Business Ontologies Modelling for Communities
of Handicraft Women
Valérie Monfort
, Ikmel Haamdi
, Rahma Dhaouadi
and Achraf Benmiled
SOIE LI3, ISG Tunis, 41, Rue de la Liberté, Cité Bouchoucha 2000 Le Bardo, Tunis, Tunisia
Université de Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France
Abstract. Social networks are websites or platforms which bring together users
in various online communities. Social networking on the Internet capitalizes on
the Web’s latent structure as a meta-network of social connections to boost
computer-supported collaboration in conjunction with the use of Semantic Web
metadata. The Semantic Web effort is in an ideal position to make Social Web
sites interoperable. Applying Semantic Web frameworks including SIOC (Se-
mantically Interlinked Online Communities) and FOAF (Friend-of-a-Friend) to
the Social Web can lead to a Social Semantic Web, creating a network of inter-
linked and semantically rich knowledge. Moreover, communities can be profes-
sionals who want to share knowledge, to sell their production, to communicate
and to collaborate. We are involved in a research project which aims to study
the ability of handicraft women to use new technologies. In this paper, we show
the manner we elicit and we model knowledge with several business ontologies.
1 Introduction
A Social Network is usually formed by a group of individuals who have a set of
common interests and objectives. There are usually a set of network formulators fol-
lowed by a broadcast to achieve the network membership. After the minimum num-
bers are met, the network starts its basic operations and goes out to achieve its goal.
Success of a Social Network mainly depends on contribution, interest and motivation
of its members along with technology backbone or platform support that makes the
life easier to communicate and exchange information to fulfil a particular communica-
tion need. Moreover, the social-semantic web (s2w) [1] aims to complement the for-
mal Semantic Web vision by adding a pragmatic approach relying on description
languages for semantic browsing using heuristic classification and semiotic ontolo-
gies. A socio-semantic system has a continuous process of eliciting crucial knowledge
of a domain through semi-formal ontologies, taxonomies or folksonomies. S2w em-
phasize the importance of humanly created loose semantics as means to fulfil the
vision of the semantic web. Instead of relying entirely on automated semantics with
formal ontology processing and inferring, humans are collaboratively building seman-
tics aided by socio-semantic information systems. While the semantic web enables
integration of business processing with precise automatic logic inference computing
across domains, the socio-semantic web opens up for a more social interface to the
Monfort V., Hamdi I., Dhaouadi R. and Ben Miled A..
Business Ontologies Modelling for Communities of Handicraft Women.
DOI: 10.5220/0004608500520062
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web Intelligence (WEBI-2013), pages 52-62
ISBN: 978-989-8565-63-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
semantics of businesses, allowing interoperability between business objects, actions
and their users. Much of the Semantic Web functionality envisioned by Tim Berners-
Lee [2] relies on ontologies [5] [10]. Creating ontologies is difficult, time-consuming,
and expensive, reminding of the labor of knowledge engineering in expert system
design, in particular if ontologies are designed to support automated inference envi-
sioned by advanced Semantic Web applications.
Our research work is based on a research project studying the manner handicraft
women use new technologies such as social networks to develop their activity. In a
first time, we aim to elicit knowledge and to model ontologies with Protégé Tool. The
aim of this paper is to present an extract of this first step and how we organized to
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduced the con-
text of the project. A brief state of the art on ontologies is given in section 3. Section 4
describes approaches to define ontologies. In section 5 we propose an extract of the
Handicraft ontologies. Conclusion is given in section 6.
2 Context
2.1 Landscape
The users want to keep in touch with friend regardless of the Host location. They are
able to share their interest by joining groups and forums too. Some social media might
help people find jobs and may even help establish business contacts. Social networks
offer special features such as the choice to design their profiles that reflects their per-
sonality or emotion. Music and video sections are also popular additional features.
