Using Ontology-based Information Extraction for Subject-based
Olawande Daramola, Ibukun Afolabi,
Ibidapo Akinyemi and Olufunke Oladipupo
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria
Keywords: Ontology, Ontology-based Information Extraction, Automatic Essay Scoring, Subject-based Automatic
Abstract: The procedure for the grading of students’ essays in subject-based examinations is quite challenging
particularly when dealing with large number of students. Hence, several automatic essay-grading systems
have been designed to alleviate the demands of manual subject grading. However, relatively few of the
existing systems are able to give informative feedbacks that are based on elaborate domain knowledge to
students, particularly in subject-based automatic grading where domain knowledge is a major factor. In this
work, we discuss the vision of subject-based automatic essay scoring system that leverages on semi-
automatic creation of subject ontology, uses ontology-based information extraction approach to enable
automatic essay scoring, and gives informative feedback to students.
Student assessment task is usually challenging
particularly when dealing with a large student
population. The manual grading procedure is also
very subjective because it depends largely on the
experience and competence of the human grader.
Hence, automated grading solutions have been
provided to alleviate the drudgery of students’
assessments. According to Shermis and Burstein
(2013), notable systems for Automatic Essay
Scoring (AES) include IntelliMetric, e-Rater, c-
Rater, Lexile, AutoScore CTB Bookette, Page, and
Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA).
However, most of the existing AES systems have
to be trained on several hundreds of scripts already
scored by human graders, which are used as the gold
standard from which the system learn the rubrics to
use for their own automatic scoring. This procedure
can be costly, and imprecise considering the
inconsistent and subjective nature of human
assessments. Also, most of the AES do not use
elaborate domain knowledge for grading, rather they
either use statistical or machine learning models or
their hybrids, which limits their ability to give
informative feedbacks to students on the type of
response expected from based on the course content
(Brent et al., 2010).
In this work, we present the vision of a subject-
based automatic essay grading system that uses
ontology-based information extraction for students’
essay grading, and provides informative feedback to
students based on domain knowledge. In addition,
our approach attempts to improve on existing AES
architectures for subject-based automatic grading by
enabling the semi-automatic creation of relevant
domain ontologies, which reduces the cost of
obtaining crucial subject domain knowledge. Semi-
automatic creation of domain ontology is
particularly useful for subject grading where the
only valid basis for assessment of students’
responses is the extent of their conformity to the
knowledge contained in the course content (Braun et
al., 2006). Ontology as the deliberate semantic
representation of concepts in domain and their
relationships offers a good basis for providing more
informative feedbacks in AES.
Hence, the intended contribution of our proposed
approach stems from the introduction of ontology
learning framework into AES as a precursor to
providing informative feedbacks to students.
Typically, our proposed approach employs
ontology-based information extraction which uses
basic natural language processing procedures
tokenization, word tagging, lexical parsing,
anaphora resolution -, and semantic matching of
texts to realise automatic subject grading.
The remaining parts of this paper are described
Daramola O., Afolabi I., Akinyemi I. and Oladipupo O..
Using Ontology-based Information Extraction for Subject-based Auto-grading.
DOI: 10.5220/0004625903730378
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 373-378
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
as follows. Section 2 contains a background and a
review of the related work. In Section 3, we present
the core idea of our approach, while Section 4
describe the process of ontology learning from
domain text, and some of the essential aspects of our
AES architecture. We conclude the paper in Section
5 with a brief note and our perspective of further
Research on the viability of automatic essay scoring
(AES) for student assessments have been undertaken
since the 1960s, and several techniques have been
used. The first AES, called Project Essay Grade
(PEG) (Page, 1968) was implemented using multiple
regression techniques. Some other methods that have
been used for AES include: Latent Semantic
Analysis (LSA) – Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA)
(Landauer and Laham, 2000); Natural Language
Processing (NLP) - Paperless School free-text
Marking Engine (PS-ME) (Mason and Grove-
Stephenson, 2002), IntelliMetric (Elliot, 2003), e-
Rater (Burstein, 1998); Machine Learning and NLP
- LightSIDE, AutoScore, CTB Bookette (Shermis
and Burstein, 2013); text categorization – (Larkey,
1998), CRASE, Lexile Writing analyzer (Shermis
and Burstein, 2013), Bayesian Networks - Bayesian
essay testing system (BETSY) (Rudner and Liang,
2002); Information Extraction (IE) - SAGrader
(Brent et al., 2010); Ontology-Based Information
Extraction (OBIE) - Gutierrez et al. (2012).
