Automatic Attendance Rating of Movie Content using
Bag of Audio Words Representation
Avi Bleiweiss
Architecture Group, Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, U.S.A.
MFCC, Vector Quantization, Bag of Words, Support Vector Machines, Ranked Information Retrieval.
The sensory experience of watching a movie, links input from both sight and hearing modalities. Yet tradi-
tionally, the motion picture rating system largely relies on the visual content of the film, to make its informed
decisions to parents. The current rating process is fairly elaborate. It requires a group of parents to attend a full
screening, manually prepare and submit their opinions, and vote out the appropriate audience age for viewing.
Rather, our work explores the feasibility of classifying age attendance of a movie automatically, resorting to
solely analyzing the movie auditory data. Our high performance software records the audio content of the
shorter movie trailer, and builds a labeled training set of original and artificially distorted clips. We use a bag
of audio words to effectively represent the lm sound track, and demonstrate robust and closely correlated
classification accuracy, in exploiting boolean discrimination and ranked retrieval methods.
Classifying multimedia scenes into semantic cate-
gories is considered a central information retrieval
(IR) problem, and attracted great interest in both re-
search and practice. This is primarily motivated by
the ever increasing scale of online content-base data,
both visual and auditory, becoming freely available.
For movies, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb,
1990) is the most comprehensive and authoritative
source, providing millions of titles in its repository,
publicly accessible to users, in the forms of full length
films, trailers and clips. Of greatest relevancy to our
work, is the IMDb high quality, trailer gallery that
is kept current with both upcoming and recent re-
leases. Each trailer is believed to faithfully capture
the essence of the fully featured film, by portraying
a short plot preview with key scenes, and playing in
a time limit of one to two minutes. Moreover, many
of the trailer videos are already ground-truth labeled,
and embed the content ratings for appropriate viewing
audience. Contrary to the explicit approach that re-
quires human perception experience, in attending an
entire film screening, we propose a system that im-
plicitly learns from the vast aggregate audio content,
provided by the IMDb trailer sound tracks, to clas-
sify admissible content to an age group. Our claim
is founded on the basis that the depiction of language
and violence, two of the more principal content rat-
ing criteria, are more immediately identified with the
trailer acoustic features. We clearly recognize the
challenge involved in a learning system of no visual
sensing, but contend the implicit approach is more
scalable, has the potential to be less error prone, and
respectfully more economically sound.
One of the more simple and very effective text
retrieval models is the bag of words (Baeza-Yates
and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999). Here, documents are repre-
sented as a histogram of words from a prescribed vo-
cabulary, however, the model completely ignores any
of word dependencyand syntactic structure. Retrieval
relevance is therefore reduced to evaluating similarity
of words in a document with words in a query. In-
spired by the prospect to produce superior classifica-
tion performance, researchers have evolved the model
to efficiently represent large scale, multimedia con-
tent. The bag of visual words formulation was suc-
cessfully adapted to scene image classification (Yang
et al., 2007), and image retrieval (Wu et al., 2009).
Similarly, the bag of audio words modality emerged
in content based audio retrieval (Chechik et al., 2008),
video copy detection (Liu et al., 2010), and a higher
level structure, bag of system words, for semantic an-
notation of musical pieces (Ellis et al., 2011). Our
system leverages established results of the model con-
vention, and expresses each of the movie trailers with
an enhanced bag of audio words representation that
fits both a discriminatory classifier like SVM, and
Bleiweiss A..
Automatic Attendance Rating of Movie Content using Bag of Audio Words Representation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004604601420150
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and 10th International Conference on Wireless
Information Networks and Systems (SIGMAP-2013), pages 142-150
ISBN: 978-989-8565-74-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
follows similarity calculations directly from the well
known, Vector Space Model (Salton et al., 1975).
The main contribution of this paper is a high per-
formance software that retrieves movie trailer sound
tracks from a large scale and continually growing,
online audio archive, and automatically rates a film
content to appropriate, viewing age group. Unlike
the current manual and more involved rating process
that studies every movie, individually. Our feature
abstraction interface provides the flexibility to utilize
both discriminative and ranked information retrieval
processes for classification, subscribing to a unique
and robust correlation based validation of system per-
formance. Next, we provide a brief overview of the
movie rating system, in Section 2. Followed by de-
scribing our methodology for acoustic feature extrac-
tion, end-to-end, in Section 3. Then, we detail al-
gorithm and give theory to support the performance
of our multi modal classification approach, in section
4. Proceeding with analyzing quantitative results of
our experiments to demonstrate rating effectiveness,
in Section 5, and conclude with a short summary and
future prospect remarks, in Section 6.
