solution that they propose is a user-centric approach to the design of a se-
cure and usable system. This does not provide a direct answer to our research question.
However, their experience is considered to be relevant for our research.
Hahn et al. (2012). This is a solution proposal paper analysing the security of many
popular cloud services, such as CloudMe, Dropbox, HiDrive, etc. They analysed their
vulnerabilities and listed possible attacks in an attempt to solve the discovered prob-
lems. In their analysis, they found that providers omitted email verification during reg-
istration, which is a security pitfall designed to avoid system usability problems.
From their analysis we can infer that increasing usability will decrease security and
vice versa.
Ben-Asher et al. (2009). This is a validation research paper reporting the construction
of a controlled research environment that they called microworld to quantitatively
evaluate and model the acceptability of security features as a function of the usability
cost of their use, efficiency and threat severity. Their study is based on the behaviour of
users overriding or ignoring security features to facilitate system use. This includes an
alert system that warns about possible attacks, which, if not prevented, can cause losses
of monetary earnings. Using the system they were able to manipulate the usability costs
of using a security feature.
Their results showed that the percentage of usage was lower at a high security level,
and the percentage of usage was higher at a low security level. This suggests that there
is an inverse relationship between factors tested in a laboratory experiment.
Braz and Robert (2006). This is an evaluation research paper, developing a comparative
analysis of different authentication methods, such as passwords, PIN, proximity card,
multifunctional card, public key, finger print and so on, and the perception of security
that the user has. Results from their comparative analysis showed that methods that
scored high on security were rated as having a significant level of usability issues. This
applies to the listed authentication methods, including multifunctional card, public key,
and Kerberos and retina/iris techniques, which have a significant impact on the usability,
and especially to retina analysis, because it requires more user cooperation. On the other
hand, the authentication methods that scored low on security were rated as having a low
level of usability issues. This applies to methods, such as passwords, PIN, and especially
to voice, because it changes over the time, thereby decreasing security.
In other words, more security implies less usability, and less security implies more
usability. They demonstrated an inverse relationship.
Kainda et al. (2010). This is a solution proposal enacting a security-usability analysis
process based on a threat model. The authors highlight a difference between standard
security threat models and the HCISec (HCI over information security systems) model,
because malicious attackers may or may not be legitimate users in standard models,
whereas HCISec focuses on legitimate user mistakes that may compromise the system.
Legitimate users make mistakes that breach system security because threat scenarios are
more usable than secure scenarios. The idea is to make secure scenarios more usable to
reduce the risk of users making mistakes.
We infer from the view that the authors take that the relationship between factors is
DeWitt and Kuljis (2006). This is an evaluation research paper conducting a usability
study on Polaris, which was built to make the Windows operating system safer from
viruses and malicious code, but highly usable as well as secure. The study used a labo-
ratory test during which users were asked to perform tasks that included the use of se-
curity. They measured learnability and usability based on standard ISO 9241-11, which
defines usability as comprising effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. With respect
to security, they include tasks such as browsing an Internet banking website, checking
emails and following hyperlinks to try out attached files.
They found that participants were willing to compromise security. They reasoned
this behaviour by declaring that the speed and ease with which tasks were completed is
more important than the protection of their files. This means that people favour ease of
use over security.
Roth et al. (2005). This is an evaluation research paper conducting an experiment where
security mechanisms were applied to protect mails sent by non-commercial users in
order to find the correct trade-off between usability and security. The authors researched
what the optimum trade-off should be and how security benets can be maximized with
minimum damage to usability. In the case of usability, they improved the user interface
by decreasing the number of interactions, and letting users handle concepts with which
they were familiar, like, for example, mail rather than keys. They aimed to provide
a familiar context and mental model representation. In the case of security, they tried to
protect the email communication from external attack and assure the data integrity.
This experiment was conducted on a particular security field, known as Attack/Harm
Detection and Integrity, where the user interacts as little as possible with the issues re-
lated to security. Although this is a particular case at the subfactor level, it is a good
result as far as we are concerned because few researchers have considered these secu-
rity issues.
ockel (2011). This is a solution proposal paper aiming to build an evaluation frame-
work to align usability and security in the context of e-banking systems. We are pri-
marily concerned with one of its research questions, namely, What is the relationship
between security criteria influencing mitigation quality and usability criteria?
ockel intimates that the relation is inverse, stating that Most works have focused
on the balance between security and usability in regard to authentication methods, of-
ten in a comparative fashion or on individual solutions. Author Murdoch discusses the
problem of
usability optimization
with a negative effect on overall system security. . .
