Experimental Distribution of OFDM-UWB Radio Signals along
Directly Modulated Long-reach Pons Indicated for Sparse
Geographical Areas
Tiago M. F. Alves and Adolfo V. T. Cartaxo
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Long-Reach Passive Optical Networks, Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing, Ultra Wideband,
Directly Modulated Lasers, Optical Dispersion Compensation.
Abstract: The distribution of three orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) ultra wideband (UWB) bands
along directly modulated long-reach (LR) passive optical networks (PONs) is demonstrated experimentally.
Adequate selection of the UWB signal applied to the directly modulated laser (DML) and fixed in-line
optical dispersion compensation are shown as effective solutions to reach 130 km of standard single-mode
fibre. In addition, error vector magnitude (EVM) levels compliant with the UWB standard are achieved for
LR-PONs with reaches between 75 km and 130 km. It is also shown that, for optical channel spacing as
narrow as 0.2 nm, the proposed system suffers from negligible linear inter-channel crosstalk as the EVM of
the UWB bands transmitted in the central channel of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) signal
consisting in three optical channels, is similar to the EVM of the UWB bands transmitted in that channel
when single-channel operation is considered. These results demonstrate that the proposed directly
modulated LR-PON is an adequate solution to deliver the UWB signals to users’ premises located in sparse
take-up geographies.
Ultra wideband (UWB) radio communication
systems have been receiving a special attention over
the last years. Such systems can benefit from several
UWB advantages as high data rate broadcasting (480
Mbits/s (Staccato Communications, 2005); (ITU-R,
2004), tolerance to multi-path fading, possibility of
co-existence with other already employed
technologies (IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16),
position monitoring and low power consumption
allowing small size/low cost integration
(Siriwongpairat and Liu, 2008).
UWB is an unlicensed technology that uses radio
modulation techniques with a minimum bandwidth
of 500 MHz or at least 20% greater than the centre
frequency of operation. UWB channels must be
allocated in the band between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz with
a maximum equivalent isotropic radiated power
(EIRP) of -41.3 dBm/MHz (EU, 2007); (FCC,
2002). The UWB radio signals broadcasting is
indicated for small environments like homes and
offices premises. Impulse-radio (IR) and orthogonal
frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) were
proposed as UWB signal modulation formats
(Siriwongpairat and Liu, 2008). The OFDM-UWB
solution has shown enhanced features such as higher
flexibility to provide multiple access inherent to
multi-band techniques, tolerance to multi-path
fading and intersymbol interference (ISI), and
reduced band limitations in the UWB transceiver
due to the 528-MHz-wide channelization of OFDM-
UWB signals rather than 7.5 GHz of bandwidth for
IR-UWB signals. Furthermore, devices for OFDM
modulation and demodulation are already available
due to the use of OFDM in other wireless
applications like IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16.
Hence, this work is focused only on OFDM-UWB
radio signals.
Significant efforts from microelectronic
companies developing UWB terminals and devices
at low cost have been accomplished in order to reach
a large scale penetration of the UWB technology in
the access telecommunication networks (UROOF,
2005). The Wimedia Alliance, a non-profit
M. F. Alves T. and V. T. Cartaxo A..
Experimental Distribution of OFDM-UWB Radio Signals along Directly Modulated Long-reach Pons Indicated for Sparse Geographical Areas.
DOI: 10.5220/0004615104120418
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Data Communication Networking, 10th International Conference on e-Business and 4th
International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (OPTICS-2013), pages 412-418
ISBN: 978-989-8565-72-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
organization that defines, certifies and supports
enabling wireless technology for multimedia
applications, defined data rates up to 1 Gbit/s and
the creation of a global UWB radio standard with
guaranteed inter-operability as main targets for the
UWB radio specifications. Hence, UWB technology
presents the advantage of broadcasting higher data
rate between electronic devices than traditional
communications and it is indicated to be used by
high quality multimedia equipment as personal
digital video recorders (DVR), high definition
television (HDTV), laptops and cable/satellite set-
top boxes (ITU-R, 2004); (Wimedia, 2013).
