Information and Knowledge Sharing in Industrial Clusters
Theoretical Background and a Case Study
Karolína Kolerová, Tereza Otčenášková and Vladimír Bureš
Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové, Rokitanského 62,
500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Keywords: Case Study, Cluster, Efficiency, Information Sharing, Knowledge Sharing.
Abstract: Information and knowledge sharing represents currently usually not sufficiently utilised source of the
competitive advantage. If appropriately managed, this should lead to better performance, higher efficiency
and improved cooperation and communication within as well as among organisations. The advantages and
disadvantages of information and knowledge sharing are discussed. Based on the semi-structured interviews
and subsequent statistical analysis, the researched industrial cluster reveals the real practices and enables the
comparison with the theoretical prerequisites. The findings prove the ineffectiveness of the sharing
processes. Therefore, particular recommendations and suggestions for the improvements are provided and
During the past decades knowledge has emerged as
the key to economic success and as a focus of
thinking about organizational effectiveness,
innovation and growth. Nevertheless, the research
question how organizations should encourage and
facilitate knowledge sharing to improve
organizational performance is still very important.
Therefore, the extent and potential of information
and knowledge sharing (IKS) associated with
organisational performance and activities is
examined. Firstly, the general background is
provided focused on the importance of knowledge,
IKS and clusters. The following section describes
the research methodology. Afterwards, the results
and findings are discussed. The last part concludes
the main implications and recommendations as well
as summarises the limitations and areas for further
Bartol and Srivastava (2002) define knowledge
sharing as the action in which employees diffuse
relevant information to others across the
organisation. Knowledge sharing is the voluntary
dissemination of acquired skills and experience to
the rest of the organization (Davenport, 1997);
(Käser and Miles, 2002) and is the most important
part of knowledge management (Bock and Kim,
2002). On the contrary, Lee and Al-Hawamdeh
(2002) and Appleyard (1996) emphasise the
necessary compensation being expected by the
participants for their efforts. Information and
knowledge have been recently considered as a
critical organizational resource that might provide a
sustainable competitive advantage (Foss and
Pedersen, 2002). The real transformation to a
competitive advantage has to be based on selecting
employees who have specific skills, abilities, or
competencies with respect to IKS (Jackson et al.,
2006). Taking into consideration records in the well-
established scientific databases, the information
sharing in economic or industrial clusters has not
attracted researchers’ attention yet. On the other
hand, few studies on knowledge sharing in clusters
have already been published (Connell and Thorpe,
2012); (Li and Feng, 2011); (Wang and Zhou, 2007).
These basic processes themselves represent a topic
currently studied from multiple perspectives. The
variety of approaches and views is associated with
many aspects.
2.1 Perspectives on IKS
Firstly, technological changes in the area of
Kolerová K., Ot
cenášková T. and Bureš V..
Information and Knowledge Sharing in Industrial Clusters - Theoretical Background and a Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0004624104570463
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2013), pages 457-463
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
information and communication technologies IKS
and knowledge sharing significantly support the
research endeavours. Even from the technological
point of view, the research results are quite
extensive. These can be further classified according
to diverse criteria such as general technology type
(information and communication versus knowledge
technology), type of supported sharing process
(formal versus informal), or particular type of
technology applied (e-commerce system, web-based
systems, grid systems etc.). For instance, Li et al.
(2012) investigate how the effective strategy of
Internet of Things (IoT) can help organisations to
make use of an opportunity from the IoT and then
improve their competitive advantage. The Internet of
Things (IoT) is a technological phenomenon
originating from innovative developments and
concepts in information and communication
technology associated with Ubiquitous
Communication/Connectivity, and the Ambient
Intelligence concept (Mikulecký, 2010). Authors
provide a theoretical framework which classifies IoT
strategies into four archetypes from two dimensions
of managers' strategic intent and industrial driving
force. They conclude that external industry
information sharing more efficiently contributes to
the enhancement of both market-based and
technology-based exploratory capabilities. On the
contrary, internal industry information sharing more
efficiently contributes to the enhancement of both
market-based and technology-based exploitative
capabilities. Davison et al., (2013) explore the use of
interactive information technology applications for
informal knowledge sharing and develop theoretical
propositions to highlight the key facets of informal
knowledge sharing processes. Li et al., (2010)
analyse the sharing pattern results of supply chain
information under the atmosphere of E-commerce.
