Regional Knowledge Maps
Potentials and Challenges
Montserrat Garcia-Alsina
, Christian Wartena
and Sönke Lieberam-Schmidt
Information and Communication Sciences Department, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya,
Rambla del Poblenou, 156, 08018 Barcelona, Spain
Department of Media, Information and Design, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover, Hanover, Germany
Keywords: Knowledge Maps, Regional Development, Text Mining, Regional Policy.
Abstract: Regional knowledge map is a tool recently demanded by some actors in an institutional level to help
regional policy and innovation in a territory. Besides, knowledge maps facilitate the interaction between the
actors of a territory and the collective learning. This paper reports the work in progress of a research project
which objective is to define a methodology to efficiently design territorial knowledge maps, by extracting
information of big volumes of data contained in diverse sources of information related to a region.
Knowledge maps facilitate management of the intellectual capital in organisations. This paper investigates
the value to apply this tool to a territorial region to manage the structures, infrastructures and the resources
to enable regional innovation and regional development. Their design involves the identification of
information sources that are required to find which knowledge is located in a territory, which actors are
involved in innovation, and which is the context to develop this innovation (structures, infrastructures,
resources and social capital). This paper summarizes the theoretical background and framework for the
design of a methodology for the construction of knowledge maps, and gives an overview of the main
challenges for the design of regional knowledge maps.
In the present paper we investigate the value of
knowledge management if it is applied to geographic
regions. Especially we focus on the role of regional
knowledge maps for regional innovation
management. We argue that more research is needed
in this area in order to collect, structure and make
efficient use of the vast amount of mostly textual
and unstructured information that is available for
almost every region in industrial countries.
In the first place, knowledge management (KM)
provides a framework to identify which knowledge
is created or needed in the different organizational
processes, and how it can be created and stored to
generate value in an organization (Raghu and Vinze,
2007); (CEN, 2004). In this context, knowledge
maps play an important role.
Applied to the territories, knowledge
management identifies how the knowledge cycle
works in a territory, and it is considered a way to the
regional innovation, important in an economy based
on knowledge and innovation (Asheim and Coenen,
2005); (OECD, 1996); (Lundvall, 1992). In this
sense, recently, some authors have pointed out
knowledge maps as an instrument to manage
knowledge in a territory and to promote its
development (Barinani et al., 2013, España, 2011).
Secondly, KM as discipline for years has
developed research about the role and value of
knowledge maps, but offers little research about how
to do it, and how to create regional knowledge maps
(Watthananon and Mingkhwan, 2012); (Driessen et
al., 2007); (Huijsen et al. 2004); (Kim et al., 2003);
(Eppler, 2001); (Wexler, 2001). More concretely,
regional knowledge maps could collect the territorial
knowledge created by the different actors involved
in a region (authorities, clusters, companies,
universities, NGO, etc.). They could also collect the
information’s fluxes between these actors. Their
analysis contributes to identify the strengths and
weaknesses at national or regional level, to produce
new insight capabilities for regional stakeholders
(industry, academia, and civil society) regards
identifying new areas of applied research, how to
promote industrial leadership in a region, and how to
coordinate and integrate research agendas and
Garcia-Alsina M., Wartena C. and Lieberam-Schmidt S..
Regional Knowledge Maps - Potentials and Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0004627105140519
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2013), pages 514-519
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
actions. Consequently, they could help in a local
way the decision-making needed for a consistent
implementation of regional policy coordination in
order to optimize ressources.
Hence, building territorial knowledge maps to
support innovation and regional development
represents a major step forward, due to the
complexity of aspects that these maps should collect:
which processes take place in a territory, which
knowledge is created or needed in the different
processes, how and where can knowledge be created
and stored, which structures and infrastructures exist
in a region related to knowledge and innovation, and
the information fluxes among its actors.
This paper reports on work in progress on the
design of a methodology to develop territorial
knowledge maps as a tool for regional development.