The movie rating system is governed by an indepen-
dent body, comprised of parents, with the purpose of
giving advance warnings to parents, so that they can
make informed decision about which films their chil-
dren see. The movie rating system evolved both as
a useful and valued tool for parents, but also become
an essential guardian of the freedom of artistic, cre-
ative and political expression. In the United States,
the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA,
1922), through the Classification and Rating Admin-
istration (CARA, 1968), issues ratings for the movies.
The modern system was instituted in late 1968 and is
entirely voluntary. However, most major studios have
agreed to submit all titles for rating prior to theatri-
cal release. Respectfully, most movie theater chains
avoid showing unrated domestic films. After screen-
ing films, the personal opinions of the group of par-
ents in attendance, are used to arriveat one of five film
ratings (Table 1). For some ratings, the MPAA adds a
brief explanation as to why a particular film received
certain rating. By convention, most film trailers will
have the MPAA rating right at the beginning, and a
fully featured film will have the MPAA logo at the
end of the closing credits.
The motion picture rating system, classifies the
content of a film primarily in terms of its depiction
of matured theme, language, violence, and adult ac-
tivities. For a General Audiences (G) rated movie,
all ages are admitted. The movie contains nothing to
offend parents for viewing by children. A Parental
Guidance Suggested (PG) film class identifies some
material that is inappropriate for children. Parents are
urged to give guidance to their children, before let-
ting them view the film. Parents Strongly Cautioned
(PG-13) rating implies some material is unsuitable for
children under 13. A PG-13 rank holds more of a se-
rious warning to parents to determine whether their
children should attend this motion picture. The Re-
stricted (R) rating indicates that children under 17 are
not allowed to attend, unless they are accompanied by
a parent or an adult guardian. Finally, NC-17 rating
is considered by most parents too adult oriented and
no child under the age of 17 is admitted. NC-17 rated
movies are rare and have little to no success in the box
office. Often, studios and distributors edit the NC-17
film to qualify for an R rating. Accordingly, the NC-
17 movie rating is outside the scope of our study. If a
film is not submitted for rating or is an uncut version
of a film that was submitted, the label NR (Not Rated)
is often used.
Our basic framework for extracting the bag of au-
dio words from a movie trailer, proceeds in several
stages. First, the sound track of its original digital au-
dio is converted into a high quality, WAV file. Next,
the signal captured is divided into overlapping, short
time segments, and primitive, audio feature vectors
are derived from each. This follows a vector quan-
tization (VQ) (Gersho and Gray, 1992) process that
maps the original, acoustic feature vectors into a set
of k clusters. The collection of clusters constitutes
a vocabulary, and each cluster corresponds then to a
unique audio word, or a term. Effectively, reducing
the trailer representation to a highly compressed, sin-
gle word vector of k dimensionality, with each ele-
ment retaining a count of audio word occurrences in
a WAV file.
Table 1: United States motion picture attendance ratings.
Rating Description
G General Audiences
PG Parental Guidance Suggested
PG-13 Parents Strongly Cautioned
R Restricted
NC-17 No One 17 and Under Admitted
3.1 Audio Feature Extraction
Models for human perception of sound, are based
upon frequency analysis performed in the inner ear
(Rabiner and Schafer, 2007). The cepstrum, the
power spectrum of the logarithm spectrum, of a
speech signal found to be an effective indicator of
pitch detection (Noll, 1964). On this basis, Davis
and Mermelstein (Davis and Marmelstien, 1980)
formulated the mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients,
MFCC, that represents the short term power spectrum
of a sound, and captures the nonlinearity of human
hearing. MFCC is one of the more compact acous-
tic feature representation, and is widely used in appli-
cation domains that include automatic speech recog-
nition, speaker identification, audio-video misalign-
ment detection (Perelygin and Jones, 2011), and mul-
timedia event classification (Pancoast and Akbacak,
2012). In our work, we use MFCC features with the
parametric representation of the Fourier transformed
cepstrum, derived based on a mel scale. The subjec-
tively, nonlinear mel scale is further defined in equa-
tion 1, where f is the linear frequency in Hz.