Secondly, the application domain influences the
principal research questions and used methods in
IKS research. Variety of areas can be identified
ranging from medicine, or pharmacy to industrial
applications, education (Fullwood et al., 2013); (Eid
and Nuhu, 2011) or agriculture (Li et al., 2010).
Moreover, classification based on supported activity
such as leadership, creativity (Carmeli et al., 2013),
or relationship development (Biggemann, 2012)
might also be distinguished. Kane and Luz (2011)
present results of a study of multidisciplinary
medical team meetings (MDTMs), with focus on
information presentation, collaboration, sharing and
decision-making issues. Their study reveals the
multi-faceted nature of the event and the fact that
new knowledge is generated during the meetings.
They analyse the findings in terms of their
implications for the information sharing needs of
participants according to their roles and discuss
requirements for technology support at individual,
group and organisational levels. Ali et al., (2012)
used a self-administered questionnaire to survey
Chief Information Officers at all 21 of New
Zealand's District Health Boards regarding the
extent to which their organisations use knowledge
sharing activities involving ITs. They conclude that
knowledge sharing activities emphasising the
sharing of explicit knowledge (via exchanging
documents in electronic form) are significantly more
common than knowledge sharing activities
emphasising the sharing of tacit knowledge (via
technology-mediated discussions and via using
technology to connect employees to experts).
Therefore, they suggest that in order to facilitate the
wider adoption of technologies, early adopters of
both relatively established technologies and of the
emerging technologies such as social media should
be encouraged to publish accounts of their
experiences of success and lessons learned from any
failures so that the knowledge gained is
disseminated to the wider medical informatics
community. Yan and Pei (2012) investigated
information sharing of traditional and online
retailers. Results show that information sharing is
not always beneficial for each retailer all the time;
both the online and the traditional retailer can be
better off under certain conditions; and the value of
information sharing for each retailer increases as
products are more compatible with online marketing.
Moreover, they analyse the incentives for
information distortion in information sharing and
find that both the online and the traditional retailer
have an incentive to overstate their forecasts while
sharing information.
Thirdly, particular market arrangements
influence forms and patterns of IKS. Differences can
be identified in particular developing or developed
economies (Toh and Srinivas, 2012), diverse
cultures (Brunet-Thornton and Bureš, 2012), or
market settings such monopolistic competition (Cho
and Jun, 2013). From this paper perspective, the
supply chains play an important role since they are
structurally similar to economic cluster which
represent the subject of this study. For instance,
Schloetzer (2012) examines whether the potential
for hold-up in supply chains influences the extent of
process integration and information sharing between
partners. Eventually, he comes with the conclusion
that the potential for hold-up can restrict the
performance benefits available to partners from
developing more extensive supply chain integration
practices. Prajogo and Olhager (2012) investigate
the integrations of both information and material
flows between supply chain partners and their effect
on operational performance. They conclude that
information technology capabilities and information
sharing both have significant effects on logistics
integration. Furthermore, long-term supplier
relationships have both direct and indirect
significant effects on performance; the indirect
effect via the effect on information integration and
logistics integration.
The ultimate goal of sharing employees’
knowledge is its transfer to organisational assets and
resources (Dawson, 2001). Employees may fear a
loss of superiority and knowledge ownership after
sharing their own personal knowledge (Szulanski,
Moreover, the implementation of knowledge
management principles and rules might support the
knowledge sharing processes (Bureš and Brunet-
Thornton, 2009). Many authors have pointed out that
sharing knowledge among employees would lead to
faster responses to customer requirements at a lower
cost in operations (Sher and Lee, 2004). Obviously,
there are a lot of areas of knowledge and experience
sharing from which the companies can gain and
retain the competitive advantage, as well as the
continuous development and improvement.