The remainder of this paper is structured in four
parts. Firstly, we specify the objectives and the
research questions. Secondly, we expose shortly the
theoretical backgrounds used as basis to develop the
theoretical framework. Thirdly, we describe the
challenges faced to build knowledge maps. Finally,
we present the conclusions.
Our objective is defining a methodology to
efficiently design territorial knowledge maps, by
extracting information of big volumes of data
contained in diverse sources of information related
to the territory. The methodology, of course, should
be independent of the specific.
Consequently, the work implies facing several
challenges, which we have concretised in the
following objective: knowing how we can extract
knowledge from a wide amount of sources related to
one region and visualize it to get a complete picture
of the region’s innovation potential. To
conceptualize how to do so is the case for the project
in process presented in this paper which turn on the
following research questions:
1. Which information sources help to find this
2. Which are the territory’s actors involved in
3. How can we identify the knowledge available in
a certain region?
4. How can we study the social relationships,
conventions, norms and rules that influence
5. How can we mine the territorial data to create
knowledge maps that enable stakeholders to
apply them for innovation and regional
6. How can we identify innovation potentials that
remain hidden and unobserved until now?
7. How can we identify obstacles hindering
The first four questions are directly related to the
project’s objective, because they point out to which
methodology is adequate to build knowledge maps.
The last two are oriented to detect which knowledge
is important to be incorporated in a regional
knowledge map to assure the focus on innovation.
Taking into account the aims mentioned above, our
research is based on four perspectives, each of which
has its own corpus of knowledge. These perspectives
are: knowledge management, competitive and
territorial intelligence, Regional Innovation Systems,
and text mining.
Knowledge Management (KM) is a methodology
that integrates the activities embedded in the
organizational processes to obtain organisational
aims and manage intellectual capital (Raghu and
Vinze, 2007; Ergazakis et al., 2005; CEN, 2004;
Bolinger and Smith, 2001; Beijerse, 1999). KM
applied to private or public organizations and to the
territory contributes to generate competitive
advantages (Danskin et al., 2005).
Competitive Intelligence (CI) until the present
has developed a framework to manage strategic
information oriented to generate intelligence in the
organisations scale, but in the territory scale studies
are incipient and are named Territorial intelligence
(TI). This framework is based on a cycle, which
considers the following phases: identification of
information’s needs, its acquisition, its organisation,
its analysis, and knowledge/intelligence creation
(CAENTI, 2012); (Garcia-Alsina and Ortoll, 2012).
Text mining and analytics offers the tools to
exploit the wide quantity of unstructured data to
extract information, which once analysed becomes
information and knowledge. Text mining enables the
automatic analysis of large amounts of text from the
internet (companies, institutes, governments, etc.)
(Kosala and Blockeel, 2000); (Moens (ed.), 2006).
Using techniques like named entity recognition
(Nadeau and Sekine, 2007) and topic detection
(Wartena and Brussee, 2008) it is possible to find
the main (innovative) products an industry in a
region is working on, and not only its existing
relations, but the missing relations, too. Text mining
is used for business intelligence, for KM within
companies and for studying customer behaviour and
satisfaction (Saggion et al., 2007), and to monitor
new developments in a certain field of technology
(Färber and Rettinger, 2013). Text mining is also
used to find experts and networks of experts (Ehrlich
et al., 2007). The application of text mining to
regional intelligence to systematically mine the
expertise and innovative potentials of all companies
in a region is new and will have to deal with a host
of challenges concerning the interaction of crawling
and analysing web content
Finally, National or Regional Innovation Systems
(NIS or RIS) offer the framework to identify which
kind of actors, resources, social capital, structures,
institutions and organizations are involved in the
diffusion of new technologies and infrastructures in
a geographical area to support innovation and
regional development (Andersson, 2013); (Chen and
Guan, 2011); (Jimenez et al., 2011); (Sharif, 2006);
(Doloreux and Parto, 2005); (Asheim and Coenen,
2005); (Cooke, 2001); (Cooke et al., 1997);
(Edquist, 1997).
