Challenges of Business Process Model Improvement after
Reverse Engineering
María Fernández-Ropero, Ricardo Pérez-Castillo and Mario Piattini
Instituto de Tecnologías y Sistemas de la Información, University of Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. Business process models have become one of the most important
assets for companies since an appropriate business process management helps
companies to quickly adapt their processes to changes while their
competitiveness is maintained or even improved. As a consequence, companies
are currently demanding mechanisms to ensure business processes with an
appropriate quality degree. These business process models can be obtained
through reverse engineering from existing information systems. Unfortunately,
reversed models usually have a lower quality degree and may not reflect the
actual business processes exactly. This paper describes all detected challenges
that should be addressed for improving quality of business processes, specially
retrieved by reverse engineering (e.g., missing or non-relevant elements, fine-
grained elements, etc.). This work also suggests an approach to improve
business process models along three phases: repairing, refactoring and semantic
improvement. In addition, some preliminary results about the refactoring stage
are provided using real-life retrieved business process models.
1 Introduction
Business process management allows organizations to be more efficient, more
effective and more readily adaptable to changes than traditional management
approaches. Business processes depict sequences of coordinated business activities as
well as the involved roles and resources that organizations carry out to achieve their
common business goal [1]. They are recognized as one of the most important assets in
an organization due to the competitive advantages that they provide for organizations
[2]. In order to supply the management of business processes they can be represented
by models following standard notations such as BPMN (Business Process Modeling
and Notation) [3].
However, organizations may not have their business process models explicitly or
aligned with current behavior. In these cases, reverse engineering can be used to mine
business process model from existing information system [4]. Nevertheless, the
retrieved business process models by reverse engineering entail some problems that
can affect to their quality degree since every reverse engineering technique implies a
semantic loss [5]. Despite the fact that much academic literature is devoted to identify
challenges presented in business process model discovered by mining process (e.g.,
using event logs [6]) or by hand [7], there are no identified challenges to address in
Fernández-Ropero M., Pérez-Castillo R. and Piattini M..
Challenges of Business Process Model Improvement after Reverse Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0004602400670074
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop in Software Evolution and Modernization (SEM-2013), pages 67-74
ISBN: 978-989-8565-66-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
those business process model retrieved from existing information system, for
example, from source code. This kind of business process models can be incomplete
or can contain non-relevant information, or even may contain ambiguities or
uncertainties that decrease their understandability and, therefore, their quality degree.
In these cases, it is necessary to improve business process model with the aim to
address these quality challenges while making it as similar as possible to the reality
that they represent [8].
For this reason, this paper presents a set of challenges detected in business process
models obtained from reverse engineering. These challenges are been collected after a
literature review and practical experiences with business process models mined from
several real-life information systems. With the purpose to have several retrieved
business process models to analyze, MARBLE [4], a reverse engineering approach
and tool, has been selected to mine them. Moreover, the paper introduces an approach
to address the above challenges. The proposal combines reverse engineering with
other analysis approaches in order to mitigate the semantic loss that reverse
engineering techniques entails. This issue is due to some reverse engineering
techniques are focused on source code and there are more knowledge sources from
which to extract knowledge. Hence, the approach is divided in three stages: repairing,
refactoring and expert-based improvement. Each stage uses additional knowledge
(such as recorded event logs, guidelines, heuristics, and expert decision, among other)
to improve the business process model. Despite refactoring techniques are the most
widely-used solution to improve the quality degree of business process models [9,
10], this work also proposes other two additional stages in order to assist refactoring
and enhance business process models. The work also presents some preliminary
results achieved by using the proposed approach.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 summarizes the
challenges that retrieved business process models involve. After that, Section 3
introduces the proposed approach in an attempt to address these challenges along
three stages. Afterwards, some results obtained by using the proposed approach will
be shown in Section 4. Particularly, results obtained after refactoring stage are
provided. Finally, conclusions and future works are discussed in Section 5.
