Enhancing Query Expansion for Tag-based Social
Image Retrieval
Amel Ksibi, Anis Ben Ammar and Chokri Ben Amar
REGIM: REsearch Groups on Intelligent Machines,
Sfax University, BP 1173, Sfax, 3038, Tunisia
Abstract. Recently, extensive research efforts have been dedicated to tag-based
social image search which enables users to formulate their queries using tags.
However, tag queries are often ambiguous and typically short yielding to retrieve
irrelevant images in top ranked list. To overcome this problem, an effective strat-
egy is to produce diverse images in top ranking list covering various aspects of the
query. In this context, we propose a Multi-view Concept-based Query Expansion
(MVCQE) process, using a predefined list of semantic concepts and following
three main steps. First, we harvest social knowledge to capture different con-
texts related to the query. Second, we perform a Multi-view Concepts weighting
by applying concept-based query expansion for the initial query and for each of
its contexts. Third, we select the most representative concepts using an adaptive
threshold with respect to the dispersion of concept weights. Experiments using
ambiguous queries over the NUS-WIDE dataset confirm the effectiveness of our
process to improve the diversification compared to well known query expansion
approaches . . .
1 Introduction
With the proliferation of Web 2.0, photo-sharing services are hosting a tremendous
volume of digital images associated with their users generated tags [11]. Thus, tag-
based social image retrieval expect to be an intuitive way to perform search, which
presents two specific challenges:
Tags Mismatch: It occurs when tag query fails to appear in tags of relevant images
due to either the use of synonyms, or to the incomplete semantic representations
(e.g. not containing the tag)[4]
Tag Ambiguity: It occurs when a query is interpreted with several meanings other
than user’s expectation. [14]
In literature, these two challenges have been well studied separately. In one sight, for the
’tags-mismatch’ problem, concept-based approaches have been well intended to over-
come it by searching social images based on concept matching rather than tag matching.
Indeed, queries and images are transformed into semantic concepts vectors as a stan-
dardized representation[6],[7]. In the other sight, to tackle the ’tag ambiguity’ problem,
an effective approach is to provide diverse results that cover multiple topics underlying
a query. To this end, diversity-based approaches can be categorised as either explicit or
Ksibi A., Ben Ammar A. and Ben Amar C..
Enhancing Query Expansion for Tag-based Social Image Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0004603500420051
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web Intelligence (WEBI-2013), pages 42-51
ISBN: 978-989-8565-63-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
implicit [10]. Explicit approaches seek to promote images with maximum coverage of
query aspects as characteristic of the query itself, while implicit-based approaches rely
on characteristics of the retrieved images in order to identify diverse images, under the
assumption that similar images will cover similar aspects. In current study,we will fo-
cus only on explicit approaches. Specifically, we will be interested in query expansion
techniques, which aims to alleviate the query ambiguity by adding meaningful terms
from a suitable knowledge resource. In literature, query expansion has been shown as a
confirmed way for improving retrieval effectiveness in term of Recall value. However, it
can generate topic drift problem when too broaden the query. Thus, different challenges
are identified:
1. Which knowledge resource should be retained reflecting a sufficient coverage of
the dynamic human knowledge?
2. How to optimize the coverage of all query aspects underlying an ambiguous query?
3. How many terms should be added and how to assign weights to each one without
hampering the overall precision?
In this paper, we will harness the semantic representation and the social knowledge
not only to solve tag-mismatch problem, but also to cope with query ambiguity chal-
lenge. Indeed, we will reformulate the tag query using a new concept-based query ex-
pansion process called ”Multi-view concept-based query expansion” by weighting se-
mantic concepts from different view or context, aggregating the obtained weights and
selecting the most representative ones using a dynamic threshold.