More concretely, our theoretical framework deals
with the following topics, which can lead or promote
innovation and development in a region (Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Parts of a regional innovation system.
Firstly, we must to identify which are the
regional actors in a region, who has been identified
in previous studies: higher institutions, public and
private sectors and social spheres (Jimenez et al.,
2011); (Fröhlich, 2010); (Sharif, 2006); (Voß et al.,
2002). The second element to study is the structural
elements related to economy (kind of sectors or
firms’ size), knowledge (disciplines, institutions)
Politic and Administration (parties, parliament, local
government, and associations) (Fröhlich, 2010);
(Voß et al., 2002). Thirdly we focus on
infrastructures: technic (water, wastewater, energy
and transport), social (health, education, culture),
finance (banking sector, venture capital and
government aid), policies, and science and
innovation systems (Voß et al., 2002); (Edquist,
1997). The next element to be considered is the
resources existing in a territory, those related to the
Nature (geology, water, air, climate, accumulations
capacity), row material (minerals, vegetarian,
animal), demography (inhabitants, structure),
regional innovative capabilities and intangible assets
(intellectual capital) (Doloreux and Parto, 2005);
(Voß et al., 2002) Lastly, as innovation is a social
process through which organizations learn
(Doloreux and Parto, 2005), we incorporate the
framework of social capital as an element to be
considered in the knowledge map. Social capital
refers to which social relationships and in which
context take place to generate knowledge as basis to
innovation. More concretely, this framework gives
insights about which are the institutional
collaboration (universities – government – industry)
(Etzkowitz and Leydedorff, 1995), and the different
dimensions that could influence the social capital:
structural dimension (networks ties, network
configuration, and appropriable organization);
cognitive dimension (shared codes and languages,
shared narratives); and relational dimensions (trust,
norms, obligations identification) (Nahapiet and
Ghoshal, 1998).
When trying to build a regional knowledge map we
face a number of difficulties. The most important
problems are 1) the lack of clear definition of
regional knowledge maps and a methodology for
their development, and 2) the wide variety of topics
to be considered, which require identifying the
adequate information sources, dealing with different
kinds of formats and structures, and different
methods to design the data collection, sampling, and
data analysis. Other challenges are consequence of
these central problems. We find challenges in the
following areas: a) methodology to build knowledge
maps, b) identifying elements from a RIS (actors,
structures, infrastructures and resources) and their
information sources, c) discovering social capital
and social networks in the region between actors,
and d) analysis process.
4.1 Methodology
The few works dedicated to knowledge maps have
developed techniques oriented to: a) capture explicit
and tacit knowledge, b) analyse knowledge areas in
organizations, c) identify through which
organization’s information sources, the
organizational knowledge can be captured, d) and to
illustrate how knowledge flows throughout an
organization (Kim et al., 2003). Nevertheless, the
typology of the sources to consider, and the actors
and processes developed in an organization are
different in this works from those studied in regional
studies. Thus, new ways to develop knowledge maps
must be explored. Besides, the methods used to
collect and extract information to draw knowledge
maps often are qualitative.
4.2 Identifying Elements from a RIS
Identifying the elements included in a RIS and their
sources is another challenge to this project. On the
one hand side, the vast amount of actors in a
reasonable region that can easily exceed the number
of 100,000, and the diversity of the information
sources, make it to a real challenge to achieve
completeness and an equable granularity of
information. Especially those actors that are either
very small, very new or not well connected in
networks and/or the Web will be difficult to identify.
The same happens with structures and institutions,
because they are different between regions, and also
they could lack presence on Internet. Moreover,
there are hardly any lists available of all actors in a
region. Since websites of companies not necessarily
link to other companies in the same region, crawling
the web by following links is not an efficient option.
