Managing Information and Knowledge
A Proposal Methodology for Building an Integrated Model based on Information
Assets Identification
Carlos Alberto Malcher Bastos
, Ana Cristina Martins Bruno
, Anilton Salles Garcia
, Luiziana
Silveira de Rezende
, Marco Antonio Farah Caldas
Maria Luiza d´Almeida Sanchez
and Sergio José Mecena da Silva Filho
Laboratory of Information and Communication Technology Management (GTECCOM), Fluminense Federal University,
Praça Nilo Peçanha 19, Boa Viagem, Niterói, RJ, CEP 24210-260, Brazil
UFES, Av Fernando Ferrari s/n, Goiabeira, Vitória, ES, Brazil
PPGEngProd / Fluminense Federal University, Rua Passo da Pátria 156, Niterói, CEP 24210-240, Brazil
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Information Management, Information Asset.
Abstract: This paper aims to present and discuss a methodology for building an integrated model for information and
knowledge management, based on the identification of strategic information assets (IA). It begins with the
collection of best practices and benchmarks and the analysis of internal documentation, including the
organization mission and vision statements, to then identify strategic information assets that give business
support. During field visits and structured interviews for collecting information, information assets are
analyzed and partial formal models are then produced. Those models are gradually consolidated into an
integrated model. The adopted modelling techniques include: definition of business requirements;
development of business use cases and an information model; the representation of information flows; and
the identification of knowledge, skills and professionals. The ontology model is used to clarify concepts
definitions in this domain. The methodology includes current situation analysis (as is), identification of gaps
and the proposal of improvements, which are all reflected in the desired situation models (to be). Project
innovation lies, mainly, in the use of IAs and the combination of complex elements to build a unique model
that integrates information management and knowledge management components in the same framework.
This paper aims to discuss a methodology for
building an integrated model of information
management (IM) and knowledge management
(KM), based on the identification of strategic
information assets and present its main components.
The model is being developed under the
technical cooperation project between the regulatory
authority for Brazilian overland transport sectors
(ANTT) and Fluminense Federal University (UFF),
through its Laboratory of Information and
Communication Technology Management
(GTECCOM). This ongoing project, initiated on
December 2010 and is scheduled to end on April
2014, and aims to identify relevant business
information assets and propose an integrated model
for IM and KM, which is able to provide elements
for manage strategic information and organizational
knowledge in a more efficient and effective way.
The content of the paper is organized as follows:
first, in Section 2 we present a review on
information assets (IA), information management
(IM) and knowledge management (KM),
considering that information and knowledge
concepts are complementary and mutually
supportive and that, therefore, an organization
strongly dependent on information, such as the
regulatory agencies, benefit from an integrated
model based on the identification of information
assets to consolidate IM and KM in an enterprise
architecture. Later, in Section 3 we discuss more
specifically the model characteristics, including the
main concepts that support its construction,
including contributions from different areas. In this
same Section the proposed methodology for the
Bastos C., Martins Bruno A., Salles Garcia A., Silveira de Rezende L., Antonio Farah Caldas M., dÁlmeida Sanchez M. and José Mecena da Silva Filho
Managing Information and Knowledge - A Proposal Methodology for Building an Integrated Model based on Information Assets Identification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004627305200525
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2013), pages 520-525
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
construction of the final integrated model is
discussed, based on information assets. Next, in
Section 4 we present a brief description of project
status and its main expected benefits. Finally, our
conclusions are presented in Section 5, including
future research possibilities.
The information is vital for organizations and it is
one of the most valuable organizational assets and
raw material to provide and create new services. The
information is used to support daily work, helping
organizations to perform their duties and provide
their services properly (Caralli, Allen, Curtis, White
and Young, 2010). Being an important strategic
asset as important as people, capital and technology,
information, as other corporate assets, should be
managed so that it can be used and be available
when needed. (The National Archives, 2011;
Government of Alberta, 2003).
