Integration Process for Multidimensional Textual Data
Rachid Aknouche, Ounas Asfari, Fadila Bentayeb and Omar Boussaid
ERIC Laboratory (Entrepts, Reprsentation et Ingnierie des Connaissances)
5 Avenue Pierre Mends France, 69676 Bron Cedex, France
Abstract. In this paper, we propose an original approach for text warehousing
process. It is based on a decisional architecture which combines classical data
warehousing tasks and information retrieval (IR) techniques. We first propose
a new ETL process, named ETL-Text, for textual data integration and then, we
present a new Text Warehouse Model, denoted TWM, which takes into account
both the structure and the semantics of the textual data. TWM is associated with
new dimensions types including: a metadata dimension and a semantic dimen-
sion. In addition, we propose a new analysis measure based on the modeling
language widely used in IR area. Moreover, our approach is based on Wikipedia
as external knowledge source to extract the semantics of the textual documents.
To validate our approach, we develop a prototype composed of several processing
modules that illustrate the different steps of the ETL-Text. Also, we use the 20
Newsgroups corpus to perform our experimentations.
1 Introduction
Research in data warehousing and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) have pro-
duced new technologies for the design and implementation of information systems for
decision support. To achieve the value of a data warehouse, incoming data must be
transformed into an analysis-ready format. Currently, data warehousing systems often
provide tools to assist in this process, especially when data are numerical [1]. Unfor-
tunately, standard tools are inadequate for producing relevant analysis when data are
complex, such as textual data. While recent studies confirm that 80% of an organiza-
tion’s information appear in a textual format [2]. Thus, it is important to propose new
technologies to deal with the textual data and to extract and model their semantics. In
fact, word sequences contain semantics information which are not accessible directly,
this problem has been discussed in the literature, and several techniques have been pro-
posed particularly in the data mining and information retrieval (IR) areas. However, in
data warehousing and OLAP area, few works have focused on this issue. Moreover, it is
necessary to quote the limits of the standard ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) on a textual
data. The ETL process implies all the tasks that are necessary to feed and refresh a data
warehouse. It is responsible for the extraction of data from several sources, their cleans-
ing, customization and insertion into a data warehouse [3]. The current techniques for
the ETL process provide conclusive results when the processed data are structured or
Aknouche R., Asfari O., Bentayeb F. and Boussaid O..
Integration Process for Multidimensional Textual Data Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0004602501190126
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop in Software Evolution and Modernization (SEM-2013), pages 119-126
ISBN: 978-989-8565-66-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
semi-structured, but the limitations of these techniques are obvious when integrating
textual data in decisional systems.
In this paper, we propose a new approach for text warehousing process composed
of three main components: (1) ETL-Text, (2) Text Warehouse Model TWM and (3)
Text-OLAP. Here, we are interested on the first two phases; ETL-Text and TWM. The
originality of our approach is that it extends the classical data warehousing process
with new methodologies adapted for the text analysis. The proposed ETL-Text gathers
process of extraction, transformation and loading appropriate to text warehouse. More-
over, TWM extends the constellation model to support representation of textual data
in a multidimensional environment. Our solution to model textual data is based on IR
techniques and information processing including language modeling. In addition, our
approach provides a semantic layer which is represented in the ETL-Text by concepts
extraction from an external knowledge source, and materialized in the TWM model by
dimension named semantic dimension”. The semantic dimension is designed to as-
sign topics to each documents in our data set. We depend on the online encyclopedia
as an external knowledge source.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we present related work.
Section 3 exposes our decisional architecture, the ETL-Text and the multidimensional
model TWM. We give in section 4 our experimental study. Finally, we conclude this
paper and we present research perspectives in section 5.
2 Related Work
Many research studies relate to textual documents integration in data warehouse envi-
ronments, such as [4] which proposes a meta-snowfalke schema as multidimensional
dynamic model for the text warehouses construction. They add a category index table
to their snowflake schema. In [5], the authors propose a model named DocCube which
offers a new kind of access to collections content based on topics, and help the user
to improve and formulate his queries. [6] propose a document warehouse to textual
data multidimensional analysis. They create dimension tables from keywords extracted
from the documents. Inspired by the star schema, they use the ID and the number of
relevant documents as measures in the fact table. In [7], the authors present a multidi-
mensional IR (MIRE) that supports the integration of structured data and text. They use
the inverted index as a IR technique in order to process and index the textual data. On
the other hand, [8] generalize the concept of constellation (Kimball, 1996) to define a
conceptual model on galaxy adapted to the data from XML documents. Their approach
describes a multidimensional schema by the unique dimension concept, and thus the
notion of fact is deleted.