Thus information hubs for a region have to be found
that link to, or mention the most important actors in
a region. These information hubs might serve as a
starting point for crawling information. Potential
information hubs include chambers of commerce,
business associations, business networks etc. Also
printed lists from such organizations and from local
governments constitute useful sources of
More fundamentally, we have to define what the
actors in a region are. Companies and organizations
are structured across borders of regions. Companies
might be present in a region but only with a small
part of their activities. It can be very hard to identify
the role a company plays in a region. Public
available sources of information are not designed to
reveal these structures, but are usually consumer
oriented and give only addresses of headquarters and
sales offices. Finally, each region has a lot of actors
that might be uninteresting for a knowledge map for
regional innovation. Each village will have a bakery,
a plumber etc. that are uninteresting for the final
picture of the innovative potentials of a region.
Nevertheless, also a bakery or a plumber can be an
innovative company and advance to an important
regional or supra regional actor. Thus the decision,
which actors to include in a regional knowledge map
and which not, is a further challenge.
The identification of social capital and social
networks between actors and their influence in
innovation process is another challenge. However,
this discipline in the last years has advanced and
methodologies and software tools for social network
analysis have become available.
4.3 Analysis
Finally, during the analysing process the text and
link mining procedures (Lieberam-Schmidt, 2010)
have as challenge to find the right tradeoff between
manually performed work and machine based
automatisms. While manual work may achieve
higher quality of results, only automated text mining
methods will be able to process the vast amount of
information sources. Using information crawled
form websites of companies, preliminary results
show that it is feasible to find addresses, phone
numbers, etc. by named entity detection on the
crawled texts. For this purpose regular expressions
for these entities were defined and the number of
occurrences of entities on the web pages is counted.
The most frequently found address and phone
number usually indeed present the company’s main
contact information. Also, we have very
encouraging results with respect to the classification
of the main activity of a company using their Web
presence. For this purpose we used the main
economic sectors of the STW Thesaurus for
Economics (Gastmeyer 1998); (Neubert 2009).
On the other hand it turns out to be much more
challenging to find relations between companies or
to find products or services made by a company. The
main problem is the diversity of the resources and of
the type of actors. Again a clear definition of actors
and a missing correspondence between actors and
information resources poses a major problem. Large
companies and institutions, like universities, cannot
be seen as single actors that have one main activity.
Rather we have a complex and partly obscure
hierarchy of actors for which it is already difficult to
identify at which level in the hierarchy the activities
should be classified.
The design of regional knowledge maps emerges as
an important topic of research because their content
could enable the strategic planning and decision-
making process in regional policy. Regional
knowledge maps could also enable the relations
between actors and the collective learning as a basis
to the innovation.
Their design requires capturing all the
information about the regional competencies
composed by infrastructures, structures, resources,
actors, knowledge and social capital. The collection
and the representation of these elements present a
number of challenges that must be resolved.
The challenges could be faced with the
conjunction of different disciplines to define a
methodology. The theoretical corpus of knowledge
management as discipline offers a basis to develop
this methodology, so in the future this topic could be
one more to be considered with the alliance of other
areas of research: text mining, regional innovation
systems and competitive and territorial intelligence.
This paper has the will to help starting this new
line of research. The challenges presented are the
result of the first phase of an exploratory research
project. On the one hand the project focuses on the
identification of information sources related to a
region, from which we extract information as a first
approach to the objective. On the other hand we
identify which tools facilitate extracting information
of these sources, according to the theoretical
framework designed. During this phase we delimit
the search to some specific elements of the RIS in a
small geographical area, concretely the region of
Hanover (Germany). Finally, we will validate this
methodology applying that to other regions.
This research is funded by the Spanish Ministry of
Education, Culture and Sport (Ref. CAS 12/00155).
The Catalan Government’s Commissioner for
Universities and Research supports the KIMO
research group on knowledge and information
management in organisations.
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