Increasingly, organizations around the world are
recognizing the value of their information assets
(IA). IA are defined as an identifiable collection of
data, stored in any manner, and recognized as having
value or potential value for the purpose of an
organization, enabling it to perform its business
functions, thereby satisfying a recognised
requirement (Higgins, Hebblethwaite and Chapman,
2006). IA, therefore, cover the resources that are or
should be managed in order to be easily accessible
as they represent potential future economic benefits.
(Information Access Development, 2012; Caralli et
al, 2010; Oppenheim, Stenson and Wilson, 2003;
Davenport and Prusak, 1998).
IA are not always easy to identify, it can be
complex and interrelated. To build the information
culture, it is needed to ensure that the organization
know and recognise its IA. (Higson and Waltho,
IM involves the planning and controlling of all
IA needed to meet corporate goals and to deliver
adequate services to society. It refers to the
application of consistent practices related to
planning, creation, capture or collection,
organization, use, accessibility, dissemination,
storage, protection and disposition of information.
The focus is on the management of how we work
with information content and how we optimize the
value of IAs (Government of Alberta, 2003).
Knowledge is also viewed as a capital asset of
economic value, a new strategic resource in
productivity enhancement (Van Berten and Ermine,
2006). KM is a systematic and explicit capture of the
individual or collective experience of an
organization to make it accessible to which this
experience is useful. Good ideas, regardless of
where they have been generated or located, can be
captured and transferred adequately to those who
have similar problems. KM involves maximizing the
value of information and converts it into knowledge,
leading to more robust decisions. KM allows
knowledge to be located, formalized, shared,
enriched and developed to stimulate innovation and
creation through a better productivity of knowledge
(Ermine, Boughzala and Tounkara, 2006). Good
information management needs to be partnered with
good knowledge management. If it isn´t, the value of
information as an asset is undermined, and efficient
service delivery is compromised (HM Government,
2008). KM involves a set of approaches to enable
information and knowledge to grow, flow and create
value in an organization. (Rao, 2005).
The establishment of an effective IM system,
therefore, is essential to perform KM. Li and Song
(2009) declare that knowledge and information have
mutually reinforced each other, which makes them
inseparable elements. The information-oriented IM
and KM based on knowledge sharing & use have a
close relationship. IM provides the basis of software
and hardware for KM. IM and KM are
complementary fields of study, as are, information
and knowledge, and therefore can support each other
and act as enablers of one another. For many
authors, KM involves the effective use of
information and IM is the key to support the creation
of knowledge and its application on organizations,
so that they act more intelligently. Good KM
associated with good IM is a priority for
organizations. And good IM is the foundation for the
implementation of good KM (Li and Song, 2009;
HM Government, 2008). Schiuma, Carlucci and
Sole (2012) discuss that information and knowledge
assets and their management represent essential
drivers for organizational value creation.
To build an IM and KM model, it is important to
start with a research in order to have a good
overview about the organization involved. Thus, a
broad representation of the organization is built from
information obtained in interviews with top
management, and also information taken from
readings of specific documentation related to the
performance of organization, as relevant legislation,
internal regiment, standards, as well as the
organizational mission and vision statements. The
purpose of this specification is to understand and
document the organization's objectives, interfaces
with the external environment, identifying its
subsystems and their main services involved. At this
stage of preparation, a management and references
model is also prepared. It is a unique reference
model, originated from the integration and
compatibility of other references, including classical,
specific and internal ones, which legitimize
organization´s duties consistent with its culture,
values and beliefs (Cardoso, Spiegel, Caulliraux and
Proença, 2008). This management model enables the
organization to identify other possible practices to be
adopted and also other IA that can be incorporated
into IM and KM model.
Based on the identification of IAs, surveys are
implemented in order to build models, making use of
an iterative approach. Each iteration has a set of
well-defined objectives and produces a partial model
of the final one, using as input the partial model of
the previous iteration to evolve and refine till get
integrated model for the entire organization.