= 1125ln(1+
) (1)
The computational flow for extracting the MFCC
feature vector, from a discrete time speech signal, is
depicted in Algorithm 1. First, the signal for each
movie trailer is pre-emphasized with alpha = 0.95.
Then, we segment the time data into frames at a rate of
100Hz, or 10ms duration, using a hamming window
with 50% overlap. Our movie clips are consistently
recorded in 16-bit mono, using a 44,100Hz sampling
rate that yields 512 zero padded samples, per frame.
Power-of-2 frame padding, warrants an efficient suc-
cessive computation of the Fourier power spectrum,
using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) algorithm.
Then, we apply a set of 48 triangular filters, spaced
linearly in mel scale, on the spectrum obtained pre-
viously, and compute the logarithmic filter bank, en-
ergy coefficients. Finally, mel cepstral coefficients are
derived, by employing the discrete cosine transform
(DCT) on the mel bank, energy spectra. The features
extracted for each frame, consist of the standard 12
MFCCs, as well as the log energy of the frame, result-
ing in a 13-dimensional feature vector. In our exper-
iments, trailer sound tracks are recorded for approx-
imately one minute, generating about 12,000 MFCC
vectors on average, per WAV file.
3.2 Bag of Audio Words
The VQ step performs clustering in the 13-
dimensional, MFCC space. We apply K-means
Algorithm 1: MFCC.
Input: time data s, sample rate f
, filter bank f
x = pre-emphasize(s)
F = frames(x)
for f in F do
w = hamming( f)
spectrum = DF T (w)
melspectra = log
(melbank(spectrum, f
, f
melcepstral = DC T (melspectra)
melcepstral = melcepstral energy( f)
end for
(Lloyd, 1982) to a set of MFCC features, extracted
from each movie trailer, and identify k dense regions
that collectively constitute the audio words. For ev-
ery MFCC vector, K-means computes the nearest Eu-
clidean distance to an iterated cluster centroid, and
assigns to each MFCC feature, a cluster index in
{1,2,...,k}. Then, a sound track is mapped to a k-
dimensional vector [ f
, f
,..., f
] that encodes the fre-
quency of each audio word, or a term, f
, in the trailer.
This histogram representation makes equivalent, seg-
ments that are acoustically similar, but their MFCC
vector varies slightly. Figure 1 depicts audio word
histogram of four movie trailers, one for each of the
MPAA ratings. The choice of the parameter k is an
important system performance trade-off. Large k in-
creases computation time and results in a more dis-
criminative model. On the other hand, while more ef-
ficient and of higher vocabulary consistency, a small
set of clusters is less separable. In our evaluation,
we explore the parameter k in a wide range of 100 to
3000, and study the vocabulary size impact on movie
rating accuracy.
In a bag of audio words model, the order of the
features in a movie sound track m is ignored. Rather,
each trailer audio content is represented as a count
vector in N
, where |V| is the total number of words
in the vocabulary. Borrowing from IR, we define the
term frequency,t f
, of term t in a movie feature vec-
tor m, as the number that t occurs in m. Whereas the
relevance of a movie to a query, does not increase pro-
portionally with the term frequency. Hence, to en-
sure less than linear, matching score growth, IR in-
troduces instead a log-frequency weighting entity, we
label w
1+ log
t f
, if t f
> 0
0, otherwise
Similarly to stop words in IR, frequent MFCC fea-
tures in a trailer auditory sequence, are less informa-
tive than rare terms. To capture this notion, we intro-
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
# occurrences
Audio Word
G PG PG-13 R
Figure 1: Audio word histogram for a sample trailer from each movie rating class. G (Aladdin), PG (Animals United) and
PG-13 (10 Years) are fairly distinct, while R (A Late Quartet) is more observant on high word indices. Shown for a 1000
clusters configuration, with number of occurrences plotted on a logarithmic scale.
