Towards Live Subtitling of TV Ice-hockey Commentary
Aleš Pražák
, Josef V. Psutka
, Josef Psutka
and Zdeněk Loose
SpeechTech s.r.o., Plzeň, Czech Republic
Department of Cybernetics, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, Czech Republic
Keywords: Speech Recognition, Live TV Subtitling, Re-speaking, Sport.
Abstract: This paper deals with live subtitling of TV ice-hockey commentaries using automatic speech recognition
technology. Two methods are presented - a direct transcription of a TV program and a re-speaking
approach. Practical issues emerging from the real subtitling system are introduced and their solutions are
proposed. Acoustic and language modelling is described as well as modifications of existing live subtitling
application. Both methods were evaluated during simulated subtitling and their results are discussed.
Recently, the public service televisions all around
the world are pushed by the law and the society of
deaf and hard-of-hearing to provide subtitles to all
their broadcasts. For shows that are broadcasted
offline is not a problem to provide them with offline
subtitles through human translators and transcribers.
But the subtitles for directly broadcasted programs
are still a big challenge.
The large vocabulary continuous speech
recognition (LVCSR) systems are demanded as a
solution. The advantage of using automatic speech
recognition (ASR) is a high transcription speed in
comparison with human typing speed and a cheaper
operation. On the other hand, the ASR system has
not achieved such accuracy as human transcribers
In the task of live TV subtitling, an ASR system
can be used in two principal ways. The first one
employs the speech recognition for direct
transcription of an audio track of a TV program.
This requires clear speech with calm acoustic
background and non-overlapping speakers. Since
only a few TV shows are suitable for direct
transcription, a more universal strategy employs so-
called "re-speaker" - a specialized speaker, who re-
speaks the original dialogues for the speech
recognition system (Evans, 2003).
During our cooperation with the Czech
Television, the public service broadcaster in the
Czech Republic, we have developed and
implemented a system for automatic live subtitling
of the meetings of the Parliament of the Czech
Republic directly from the real audio track (Trmal et
al., 2010). We operate such system over four years
with almost 1,000 subtitled hours. The recognition
accuracy reaches 90 % in average (depending on the
topic discussed).
In recent years, we developed a distributed
system for the live subtitling through re-speaking. A
unique four phase re-speaker training system was
introduced in (Pražák et al., 2011). We use such a
system in cooperation with the Czech Television for
live subtitling of political debates and similar TV
Since subtitling of live sport programs is
demanded by deaf and hard-of-hearing, we have
faced new challenges and tasks to be solved. The
most watched sports in the Czech Republic are ice-
hockey and football. Initially, we tried to directly
recognize a live TV commentary of an ice-hockey
match. We had to prepare a specialized class-based
language models covering names of players, teams
or sport places and train dedicated acoustic model
for the speech of the TV ice-hockey commentator.
We did not expect too much from the direct
recognition, while the re-speaker approach was more
promising. To prove our assumption, we modified
existing re-speaking application to make subtitling
of live ice-hockey matches through re-speaker
Pražák A., Psutka J., Psutka J. and Loose Z..
Towards Live Subtitling of TV Ice-hockey Commentary.
DOI: 10.5220/0004606301510155
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and 10th International Conference on Wireless
Information Networks and Systems (SIGMAP-2013), pages 151-155
ISBN: 978-989-8565-74-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In fact, each sport is unique with specific
expressions, phrases and a manner of speech of the
TV commentator. That is why a language model
should be based on many transcriptions of the TV
commentary of the given sport.
We did manual transcriptions of 90 ice-hockey
matches, both international and Czech league
matches. These transcriptions contain the names of
players and teams involved in the match, but also
other names that the commentators talked about. To
make a general language model suitable for all ice-
hockey matches, we would need to add all names of
ice-hockey players in the world. This would swell
the vocabulary of the recognition system and slow
the system down, moreover the accuracy of
transcription would drop. The only way is to prepare
a language model specifically for each match by
adding only names of players of two competing
teams. A class-based language model takes the role
in this task.
During manual transcriptions of TV ice-hockey
commentaries, some words were labelled with the
tags representing several semantic classes. The first
class represents the names of players that take part in
the match. The second class is used for the names of
competing teams or countries and the next class for
the designations of sport places (stadium, arena etc.).
The names which do not relate to the transcribed ice-
hockey match were not labelled (for example
legendary players like "Jagr"), because they are
more or less independent of the match. Since the
Czech language is highly inflectional, further 27
classes were used for the names in other
grammatical cases and their possessive forms.
Finally, taking into account the above mentioned
tags instead of the individual names, two class-based
trigram language models were trained - one for in-
game commentary and one for studio interviews.