2 Challenges in retrieved Business Process Models
This section presents the challenges to address the most common problems identified
in the business process models obtained through reverse engineering. These
challenges are been collected after a literature review and practical experiences with
business process models mined from several real-life information systems. The
selected tool to mine business process model was MARBLE. This tool is an adaptive
framework to recover the underlying business process models from legacy
information system using source code [4]. MARBLE has been applied to several
industrial case studies to recover business processes from a wide variety of legacy
information systems. The conduction of these industrial case studies has enabled the
tool to be improved and the MARBLE technique to be refined. So far, MARBLE has
been used with six legacy systems in all: (i) a system managing a Spanish author
organization; (ii) an open source CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system;
(iii) an enterprise information system from the water and waste industry; (iv) an e-
government system used in a Spanish local e-administration; (v) a high school LMS
(Learning Management System); and finally (vi) an oncological evaluation system
used in Austrian hospitals [11]. All business process models obtained in each case
study (from each of the six systems) were analyzed by experts in order to figure out
common errors that frequently occur. Challenges that retrieved business process
models entail are collected in the following paragraphs.
Completeness: Business process models mined by reverse engineering models
may not be fully complete due to the data can be distributed in several sources, not
just at the source code itself and therefore they cannot be obtained solely through a
static analysis. Business process models may have missed nodes such as business
tasks, gateways, events and data objects, as well as missed connections such as
sequence flows (between tasks) and association flows (between tasks and data
objects). This loss affects the semantic completeness of the model [12]. All these
missing elements may not have been instantiated at design time and, for that
reason, may not be appear in the business process model. As a consequence, one of
the biggest challenges is to rediscover elements that were not recovered in the
reverse engineering phase, as well as the order among different business activities.
The order between activities is a very issue since complete sequence flows between
activities may not be provided through reverse engineering due to the fact that not
all information can be automatically derived from source code. The start points and
end may not have been defined in the model because there is not enough
information to determine which activities are the beginning or ending of a model or
what task is executed before another [13].
Granularity: According to the approach proposed by Zou et al. [14], each callable
unit in an information system is considered a candidate business task to be
discovered by reverse engineering. However, existing information systems
typically contain thousands of callable units of different sizes that are usually
considered business tasks that can have different levels of granularity [6, 13] such
as (1) large callable units that support the main business functionalities of the
system (e.g., methods and functions of the domain and controller layer), (2) small
callable units as getter and setter methods in object-oriented programming that
only read and write program variables but perform no real business task, (3) a set
of small callable units that have similar behavior and perform a business task
jointly, or (4) a set of small callable units that can together support another. In that
case, the main task may be considered as father task while small tasks may be
considered as children tasks. With the purpose to address this challenge, a solution
could be taking into account only coarse-grained callable units as candidate to be
business tasks while fine-grained ones are discarded since fine-grained granularity
makes models closer to source code perspective. Nevertheless, the dividing line
between coarse- and fine-grained callable units is unknown. Authors like
Polyvyanyy et al. [15] propose to abstract these business process models to reduce
unwanted details and to represent only the relevant information. These authors
address the issue of different types of granularity by proposing two techniques: (1)
eliminating those small tasks that are considered as irrelevant and (2) grouping
certain tasks into one while the information is preserved.
Relevance: In contrast with completeness which is related to missing elements,
relevance is related to business elements that have been retrieved erroneously. The
information is considerate non-relevant when it can be removed without losing
information, preserving the behavior. This information (such as activities, events,
etc.) may have been created in compilation time but is not used in execution time,
i.e., these elements do not carry out any business logic in the organization. The
relevance of a business process model is an important aspect since it ensures the
model contains enough elements to convey their information [12]. The challenge
must be addressed by identifying and removing all non-relevant elements in the
business process model while preserving semantics of the relevant parts.
Uncertainty: The enhancement of the understandability of a business process
model is a challenge given that poor understandability of the model can lead to a
wrong conclusion. Understandability is usually worse in those models that have
been obtained by reverse engineering from existing information systems since
identifiers and names of elements may not be enough descriptive. This is because
many identifiers are inherited from the elements in source code. For example, task
labels usually consist of the concatenation of various capitalized words according
to naming conventions present in most programming approaches [16]. This kind of
names is uncertain but can provide a clue to find more representative task names.
This issue is focused on the interpretability from a language-usage perspective, i.e.
how intuitive is the language used to define the elements of the model. For this
reason, the labeling of elements can affect the model interpretation negatively
when it does not follow an appropriate convention [12]. This challenge should be
addressed by renaming elements of business process models in order to they
faithfully represent the semantics performed actually.