duce the movie frequency weight, m f
, that amounts
to the number of trailers that contain the term t. mf
therefore the inverse measure of the informativeness
of t. We then formally follow to define the inverse
movie frequency, imf of t as
= log
), (3)
with N the size of our trailer training set. Finally,
analogous to the IR t f scheme, the term and
inverse movie frequency measures are combined to
yield t f.imf weighting, for a given term, that is the
product of the term t f and imf weights:
= (1+ log
t f
). (4)
t f.imf increases with the number of feature occur-
rences within a trailer acoustic model, and also with
the rarity of a feature in the trailer training collec-
tion. Each movie trailer auditory content, is now rep-
resented by a real-valued vector of t f.imf weights
. Either an unnormalized or normalized weight
vector version, is passed on to a classifier of choice.
The task of rating a movie content constitutes a multi
class, classification problem. Decomposing the prob-
lem into a series of two-class, binary subproblems,
using a one-against-all discriminative process, is one
intuitive path of implementation. On the other hand,
with a generic and orthogonalbag of audio words rep-
resentation, the problem can be viewed as a search
into a dataset of trailers that returns a ranked list of
the most relevant, auditory content, to match a sound
track query. Our design incorporates both boolean
and indexed classification modalities, using support
vector machines (SVM) and ranked information re-
trieval (RIR) methods, respectively. This cross clas-
sification formulation, merits a unique correlation di-
mension that ensures a more robust validation of our
system rating performance.
4.1 Support Vector Machines
The bag of words feature representation, lends itself
well to a discriminativeclassifier, such as support vec-
tor machines (SVM). SVM effectively models non-
linear decision boundaries, by using a kernel func-
tion. Respectively, we pass the vectors of weights,
extracted from the auditory content of the movie trail-
ers, for both training, and testing the learned model
with new examples. For our classifier, we selected
SVM-Light (Joachims, 1999), owing to its robust,
large scale SVM training, and implemented a C++
wrapper on top, to seamlessly communicate with our
movie rating, software components. Both the linear
and radial basis function (RBF) kernels are studied in
our work, specifically to compare rating performance
impact, as a function of varying vocabulary size.
With four movie rating classes, we train four SVM
models, each separating one group of trailers from
the rest. The i-th SVM trains one of G, PG, PG-
13, and R class of trailers, all labeled as ground-truth
true, and the remaining movie rating classes are la-
beled false. At the classification step, an unlabeled
test trailer is assigned to a rating class that produces
the largest value of hyper-plane distance, in feature
space. Implementation wise, our software controls
the one-against-all outer loop, invoking SVM-Light
repeatedly four times, once for each rating class vs.
rest configuration.
4.2 Ranked Information Retrieval
The Vector Space Model is the most commonly used
in IR. This model ranks more relevant documents
higher than less relevant ones, with respect to a query
that is comprised of a collection of terms. Both the
query and the documents are represented as vectors
in the space, and documents are ranked based on their
proximity to the query. Proximity is the similarity
measure of two vectors, and is roughly a function of
the inverse of the distance between them. The notion
adapted by the IR community, to rank documents in
increasing order of the cosine of the angle between
the query and the document vectors, stems from the
cosine function property, for monotonically decreas-
ing in the interval [0
A vector is length normalized by dividing each of
its weighting components, by its length. For normal-
ization, IR uses the L2-norm, expressed as k~xk
. Dividing a vector by its L2-norm, makes it a
unit vector, and thus short and long trailer sequences
of scaled terms, now have comparable weights. We
define cosine similarity as the dot product of the query
sound track vector, q, and a training trailer audio vec-
tor, m, both length normalized:
cos(~q,~m) = ~q·~m =
. (5)
We compute the cosine similarity score for the
query trailer and each of the training trailers in our
dataset. Training trailers, with respect to the query,
are ranked for relevancy by their score, and the top
M(M = 10) are returned for further analysis.
To evaluate our system in practice, we have imple-
mented a Direct2D audio application that reads raw
WAV files, splits each to a property header and data
sections, and loads the normalized time signal and its
sampling rate parameter to our movie rating, C++ li-
brary. Our library operates on the raw audio, com-
mences feature extraction followed by vector quan-
tization, and performs discrimination and similarity
calculations. We use the hold out method with cross
validationto rank the performanceof our system. For-
mally, our library sets up one of random and 10-fold
resampling modes, and each rating class becomes a
two-way data split of trailers, with train and test sets,
owning 80/20 percent shares, respectively.
