Learning Semantic Web Concepts by Querying DBpedia
Andrei Panu, Sabin C. Buraga and Lenuta Alboaie
Faculty of Computer Science, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, General Berthelot 16, Iasi, Romania
Semantic Web, DBpedia, Linked Data, SPARQL, Knowledge, Learning Tool, Web Interaction.
This paper describes Qsense an educational and research Web application, developed to ease the interrogation
of DBpedia for users intending to learn the most important concepts regarding the Semantic Web, especially
to increase the knowledge about DBpedia in a pragmatic way. Additionally, by providing a compelling Web
interface, Qsense offers the possibility to explore the DBpedia’s ontology structure and to practice various
SPARQL queries by expert and especially nonexpert users.
Qsense is an educational and research Web project,
offering an easy to use interface for querying DBpe-
dia (DBpedia, 2013a) in order to learn to work with
large amounts of semantic structured data. DBpe-
dia is one of the most important thesauruses whose
focus is “on the task of converting Wikipedia con-
tent into structured knowledge, such that Semantic
Web techniques can be employed against it, asking
sophisticated queries against Wikipedia, linking it to
other datasets on the Web, creating new applications
or mashups” (Auer et al., 2007).
Because DBpedia contains such a large amount
of information, structured in a very complex man-
ner, some people especially the beginners like stu-
dents enrolled at the courses concerning semantic
Web, knowledge managements or related topics
may have trouble understanding and working with it.
We decided to look for a common set of vocabularies,
classes, and properties. The DBpedia project had at
this time already developed the interlinking hub for
the Linking Open Data projects, so it was the obvious
choice to rely on DBpedia identifiers according to
the linked data initiative (Bizer et al., 2009).
DBpedia also provides structured data about con-
cepts and the relations established between them.
This aspect offers a strong foundation to automat-
ically provide rich relationships between terms the
user may need.
We initiated Qsense project with the following
three main goals in mind:
providing intuitive means for learning DBpedia
structure and, additionally, semantic Web tech-
nologies (data modeling via RDF, querying via
SPARQL, knowledge modeling by using vocabu-
laries, thesauri, and ontologies);
getting the right information fast and easy without
knowing any special query language;
practicing certain SPARQL (W3C, 2013) queries
for the ones who have the proper knowledge.
The paper continues with an overview regarding the
semantic Web technologies and DBpedia. Section 3
details the Qsense requirements and features. The ar-
chitecture of the project is presented by section 4, fol-
lowed by several use cases. At the end, we provide
conclusions and future directions of research.
The main purpose of Semantic Web is to enrich ex-
isting content on the Web with meaning in order for
machines to understand it like humans to. According
to (Bizer et al., 2009), “the first step is putting data on
the Web in a form that machines can naturally under-
stand, or converting it to that form”. This creates the
Semantic Web “a web of data that can be processed
directly or indirectly by machines”.
To model available data on the Web, a standard-
ized graph-based format is used: RDF (Resource De-
scription Framework) (W3C, 2004). Each fact is de-
noted by a triple statement (subject, predicate, ob-
ject), consisting of Web addresses (e.g., URLs). Also,
Panu A., C. Buraga S. and Alboaie L..
Qsense - Learning Semantic Web Concepts by Querying DBpedia.
DOI: 10.5220/0004610603510356
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Data Communication Networking, 10th International Conference on e-Business and 4th
International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2013), pages 351-356
ISBN: 978-989-8565-72-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a query language was developed SPARQL, which
can be used to “express queries across diverse data
sources, whether the data is stored natively as RDF or
viewed as RDF via middleware” (W3C, 2013).
The huge amount of such linked data be-
came one of the main showcases for successful
community-driven adoption of Semantic Web tech-
nologies (Berners-Lee et al., 2001). It aims at devel-
oping best practices to opening up the data thesaurus
on the Web, interlinking open data sets on the Web
and permitting Web developers to make use of that
rich source of information.
Additionally, the machine-understandable data
made available and the existing practices and tech-
nologies provide benefits for both end-users and en-
terprises. Knowledge bases have an important role in
enhancing the intelligence of Web and in supporting
information integration (DBpedia, 2013a).