Unfortunately, this research is incomplete and, consequently, we class it as an opinion
Direct Relationship. Four out of the seventeen authors identified a direct relationship
between security and usability and vice versa on the following grounds.
Epstein (2011). This is an experience paper establishing that it is possible to align
usability and security as part of the software development cycle and not as an add-on at
the end.
We interpret this as meaning that there is direct relationship between the two factors:
On occasions, security and usability are perceived as being at odds. . . However, this is
a false dichotomy usability also requires preventing inappropriate actions. . .
Biddle et al. (2011). This is an opinion paper expressing the viewpoint that usability
and security are directly related because when one is negatively affected the other will
be negatively affected as well: Usability and security are not simply inversely related,
most especially because faults in one lead to faults in the other. . . The authors based
their opinion on their experience.
Beckles et al. (2005). This is a solution proposal paper describing two proposals to
improve grid security usability.
Grid security is based on public key infrastructure (PKI), but PKI implementations
have unfortunately suffered, from serious usability issues in terms of end-user acquisi-
tion and management of credentials. The specific usability issues that they found were
credential acquisition, configuration complexity, mobility, user management of creden-
tials and revocation. The approach of the first solution, named PKIBoot, is for every-
thing to be automatically configured via user-password authentication, i.e., the client
has nothing to do with settings. According to the second solution, named GridLogon,
users log in for a service to access their entire security configuration.
Regarding the relationship between grid usability and security their results suggest
that improvements in usability (in the area of credential management) are required if
the security of these environments is to be maintained.
Josang et al. (2007). This is a solution proposal paper reporting a set of security usabil-
ity vulnerabilities that can be used to assess the risk to secure systems. The solution is
designed at the usability and security factor level, but the example only shows how to
apply the solution at the level of one subfactor, namely, authentication for web security
The authors analyse whether upgrading usability improves security. This proposal
would benefit from evaluation in practice, but the examples and the way in which the
authors illustrated their solution is quite suitable for our purpose.
Relative Relationship
Mairiza and Zowghi (2010). This is a solution proposal paper cataloguing conflicts
between non-functional requirements (NFR) like accuracy, usability, availability, relia-
bility, security, etc. The conflicts were categorized as absolute conflict, relative conflict
and never conflict. Their results establish that conflict between usability and security
(and vice versa) is relative, because they conflicted sometimes but not always.
Prakash (2007). This is a validation research paper reporting two studies of vulnera-
bilities at the user level. The first study was conducted on a group of computer science
graduate students and some faculty (non-regular users). It examined the vulnerability of
users to man-in-the-middle attacks on SSH. The second study analysed over 700 bank
web sites for a range of vulnerabilities that resulted from poor website design decisions
from a security perspective.
For the first experiment, the results indicate a direct relationship: there are wide-
spread security problems at the end-user level in systems that attempt to deploy secu-
rity protocols to secure user interactions. Advanced users bypassed the SSH security
warning to log on to the server, perceiving it as an obstacle because SSH does not indi-
cate what to do to solve the problem save contacting the administrator. This means that
usability was not good enough causing security problems. From this we infer that poor
usability compromises security. For the second experiment, results show an inverse re-
lationship: setting the credential inputs on an insecure page (even when the data were
sent to the server in a secure form) in order to increase the usability caused a security
problem. From this we infer that good usability compromises security.
One-way Inverse Relationship
Egyed and Gr
unbacher (2004). This is a solution proposal paper consolidating a matrix
of potential conflicts and cooperation between quality attributes from a wide range of
literature and ISO 9126, such as functionality, efficiency, usability, accuracy, security
and so on. This model takes into account that attributes might be indifferent to one
another, cooperative or conflicting.
They found that usability is indifferent with respect to security. Inversely, however,
security enters into conflict with usability. In other words, improving usability does not
affect system security (there is no relationship). In the other case, however, security is
inversely related to usability, because, if it increases, system usability will decrease.
No Relationship
Ferreira et al. (2009). This is an evaluation research paper consolidating a model of
patterns to align usability and security. Factor patterns, such as explicit user audit, com-
plete delete, email-based identification and authentication and so on (previously created
by Garfinkel et al.). The authors validate these patterns in an experiment with computer
experts, who managed to apply 61.67% of these patterns in software, concluding that
they are a useful guide for developers.
These authors establish that there is no conflict between security and usability, stat-
ing that Some authors argue that it can be complicated to build systems with both
security and usability, but the reality is that there is no real conflict between these two
properties. Following these guidelines, they were able to build secure software with a
trade-off and without conflicts between security and usability.
3.4 Discussion
Fig. 2 shows the ve types of relationship between security and usability on the hori-
zontal axis, whereas the six research categories appear on the vertical axis.