5.1 Experimental Setup
Disposed at matching movie content to audience age,
the productivity of bag of audio words representation
is assessed. We build a labeled base set of 25 trailers,
for each the G, PG, PG-13, and R ratings. The base set
is drawn randomly from previously rated, movie trail-
ers, off IMDb (IMDb, 1990). Our collection incorpo-
rates more recent and modern titles that are readily
accessible online, but also subscribes to a fair share
of productions that span over two decades of movie
making. The high quality, 16-bit mono, 44.1KHz
WAV files, each produced of a minute long record-
ing, is about 5MB in size, setting the base set to total
100-minute footage of combined 0.5GB size. With
an average of nearly 12,000 MFCC feature vectors,
extracted from the audio sequence of a base trailer,
our system processes a total of 1.2 million features.
We then apply signal distortion, artificially to each
of the labeled recording, and augment our learning
data set by a factor of ten, to yield an aggregate of
250 auditory samples, per rating class. Leading to
a combined 1000 system trailer set that subscribes
to a 5GB footage of both physical and virtual audio.
Rather than deforming the source signal (Riley et al.,
2008), a step that is computationally intensive, we ob-
tain an identical effect by simply perturbing the his-
togram of the base word vector, and randomly mod-
ulating the term frequency of a word in the interval
{−5%,+5%}. This slightly warped version of a word
vector, conforms to both discriminatory and similarity
margins, to rule rating class inclusion.
Scalability to a dynamically grown, synthetic au-
ditory data set, for attaining higher classification per-
formance, is a principal guidance in the design of our
proposed system. Here we discuss three implementa-
tion considerations that ensure the efficiency of ma-
jor computational steps. First, the task of process-
ing over a million feature vectors, is a critical com-
pute section in our implementation. We find the exe-
cution of feature extraction and vector quantization,
in sequentially iterating the base set, prohibitively
inefficient. Rather, we exploit concurrency, using
the latest C++11 futures and asynchronous launching
methodology. In parallel processing independent au-
Table 2: Vocabulary statistical data, collected for a discrete set of cluster counts, and for each movie rating.
Number Rating Average Max Median Mean Standard Deviation Average Single Word
Clusters MFCC Vectors t f
t f
t f
t f
100 G 11,679 4292 53.20 116.79 192.82 3.04
PG 12,045 3687 49.60 120.45 201.26 3.48
PG-13 11,507 2953 49.48 115.08 198.84 3.00
R 11,955 3740 51.84 119.56 219.08 1.60
500 G 11,679 2256 12.00 23.36 39.82 42.88
PG 12,045 2916 12.00 24.09 42.48 43.48
PG-13 11,507 754 12.16 23.02 34.21 31.68
R 11,955 1860 11.28 23.91 43.84 40.52
1000 G 11,679 1579 6.80 11.68 19.26 129.76
PG 12,045 1162 6.60 12.05 19.72 131.80
PG-13 11,507 435 6.88 11.51 15.60 109.00
R 11,955 809 5.84 11.96 21.73 154.56
1500 G 11,679 626 4.80 7.79 11.10 248.60
PG 12,045 1162 4.64 8.03 13.00 266.04
PG-13 11,507 357 4.84 7.67 9.90 238.80
R 11,955 450 3.84 7.97 14.71 331.40
2000 G 11,679 554 3.76 5.84 7.63 408.16
PG 12,045 1159 3.68 6.02 9.47 442.00
PG-13 11,507 357 3.56 5.75 7.32 408.32
R 11,955 440 3.12 5.98 10.65 552.20
2500 G 11,679 554 3.08 4.67 5.92 624.16
PG 12,045 579 2.92 4.81 6.35 649.08
PG-13 11,507 357 3.04 4.60 5.68 621.88
R 11,955 359 2.52 4.78 7.96 792.32
3000 G 11,679 554 2.60 3.89 4.90 886.92
PG 12,045 578 2.64 4.02 5.13 876.96
PG-13 11,507 357 2.56 3.83 4.60 884.60
R 11,955 359 2.32 3.99 6.03 1038.96
dio streams, and generating MFCC vectors, followed
by constructing histogram of words for each, we
achieved a close to linear performance gain of about
3.5X, compared to the serial implementation, on a
four cores, 2
generation, 2.8GHz Intel Core proces-
sor. Second, the automatic construction of syntheti-
cally distorted histogram vectors at runtime, not only
bypasses the extensive MFCC processing of a source
audio signal, it furthermore strips down memory foot-
print for temporary buffers, substantially. More im-
portantly, the automatic augmenting of our auditory
data set, from a relatively small, manual trailer pro-
duction set, adds flexibility to gracefully enhance the
performance of our rating system. Note the data am-
plification factor, set in our study to ten, is a system
controlled parameter, supplied by the user. Thirdly,
the computation of the inverse movie frequency, imf
weighting, is independent of any query vector, and is
therefore computed only once in our system, at train-
ing time. We use the well established and more ef-
ficient, standard IR weighting scheme, lnc.ltc, with
imf computed for the test vectors, but is set to one,
for the entire training partition.