Ambiguity: Another challenge to be taken into account is ambiguities that may be
present in some business process elements. For example, redundancy faults
sometimes occur during reverse engineering owing to different source code pieces
(e.g., two callable units) lead to build two redundant business tasks that actually are
part of a more complex task (e.g., a business task supported by both callable units).
Ambiguity is important to determinate the quality of business process models since
it affects the understandability and modifiability of the model, i.e., how far
elements in the model are intuitively formulated [12]. The ambiguity, therefore,
affects the ability to communicate efficiently the behavior of the business process
negatively. A model is considerate unambiguous when it is free of redundancies
and it contains no elements that contradict the logic of other element. The
ambiguity must be addressed by detecting and removing redundancies and
inconsistencies in a business process model.
3 Business Process Model Improvement Approach
In order to address the challenges outlined above, this paper presents an approach for
improving business process models obtained from information systems with the aim
that they reflect as faithfully as possible the business reality with optimal levels of
quality. This approach proposes three stages: repairing, refactoring and expert-based
improvement. Each stage addresses some challenges above mentioned and uses some
knowledge sources to carry out its purpose. Fig. 1 symbolizes the horseshoe model
that characterizes the reengineering, where the upper stages (refactoring and expert-
based improvement) represent a higher abstraction level than the bottom stage
Repairing stage is considerate in reverse engineering level since it uses knowledge
sources such as recorded event logs to address the completeness challenge. The aim
of this stage is to ensure that business process models reflect the real execution of the
information system. Preliminary results concerning this stage are given in [17]. That
work shows a set of steps that are carried out taking as input a business process model
and event logs and returning as output an enhanced business process model with
additional sequence flows retrieved from event logs. The technique detects
unrecovered sequence flows as regards the event log and tidily adds these sequence
flows to the target business process model. After the conduction of a case study to
demonstrate the feasibility of the technique, the results show that the fitness of the
process model increases, i.e., repairing business process model leads to a more
faithful representation of the observed behavior.
Refactoring stage is concerning to modify the internal structure of business process
models without changing or altering the external behavior. This stage maintains the
abstraction level while maintaining the semantic. Refactoring techniques therefore
improve the quality of business processes, so that they become more understandable,
maintainable and reusable [18]. This stage addresses some challenges as relevancy,
granularity, uncertainty and completeness. Guidelines, literature, heuristics and
experience are additional resources used in this stage. Some refactoring operators are
introduced in [19], especially designed for use with reversed business process models.
For example, some refactoring operators address the relevancy by means of the
elimination of isolated nodes, unnecessary nesting, among other. Other refactoring
operators address the granularity by grouping elements. Other refactoring operators
address the completeness following good practices in business process modeling.
Some results obtained after applying these refactoring operators are shown in next
section. Each refactoring operator is applied in this work in isolation in order to
visualize the change that each operator provides to the business process model.
Finally, expert-based improvement stage addresses ambiguity and relevancy by
means of expert decision. This stage is because not all challenges can be addressed
automatically by the previous two stages, it is necessary also the opinion and
feedback of an expert in certain situations to improve the business process model.
Fig. 1. Proposed improvement approach by means of three stages: repairing, refactoring and
expert-based improvement.
4 Refactoring Results
This section shows some results obtained in the second stage considered in the
approach. In order to illustrate the effect of refactoring operators on business process
models some aspects are defined:
Business process models taken as independent variables have been mined from
the source code using MARBLE, the business process archeology tool used to figure
out the above challenges (cf. Section 2). The selected information system was Tabula,
a web application of 33.3 thousands of lines of code devoted to create, manage and
simulate decision tables for associating conditions with domain-specific actions. From
this information system was retrieved 15 business process models.
Measures used to assess the understandability and modifiability of a business
process model [20] are considered as dependent variables: the size (number of
elements such as tasks, events, gateways and data objects), density (ratio between the
total number of flows in a business process model and the theoretical maximum
number of possible flows regarding the number of elements), and separability (the
ratio between the number of nodes that serve as bridges between otherwise strongly-
connected components and the total number of nodes) of the model.