Social networks are examined through the profiles they provide, the safety it provides
to the people, networking features their people may use, search option, support and
help choice for any queries through the people, plus much more. Myspace is among
the best internet sites for locating people. Although Facebook profiles can't be person-
alized, their platform is extremely clever and clean. Facebook is centered on interac-
tions. Specifying extracted knowledge from interviews under ontology formalism is a
primordial step. But the structure of the generated ontology still static without any
enhancement procedures. However exploring social networks data and structure can
leads us to deduce relevant scenarios to ensure the dynamicity of the already designed
ontology. On top of all, with our pragmatic experience and drawback, we noticed
three main lacks addressed below:
- The major challenges come from the fact that social networks in the present age
do not concentrate on a particular service. Every social network tries to provide
maximum features to its users. Social networks are slowly losing out on the user
population who are finding it very difficult to concentrate on a particular social
network for a length of time. The increasing competition is also removing the
most important feature of these networks. We propose a social network should be
concentrating upon one of the niche services while keeping the other common fea-
tures as an additive or supporting cast to the main service.
- Semantics emerged from social networks. We think also that specific ontologies
for social networks such as FOAF
, and
are a possible issue to model profile, etc. But these ontologies do not allow
us to model business knowledge (data, process, etc). Moreover, these ontologies
are limited for instance, profile express the semantics of a user profile not a social
Web user involved in a professional activity, sharing a part of his/her knowledge
to some members, collaborating to propose a specific product, learning technics
from other members, etc. We propose to align different kind of ontologies to face
to the different point of views.
- The resources allocation shows a genuine lack of flexibility, we aim to address
this lack at run time as communities are endlessly creating and re configuring. We
propose to use specific graphs theory issues.
2.2 Project Description
We are involved in a research project financed by both the Tunisian and Algerian
governments. The aim of this project is to study the manner handicraft women use
new technologies to support their activity. The main characteristics of these commu-
nities are as followed:
- Women come from different Tunisian and Algerian regions. The priority of the
governments was to favour touristic and along the coast big cities, to the detriment
of inland regions. So inland infrastructures are archaic, and unemployment is in-
- Inland Handicraft women are mostly coming from poor social background and
they have the duty to stop studying early to financially help their family. Most of
them are analphabetic housewives with several children and with unemployed
husband. This provides the social, traditional, religious and cultural backgrounds
with the perfect ground upon which to impose their supremacy. Simply using a
mobile phone might be seen as an emancipation act, so, very often, husband uses
phone instead of his wife.
- It is difficult to contact raw material providers who rarely sell little quantities. It is
also difficult to sell their production, because they are isolated and they need
means of transport. Organized associations mostly are lucrative and make a con-
sequent profit to the detriment of Handicraft women.
Firstly, we aim to study the manner handicraft women use technologies (Fig.1). We
plan to propose them specific training with specific semi assisted organization to help
them. Then, we shall study their learning skills. Some will not accept and will propose
their children to be trained. These results will help us to define a genuine social pro-
file of these women and to challenge current communication technologies. We aim to
answer to the following question: Are current communication technologies suitable to
all the users?
Fig. 1. Proposed process.
Secondly, we aim to develop handicraft women activities allowing them gaining their
independence and increasing their purchasing power. To meet such a goal we propose
to create communities sharing together the knowledge, the experience and the creativ-
ity regarding handicraft activities. This will be very helpful when dealing with collab-
orative work promotion or training other women to handicraft jobs which results in
reducing unemployment rate.
Our team includes socio economists and computer scientists. Socio economist
members defined an interview grid. We found facilitators to meet women. We started
driving interviews to design knowledge which are formalized via ontologies to ex-
press: business data (clay, clay color, quantity of clay, paintbrush, natural pigment,
wool, etc), business processes (providers selection, production, clay cooking, selling,
etc), and business rules (“when ambient temperature is over 18°C drying time of clay
is 2 days”). According to ambient context, women’s skills and profile can change
and/or be adapted according to profiles or geographical location.
3 Knowledge and Ontologies
Knowledge acquisition is the ability to locate, gather, and formalize knowledge. This
process is often named knowledge management and is dealing with two distinguished
knowledge nature explicit knowledge and tacit one [12]. There are previous steps to
overcome before focusing on the identification of relevant knowledge belonging to a
contextualized domain which are collecting data and then structuring and organizing
this obtained data so to be already information. Several approaches are proposed such
as positivist and constructivist. Positivist approach assumes that knowledge is com-
pletely independent on a user or on a group of users while the knowledge extraction
phase is done partially. However constructivist approach is considering that
knowledge is built step by step in a collective way and is the resulting from the study
and validation of information by the domain expert community. Knowledge mapping
is composed of three phases: 1) Context analysis through the domain experts inter-
viewing. 2) Collective appropriation of relevant information carried out by experts. 3)
Information validation and information recognition by experts and potential users. We
are especially interested in the acquisition of business knowledge regarding tech-
niques, practices and skills required to design and realize a specific handicraft prod-
uct. In the following, we are mentioning five approaches for business knowledge
- The Social and cooperative approach consists in the study of the interactions be-
tween group members thus to offer tools and methods to structure and enhance
exchanged knowledge and facilitate the reuse.