Experimental evaluation of many of these AES also
revealed that their scores have good correlation with
that of human graders. However, majority of these
systems cannot be used for short answer grading. An
exception to this is IntelliMetric by (Elliot, 2003). A
major drawback of many of these AES is that they
have to be trained with scripts graded by human
graders (usually in hundreds) for them to learn the
rubrics to be used for text assessment. The human
graded scripts serve as the gold standard for the
evaluation, despite the fact that human judgments
are known to be inconsistent and subjective. A more
accurate basis for evaluation should be the fitness of
student’s response to the knowledge that must be
expressed according to the course content. Also,
they lack provision for subject-specific knowledge
which limits their applicability to various subject
domains, hence they are mostly for grading essays
written in specific major languages. Therefore, they
lack ability to provide informative feedbacks that
stems from domain knowledge that can be useful to
both students and teachers (Brent et al., 2010);
(Chung and Baker, 2003).
In the category of short answer grading systems
are examples such as c-rater (Leacock, C., and
Chodorow, 2003), which is based on NLP; SELSA
(Kanejiya et al., 2003) which is based on LSA and
context-awareness; and Shaha and Abdulrahman,
(2012) which is based on integrating Information
Extraction (IE) technique and Decision Tree
Learning (DTL).
The use of semantic technology for AES, which
is the focus of our work, is relatively new, as very
few approaches have been reported so far in the
literature. The SAGrader (Brent et al., 2010)
implements automated subject grading by combining
pattern matching and use of semantic networks for
domain knowledge representation. The system is
able to provide limited feedback by identifying
domain terms that are mentioned by students.
SAGrader has limited expressiveness because a
semantic network was used instead of an extensive
ontology for domain knowledge representation. He
et al. (2009), reported the use of latent semantic
analysis, BLUE algorithm and ontology to provide
intelligent assessment of students’ summaries.
Castellanos-Nieves et al., (2011) reports an
automatic assessment of open questions in
eLearning courses by using a course ontology and
semantic matching. However, the ontology was
manually created. Also, Gutierrez et al., (2012) used
OBIE to provide more informative feedback during
automatic student assessment by using an ontology
that was manually created. However, creating
ontology manually is a costly exercise, which is not
realistic for large subject domains that will require
large and complex ontologies. Also, creation of
ontology requires high technical expertise which is
not common.
Hence, our approach intends to improve on
existing OBIE approaches by enabling the semi-
automatic creation of the ontology from domain text,
and giving informative feedbacks that stem from
domain knowledge to students, and even teachers for
both short answers grading and long essays. The
form of feedback will entail misspellings, correct
and incorrect statements, and incomplete statements,
and structure deficiency in sentence constructions.
The core idea of the proposed approach is outlined
as sequence of offline and run-time activities as
(i) Select relevant subject domain text and
information sources that can be used to train a
lexical tagger, such as OpenNLP or Stanford NLP
tree tagger – this will enable greater accuracy of
natural processing activities such as part-of-speech
tagging of words that will subsequently be
encountered in students’ scripts and teacher’s
marking guide.
(ii) Create an ontology for the subject domain
semi-automatically from textual information sources
of the domain such as text books/book chapters or
lecture notes. In cases, where such relevant domain
ontology already exists, select it to use for the
grading process by importing it into the proposed
architectural framework.
(iii) Create a meta-model schema of the marking
guide of the subject prepared by the examiner, which
will be used by the auto-grading system as basis to
associate questions to corresponding responses by
students. The meta-model is typically a graph-based
data structure (see Fig 1.) that describes the
arrangement of the questions in the exam/test that is
used as a logical template to map a student’s
response to corresponding sections of the marking
guide on a question-by-question basis. It captures
the description of each question (q1-q4) in terms of
the number of its sub-parts (a, b, c ...), its unique
identification (id), type of response expected (R) –
classified into 3 categories, list, short essay, and
long essay -, and the mark allocated (M) to the
question. The description of a question in the meta-
model primarily determines the type of semantic
treatment that is applied when extracting
information from a student’s response.
(iv) Collate students’ responses to specific
questions and pre-process the student’s response by
conducting spelling checks, identifying wrong
punctuations, and noting right or wrong use of
domain concepts. Keep track of all corrected
instances, which will be included in the feedback to
(v) Extract information from student’s response
based on pre-defined extraction rules depending on
the type of expected response as contained in the
marking guide meta-model. Evaluate the lexical
structure of each sentence in the response to a
question by performing subject-predicate-object
(SPO) analysis of each sentence in order to extract
the subject (noun), predicate (verb), and object
(noun). For a correct statement, the extracted
subject, and object should correspond to specific
concepts in the domain ontology, either, in their
exact form, root form or synonym forms, while the
predicate should be valid for the concepts in the
sentence based on the taxonomy, and axioms of the
underlying ontology.