The manual transcriptions of 90 commentaries
contain 750k tokens with 25k unique words. These
data cannot cover commentary of forthcoming ice-
hockey matches. To make the vocabulary and
language model more robust, other data from
newspapers (175M tokens) and TV news
transcriptions (9M tokens) were used. Only data
with automatically detected topic of sport
(Skorkovská et al., 2011) were used and mixed with
ice-hockey commentaries based on perplexity of the
test data. For in-game language model, the weights
were 0.65 for ice-hockey commentaries, 0.30 for
newspaper data and 0.05 for TV news transcriptions,
while for studio interviews the weights were 0.20,
0.65 and 0.15, respectively. The final vocabulary of
the recognition system contains 455k unique words
(517k baseforms).
Finally, before recognition of each ice-hockey
match, the language model classes have to be filled
with the actual words. The names of players of two
competing teams (line-ups) are acquired and
automatically declined into all possible word forms.
Since the player can be referred to by his full name
or surname only, both representations are generated.
Other language model classes are filled by the
names of teams and designations of sport places
corresponding to the given ice-hockey match.
The acoustic data for direct subtitling (subtitling
from the original audio track) was collected over
several years especially from the Ice-hockey World
Championships as well as from the Winter Olympic
Games and the Czech Ice-hockey League matches.
All these matches were broadcasted by the Czech
Television. Sixty nine matches were transcribed for
the acoustic modelling purposes. All these matches
were manually annotated and carefully revised
(using annotation software Transcriber). Total
amount of data was more than 100 hours of speech.
The digitalization of an analogue signal was
provided at 44.1 kHz sample rate, 16-bit resolution.
The front-end processor was based on the PLP
parameterization (Hermansky, 1990) with 27 band
pass filters and 16 cepstral coefficients with both
delta and delta-delta sub-features. Therefore one
feature vector contains 48 coefficients. The feature
vectors were calculated each 10ms. Many noise
reduction techniques were tested to compensate for
very intense background noise. The J-RASTA
(Koehler et al., 1994) seems to be the best noise-
reduction technique in our case (see details in Psutka
et al., 2003).
The individual basic speech unit in all our
experiments was represented by a three-state HMM
with a continuous output probability density
function assigned to each state. As the number of
possible Czech triphones is too large, phonetic
decision trees were used to tie states of the
triphones. Several experiments were performed to
determine the best recognition results depending on
the number of clustered states and also on the
number of mixtures per state. The best recognition
results were achieved for 16 mixtures of multivariate
Gaussians for each of 7700 states (see Psutka, 2007
for methodology).
Figure 1: Re-speaking application for ice-hockey matches.
A TV ice-hockey match is usually commented
by the main commentator together with the co-
commentator. The majority of the annotated matches
was accompanied by the commentary by Robert
Záruba, one of the most experienced Czech ice-
hockey commentators. Because of a limited and
relatively small set of speakers, the speaker-adaptive
models (SAT) were trained for each speaker via
fMLLR, to improve the recognition accuracy (Zajíc
et al., 2009).
Unlike the direct recognition of the original audio
track of a TV program, a re-speaker can reach higher
transcription accuracy and produce easily readable
and intelligible subtitles.
The main objective of the re-speaker is to listen
to the original speakers and re-speak their talks.
Unlike former subtitling methods through keyboards
(Velotype, stenotype, etc.), speech recognition
provides higher (and more stable) transcription
speed, so verbatim transcription can be
accomplished. On the other hand, there are many
people among the target audience of subtitles (for
example elderly people), who have limited reading
speed and subtitles with more than 180 words per
minute are frustrating for them (Romero-Fresco,
2009). Similar problems are raised in case of
incoherent speech or overlapping speakers. In these
cases, the re-speaker is expected to simplify and
rephrase the original speech by clear and
grammatically correct sentences with the same
semantic meaning, so viewers are able to keep up.
Although speaker-specific acoustic model is used
and the recognition accuracy reaches up to 98 %,
crucial misrecognitions may appear and should be
corrected by the re-speaker. Since static closed
captions are preferred by deaf and hard-of-hearing,
latest recognized so-called ”pending” words (four at
maximum) are ignored during the subtitle
generation. In case of misrecognition, re-speaker
erases the pending words by a keyboard command
and re-speaks them fluently. Moreover in case of
out-of-vocabulary word, the re-speaker simply adds
new word to the recognition system by typing it.
Other keyboard commands are used for punctuation
marks and speaker change indication to produce
easily readable subtitles with punctuation and
speaker colouring.
Even though re-speaking in our concept is a
highly demanding job, according to the real live
subtitling sessions for the Czech Television, one
experienced re-speaker can handle one to two hours
of subtitling without a break.
To make the re-speaking of ice-hockey matches
possible, we had to modify our re-speaking
application. First, the language model classes have
to be filled instantly by the re-speaker just before the
subtitling to avoid time-consuming supervised
building of the language model and its transmission
to the re-speaker. Before each match starts, the re-
speaker chooses predefined team line-ups, team
names and sport places which are dynamically added
to the vocabulary and class-based language model of
the recognition system. Team line-ups are than
displayed beside the video for the case, when the re-
speaker is uncertain about the names (see Figure 1).