DBpedia is one of the main projects of the se-
mantic Web, together with FOAF (Friend Of A
Friend) (Brickley and Miller, 2000), SIOC (Seman-
tically Interconnected Online Communities) (Breslin
and Bojars, 2004), GoPubMed (Doms and Schroeder,
2005) and NextBio (NextBio, 2013). It extracts struc-
tured information from Wikipedia and makes this in-
formation accessible on the Web under an open li-
cence terms. Wikipedia is an important source of in-
formation nowadays and many Web sites tend to pro-
vide information extracted from it, in a semantic and
meaningful way. We use DBpedia to provide a com-
mon knowledge model expressed by a controlled
vocabulary and various well-known ontologies – and
a stabile service (endpoint), in order to give useful in-
formation to our users.
The data contained in DBpedia is quite impres-
sive. As stated on the Web site (DBpedia, 2013a),
the English version of the DBpedia knowledge base
currently describes 3.77 million things, out of which
2.35 million are classified in a consistent ontology, in
different categories like places, creative works, orga-
nizations, species, and many others. It provides lo-
calization in more than 100 languages and all these
versions together describe 20.8 million things, out of
which 10.5 million overlap (are interlinked) with con-
cepts from the English DBpedia. The full dataset con-
sists of 1.89 billion pieces of information stored as
RDF triples.
Unfortunately, there are few initiatives concern-
ing the querying and exploring such as big amount
of structured data with benefits for end-users or neo-
phytes. Thus, it is a real challenge to work with all
this data, to understand DBpedia inner structure and
to reuse it in personal future semantic Web work. In
most cases, the existing applications require various
knowledge regarding semantic Web key technologies.
These facts raised the idea of our Qsense project.
The DBpedia data set enables quite astonishing query
answering possibilities against Wikipedia data. There
is a public SPARQL endpoint over the DBpedia data
set (DBpedia, 2013b). The endpoint is provided using
Virtuoso (OpenLink, 2013) as the back-end database
For making all kind of queries against DBpedia,
we need a strong approach with respect to the Linked
Data principles (Bizer et al., 2009), which means
we need a method of publishing RDF data on the
Web and of interlinking data between different data
sources. Linked Data on the Web can be accessed us-
ing semantic Web browsers (or hyperdata software),
just as the traditional Web of documents is accessed
using traditional browsers. By using semantic Web
technologies, users could navigate, browse, and vi-
sualize in an intelligent manner different data
sources by following self-described RDF links. Ad-
ditionally, these technologies are used to model the
human knowledge as ontologies, to be further auto-
matically managed stored, queried, filtered, trans-
formed, reused, etc. (Allemang and Hendler, 2011).
The information in Semantic Web is structured in
triples in the form of hsubject, predicate, objecti – the
RDF model. Altogether, the DBpedia dataset consists
of more than 100 million RDF triples and because of
this it is provided for download as a set of smaller
RDF files.
To understand and manually interrogate this large
amount of data is a very difficult task, especially for
the beginner students studying the semantic Web or
related fields.
In the Semantic Web community, a very important
feature is what someone is looking for and how the
RDF document is structured. Learning structured in-
formation reduces the amount of work that users may
have to perform. Also, people who have knowledge
of RDF want to perform specific queries by using
SPARQL language.
One possibility is to download a specific software,
like Twinkle (Dodds, 2007) – which needs Java to be
installed –, or to use a SPARQL endpoint a public
Web service.
For such semantic Web developers, we are pre-
senting Qsense a solution that is tailored to every
very specific use case, taking into account the limited
information about the term and the language users
are looking for. We made available some of the spe-
cific characteristics of DBpedia, constructing queries
based only on the subject of interest. The user can
find out more about the subject with just one click.
The subject is represented by a keyword and, after the
user types it, Qsense is able to automatically suggest
via Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) the
possible predicates (properties) and to give the object
value, if it exists in DBpedia. This is a straightforward
SPARQL query and the very first step in Qsense.
Another goal of our developed project is to ease
the understanding of the internal structure of seman-
tic data in DBpedia. This means that the user starts
to deal with the DBpedia ontology. For this part, the
user should be able to learn the main notions regard-
ing the ontological model expressed by RDF Schema
and, furthermore, OWL language: “classes”, “sub-
classes”, “properties”, and “instances”.
In the traditional approach regarding the ontology
engineering, the experts add new data by carefully an-
alyzing other existing ontologies and fitting their new
concepts into the existing hierarchy. In the emerging
Semantic Web approach, common users may inspect
the DBpedia ontology before creating their own con-
ceptual model – eventually, using a specific modeling
tool and/or a (formal) specification. Once the user
had learned a bit of DBpedia structure, (s)he will be
able to build the desired ontology for a future seman-
tic Web project. This is another important aim of the
Qsense project.