2.2 Introduction to Clusters
Clusters usually comprise “firms and other actors
co-locating within a concentrated geographical area,
cooperating around a certain functional niche, and
establishing close linkages and working alliances to
improve their collective competitiveness” (Anderson
et al., 2004). Clusters depend primarily on the
communication and collaboration among their
member companies and also with external subjects.
The members exploit the same resources to gain and
develop knowledge (Işik, 2012) and share best
practices and procedures. Other advantages include
the cooperation and communication improvements
leading to better flow of information and knowledge
(Kolerová and Otčenášková, 2012).
Companies within cluster mostly operate close to
each other which assures the immediate access to
knowledge sharing through formal business
networks together with spillover opportunities
(Connel, 2009). The problem with the determination
of partners for, extent of and conditions for
knowledge sharing remains.
The discussed research is focused on the initial case
study and provides the basic introduction to the
whole project intention. Therefore, the results and
recommendations should be revised and verified by
the experts of particular organisations. The project
team aim to explore different companies and unions
to broaden the perspectives of the discussed topics.
3.1 Methods
Various methods were utilised to ensure relevant
results as well as practical implications of the
research task. The appropriate amendments based on
the research methodology development were
continuously done during the research to ensure the
complexity as well as accuracy.
Firstly, brainstorming of the project team was
employed to generate basic concepts and areas
potentially shared within organisation. These were
also confronted with the primary as well as
secondary resources which were also analysed.
Furthermore, to exclude irrelevant, unnecessary and
worthless indicators, the selection and visualisation
tools were employed (Bureš, 2012); (Kolerová,
2012); (Otčenášková, 2013). On the basis of the
final selection of research areas, the questionnaire
was prepared and afterwards reduced after the semi-
structured interviews which were conducted with
representatives of cluster in pursuit to get the
feedback and avoid useless indicators and get. The
whole questionnaire encompasses firstly the
identification of respondent, secondly the
examination of individual companies and their
performance and thirdly the functioning of the
cluster as a whole. The questionnaire was sent via
email to managing directors and chief executives of
all eighteen examined companies within the cluster.
Considering the extent and the purpose of this study,
only the related questions are discussed and
investigated. To reveal as many connections and
findings, these include both the closed and open
questions. The relevant data are also analysed using
the statistical analysis encompassing the correlation
analyses and the frequency rate determination.
3.2 Research Sample
The initial research was focused on the examination
of a cluster called Hradecký IT KLASTR, Joint
Association of Corporate Bodies (HIT Klastr). This
cluster associating companies focused on
information technologies belongs to one of the most
successful clusters in the Czech Republic. Sixteen
private organisations and two educational
institutions representing the public sector are
involved. 39% of organizations have 1-10
employees, 17% have 11-15 employees and 44%
have 51-250 employees.
Activities of the cluster are supported by the
European Regional Development Fund within
programme Investment in Your Future. The
involved organisations work generally with
information technologies. The cluster aims to benefit
from the cooperation of members and to provide the
services for them. The main objectives include the
improvement of quality management, increase of
innovation potential, costs savings and development
of business opportunities. Especially the following
areas are emphasised in pursuit to promote sharing:
development of human resources; marketing;
sharing of capacities; and development and
innovations (HIT Klastr, 2013). This proves the
presence of the idea of sharing and organising some
activities together, even though the member
companies are usually competitors to a certain
extent. On the contrary, just the declaration of
shared plan of activities and areas of cooperation is
not enough if these are not realised either at all or
not effectively.
The survey focused on one specific cluster and
distributed to all members had 100% response rate
which means that representatives of all eighteen
member organisations provided the answers. This
rate is so high because of the personal contact with
the representatives of cluster member organisations.
This section comprises the close question analysis of
the acquired results. Questions related to the sharing
issues are described in more details.
Firstly, the rate of sharing of various items is
briefly described. Secondly, the analysis is focused
on IKS, specifically on its significance, and on the
efficiency of various activities for the sharing of
knowledge and information in the cluster. Moreover,
the correlation analysis is performed underlining the
most interesting results.