Since only one language model is employed
during subtitling of political debates, we have
implemented an instant switching of different
language models for in-game commentary and
studio interviews. By a special keyboard command,
the re-speaker chooses the appropriate language
model after switching from the hall to the studio and
vice versa. This approach reduces the recognition
errors, because in-game commentary and studio
interviews are pretty different from the language
modelling point of view.
Last but not least, re-speaker behaviour has
changed with respect to the lag of the final subtitles
(see below). Some in-game situations may be
irrelevant by the time the subtitle is displayed to the
viewer. Furthermore, redundant subtitles during the
play (e.g. a possession of the puck is visible)
excessively occupy the viewer. Based on the
experience of deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers, our
re-speaker filters such superfluous information and
focuses on rich commentary of interesting situations
not covered by the video content.
Because of the strict electronic security policies at
the Czech Television (CTV) in Prague, the subtitling
system architecture was designed as highly
distributed with the centre at the University of West
Bohemia (UWB) in Pilsen (see Figure 2). The
interconnection between CTV and UWB is done by
a point-to-point connection over the ISDN network.
To be able to carry both audio signal to UWB and
generated subtitles to CTV, the ISDN is used only as
a full-duplex data carrier with a bandwidth of 128
kbit/s. Specialized terminal adapters commonly used
in CTV with transparent low-latency compression
are used. The subtitling server at UWB distributes
audio signal by VoIP service to the re-speakers to
arbitrary locations with reliable internet connection.
Since a visual component of a TV program is not
delivered, common DVB signal is displayed to the
re-speaker; however it is intended only for re-
speaker's overview about the situation. The re-
speakers employ high-performance laptop
computers to do their job. Based on words and
commands sent back to UWB, subtitling server
generates subtitles coloured according to the speaker
change markers and supplies CTV broadcasting
Figure 2: Subtitling system architecture.
Since static pop-on subtitles (closed captions) are
preferred by deaf and hard-of-hearing in the Czech
Republic, a time lag of the final subtitle is dictated
by the length of the subtitle (all words must be
uttered before the subtitle can be generated).
Moreover, the processing and transmission of the
subtitle to the viewer takes another 5 seconds. To
avoid the time lag completely, the broadcaster would
have to hold up the broadcasting up to 10 seconds to
provide precisely-timed subtitles. Since television
companies are not ready to do this, we receive at
least the real audio track of the TV program about 3
seconds ahead of its transmission, so the final time
lag on the viewer's side is about 5 seconds.
To test the proposed methods, one match from the
last Ice-hockey World Championship was re-spoken
by a skilled re-speaker and his speech was manually
transcribed as a reference for the re-speaking
approach. The original audio track of ice-hockey
match was also transcribed to serve as reference for
the direct recognition. This match was used neither
for acoustic nor language modelling. The test match
is 189 minutes long and it contains both the
interviews in the studio before and after the match
and during the breaks as well as in-game
commentary. The acoustic model described above
was used for the direct recognition, while an
acoustic model designed for the re-speaker was
employed during re-speaking. In both cases, the
same trigram class-based language model was
Word error rate (WER) of recognition and final
subtitles (including corrections performed by re-
speaker) and other statistics for the direct
recognition and the re-speaking are introduced in
Table 1.
Table 1: Experimental results and statistics.
Direct recognition Re-speaking
Recognition WER 25.83 % 4.93 %
Subtitles WER 25.83 % 3.49 %
Words 19 422 8 724
Punctuation marks 0 1 561
OOV 1.99 % 0.03 %
Perplexity 1 706 555
Two methods for live subtitling of TV ice-hockey
commentary were presented. The first method is
based on the direct recognition of an original audio
track with ice-hockey commentary. The second one
is so-called "re-speaker" method. In this method a
specialized speaker re-speaks the original dialogues.
The problem with the first method was that the
recognizer did not work well enough (our previous
experiments showed that the WER must be less than
20 % for the subtitles to be understandable). This
happens primarily because the speech commentary
contains too much noise, whistles, drums, etc. The
problem is, unfortunately, difficult to solve because
it is not possible to ensure a clean comment since the
commentators often sit in the stadium among the
Re-speaking of ice-hockey matches reduces the
number of words in final subtitles due to simplifying
as described above. Moreover, a perplexity of the
task is considerably reduced, because the re-speaker
rephrases original incoherent commentary to more
comprehensible sentences. The only three out-of-
vocabulary (OOV) words in case of re-speaking
were added to the recognition system by the re-
speaker just during re-speaking. All aforesaid issues
result in great word error rate reduction of final
subtitles by re-speaking by 86 % relatively.
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Agency of the Czech Republic, project No.
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