Figure 1: A schematic view of the marking guide meta-
(vi) Perform text semantic similarity matching of
the information extracted from student’s response,
and the content of the marking guide. Two
possibilities exist, depending on the expected
response to a question. First, for questions where
short, or long essay response are expected, extract
rules using the <concept> <predicate> <concept>
pattern to analyse each sentence of the answer to that
question as contained in the marking guide. The
extracted rules are then matched semantically with
the result of SPO analysis of student’s response to
determine similarity and then scoring. Second, for
questions where the type response expected is a list,
extract a bag of concepts from the marking guide
and compare with the bag of words from student’s
response using a vector space model to determine
semantic similarity.
(vii) Execute an auto-scoring model based on the
degree of semantic similarity between a student’s
response to a question (C
) and the teacher’s
marking guide (C
) using the domain ontology for
reasoning. The semantic similarity sim(C
) in the
interval [0-1] will be the basis for assigning scores –
e.g. sim(C
) > 0.7 = full marks; 0.5
) 0.7 = 75% of full marks; sim(C
) <
0.5 = 0.
(viii) Accumulate score obtained per question and
repeat steps (iv) - (viii) until all questions have been
Our approach for ontology learning emulates the
ruled-based procedure for extracting seed ontology
from raw text as employed by (Omoronyia et al.,
2010; Kof, 2004). The steps of the ontology building
process are described as follows:
Document Preprocessing: This is a manual
procedure to ensure that the document from which
ontology is to be extracted is fit for sentence-based
analysis. The activities will include replacing
information in diagrams with their textual
equivalent, removing symbols that may be difficult
to interpret, and special text formatting. The quality
of pre-processing of a document will determine the
quality of domain ontology that will be extracted
from such source document.
Automatic Bracket Trailing: This is a procedure to
identify sentences/words that are enclosed in bracket
within text and to treat them contextually. Usually in
the English language, brackets are used in text to
indicate reference pointers e.g. (“Fig 2”) or (“see
Section 4”) or to embed supplementary text within
other text. The bracket trailing procedure ensures
that reference pointers enclosed in brackets are
overlooked and that relevant nouns that are enclosed
in brackets are rightly associated with head subject
or object that they refer to depending on whether the
bracket is used within the noun phrase (NP) or verb
phrase (VP) part of the main sentence. Consider the
sentence: “E-Commerce (see Fig. 1) involves the
exchange of goods and services on the Internet
based on established electronic business models
(such as Business-to-Business, Business-to-
Customer, and Customer-to-Business)”. Bracket
trailing will ensure that the reference “see Fig. 1” is
overlooked, while the noun subjects “Business-to-
Business”, “Business-to-Customer”, “Customer-to-
Business” are related to object electronic business
models. Relations derived via bracket trailing are
semantically related to relevant subject/object in text
by using a set of alternative stereotypes such as
<refers to>, <instance of> or <same as> depending
on the adjective variant used with an extracted noun.
The domain expert that is creating the ontology is
prompted to indicate his preference.
Resolution of Term Ambiguity: This involves a
semi-automated process of discovering and
correcting ambiguous terms in textual documents
using observed patterns in a sentence parse tree
(Omoronyia, et al., 2010). To do this, the observed
pattern in a particular sentence parse tree is
compared with the set of collocations (words
frequently used together) in the document in order to
identify inconsistencies. When the usage of a word
in a specific context suggests inconsistency, then the
relevant collocation is used to substitute it, in order
to produce an ontology that is more representative of
the subject domain.
Subject Predicate Object (SPO) Extraction: This
procedure uses a natural language parser to generate
a parse tree of each sentence in the document in
order to extract subjects, objects and predicates. The
structure of each sentence clause consists of the
Noun Phrase (NP) and Verb Phrase (VP). The noun
or variant noun forms (singular, plural or proper
noun) in the NP part of a sentence is extracted as the
subject, while the one in the VP part is extracted as
the object. The predicate is the verb that relates the
subject and object together in a sentence.