This paper is organized as follows: In section 2, we provide an overview of the
existing orientations for diversifying search results. In section 3, we present the overall
architecture of the proposed tag-based social image retrieval system and we detail the
Multi-view concept based query expansion process. In section 4, we give experimental
2 Overview of Query Expansion Approaches for Social Image
Query expansion process has been considered as an intuitive and promising way to
diversify results by adding new meaningful terms from knowledge resources[12]. In
literature, different knowledge bases have been exploited for query expansion. For in-
stance, in [9], authors proposed to expand query through an open-source knowledge
such as WordNet and ConceptNet based on synonyms and concepts. Myoupo et al.[8]
proposed to reformulate queries using Wikipedia Knowledge by adding terms that are
closer to the query. Similarly, Hoque et al. [2] explored Wikipedia resources to en-
sure query expansion. Given an ambiguous query, they attempted to capture its various
aspects, and for each aspect, a dynamic number of terms pertaining to the query were
discovered from wikipedia. Weinberger et al.[14] introduced a new tool to disambiguate
a tag query using a probabilistic framework. In this work, ambiguity is detected when
the same tag generates two tags that occur in two divergent contexts.
The aforementioned query expansion approaches are influenced by the number of
added terms which affects results diversification. In fact, this number can be considered
Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed tag-based social image retrieval.
as a diversification trade-off where the more added terms are, the higher the diversity
is. Typically, this trade-off is uniformly optimized by maximizing the average diversi-
fication performance on a set of training queries. However, not all queries are similarly
ambiguous. Thus, different queries might benefit from different trade-off since any uni-
form choice of this trade-off for all queries would be suboptimal. This challenge has
been studied in social image retrieval by Hoque et al.[2]. They proposed to automat-
ically estimate the trade-off based on the level of ambiguity of the query itself. this
trade-off denotes the number of most related concepts within the query expansion pro-
cess based on the number of senses of the query as determined by Wikipedia. The main
weakness of this approach consists in using lexical resources such as Wikipedia to ex-
tract concepts and their weights. Such knowledge resource may only extract the lexical
relatedness query tag and extracted concepts and cannot reflect the visual relatedness
between them.
3 Mutli-view Concept-based Query Expansion for Tag-based
Social Image Retrieval
In this section, we will present the overall architecture of the proposed retrieval pro-
cess. Then, we will give a preliminary overview about concept-based query expansion
approach(CQE). Finally, we will describe the Muti-view concept-based query expan-
sion process.
3.1 Overall Architecture of the proposed Retrieval System
The flowchart of the proposed social image retrieval system is illustrated in figure 1:
Given a set of N pre-defined concepts, we model each image x
in the collection by a
vector C
= {c
, c
, .., c
} containing concept weights using the annotation approach
described in [5]. Each vector defines the semantic representation underlying an image.
Take the tag query ”Apple” as an example, when ”Apple” is submitted to our tag-
based social image retrieval system, a step of Multi-view concept based query expansion
is performed by aggregating, for each concept, the associated weights obtained from dif-
ferent views. This step is achieved by selecting the most appropriate concepts that cap-
ture the different meanings of the query using a dynamic threshold per-query. We note
the expanded query C
by a vector {c
, c
, .., c
}, An inverted file is, then, constructed
to reduce the search space by selecting images having at least one selected concept by
the query. We denote by D
= {x
, x
, .., x
} the set of vectors corresponding to
images that are associated with the set of query concepts C
. This collection, which is a
part of the large set D = {x
, x
, .., x
} ,is obtained by the aforementioned inverted
file generation.
A step of query-images matching is applied by estimating the cosine similarity be-
tween the expanded query vector C
and each image vector x
among sub-collection
. Once the relevance scores are estimated for all images in the selected collection,
these images are ranked by relevance. Generally, query expansion results in a gain in
recall often compensated by the corresponding loss in precision, since the integration
of some query terms may be less plausible and hence lead to topic drift. To remedy this
problem, we apply a relevance re-ranking model using random walk with restart pro-
cess as such we move relevant images upward assuming that images ,which are visually
and semantically similar to highly ranked images, should be upward [1].
Next subsection describes the process of Multi-view concept based query expansion
in details.
3.2 Multi-view Concept-based Query Expansion: MVCQE
Concept-based query expansion plays a pivotal role in the overall success of any tag-
based retrieval task. Indeed, it can implicitly tackle the query ambiguity problem by
expanding a tag query to a list of top related concepts over the semantic space. In other
words, a tag query is reformulated by assigning high scores to concepts that overlap
different aspects underlying an ambiguous query.