In addition, several works in literature propose to deal the documents in multidi-
mensional analysis, as in the works of [9], [10], [11], and [12]. They either extend the
multidimensional models, which are used to process numeric data, to the documents
analysis, or combine the IR techniques with OLAP for the multidimensional analysis
of documents.
http ://
Although these different proposed works, several difficulties still exist in the inter-
pretation and the extraction of semantics from textual data. In fact, this data is extracted
from various data sources and thus it requires different solutions to problems related to
heterogeneity models, schemas and semantics. The proposed solution of this problem
is firstly a new generation of data warehouse models, which allows to organize textual
data in a multidimensional environment, and secondly, to define new OLAP operators
for the textual analysis. From this point of view, the use of technologies issued from
Information Retrieval IR area and Natural Language Processing NLP area constitute
interesting tracks to process textual data in a multidimensional environment.
3 Text warehousing Architecture
In this section, we present a decisional architecture for text warehousing. It covers three
main phases dedicated to the construction and the implementation of a data warehouse
and use new methods to adapt them to textual documents. These phases are: (1) data in-
tegration ; (2) multidimensional modeling and (3) OLAP analysis. In this study, we are
particularly interested in two major scientific challenges: (1) What are the appropriate
techniques to perform the various tasks of textual ETL; (2) What modeling for textual
data in a multidimensional environment.
As a solution to the first one, we propose an ETL process appropriated to textual data
named ETL-Text. Beforehand, this process considers the select of meaningful terms
before the loading task in the warehouse. In fact, the extraction task, in this process,
is performed by data filtering operation based on Natural Language Processing NLP
techniques to select from the original texts a set of terms relevant to the analysis. These
relevant terms are then assigned to the transformation task to form so-called, in our
approach, the candidate-terms. During this phase, we distinguish two transformations
types: structural and semantic. The first focuses on the syntactic aspect of textual data,
while the second considers the data semantics aspect based on an external knowledge
source, Wikipedia in our approach. Moreover, to index documents, we depend on a
modeling language notion widely used in Information Retrieval systems.
Otherwise, for the second challenge of the textual data modeling, we propose TWM
as an extension of the classical multidimensional model. TWM depends on IR tech-
niques to model textual data. It contains beside the classical dimensions, two another
types; metadata dimension and semantic dimension in order to represent knowledge
that describes documents and their semantics.
The main objective of our approach is to easily interact with an OLAP system and
execute IR queries for text analysis. The proposed architecture consists of three phases:
(1) ETL-Text phase which can extract, transform and load textual data in a warehouse;
(2) Text warehouse modeling TWM phase; and (3) Text-Olap phase which allows to
analyse textual data and to answer to decisional queries by using OLAP operator. In
this paper, we will focus specifically on the first two phases.
3.1 The ETL-Text
The ETL-Text tasks can be summarized as follows:
1. Extract documents’ textual entities and documents metadata: In this phase, the data,
which is retrieved from various data sources, is prepared and filtered. Here, we
distinguish three extraction types:
Textual data extraction: Firstly, we parse documents to extract textual entities
(terms), this operation is called Tokenization. Then we filter irrelevant terms to
the analysis (stopwords), such as: prepositions, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs,
etc. They are grouped in a list named stoplist.
Metadata extraction: metadata is descriptive information accompanied the doc-
ument to better qualify it. They do not need new techniques to identify and ex-
tract them from data sources. These operations can be performed by adapting
those already known in a dedicated ETL to handle structured data. For exam-
ple, metadata of emails such as: date, sender address, the recipient’s address,
subject, etc.
Semantic descriptors extraction: Semantic descriptors are the concepts orga-
nized into a knowledge source. In Wikipedia, for example, these concepts de-
scribe the articles subjects and they are represented by the page title. Each con-
cept belongs to at least one category. Our goal, here, is to assign to each textual
document in our collection its more related concepts and their categories.