The transmission of UWB radio signals along
optical fibre in short-range environments was
already investigated (Guo et al., 2007). The
application target of such investigation is to cover
buildings/offices with an integrated optical fibre
distribution/wireless broadcasting solution that
allows the end-users to benefit from the high
mobility and high bit-rate over short ranges
capabilities provided by the UWB-based wireless
networks. The transmission of these UWB radio
signals over fibre-to-the-home (FTTH)
infrastructures is a powerful solution to address the
distribution of UWB signals along longer distances.
Moreover, avoiding trans-modulation or frequency
conversion of the UWB radio signals at the end-
users' premises, the subscribers can benefit from low
cost transponders and a deep penetration can be
expected worldwide. The considered FTTH paths
correspond to standard lengths used in passive
optical networks (PONs) to connect distribution
hubs (DH) to UWB end users (up to 60 km).
Recently, the increase of the reach of the FTTH
paths has been a hot research topic supported by the
operators’ point of view (Davey et al., 2009). The
main target of this topic is to reach 100 km between
the central office and the users' premises, and it is
indicated for the metro and access networks
integration envisaged by long-reach (LR) PONs
(Davey et al., 2009). In LR-PONs, the optical line
termination (OLT) at the central office (CO) is
connected to an active remote node (RN) via a fibre
span denominated feeder or trunk line (Davey et al.,
2009). The target reach of this span is around 80 km
and optical amplification is performed at the RN in
order to compensate for the losses introduced along
the optical link. The different optical network units
(ONUs) are then connected to the RN via a
completely PON with reach around 20-30 km. From
the operators’ viewpoint, some of the benefits of the
LR-PONs are (Davey et al., 2009): i) decrease the
number of OLTs deployed and provide a full
integration between the metro and access networks
with the corresponding system cost savings, ii)
sharing the OLT and the feeder fibre by several
users in a sparse take-up geography and iii) decrease
the configuration and management issues of the
External and direct modulation have been
recently proposed and demonstrated as effective
solutions to be employed in LR-PONs supporting
radio-over-fibre signals (Alves et al., 2013). External
modulated LR-PONs have shown better
performance, whereas directly modulated LR-PONs
are viewed as a cost-effective and alternative
solution. However, the maximum reach of directly
modulated LR-PONs is commonly assumed shorter
than when external modulation is employed due to
the combined effect of the chirp introduced by the
directly modulated laser (DML) and the fibre
The study of the directly modulated LR-PON
work proposed in (Alves et al., 2013) for the
provisioning of different wired and wireless OFDM-
based services to the end users showed that the
performance of the bundle of OFDM signals is
impaired mainly by the UWB signals. This is due to
the higher bandwidth of UWB signals and also due
to their higher central frequencies (Alves et al.,
In this work, we focus our attention only in the
transmission of the UWB signals along directly
modulated LR-PONs. Particularly, we propose and
demonstrate experimentally useful system design
guidelines enabling the distribution of UWB signals
along directly modulated LR-PONs with maximum
reach exceeding 100 km. This directly modulated
extended LR-PON is a powerful solution to
distribute the UWB signals to users’ premises
located at sparse geographical areas in a cost-
effective manner.
Figure 1 depicts the diagram of the experimental
setup employed to assess the performance of the
OFDM-UWB signals distribution along the directly
modulated LR-PON. Figure 1 depicts a multi-
wavelength setup comprising three optical channels.
However, in this section, we focus the system
description only on the single-channel operation, i.
e., the switch S presented in Figure 1 is in the open
position. Further information about the multi-
wavelength setup is provided in section 3.2.
The OFDM-UWB bands #1, #2 and #3 are
generated and frequency multiplexed through digital
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the experimental setup implemented in the laboratory to emulate the distribution of the
UWB signals along a directly modulated LR-PON.
signal processing (DSP) in Matlab. The raw data rate
of each UWB band is 320 Mbaud and the UWB
bands #1, #2 and #3 are centred at the frequencies of
3.4 GHz, 3.9 GHz and 4.4 GHz, respectively, and
each UWB band occupies a bandwidth of 528 MHz.