Intuitively, concepts related to the most known sense with respect to the ambiguous
query, will have high scores. As a result, not all aspects will be covered. In order to
reduce the influence of the most common senses, we propose a new approach called
”Multi-view concept-based query expansion” in which we extract different contexts
related to the tag in question using social knowledge and we apply concept-based query
expansion for the original query and the captured contexts. By doing such, we obtain
different query interpretations with respect to different contexts. As such, one concept
can have a high weight for a one context and low weight for another. In this situation, we
obtain the maximum of weights. As a result, we give high weights to different concepts
representing all the query aspects in different contexts.
Figure 2 illustrates the multi-view concept-based query expansion process in details:
The first step consists in extracting semantic clusters related to a given tag-query. Each
cluster defines a view characterizing a specified context of the query. Indeed,
Fig. 2. Our proposed Multi-view Concept-based query expansion process scheme.
Fig. 3. Dispersion of concept weights for different queries.
The second step consists in performing concept-based query expansion for each
view and for the original query. By doing so, we obtain different ranking lists of weighted
concepts corresponding to each view or aspect. Then, we aggregate all ranking lists by
applying Max-Fusion for each concept to build the multi-view expanded query vector.
Thus, we assign for each concept the highest weight among the obtained weights by
different views.
The third step is concept selection where the aim is to choose an optimal subset of
concepts from the available set that are able to capture the majority of query’s aspect and
avoid topic drift risk. A challenging question is where to stop selecting concepts from a
ranked list of concept weights? In order to select concepts, concept weights ranking can
be thresholded at an arbitrary rank or score. This threshold improves the diversification
performance of the retrieval process as it can also be considered as a diversification
parameter: too tight threshold would extract a limited number of concepts being only
the common senses of tag query, while a too loose threshold would produce too query
broadening resulting in a topic drift problem.
Typically, this threshold is uniformly optimised so as to maximize the precision on
a set of training queries. As a result, a fixed threshold is estimated for all queries. Figure
3 shows the distribution of concept weights for different queries. From this figure, it is
clear that different queries have different degree of dispersion among the weights. So,
that any uniform choice of the threshold for all queries would be suboptimal.
A main factor determining what the right threshold is, consists in weights distribu-
tion. Since this factor is query dependent, the right threshold should be selected dynam-
ically per query, not statically as most previously proposed methods in the literature.
To achieve this objective, we develop a new method defining an optimal trade-off score
τ , per query, using concepts scores and their distribution as input. Indeed, we opt for
threshold optimization per-query by focusing on the dispersion degree among the scores
using the standard deviation σ. The threshold will be estimated using the following for-
τ =
if σ
+ σ else
where [0, 1] is a heuristic parameter, c
is the weight of concept i and N is the
number of concepts. On one hand, if a query’s ranking list has a high value of dispersion
among the concepts scores, it could be a clue that the ranking function has been able
to discriminate between relevant and irrelevant concepts. So, we estimate the threshold
as the average of all scores. On the other hand, if a low level of dispersion appears,
because the ranking function has assigned similar weights, it can be interpreted as it
was not able to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant concepts. In such case, we
add the value of standard deviation to the average to estimate the threshold.
4 Experiments and Results
4.1 Experiments Setup
To validate our proposed retrieval process, we conduct experiments on the challenging
real-word NUS-WIDE
dataset. It is one of the largest social media datasets which
contains 269,648 Flickr images accompanied by their associated tags and their visual
features. Each image is also indexed by 81 concepts. In addition, we select a set of
12 common ambiguous tag-queries, including Apple, Jaguar, Dove,Tiger, Pear, Jordan,
Eagle, Washington, Flash,...
4.2 Study of MVCQE Effectiveness
We study the effectiveness of MVCQE process by responding to the following ques-
To which extent does social knowledge improve the detection of contexts perfor-
mance underlying an ambiguous query?
What is the impact of using Multi-view on diversifying results?
What is the impact of using adaptive threshold in MVCQE?