5.2 Experimental Results
To understand how terms are distributed across our
collection of base and distorted auditory content, we
use the Zipf law. The law states that the collection
frequency cf
of the i
most common term, is propor-
tional to 1/i. For vocabularies of different sizes, we
plot the frequency of an audio word against its fre-
quency rank in Figure 2, in a log-log scale. A straight
line with a slope of 1, corresponding to the Zipf
ideal function, is also depicted for reference (Ref).
Our data shown to consistently fit the law, with the
exception of the extremely low frequency terms. This
is likely a side effect of our K-means implementation
that produces rare words, we attribute to sparse, noisy
audio frames. The slopes of the vocabulary curves,
are however less steeper than the line predicted by
the law, indicating a more evenly distribution of audio
words. Table 2 further provides broader quantitative
statistics to term weights, for each vocabulary size we
use in our study, per movie rating. An interesting ob-
servation is the outstanding larger count of average
single word clusters, indicative of content sparseness,
for the movie rating R, specifically for richer vocabu-
1 10 100 1000
Figure 2: Zipf law distribution as a function of increased
vocabulary size, plotted in a log-log scale.
We then study the impact of parametrically vary-
ing the bag of audio word representation, on our
movie rating performance. Our multi modal classi-
fication methodology, evaluates system performance,
for each of G, PG, PG-13, and R attendance classes,
as a function of increased vocabulary size. For SVM,
we use the F1-Score measure, and compare linear to
RBF kernels, reporting our best results in Figures 3
and 4, respectively. Clearly, the vocabulary size af-
fects greatly the classification score, however, the be-
havior is not necessarily monotonic. Performance
rises first, might reach an optimal peak, then either
remains flat or declines and rises again to reach a sim-
ilar, or an extended local maximum. G, PG, and PG-
13 ratings, are strongly grouped and follow a simi-
lar path trend, to closely intersect at an F1-Score of
0.67, for an optimal vocabulary size of 2000. How-
ever, the R class performs distinctively different, with
an average classification rate of 0.575, peaking at a
lexicon size of 3000 words, for a 0.64 score. We con-
tend this one-from-rest scoring disparity is fairly ex-
plicable. The R sound track contains only sparsely
spread, unique audio content to be classified as a re-
stricted theme, a claim further supported statistically
in Table 2. But the remainder of its content is a mix-
ture of audio, relevant in the other ratings, thus mak-
ing R less discriminatory. For the RBF kernel, we
observe better performance for small vocabularies of
highly correlated words, when compared to the linear
kernel. But for larger vocabularies of linearly separa-
ble words, the RBF advantage is less obvious. More
compelling for RBF, is the even tighter lumping of
the G, PG, and PG-13 rating functions, extended to
small vocabularies, and more importantly, the R class
is further aligned with the rest.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
G PG PG-13 R
Figure 3: Linear SVM: F1-Score classification performance
as a function of increased vocabulary size, shown for each
movie rating class.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
G PG PG-13 R
Figure 4: RBF SVM: F1-Score classification performance
as a function of increased vocabulary size, shown for each
movie rating class.
For RIR, a baseline method of finding nearest
neighbors in using cosine distance, depicted non
commensurate and inconsistent spiky performance.