By using Qsense, a user can also learn how to
use Wikipedia information according to his/her needs
and the application domain. We consider that DBpe-
dia project is a very important open source semantic
project and learning it by as many people as possible
is a real gain for the semantic Web community.
Additionally, Qsense offers support for more ex-
perienced people who are used to build and work
with RDF documents, too. The advanced users (e.g.,
data analysts, ontologists) can make any SPARQL
query using our Qsense online service. If the user
has his/her own RDF document and wants to make in-
terrogations on it, (s)he has the possibility to directly
upload it. This facilitates practicing SPARQL queries
on local or remote RDF documents through various
existing endpoints (i.e. RESTful Web services) con-
sult (Vandenbussche, 2013).
Other specific projects concerning DBpedia are:
DBpedia Mobile a location-aware (mobile) Web
application designed for the use case of a tourist
exploring a city; users are not able to perform their
own queries (Becker and Bizer, 2008);
RelFinder an interactive tool for visualizing re-
lationships established between the entities of a
knowledge base like DBpedia; unfortunately, by
offering only a Flash UI, this application could not
be used on mobile devices (Heim et al., 2009);
LodLive – a visualization Web application able to
explore DBpedia or Freebase; the users have ac-
cess only to the English version of the knowledge
base (Camarda et al., 2012).
Qsense consists of three main components that intro-
duce the user into the world of Semantic Web and as-
sists him/her in learning the basics by querying and
exploring the DBpedia knowledge base. The system’s
architecture is depicted in Figure 1.
4.1 DBpedia Interrogation Module
The first Qsense component performs DBpedia in-
terrogations. The user has the ability to search for
any keyword (e.g., the name of a concept and/or in-
dividual such as artefact, country, domain, person,
etc.). The system automatically constructs a SPARQL
statement which is sent to DBpedia, then the result
is parsed and displayed in a friendly manner. The
user does not see the interrogation, (s)he just enters
the keyword and inspects the result, which repre-
sents, technically, the (abstract) information from the
Wikipedia page related to the searched keyword.
To retrieve data from DBpedia, Qsense makes the
following SPARQL query:
PREFIX res:http://dbpedia.org/resource/
PREFIX ont:http://dbpedia.org/ontology/
SELECT ?abstract WHERE {
res:’.$keyword.’ ont:abstract ?abstract.
(lang (?abstract), "’ . $lang . ’")
Beside extracting the basic information, for the first
time, the system performs a SPARQL interrogation
that retrieves all the keyword’s properties (the re-
sponse is cached for further uses). Afterwards, us-
ing a JavaScript library, it automatically and asyn-
chronously loads these properties in background.
When the user starts typing any character in the spe-
cific field, several suggestions will appear the user
does not need to know in advance any property name.
After completing the field with as many words as
the user wants, the system displays in a very simple
and elegant way the value of those properties. The
Knowledge Base
(consisting of user’s RDF les)
Hercules JavaScript
Figure 1: Qsense General Architecture.
construct used to get all the properties is the follow-
PREFIX res:<http://dbpedia.org/resource/>
{ res:".$keyword." ?property ?obj . }
{ ?obj ?property res:".$keyword.". }
4.2 Standard RDF Queries
Another Qsense component could be used by the per-
sons knowing the SPARQL basics. It provides a sim-
ple editor that allows them to write their own queries
and execute them on an existing SPARQL endpoint,
a RDF resource identified by an URL or a local
RDF file. This module uses the Hercules JavaScript
Semantic Web Framework (Arielworks, 2008) that
transforms the given RDF data into a NTriple format
– via Apache Anything To Triples (any23) online ser-
vice and then parse it in order to get the SPARQL
result. To minimize the response time, data is cached
and asynchronously loaded.
4.3 Learn DBpedia Module
The users need to explore DBpedia without any
knowledge of how it works or about SPARQL. This
Qsense module provides an easy way to query DBpe-
dia and also helps users to understand how it is struc-
tured. First, it automatically loads all the basic cate-
gories in a list, from where the user can choose any
category (s)he wants.
When choosing a category, its subcategories are
automatically discovered and loaded in an asyn-
chronous manner. The SPARQL statement that loads
the SubCategory list is:
$scat . "> .
?instance a ?subject .
Using this approach, the tool can be easily adapted to
use another knowledge base.
Now, the user can click on the
View Category’s
button in order to see all the proper-
ties existing in DBpedia for that category. Qsense
performs the following parameterized query that
searches all properties for the chosen category:
PREFIX ont:<http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
?instance a ont:" . $category .".
?instance ?property ?obj .