Hence, after multiplexing, the spectral occupancy of
the three UWB bands is between 3.1 GHz and 4.7
GHz. Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK)
mapping and similar power levels between the three
OFDM-UWB bands are considered. Only these three
bands are considered in these experiments because
most of the UWB devices commercially available
nowadays operate only in these UWB bands and
also due to the limited bandwidth of the DML
available in the laboratory. The electrical signal is
generated by an arbitrary waveform generator
operating at 20 Gsamples/s. A radio frequency (RF)
amplifier and a variable electrical attenuator are used
to set the modulation index of the signal applied to
the DML. After amplification, the electrical noise
power is reduced by using a low-pass filter (LPF)
with -3 dB bandwidth of 7.6 GHz. The DML is a
low-cost multi-quantum well DFB laser
characterized by a threshold current of I
=8.1 mA, a
bias current of I
=30 mA, a chirp parameter of 2.6,
nominal wavelength of 1552.85 nm and an intensity
response bandwidth of about 4 GHz (Morgado et al.,
The OFDM-UWB signal is launched into a 75
km-long feeder standard single-mode fibre (SSMF),
with dispersion parameter of 17 ps/nm/km, with an
average optical power of 0 dBm.
At the remote node (RN), an optical amplifier
compensates for the fibre loss and a dispersion
compensating module (DCM) is used to reduce the
degradation induced by the combined effect of the
DML’s chirp and the fibre dispersion. A noise
loading circuit is used to set the optical signal-to-
noise ratio, in a 0.1 nm bandwidth, to 30 dB. The
amplified spontaneous emission noise power is
reduced by using an optical filter with -3 dB
bandwidth of 16 GHz. The average optical power at
the input of the distribution fibre is also 0 dBm.
Different distribution fibre reaches are
considered along the study in order to measure the
performance of the OFDM-UWB signals
distribution for different LR-PON distances.
Particularly, distribution fibres with reach between
0 km and 60 km are analysed. These distribution
fibre reaches correspond to LR-PON with reaches
between 75 km and 135 km.
At the ONU, the average optical power at the
photodetector input is set to -12.5 dBm. The signal is
photodetected by a 10 GHz PIN including a
transimpedance amplifier stage. After photodetec-
tion, the UWB signal is filtered by a LPF with -3 dB
bandwidth of 10 GHz and sampled by a real-time
oscilloscope operating at 20 Gsamples/s. DSP
algorithms are then applied to the sampled signal
waveform in order to demodulate each OFDM-
UWB band. These algorithms comprise RF carrier
recovery, time synchronization, down-conversion,
ideal filtering, FFT window synchronization,
common phase error compensation and equalization.
After DSP, the EVM of each received OFDM-UWB
band is evaluated and compared with the EVM limit
75 km
Remote Node
Noise Loading
Optical Line Termination
Feeder Fibre
SSMF: 0-60 km
Distribution Fibre
Optical Network Unit
AWG: arbitrary waveform generator LPF: low-pass filter
DCM: dispersion compensation module OF: optical filter
DML: directly modulated laser OFDM: orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing
DSO: digital storage oscilloscope OSA: optical spectrum analyzer
EA: electrical amplifier PIN: positive-intrinsic-negative
EDFA: erbium doped fiber amplifier SSMF: standard single-mode fibre
EDL: electrical delay line UWB: ultra wideband
EM: external modulator VEA: variable electrical attenuator
EVM: error vector magnitude VOA: variable optical attenuator
Figure 2: (a), (b) and (c) PSD of the signal after the DCM inserted at the RN for different modulation indexes. (d), (e) and
(f) EVM of UWB band #1, #2 and #3 as a function of the residual dispersion of the link and for different modulation
indexes. In (d), (e) and (f), the LR-PON reach is 100 km and m=10% (circles), m=12% (squares), m=13% (diamonds),
m=15% (triangles), m=17% (stars).
(-14.5 dB for QPSK) of UWB standard (ECMA Int.,
2007). The EVM limit of UWB standard is defined
at the output of the wireless transmitter, i. e., before
wireless radiation. Therefore, it can be used as
performance threshold of the UWB signals at the
output of optical fibre link.
3.1 Single-wavelength Operation
In this section, the EVM of each of the three OFDM-
UWB bands simultaneously distributed along the
LR-PON infrastructure described in section 2 is
evaluated experimentally and discussed.