Rather, we use the mean average precision (MAP)
measure that is susceptible to the entire ranking of
a set of queries. A query is a trailer member of our
test held out, data partition. First, we compute the av-
erage precision (AP) score, for an individual query.
Each time, one of the top ranked training trailers, by
way of similarity, is relevant and hence matches the
query label, we accumulate its precision score at the
current, non interpolated recall, and average out the
scores. Seeking both the performance of common
and rare terms in our bag of audio words represen-
tation, we weigh each query equally, amid computing
the arithmetic average of all the query APs, to yield
the desired MAP measure. Figure 5 depicts our sys-
tem MAP as a function of increased vocabulary size.
The G rating function rises almost monotonically, and
flattens out at an optimal lexicon size of 2000 words,
with an exceptionally high MAP score of 0.995. For
the remaining rating classes, the score changes more
mildly. PG peaks at a MAP of 0.93 and a 1000 word
vocabulary, whereas PG-13 and R follow an almost
identical performance path, tracing along a 0.92 MAP
score. Figure 6 further illustrates the precision-recall
curve for each rating, at a fixed vocabulary size of
100. For each of the precision-recall curves, we report
commensurate area-under-curve (AUC) measures, in
Figure 7, that closely parallel our MAP figures.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
G PG PG-13 R
Figure 5: Ranked Retrieval: Mean average precision (MAP)
classification performance as a function of increased vocab-
ulary size, shown for each movie rating class.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
G PG PG-13 R
Figure 6: Ranked Retrieval: Precision-Recall curves for vo-
cabulary size of 100 audio words, shown for each movie
rating class.
Figure 7: Ranked Retrieval: area-under-curve (AUC)
measures, drawn from Precision-Recall curves (Figure 6),
shown for each movie rating class.
Owing to a common and an effective weight vec-
tor representation, our research benefited markedly
from comparing classification performance of a
boolean discriminatory process against a discretized,
ranked search. While classification modalities largely
concur on performance results, there are however dif-
ferences that warrant a brief review. Notably is the
tendency for each model to distinguish one bound-
ary rating class from the rest, but in a seemingly
non-explicable, opposing directions of performance
scores. For SVM, the R rating stands relatively less
optimal, potentially implying bounded generalization,
due to over-fitting. We suspect that by increasing the
amplification factor of our distorted, audio data set,
over-fitting can be greatly mitigated. On the other
hand, RIR attributes higher MAP performance to the
G rated movies, compared to the rest of the rating
classes. Subscribing to the kids gamut of movie con-
tent, the G theme signifies more consistent and rela-
tively flat acoustic features. Hence, similarity based
RIR, is more successful in assigning relevancy to the
majority of the top ranked, query results.
We compare our movie rating performance to the
conceptually resembling task of Multimedia Event
Detection (MED). Alike, MED searches multimedia
corpora to identify user defined events, based on pre-
computed metadata. In their state-of-the-art work,
Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2012) present their MED
approach, employing bag of words representation for
an enhanced combination of both static and dynamic
visual descriptors, and MFCC audio features. They
report an event specific MAP performance that ranges
from 0.2 to 0.7, showing a moderate rate increase in
augmenting the feature set selection. While the pos-
sible extension of our feature set merits further evalu-
ation, at first order, our system MAP scores appear to
justify a design with the sole use of audio features.
We have demonstrated the apparent potential in au-
tomating the rating process of age admittance to
movie viewing, by classifying the auditory content
of the movie sound track. Our training data set is
comprised of an extremely small seed of high quality,
hand recorded trailers, that is artificially augmented
by a dynamically grown distorted set, computed off
our low dimensionality, histogram vectors. Thus lead-
ing to an efficient and scalable software that exe-
cutes on a compact memory footprint. The bag of
audio words representation prove effective for both
discriminative and retrieval classification modalities.
Whereas exploiting term weighting to achieve plausi-
ble classification accuracy, serves a sound empirical
basis for other challenging applications in real world,
audio content understanding. Optimizing our system
performance, as a function of the manual to synthetic
data division, is one vital area for future research. We
perceive our current unigram representation to evolve
into a more generic n-gram model, by building bi-
gram and trigram constructs, to better capture adja-
cent, temporal relations of audio features, at a trailer
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their constructive and helpful feedback.
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