- The Bottom-up approach consists in identifying and extracting concepts and the
reasoning of the domain taking into account sources like deliverable, reports,
emails, etc.
- The Top-down approach consists in a first of all in mapping the domain
knowledge and then the system or the cogniticians interact with experts in order to
extract the necessary information.
- The Decisional approach consists in the knowledge capitalization and reuse in
order to support the decision making.
- The Organisational approach takes into account the social dimension in order to
structure knowledge and especially to facilitate the share of formalized knowledge
among. New technologies can support this fact.
This knowledge is structured into ontologies. According to [13], we can classify on-
tologies as followed: 1) The generic or upper ontology is specifying common abstract
concepts subsuming the terms belonging to a wide range of domain ontologies. It can
be applicable in various contexts; 2). The domain ontology is only specifying
knowledge related to a specific one particular domain such as medicine, agronomy,
policy, GIS etc. Another relevant definition is given in [9], where authors assert that
domain ontology models the information known about a particular subject and there-
fore should closely match the level of information found in a textbook on that subject;
3) Business ontology: It is focused in the formalization of the knowledge regarding a
specific business. It is dealing with actors, resources, processes defining this business.
4) Task ontology or process ontology: it describes the vocabulary specific to a task or
an activity integrated in the completion of a determined final target. Besides, this
ontology specifies a reasoning process towards a specific goal. 5) Application ontolo-
gy: It is dedicated to a specific application and it includes enough knowledge to struc-
ture a particular domain. An additional dimension when applied to ontology is ena-
bling the transfer from static ontology structure to a dynamic one ensuring its evolu-
tion online. This dimension is always called context, situation or simply environment
and is very useful mainly to support decision making respectively to contextual
Abstract, business and task ontologies with instances are used in the handicraft
women’s project. We aim to define different abstraction levels such as: 1) a generic
level which is the same for all handicraft business, 2) a business level for one specific
handicraft business such as ceramic, 3) an instance level to create detailed typologies
such as the categories of ovens (electric, with wood, etc). Several operations such as
alignment or merging can be applied to the ontology: 1) Alignment principle is con-
sisting in the identification of semantic matches between the elements (concepts, their
relationships, their instances) belonging to different ontologies [
6]. The alignment
process is based in the mapping process and is stopped with setting the necessary
association between entities belonging to the different ontologies. 2) However, ontol-
ogy merging procedure [11] consists in the fusion of the set of handled ontologies in a
united one. This generated ontology includes: concepts, relationships and instances of
original ontologies.
According to [2], two main groups of approach to build ontologies can be identi-
fied. On the one hand, there are experience-based methodologies, such as the meth-
odology proposed by [3] based on TOVE Project or the other exposed by [4] from
Enterprise Model. Both were issued in 1995 and belong to the enterprise modeler
domain. On the other hand, some methodologies propose flexible prototypes models,
such as METHONTOLOGY [7] that proposes a set of activities to develop ontologies
based on its life cycle and the prototype refinement; and 101 Method [8] that propos-
es an iterative approach to ontology development. On the one hand, there is not just
one correct way or methodology for developing ontologies. Usually, the first ones are
applied when the requirements are clearly known at the beginning; the second ones
when the objectives are not clear from the beginning. Moreover, it is common to
merge different methodologies since each of them provides design ideas that distin-
guish it from the others. This merging depends on the ontology users and ontology
goals. On the other hand, like any other conceptual modeling activity, ontology con-
struction must be supported by software engineering techniques. Thus, we used meth-
ods and tools from software engineering to support ontology engineering activities.
Ontology development can also be divided into two main phases: specification and
conceptualization. The goal of the specification phase is to acquire informal
knowledge about the domain. The goal of the conceptualization phase is to organize
and structure this knowledge using external representations that are independent of
the implementation languages and environments.
Manual approaches for modeling ontologies are costly and time consuming.