Fig. 2. Distribution of papers per category and relationship.
Clearly, most of the authors (nine) agree that security and usability are inversely
related. The next group (four) agreed that there is a direct relationship. Only two authors
found a relative relationship. The one-way inverse relationship and non-relationship are
supported by only one author, respectively.
We consider evaluation research to be the best method for gathering evidence, be-
cause it reports solutions that have been implemented and evaluated in practice in a real
As Fig. 2 shows, four out of nine papers report evaluation research that found that
there was an inverse relationship, which is the relationship upon which most authors
This evaluation research was conducted in a specific setting, including access con-
trol and encryption, authentication methods, attack detection in an operating system,
and attack detection over emails.
From these results, we can conclude that the inverse relationship is the most reliable
response to our research question. However, we also found some evidence of contrary
There is one prominent case. Prakash (2007) reports validation research showing
a relative relationship between security and usability. He found a direct relationship in
one experiment and an inverse relationship in another experiment. The first experiment
involved computer science students using Secure Shell (SSH), which is a cryptographic
network protocol. The second experiment was about vulnerabilities produced by poor
user interface decisions.
Comparing these two results, the relationship appears in our opinion to be relative,
that is, it depends on the subfactor of security and/or usability to be measured. There-
fore, more research is required at the subfactor level, as it is far from straightforward to
define a relationship from a global perspective between security and usability without
analysing each of their subfactors.
Another point is that the relationship probably depends of the application type.
However, more research is needed to formally assure this issue.
There is not much evidence to defend the other relationships (direct, one-way in-
verse and no relationship). For example, one paper that found a direct relationship is
based on experience and the other exemplifies the author
s opinion. This means that
there is no real quantified evidence. Finally, the other two are solution proposals which
required evaluation in a real environment.
Only one author proposes a one-way inverse relationship. He claims that security
changes alter usability, but the opposite does not apply. From this we infer that this
relationship is probably a particular case of a relative relationship.
One paper suggests that security and usability are not related. In this case, the au-
thors claim that there is no conflict between these factors. However, we think that their
solution targets the alignment of these two factors. In this case, striking a balance be-
tween security and usability in order to improve these two factors does not necessarily
mean that there is no conflict.
A significant number of papers examine the trade-off between security and usability
to strike the correct balance between the two factors. This balance is important, because
users are unlikely to use a 100% secure system if this significantly compromises usabil-
ity, for example, by 50%.
Other authors claim that there is a relationship between security and usability, al-
though they do not provide explicit details about the connections. This is the case of
Cranor and Garfinkel [5], who have identified users as the weakest link in the security
chain. This is a clear sign of there being a relationship, because it is the users that op-
erate the systems and, at the same time, handle sensitive information like passwords,
bank information, and so forth.
3.5 Threats to Validity
Until we find other systematic reviews focusing on the taxonomy of the relationship
between security and usability, we will not be able to validate our study externally.
Regarding internal validity, all three authors were involved in this systematic mapping
study. We discussed and agreed on the procedure and considered activities to counteract
the effect of researcher bias. On the other hand, we used general terms and placed no
constraints on the search strings in order to achieve better coverage as well as high
accuracy. We selected three of the most important electronic data sources to which we
had access, and added other external sources. The chosen time-frame was intended to
include the last decade of research.
During the exclusion process, we were particularly careful not to discard any po-
tentially interesting paper. For this reason, we also included papers whose abstract or
title was not completely clear with respect to our research question for further reading.
It was also rather difficult to distinguish the research focus of some papers. So, even
though we agree on the result of this process, replicating authors might categorize the
studies differently.
The papers do not directly answer the research question, and we had to identify the
response by analysing and inferring what authors had found in their research. However,
we negotiated this process.
4 Conclusions
Our systematic mapping found ve types of relationships between security and usability
addressed by authors during the last decade. These types are: inverse, direct, relative,
one-way inverse and no relationship.
The inverse relationship is the most often mentioned connection, followed by the
direct, and relative relationships, where the least supported associations are one-way
inverse and no relationships.
We based our results on the type of research conducted by the authors, where more
weight is attached to evaluation research because results are more reliable.
A significant number of authors agreeing on an inverse relationship conducted eval-
uation research; however, another author who ran two different experiments found a
relative relationship. Therefore, it is also necessary to analyse whether application type
influences the results.
There is less evidence to support the other relationships (direct, one-way inverse
and no relationship).
In sum, the literature regarding the relationship between security and usability pub-
lished over the last decade is not unanimous. This point required further empirical re-
search to study this relationship at the level of characteristics and subcharacteristics of
both quality factors. This is the next step in our research.
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