With the aim to illustrate briefly the result obtained by refactoring stage some
refactoring operators are used from [19]: R1 removes nodes (i.e., tasks, gateways or
events) in the business process model that are not connected with any other node in
order to contribute to the removing of non-relevant elements; Similarly, R2 removes
elements in the business process model that are considered sheet nodes; R6 creates
compounds tasks grouping several small tasks that support another main task. The
goal is to remove the fine-grained granularity; R7 combines data objects that are used
for the same task in order to remove the fine-grained granularity; R8 joins the start
and end event to the starting and ending tasks, respectively, to complete the model;
R9 adds join and split gateways that are not present in branches in an effort to
complete the model.
After the application of each refactoring operator on each business process model
in isolation, values for each dependent variable are collected in Table 1, as well as the
gain obtained with respect to the original value. The gain is defined as the ratio
between the difference of measure values and the original measure value. Hence, a
positive gain means that the refactoring affects the measure positively while a
negative gain means that the refactoring affects the measure negatively. A zero gain
means that the value for a certain measure did not change after refactoring.
Table 1. Effect of each refactoring operator on the size, density and separability.
Size Density Separability
Mean Gain Mean Gain Mean Gain
Original 35.200 0.000 0.110 0.000 15.533 0.000
R1 30.667 0.395 0.196 -0.607 11.000 0.460
R2 34.400 0.011 0.113 -0.023 14.733 0.019
R6 33.267 0.059 0.106 0.031 15.667 -0.006
R7 33.667 0.026 0.106 0.009 14.600 -0.003
R8 37.600 -0.410 0.207 -0.338 17.933 -0.447
R9 59.400 -0.142 0.105 0.076 15.600 -0.002
Table 1 reveals that removing isolated nodes decreases the size and separability
while the density is increased. Despite the density is higher after R1, the relevance of
the model has been increased since non-relevant elements have been removed.
Similarly, R2 causes an increase of density when the size is decreased. Separability is
decreased slightly. R6 creates compound tasks in several business process models.
This fact entails a decrease in the size and density while separability increases
slightly. The same happens with R7, the number of nodes and the density is lower but
separability is higher. Nevertheless, all measures after R8 are higher due to business
process models were incomplete. R9, in turn, cause a significant increase in the size
because there were several incoming and outgoing branches without gateways in the
original business process models. The same occur with the separability after R9 while
density decreases slightly.
5 Conclusions
Reverse engineering has become in a suitable solution to mine business process
model from existing information system. Unfortunately, these retrieved business
process models entail some challenges that are necessary to address in order to
increase their quality degree. Completeness is an important challenge to deal with in
retrieved business process model since data are distributed in several sources.
Different types of granularity are also a challenge to address because fine-granularity
causes the degree of quality is lower. Moreover, non-relevant information causes a
low degree quality since the model should not contain additional elements that do not
carry out any business logic in the organization. The uncertain labeling of elements
may negatively affect the understandability and therefore an appropriate convention
should be followed. In addition, ambiguity is another challenge because a model
should be free of redundancies and inconsistencies.
It is with all the above in mind that this paper presents an approach for improving
business process models obtained from information systems in an effort to deal with
above challenges. The approach defines three stages: repairing, refactoring and
expert-based improvement. These stages address challenges above mentioned by
using additional knowledge sources to perform its goal. Moreover, in order to
illustrate one of the stages, this work presents some results of refactoring stage. The
result shows that the measures selected for assessing the quality of business process
models -in terms of their understandability and modifiability, are improved in the
most of cases by removing non-relevant and fine-grained elements as well as by
completing models. Despite the fact that this work applies refactoring operator in
isolation, studies reveal that refactoring operators do not satisfy commutative property
among them, making necessary to figure out the best execution order [19].
After the completion of this work a set of future works has been identified: (1)
Refining the repairing stage in order to obtain more valuable information from event
logs in order to repair retrieved business process models; (2) Refining the refactoring
stage by defining new refactoring operators to address more challenges. In addition,
the use of more measures for assessing the understandability and modifiability is
required; (3) Definition of expert-based improvement stage by means of the use of
expert decision to remove ambiguities in the business process model.
This work was supported by the FPU Spanish Program and the R&D projects MAGO
/PEGASO (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [TIN2009-13718-C02-01]) and
GEODAS-BC (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad & Fondos FEDER
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