Initially, the optimization of the modulation index of
the OFDM-UWB signal applied to the DML (in
order to optimize the level of nonlinear distortion
induced by the combined effect of the DML and the
PIN) and of the optical dispersion compensation
level of the DCM (to minimize the degradation due
to the joint effect of DML’s chirp and fibre
dispersion) located at the RN is performed. The
optimization outcomes depend on the reach of the
LR-PON considered due to the interaction between
the accumulated dispersion of the link and the chirp
introduced by the DML. Thus, we decided to
perform the optimization for a RN-ONU distance of
25 km (total LR-PON reach of 100 km). The system
optimization is accomplished for this reach as it
represents a compromise between two LR-PON
reaches. First, we want to ensure the distribution of
UWB signals along a minimum LR-PON reach (the
feeder fibre length, 75 km) with acceptable
performance. Second, we want to extend the
maximum LR-PON reach for a distance longer than
100 km while keeping the reception of UWB signals
with acceptable conditions.
The modulation index is defined as
MS b th L
mV I I R
, where
V is the
root mean square (RMS) voltage of the OFDM-
UWB signal applied to the DML and
is the load
resistance (
Figures 2 (a), (b) and (c) depict the PSD of the
optical signal at the RN for different modulation
indexes levels. Figures 2 (a), (b) and (c) show that
the modulation index increase leads not only to the
power increase of the UWB bands but also to the
power increase of the distortion components
generated due to the nonlinear characteristic of the
Figures 2 (d), (e) and (f) show the EVM of each
OFDM-UWB band as a function of the residual
dispersion (defined as the difference between the
accumulated dispersion of the feeder and
distribution fibres, and the dispersion compensated
by the DCM) of the link. The EVM results are
presented for different modulation indexes. Figures
2 (d), (e) and (f) show that the behaviour of the
EVM when the residual dispersion varies depends
on the UWB band under analysis. Particularly, the
inspection of Figures 2 (d), (e) and (f) show that the
tolerance of the EVM to negative residual dispersion
levels decreases when the number of the UWB band
increases, i. e., when the central frequency of the
UWB band increases. This effect occurs because the
wavelength [nm]
Norm. PSD [dB]
wavelength [nm]
Norm. PSD [dB]
1552.81552.851552.9 1552.951552.95
wavelength [nm]
Norm. PSD [dB]
-600 -500 -400 -300 -200
Residual dis
EVM [dB]
-600 -500 -400 -300 -200
Residual dis
EVM [dB]
-600 -500 -400 -300 -200
Residual dis
EVM [dB]
UWB #1
UWB #2
UWB #3
intensity response of the link is remarkably affected
by the residual dispersion. Further investigation
showed that, if the residual dispersion of the link
changes from -300 ps/nm (DCM adjusted to
compensate for 2000 ps/nm of dispersion) to -
600 ps/nm (DCM adjusted to compensate
2300 ps/nm), an amplitude gain close to 9 dB occurs
at the frequency of 3.4 GHz (central frequency of
UWB band #1). However, this gain is reduced to 5
dB at the frequency of 4.4 GHz (central frequency of
UWB band #3).
On the other hand, Figures 2 (d), (e) and (f) show
also that the performance of the UWB bands is
remarkably dependent on the modulation index. For
low modulation indexes, the EVM improves when
the modulation index increases due to the
improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio. However,
for high modulation indexes, this EVM
improvement is counterbalanced by the degradation
induced by the nonlinear distortion caused by the
DML nonlinear characteristic and the PIN square
law detection.
Figure 3: EVM of UWB band #1, #2 and #3 as a function
of the LR-PON reach. The DCM is compensating for 2200
ps/nm and the modulation index is 13%.
In the following, the analysis of the EVM of the
three UWB bands when the LR-PON reach varies
between 75 km and 135 km is performed. This study
is accomplished with a fixed dispersion
compensation level in the DCM. From the results of
Figures 2 (d), (e) and (f), the DCM is adjusted to
compensate 2200 ps/nm of dispersion. In a 100 km-
long LR-PON, this compensation level leads to a
residual dispersion of -500 ps/nm. The modulation
index of the multiplexed UWB signal applied to the
DML is 13%. The fixed dispersion compensation
level of the DCM and the modulation index value
chosen correspond to the optimum system operating
point shown in Figures 2 (d), (e) and (f).
Figure 3 shows the EVM of UWB band #1, #2
and #3 as a function of the LR-PON reach. LR-PON
reaches between 75 km and 135 km are considered,
which correspond to distribution fibre distances
between 0 km and 60 km. Figure 3 shows that the
EVM of the three UWB bands meets the EVM
requirements of UWB standard (-14.5 dB) for LR-
PON reaches between 75 km and 130 km.