4.1 Rate of Sharing of Various Items
Beside other things, respondents were asked about
the rate of sharing of various items from many areas
of business, particularly from the finance (financial
sources and credit liability), logistics, export,
marketing (promotion, contacts and electronic
marketplace), human resources (experiences, best
practices, know-how and employees) and production
(technology). The seven-point scale was used with
categories classified from “not realized” to “very
often”. This question was formulated because of the
identification of the main aspects and possibilities of
sharing in organizations.
Experiences, best practices, know-how and
contacts were the four most crucial items being
shared. The rate of sharing of these items is “often”
or “very often” as mentioned by most respondents.
On the contrary, credit liability and export were
labelled as “not realized” or “not shared”. Some
respondents stated that technology, promotion,
employees, export, credit liability and financial
sources are shared “rarely”.
4.2 The Significance of IKS for the
Cluster Performance
Respondents were also asked about the significance
of IKS. Mentioned items were chosen on the basis of
the brainstorming of the research team and the
literature review. The five-point scale was used with
categories classified from “not shared” to “shared
frequently” (see Table 1).
Table 1: The significance of information and knowledge
sharing about the mentioned items for the cluster
Frequency (n) 0 1 2 3 4 Mean
Customers, Public 6 4 3 2 2 1,41
Market 6 2 2 4 3 1,76
Products, Services 2 3 7 4 2 2,06
2 4 6 3 2 1,94
Competition 8 3 1 3 1 1,13
Suppliers 4 6 4 2 0 1,25
Employees 3 5 9 0 0 1,35
Intellectual Assets 5 3 5 3 0 1,38
Cluster 5 1 3 5 0 1,57
Purchases 10 3 2 2 1 0,94
5 2 7 2 0 1,38
Other Clusters 8 4 2 1 0 0,73
Moral Values,
5 5 3 4 0 1,35
Information and knowledge about other clusters,
joint purchases and their competition are shared at
least (their mean is 0,73, 0,94 and 1,13). The most
shared information and knowledge within the cluster
are about products and services, procedures and
processes, all aspects of the related market and about
the cluster itself. Companies share also some
significant information and knowledge about
customers and public, employees, suppliers,
intellectual assets, government institutions and
moral values (as precisely described in Table 1).
4.3 The Efficiency of Various Activities
for the IKS in the Cluster
In addition to the significance, the efficiency of
various activities for IKS was investigated as well.
Period for the determination of this efficiency were
the last twelve months to ensure the up-to-datedness
and avoid irrelevant former practices of the
organisations. The six-point scale was used with the
range from “no efficiency” to “high efficiency”.
Impersonal forms of contact, namely internal
magazines and newspapers, and the own cluster
information centre are the least efficient for the IKS
(the arithmetic mean is 0,28 and 0,39). Personal
contact of members of cluster seems to be the most
efficient way for the information and knowledge
sharing. Personal meetings, workshops, informal
meetings were stated as the most efficient. Modern
communication technologies such as e-mail, mobile
phones, cluster web pages and intranet are stated as
very effective and worthy to be used (see Table 2).
Table 2: The efficiency of various activities for the
information and knowledge sharing in the cluster.
Frequency (n) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Mean
1 1 1 5 1 9 3,72
Phone Calls 1 2 5 4 4 2 2,78
E-mail 1 2 5 3 4 3 2,89
Workshops 1 1 1 6 7 2 3,28
Conferences 4 4 4 4 2 0 1,78
Intranet 2 4 9 3 0 0 1,72
Cluster Web
1 5 7 3 2 0 2,00
14 3 1 0 0 0 0,28
13 3 2 0 0 0 0,39
2 2 6 5 1 2 2,39
2 1 2 3 7 3 3,17
4.4 Correlation Analysis
Three correlation analyses were performed on the
base of the research data. Firstly the area of the
frequency of sharing various items is examined in
pursuit to reveal potential relations and
dependencies. The significant positive correlation
occurred among almost all of the examined areas -
technology, promotion, experiences, best practices,
employees, know-how and contacts (indexes vary
from 0,83 to 0,99). Only the correlation among
financial sources and other items is a little bit lower
(indexes vary from 0,71 to 0,95). No or weak
correlation is not revealed at all.