What is the impact of knowledge resource selection in adaptive threshold in
What is the Impact of using Multi-view on Diversifying Results? In this experiment,
we compare our proposed MVCQE approach with the baseline concept-based query
expansion (CQE)[13] and tag-based query expansion(TQE)[3]. In TQE, tag query is
expanded by its top-k related tags from Flickr that frequently co-occur with the original
In the following figure, we illustrate the obtained tag query reformulations for query
’Tiger’ using the aforementioned approaches. Top-15 related concepts and tags are ex-
tracted. For TQE, the coverage of query aspects is low as all the selected tags are related
to one context for query ’Tiger’. CQE outperforms TQE by capturing more aspects and
contexts than TQE. This improvement is due to the ability of the predefined list of se-
mantic concepts to cover the comprehensive human world knowledge. However, we
note that top-5 selected concepts are belonging to the same context resulting in a lack
of capturing all related contexts of a tag query (such as Tiger OS). MVCQE performs
the best by detecting more diverse aspects, in top-5 selected concepts, other than in
TQE and CQE by selecting ’computer’. The success of our approach MVCQE is due to
the diversification of top-k selected concepts yielding to diverse query aspects, yet di-
verse search results. In fact, the multi-view concepts weighting with respect to different
contexts is the responsible of this diversification.
Fig. 4. Different interpretations for query ”Tiger”.
What is the Impact of using Adaptive Threshold in MVCQE? In this experiment,we
investigate two types of thresholding: static and adaptive. In static thresholding, the
same fixed pre-selected rank threshold τ is applied to all queries. We test different
scores of τ at 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4. In dynamic thresholding, we estimate, for each query,
the optimal threshold score with respect to the dispersion degree among the concept
weights as described above. We obtain the following results in figures 5 and 6.
It can be seen from these figures that defining an unified threshold score for all
Fig. 5. Obtained results for queries ’Pear’ and ’Tiger’ using different threshold values.
Fig. 6. Optimal thresholds for different queries with respect to dispersion degree among concept
queries would be suboptimal, which prove the need for dynamic thresholding. Actually,
static threshold hurts retrieval precision and leads to topic drift risk in case of low value
of threshold or under-estimation of query in case of high value of threshold.
What is the Impact of Knowledge Resource Selection in Adaptive Threshold in
MVCQE? In this experiment, we study the impact of knowledge resource choice in
the threshold estimation. For this purpose, we compare Flickr and Wikipedia resources.
Indeed, we estimate the correlation between concepts and the query using FCS mea-
sure over Flickr resources and DiscoDistance over Wikipedia resources. Figures 7 and
8illustrate the results:
From figures 7 and 8, we notice that weights of concepts for queries ’Tiger’ and
’jaguar’ are more dispersed than queries ’apple’ and ’pear’. Thus, we deduce that the
dispersion of concept weights is the main factor for determining the optimal threshold.
In addition, we note that the interval of weights repartition differ from one another.
Thus, the mean of all concept weights for each query is also a factor for determining
the focused threshold. These deductions prove the formula of our proposed threshold.
5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented a new query expansion process MVCQE using se-
mantic concepts representation in different query contexts. The key advantage of our
process is its ability to make effective the use of semantic concepts representation not
only for solving tag-mismatch but also for diversifying search results. In fact, we have
demonstrated that mapping a tag query in the semantic space guarantee the complete
coverage of all query aspects. Further, we have proved the necessity to diversify the
captured query aspects. For this purpose, we have analysed the query from different
contexts or views. Moreover, we have demonstrated that a step of concepts selection
Fig. 7. Weights of concepts estimation over Flickr resources.
Fig. 8. Weights of concepts estimation over Wikipedia resources.
was required. Therefore, we have proposed an automatic adaptive threshold with re-
spect to the dispersion of concept weights for a given query. Finally, we argued that the
proposed adaptive thresholding can be transferable to other applications that need an
optimal threshold in a ranking list and having only the items scores.
Our future work will involve investigation into the further refinement of the pro-
posed system. More specifically, we plan to expand our MVCQE approach by capturing
hierarchical aspects from a taxonomy of semantic concepts.
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