Moreover, Figure 3 shows also that, for almost all
the LR-PON reaches analysed, UWB band #3 is the
UWB band with worst performance. This is
attributed to the limited frequency response of the
electrical devices used in the experiments and also
due to the reduced gain of the intensity response of
the optical link observed for higher frequencies.
3.2 Multi-wavelength Operation
Our investigation of the single-channel LR-PON
was also extended to a wavelength division
multiplexing (WDM) LR-PON. This extension
allows assessing the impact of the inter-channel
crosstalk induced by adjacent optical channels on a
WDM LR-PON. To perform this activity, two
optical channels adjacent to the one used in the
single-channel system were introduced into the
system, as shown in Figure 1. However, these two
additional optical channels were deployed using
external modulation instead of direct modulation due
to the lack of DMLs in our laboratory with adequate
features to generate a dense WDM signal. Figure 4
shows the PSD of the WDM signal after the DCM
inserted at the RN. Figure 4 shows that the spectra of
the optical signal generated by the directly or
externally modulated solutions are similar and,
consequently, crosstalk features similar to the ones
obtained if only directly modulated channels were
employed are expected.
The two adjacent channels are generated through
a distributed feedback laser (DFB) and an external
cavity laser (ECL), and using 10 GHz Mach Zehnder
modulators. The nominal wavelengths of the
adjacent optical channels are set to 1552.65 nm and
75 85 95 105 115 125 135
Link length [km]
EVM [dB]
75 85 95 105 115 125 135
Link length [km]
EVM [dB]
75 85 95 105 115 125 135
Link length [km]
EVM [dB]
UWB #1
UWB #2
UWB #3
1553.05 nm and, therefore, the channel spacing is
0.2 nm. The average optical power of the WDM
signal launched into the feeder and distribution
fibres is kept below 0 dBm to avoid degradation due
to the nonlinear fibre transmission effects. The
impact of the inter-channel linear crosstalk was
performed for LR-PONs with reach of 75 km, 100
km and 130 km. As our focus is in directly
modulated LR-PONs, we only evaluated the
performance of the UWB bands transmitted in
central optical channel.
Figure 4: PSD of the WDM signal after the DCM inserted
at the RN.
Table 1 presents the EVM results of the central
channel of the WDM signal. Table 2 presents the
EVM results of the UWB bands in single-channel
operation, corresponding to the results of Figures
2(d), (e) and (f), as a reference. The comparison
between the EVM results of Table 1 and Table 2
shows an EVM variation lower than 0.3 dB between
single and WDM operation. This variation is mainly
due to the fluctuation of the EVM measurements
resulting from e. g. the noise introduced along the
system. Those reduced EVM variations indicate that,
for the channel spacing and the optical power levels
considered in this work, the inter-channel linear and
nonlinear crosstalks are not a relevant concern.
Table 1: EVM of the UWB signals transmitted by the
central channel of a WDM signal comprising three optical
EVM [dB] UWB #1 UWB #2 UWB #3
75 km -14.8 -15.0 -15.1
100 km -15.1 -15.4 -15.3
130 km -15.6 -15.6 -15.1
Table 2: EVM of the UWB signals transmitted in single-
channel operation.
EVM [dB] UWB #1 UWB #2 UWB #3
75 km -14.5 -15.1 -15.0
100 km -15.0 -15.5 -15.3
130 km -15.6 -15.8 -15.2
The distribution of OFDM-UWB radio signals along
LR-PONs employing directly modulated lasers has
been demonstrated experimentally as an effective
solution to serve users’ premises located at 130 km
away from the central office. Directly modulated
LR-PONs has been also demonstrated as an effective
solution to be deployed in sparse geographical areas,
as EVM levels compliant with UWB standard are
achieved for LR-PONs with reach between 75 km
and 130 km, i. e., for a maximum distribution fibre
reach of 55 km. In addition, the performance of the
directly-modulated optical channel has shown an
EVM variation lower than 0.3 dB when two adjacent
channels (with a spacing of 0.2 nm) were introduced
to assess the impact of the WDM operation.
This successful demonstration has been achieved
by using fixed optical inline dispersion
compensation at the RN and through adequate
selection of the level of the UWB signal applied to
the DML.
This work was supported by Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia from Portugal under the
TURBO-PTDC/EEA-TEL/104358/2008 project.
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