Moreover, the user can obtain all the proper-
ties/instances for that particular subcategory. There
is also possible to search for a keyword and see all its
properties specified by DBpedia.
Qsense is implemented by using PHP as the back-
end technology and HTML, CSS and JavaScript for
the front-end. In order to perform SPARQL queries,
we choose SPARQLLib (Gutteridge, 2012). By
adopting responsive Web design principles, the appli-
cation could be also used in the mobile context a
significant advantage for an e-learning tool.
Qsense is a Web instrument that gives the user the
opportunity to interrogate DBpedia in a very simple
and intuitive way, without knowledge about semantic
Web technologies and DBpedia architecture.
First, the user can find out basic information about
a certain topic. He/she just enters the keyword and
the system automatically does the interrogation and
provides the result which represents, technically, the
abstract information from the Wikipedia page related
to the searched keyword. The user can also select the
language in which (s)he wants to receive the informa-
tion. Our system supports all the languages in which
the given information is found on Wikipedia.
Figure 2: Obtaining the values of certain properties regard-
ing a specific concept (e.g., “Semantic Web”).
Moreover, when the user searches information about a
certain topic, the system automatically retrieves all its
properties and allows the user to complete a new field
with as many desired properties, in order to find out
more about the topic. The user input is assisted with
an autocomplete feature, so the user does not need to
know in advance the name of the properties – see Fig-
ure 2. The user searches for
Semantic Web
and gen-
eral information about this topic are displayed. Af-
terwards, by using the properties of the keyword, the
user can find out specific knowledge about a given
Our project provides also a module where the user
can easily learn how a part of DBpedia is structured,
within a very simple, user-friendly interface. In the
first place, the system automatically loads and shows
all the basic categories of objects from DBpedia.
The user can choose a category from the list and
see its (first level) subcategories. Using this simple
approach, the beginners do not have to know the en-
tire complex graph structure of the knowledge model.
Instead of this, they could incrementally explore cer-
tain topics of interest.
For example, by selecting
, all its existing
subcategories – provided by DBpedia – are automati-
cally loaded in an asynchronous manner (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Browsing DBpedia (sub)categories.
Furthermore, by simply clicking one button, the user
sees all the properties existing in DBpedia for a
category. Adopting the ”learning by example” ap-
proach, a student could learn about the existing list
of properties (e.g., expressed by RDF Schema or
OWL) attached to a given class (concept). For ex-
ample, the
concept has a relatively long list of
common/specific properties such as
, etc.
There is also possible to see all the instances
of a (sub)category, just by clicking the
Subcategory’s Instances
button. In the case
category, there are shown
and so on – see Figure 4.
Figure 4: DBpedia instances for a chosen subcategory.
Finally, the user has the possibility to type a keyword
denoting an item of interest and browse all its proper-
ties. In this way, we encourage him /her to try to learn
and understand better how DBpedia works, without
any previous knowledge about SPARQL or other se-
mantic Web technologies.
For example, if the user enters
, then (s)he will obtain a list of
properties to be further explored (e.g.,
, and
many others).
Additionally, beginners could access a help sec-
tion that includes a video demo (Cristea and Timof-
ciuc, 2013) showing the most important features.
We introduced a straightforward, intuitive and easy
to use (mobile) Web application which allows users
to (transparently) make queries on DBpedia and learn
about its structure. It does not require an account or
additional software installed besides a Web browser.
The key difference that we see between other Web
sites/applications that are using DBpedia information
and our approach is that expert and especially non-
expert users can perform queries against such a large
amount of structured data with or without any knowl-
edge of semantic Web languages/technologies, such
as RDF, SPARQL, linked data, vocabularies, etc.
Various Qsense versions were tested by a number
of about 30 students during the lab classes regarding
semantic Web discipline. Currently, we are preparing
to launch the first public beta version of our developed
Qsense is designed to be a learning tool that can
be easily extended. We intend to add support for
more complex queries and to link multiple DBpedia
resources through common properties. This feature
will allow users, by only selecting items and filling
some fields, to link data and to obtain deducted re-
sults via a specific reasoner.
Additionally, a visualization module is planned
to be included, eventually using the VOWL nota-
tion (Negru and Lohmann, 2013).
Another useful feature seems to be a cloud-based
recommending system about things the user may be
interested, such as books, geographical information,
movies, activities and so on, following the directions
exposed by (Luca and Buraga, 2009).
We are grateful to Ana Maria Timofciuc and Alexan-
dra Cristina Cristea for their important support re-
garding the project development and testing.
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