2. Perform transformation on the extracted data: In this phase, we apply the morph-
syntactic process on words that have minor difference in their forms and but same
meaning or similarity, as in the case of the conjugated words. The method used to
return these words to their canonical form or Stem is called Stemming, it consists
of the endings words removal. Another solution, known as lemmatization, is to use
a suffixes dictionary to extract the word root with its morphological. In our ETL-
Text process, for this phase, we depend on the algorithm Porter [13] for English
language and the algorithm proposed in CLEF
for French language.
3. Load the resulted data in the database.
3.2 Documents Enrichment based on Wikipedia
As mentioned above, we distinguish, in our ETL-Text process, two transformations
types: structural, and semantic. Indeed the structural, previously detailed, does not cap-
ture the semantic relationships between terms. To consider this aspect in our approach,
which is very useful for text analysis, we choice to use Wikipedia as an external knowl-
edge source. In Wikipedia, each article describes one topic represented by one concept
which we denote A
. Also, it has a hierarchical categorization system where each con-
cept belongs to at least one category C
. Our goal, in this operation, is to determine
the concepts A
and their categories C
more related to each document in our data
set. To do that, we first index the Wikipedia corpus by Lucene engine
, and then we
use the stems S
obtained for each document d
= (s
, s
, ...s
), during the structural
transformation phase, as query terms in Lucene engine in order to retrieve the rele-
vant concepts to the documents. To compute the similarity between these query and
concepts, we use a metric based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL-divergence).
However, the documents are already represented in a vector space of n dimensions by
vectors d
, ...KL
), where KL
[0, 1] denotes the KL-divergence
score of a document to the concepts A
. These concepts are represented in the same
vector space by A
= (KL
, · · · , KL
), where KL
[0, 1] is also the
KL-divergence concepts compared to their Wikipedia categories C
. Finally, from the
two matrixes we generate the corresponding documents to Wikipedia categories. This
generation is performed by replacing the concepts of the first matrix by their respective
categories in the second matrix. Also, the weights of these resulted categories take the
KL-divergence score between the concepts and the document.
3.3 TWM: Multidimensional Text Warehouse Model
TWM extends the classical multidimensional model to consider the textual analysis
processes. The constellation schema of the TWM model which is presented in Figure 1,
adopts the graphic elements defined in [14]. This schema provides a uniform platform
to integrate textual data and to represent their semantics. It organizes text warehouses
information into a constellation set of fact and dimension. In our model, Fact represents
a textual content of document to be analyzed according to different dimension types.
A dimension represents the analysis axis according to which we want to observe this
fact. Each dimension can be decomposed into several hierarchies constituting different
granularity levels.
TWM Dimensions. The dimension can be defined as follows:
Definition 1. Dimension: a dimension named Dim
, is defined by {A
, H
} where:
, A
· · · , A
} are dimensions attributes and H
denote hierarchies defined by
, H
, · · · , H
} .
In our TWM model, we distinguish three dimensions types:
1. Classical Dimension: It is characterized by simple attributes organized in a hi-
erarchical way. Some of these attributes provide descriptive information. Others
are used to specify how the observable data should be summarized. The classical
dimension contains data from a single domain. For instance, Stems dimension,
document” dimension.
2. Metadata Dimension: This is informational elements describing a document. For
example, we can include information explaining a scientific publication, as defined
in the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)(title, author, language, conference,
publisher, etc.). Another example is the information accompanying a tweet includ-
ing the date, user, location, htag, etc.
3. Semantic Dimension: The semantic dimension is represented by a list of concepts
which are organized in one hierarchy with several levels. They are related to a
textual document and described its meaning. These concepts are obtained by ap-
plying the steps that are previously mentioned in documents enrichment phase of
ETL-Text. This dimension permits to analyse documents through their semantic
meaning in addition to simple keywords match. Indeed, semantic links between
documents can be existed even if they have little or no common terms. Thus, the
semantic dimension can be defined as:
Definition 2. Semantic dimension: a semantic dimension denoted Dim
is defined
by {A
, H
} where: A
= {A
, A
· · · , A
} are the semantic dimension attributes
and H
= {A
, C
} denote, respectively: the concepts of the external source
knowledge defined by A
= (KL
, KL
, ...KL
), where KL
[0, 1] is the
KL-divergence of concepts compared to C
; and C
denotes a set of categories
noted by (c
, c
, · · · , c
) where c
consists of a set of concepts A
Fig. 1. Constellation Text Warehouse Model.