Moreover, semi automatic or automatic methods are mostly used. They are always
handling unstructured data like textual documents. Multiple methods are based on
techniques of natural language treatment combined with machine learning tools.
However, according to social profile of women we used manual approaches. Some
women are analphabet, shy, and they are very impressed by researchers which interest
on their activity. So we used, questions, pictures, documents, films, etc, to define and
model knowledge.
4 Proposed Ontologies
4.1 A Business Generic Ontology
Figure 2 is an implementation with Protégé 4.2
and presents an ontology to describe
the semantic relation between women, the whole environment and context. Protégé
OWL plugin is used to define an OWL ontology representing the resource relation-
ships combined with SWRL
(Semantic Web Rule Language) and representing the
dependencies between those relationships. There modeled three kinds of resources: 1)
Human resources include: women, clients, providers and partners which help to prod-
uct. 2) Business Process describes women activity and what they use for. 3) Process is
very important for the production, selling and purchasing cycle. Following ontology
(Fig 2.) is supposed to be the same for all the handicraft business.
Fig 2. A Business Generic ontology.
4.2 A Business Specific Ontology
Figure 3 shows one kind of women’s work, it’s composed of tools and raw material.
During the production step women need tools and raw material. This ontology de-
scribes a ceramic product: women uses a pottery wheel (manual, electric), oven (elec-
tric, woody) and paint brush. The raw materials are: engober, dried cow dung, paint-
ing (chemical and natural), glazing and clay.
4.3 A Business Instance
Figure 4 shows an instance from the clay entity. Depending on the production women
choose a particular kind of Clay such as: chamotte, white clay or red clay.
There are several kinds of clay such as: WhiteMoistClay, Chamote, RedClay, etc.
They are all instances of clay.
A SWRL rule contains body and a header. Both the
body and head include positive conjunctions of atoms:
atom ^ atom .... - > atom ^ atom (1)
An atom is an expression where p is a predicate symbol and arg1, arg2... argn are
the terms or arguments of the expression:
p (arg1, arg2, ... argn) (2)
Fig 3. A Business Specific ontology.
Fig 4. Instances.
Code1 presents some rules created with SWRL.
Code 1. Hierarchy of Business entities.
According to the first rule (line 1) of code1, human resource is a sub class of Re-
source. Women, clients, providers and partners are sub class of HumanResource.
Code 1 shows an example rule using class atoms to declare types of women, clients,
partner and provider are part of the class HumanRessource.
A second rule (Code 2) shows women use their devices to contact suppliers, part-
ners and clients: The rule contains three atoms, which is expressed by the relation
between women, partner, provider and client. Here, HandcraftWomen and Partner
are OWL named classes, (?w) is a variable representing an OWL individual.
UseDevice and Contact are OWL object properties. Women can contact Partners,
providers or clients.
Code 2. Rule To use device to contact different actors.
This rule illustrates women use devices during the selling and purchasing process:
HandcraftWomen and RawMaterial&ToolsPurchase are OWL named
UseDevice and Purchase are OWL object properties. According to this
rule, women can access to User Interface via their devices to purchase (
raw material and tools (line 1). They also can sell (
SellProduct) their Product
FinishedProduct) using their devices (line 2).
Code 3. Rule To use device to contact different actors.
Fig 5. Graph presenting ontologies and relations.
Production process can be shared by two handicraft women (code 4). Here, Hand-
craftWomen and Partner are OWL named classes. WorkWith is an OWL object
properties. Another rule allow choosing to work with a partner (
Code 4. Rule To access to women partners.
The graph of the fig.5 is an extract and it presents elements and relationships between
6 Conclusions
Our work is based on a research project studying the manner handicraft women use
new technologies such as social networks to develop their activity. In a first time, we
aimed to elicit knowledge and to model ontologies with Protégé Tool. We met diffi-
culties to access to inland women who are living in little villages where roads are
more trails made of stones. But all the women accept interviews and to be trained (or
delegate their daughters). We go on interviewing and we plan to use social Web Min-
ing to analyze results. With trainings and next analysis, we hope having answer to the
suitability of new technologies to any kind of user. With this answer we could define
either a new technology either we shall adapt current technologies. We are faced to
the limitations mentioned in section 2.1 and we have to find solutions in future works
as the processes modeling and the execution of these ontologies.
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