Secondly, the correlation in the area of
significance of various items sharing in
organizations was researched. The significant
positive correlation occured among a lot of
examined areas - a market, products and services,
procedures and processes, competition, employees,
intellectual assets, purchasers, moral values and
principles (indexes mostly vary from 0,69 to 0,99).
Only the correlation among suppliers and cluster and
other items is a little significantly lower (indexes
vary from 0,00 to 0,50). In addition, the negative
correlation arose among cluster and products and
services (the rate of -0,19 and -0,28).
Moreover, the correlation in the area of
efficiency of various items sharing in organizations
was examined. The significant positive correlation
arose among many examined areas - informal
meetings, workshops, e-mail communication, phone
calls and personal meetings (indexes vary from 0,65
to 0,99). This shows the interconnectedness of the
mentioned items which signifies the necessity to pay
attention to these simultaneously and to support the
efficient utilisation. Only the correlation among
conferences, shareholders’ meetings and other items
is lower (indexes vary from 0,00 to 0,76). The
negative correlation is not observed at all.
The significance of IKS is obviously crucial for all
organisations regardless their size, type, cultural
background or any other characteristics. Several
recommendations linked directly with sharing or
indirectly with influential factors on these processes
based on case study and literature review are
discussed below.
Doubtlessly, the research revealed specific areas
requiring attention leading in better performance.
The use of best practices more effectively, the
support of learning and the knowledge creation are
strongly sustained through IKS. Nevertheless, also
the sharing does have particular limitations. Issues
linked with security, data protection, copyright,
intellectual property and legal issues relating to the
privacy should be considered and treated more
properly. From the practical perspective, the danger
of know-how loss or the insufficient motivational
schemes belong to factors negatively influencing
sharing within clusters as well as among individuals.
These issues should be addressed more precisely to
avoid undesirable effects. Except from the
technological and other support also the appropriate
conditions should be given. The cooperative instead
of competitive culture should be established as well
as promoted. The motivational and reward schemes
within the organisation and among them if in cluster
or any other union should be developed to enhance
the notion of sharing culture. The competitive
culture usually leads to the information and
knowledge retention. Moreover, the utilisation of
these does not occur at all or is very limited due to
the employees’ attitude. If appropriately changed to
cooperative and communicative approach, the
pursuit to reach the common goal and to fulfil the
shared vision would be emphasised naturally. As
proved by the results, these issues should be
addressed more strictly, because such approach
would ensure more efficiency and higher
significance of the sharing processes.
Nevertheless, there are particular limitations of
the mentioned outcomes which might have impact
on the results to a certain extent. The fact that only
one cluster was analysed should be considered. In
further research, the research sample should be
extended. More organisations from various sectors,
areas of business and cultural background should be
incorporated. This should increase the relevancy and
applicability of the recommendations, because the
current results cannot be generalised to the
appropriate extent.
Notwithstanding, the discussed issues provide
utilisable ideas for both theorists and responsible
people from organisations or unions of
organisations. Especially knowledge management
specialists or employees dealing with information
and knowledge are addressed and motivated to
consider the findings in pursuit to improve the
efficiency of the organisational processes and the
competitive advantage.
Information and knowledge sharing represents an
important source of the competitive advantage.
Nevertheless, the utilisation of its potential is not
sufficient and efficient even within member
organisations of one particular cluster. Therefore,
these issues require attention and should be
supported especially on the individual and
organisational level. For these purposes, particular
recommendations as well as concepts are introduced
to be employed within companies and among
This paper was supported by the specific research
project “Analysis of Influential Factors on
Information and Knowledge Sharing within
Organisations and the Measurement of its
Efficiency” granted by the University of Hradec
Králové, Czech Republic and by the project No.
CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0327 “Innovation and support of
doctoral study program” financed from the European
Union and the Czech Republic funds. Additionally,
the authors would like to acknowledge the HIT
cluster who provided data and information for the
purposes of the case study.
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