TWM Facts. In TWM model, the fact is defined as:
Definition 3. Fact: a fact, denoted F , is defined by F = {V
, M
} where: V
is a set of attributes values of dimension Dim
. M
is a set of fact measures
, M
, · · · , M
Definition 4. Candidate-terms: A candidate-term T
of a word w
in a text doc-
ument d
is a tuple (S
, P
)) where S
denotes the Stem of the word w
in the
vocabulary V and P
) is the maximum likelihood estimate MLE of stem S
the language model of document θ
The use of information processing, in particular the modeling language, has con-
tributed to identify the facts relevant to the analysis. Indeed, they are modeled, in TWM,
by two distinct and interconnected constellations. The first links the ”Stems” dimension
with the documents, whereas the second connects both ”Candidate-terms” fact table
with metadata and semantic dimensions as shown in Figure 3. The Stems dimension
includes all terms resulted from the stemming process and thus constituting the lexicon
of the document collection. The measure associated to ”Candidate-terms” is defined
by a probabilistic language model. It compute the weight of each value of Stems
dimension V
in the language model of each document θ
. Indeed, we consider
each document d
as a sample of the language and then we compute the probability
of producing the values of dimensions V
in this document. Also, we adapt the
KL-divergence metric to measure the facts of the second constellation. This measure
generates a score between probability distributions for different dimensions values and
the language model θ
of IR query. The advantage of this proposed model that it aid to
analyze and observe the textual documents through different dimensions values V
in considering IR queries composed of terms q = (t
4 Experiments
To validate our approach, we developed a platform for the storage and the analysis of
textual data. The modules illustrating the ETL-Text steps have already been achieved
in Java under Eclipse environment. These modules were tested on the 20 Newsgroups
We processed the 20 Newsgroups corpus by applying different steps of our ETL-
Text process. These steps include the data extraction, transforming and loading. To pro-
vide the candidate-terms we calculate the stems weighs by using the maximum likeli-
hood estimation MLE. It permits to maximize the data likelihood in a document model,
and compute the terms probability according to a multinational distribution defined as
To evaluate the proposed ETL-Text process, we apply the precision/recall metric
widely used in the performance evaluation of IR systems. To calculate these metrics
we adopted on 20 Newsgroups corpus the Lemur Toolkit
which is a standard for con-
ducting experiments in IR systems. By using the Lemur’s indexing tool, an index of
documents is created for each topic from 20 Newsgroups. To execute the experimen-
tal IR queries (vary from 01 to 07 terms) on all candidate-terms obtained during the
ETL-Text process, we developed an information retrieval system. Then, we used TREC
evaluation tool to calculate the precision and recall (the Perl script associated
with the Lemur Toolkit to interpret the results of the trec-eval). As shown in Figure 4,
the results obtained by applying ETL-Text process on 20 Newsgroups at the experimen-
tal queries show significantly improvement in the Precision/Recall metric compared to
those on same corpus without applying the ETL-Text process. The improvement is pre-
cisely in the accuracy rate. It is obtained by using the three ETL-Text phase. However,
at certain experimental queries, we notice that the ETL-Text process is not active, be-
cause these queries contain stop-words. In general, We can conclude that the ETL-Text
does not cause any loss of textual data.
5 Conclusions
In this paper, we proposed an original approach for building a text warehouse. It uses
both natural language processing techniques and information retrieval methods to pro-
cess and integrate textual data in a warehouse. Our contribution is that firstly, we pro-
posed a new ETL process appropriate for textual data called ETL-Text. Secondly, we
proposed a multidimensional model for a text warehouse called TWM (Text Ware-
house Model). TWM is associated with new dimensions types including: a metadata
http ://
dimension and a semantic dimension. Also, it has a new analysis measure adapted for
text analysis based on the modeling language notion. The documents semantics are ex-
tracted by using Wikipedia as an external knowledge source. To validate our approach,
we have developed a prototype composed of several processing modules that illustrate
the different phases of the ETL-Text. These modules are tested on the 20 Newsgroups
corpus. In perspective, we plan to define a new aggregation operators adapted to OLAP
analysis on textual data.
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