Association Mining: This explores the relationship
between concepts in instances where a preposition
other than a verb predicates relates a subject and an
object together. A prepositional phrase consists of a
preposition and an object (noun). Automatic
association mining is a procedure that detects the
existence of a prepositional phrase and relates it with
the preceding sibling NP. Example “E-Commerce as
a form of online activity is gaining more
prominence”. Here, E-Commerce is the subject,
while “as a form of online activity” is a prepositional
phrase containing the object “online activity”.
Association mining will recognize the inferred
relationship between “E-commerce” and “online
activity” and associate them together by using the
generic stereotype <relates to>.
Concept Clustering: This entails eliminating
duplications of concepts, and relationships in all
parsed sentences. Also, concepts are organized into
hierarchical relationships based on similarity
established between concepts.
The semi-automatic procedure for ontology enables
the domain expert to revise the seed ontology
through an ontology management GUI interface in
order to realize a more usable, and more expressive
ontology. From the ontology management GUI, the
domain expert can create ontological axioms –
restrictions such as allValuesFrom,
somevaluesFrom, hasValues, minimum cardinality
and maximum cardinality in order to facilitate
inference of new interesting knowledge.
The architecture of our proposed AES will be
composed of an integration of components and
procedures that will help to realize automatic
grading via a sequential workflow. It accommodates
a series of activities that can be classified as offline
and online activities. The offline activities include:
training the natural language POS tagger on domain
text to aid recognition of domain specific terms, the
architecture will afford an interface to import the
domain text, and train the POS tagger. An ontology
learning and management module that leverages
algorithms for shallow parsing and middleware
algorithms implemented by Stanford NLP
, and
Protégé OWL 2
will used to perform ontology
extraction from domain text in order to create
domain ontology for the subject domain concerned
The other essential components of the
architecture are described as follows:
Meta-model Engine: it automatically transforms a
teacher’s marking guide into an intermediate formal
representation that forms the basis for semantic
comparison with a student’s response to questions. It
has an interface where the teacher will input
metadata information for specific questions – its
unique id, type of response expected, and mark
allocated -, and the answer to each questions. Based
on these information, the marking guide meta-model
will be automatically created.
Information Extractor: This component will
implement a Semantic Text Analyser (STA). The
STA will serve as the semantic engine of the AES
system. It will employ a combination of natural
language processing procedures, and domain
knowledge to make sense out of a student’s response
based on some pre-defined extraction rules. STA
will perform semantic text analysis such as
tokenization of text, term extraction, word sense
disambiguation, and entity extraction using the
domain ontology and WordNet.
Auto-Scoring Engine: This component will perform
semantic matching of the contents that have been
extracted from the students’ response to specific
questions and the equivalent marking guide meta-
model representation of specific questions. It will
use a pre-defined scoring model (see Section 3) to
determine score allocated to the a student’s response
to a question
Resources Repository (RR): This refers to the set of
data, knowledge, and open source middleware
artefacts that will enable the semantic processing
capabilities of the AES framework. All other
components of the AES framework leverage on the
components of the RR to realise their functional
objectives. A brief overview of the role of elements
of the RR is given as follows:
Domain Ontology: the domain lexicon that
encapsulates knowledge of the subject to be graded.
It is used to enable the extraction of Information
from students’ responses.
WordNet – An English language lexicon used for
semantic analysis.
MySQL – A database management system used to
implement data storage in the AES framework.
MySQL’s capability for effective indexing, storage,
and organisation will aid the performance of the
AES in terms of information retrieval, and general
Protégé OWL API – A Java-based semantic web
middleware that is used to facilitate ontology query
and management, and ontology learning from text.
Pellet – An ontology reasoner that support
descriptive logics reasoning on domain ontology
Standford NLPA Java-based framework for
natural language processing. It will provide the set
of APIs that will be used by the Information
extractor component of the AES framework.
In this paper, we have presented the notion of
ontology-based information extraction framework
for subject-based automatic grading. Relative to
existing approaches, the benefit of the proposed
framework is the semi-automatic creation of domain
ontologies from text, which is capable of reducing
cost of subject automatic essay grading significantly.
In addition, our proposed framework will improve
on existing efforts by enabling informative
feedbacks to students. It also affords greater
adaptability, because it allows for grading in several
subject domains, once there is suitable domain
ontology, and a relevant marking guide. However,
the proposed approach relies primarily on the
existence of a good quality ontology, which means
the domain expert may still need to do some
enhancements after the semi-automatic creation
process in order to realise a perfect ontology.
Nevertheless, the additional effort required will
definitely be less than the cost of creating a good
ontology from the scratch. As an ongoing work, we
intend to realize the vision of the framework is the
shortest possible time, and to conduct some
evaluations using a University context.
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