Whenever possible, formal models are built, using a
specific tool for modelling (enterprise architecture)
that supports the integration of the models and its
future implementation. IM and KM model adopts
enterprise architecture concept in order to transform
business vision and strategies into effective changes.
Based on the current situation understanding we plan
what we desire for the future and establish the
necessary actions for change.
The IAs identified in the current situation (as is)
are the basis for the following surveys and
preparation of models, being one of the integrative
elements of IM and KM model. All IAs identified
are analyzed from a systemic view and a proposal
for structuring / restructuring them, necessary to
fulfil the business requirements can be incorporated
into the modelling of the desired situation (to be).
All proposals are discussed with representatives of
organization strategic areas.
IM and KM models represent a synthesis of the
results of various research fields: managing, R&D,
production engineering, systems and software
engineering, transportation engineering and
ontology. So, model integrates different knowledge
areas, which are traditionally presented separately in
the literature. To build IM model, the following
formal specific models are produced:
A model of business requirements that
describes the services provided by the
organization and the logical model of
information (structural view information)
necessary for the performance of these
services. The use cases model defines business
requirements into an appropriate standard to
be met by the development of information
systems. And the information model
establishes the business objects (information)
to be managed by the relevant information
systems and specifies the need to share these
objects between systems (Benevides, 2010;
Larman, 2005; Kroll and Kruchten, 2003).
A Map of Information Flow establishing, at a
high level, how the information is handled,
considering life cycle of information: we
analyze, for each information asset, the seven
stages taken by information: collection,
validation, processing, storage and retrieval,
distribution and spreading (Zack, 1999) and
gaps to be fulfilled are identified.
Ontology Models are also used to structure the
Agency information for remove ambiguities,
inconsistencies and incompleteness; allow the
computer systems creation for decision
support using a semantic information basis
and define a glossary of terms specifying the
meaning and the relationship between them
(Guizzardi, 2005).
For IM model be successfully practiced it is
necessary to develop a set of information
management policies that include priorities policy of
meeting the demands, aligned with the organization's
strategic planning; development systems process;
and processes which ensure adherence to IM
models; security policy and information access and
identity management, respecting the access
requirements set out in requirements models and
information flow; systems integration policies
(including external systems); policies that ensure the
integration between IM and IT Management
We emphasize the close relationship between IM
and IT Management. To enable the correct storage
and use of information is fundamental to get IT
support, a set of business support systems developed
and / or managed by IT that respects the component
models for IM. Moreover, it is necessary to establish
the dependencies of these various components.
There is a strong dependency between KM
Models and information flow map. For building KM
model, formal models are produced:
A knowledge model based on mapping skills,
knowledge and professionals, related to IAs
processing. Knowledge models identify the
forms of knowledge construction and
mobilization skills by professionals, relevant
to business processes and information flow.
KM Model map and represent knowledge /
skills / professionals (Bastos et al., 2011;
Rezende et al., 2012), analyze knowledge
flow, the steps of collecting and mobilizing
knowledge to generate innovation (Sabbag,
2007) and the processes of knowledge
conversion (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1997),
supporting the construction of an architecture
and propose tools and practices that may
support KM in the organization.
The workflow construction of the current
situation, detailing the procedures used by
employees to conduct activities in the
processing of IAs, enables a better
understanding of the functioning of the
organization. We can identify gaps in
knowledge flow, associated to the steps of
capturing, mobilization and innovation, and
the processes of knowledge conversion
(Bastos et al., 2011; Rezende et al., 2012).
A Knowledge Tree that allows visualize in a
hierarchical way all knowledge identified,
showing all expertise that can be shared (Lévy
and Authier, 1995).
KM, as IM, also needs to be aligned to the
strategic planning and governance policies of the
organization so that the deployed goals of the
strategic map can guide the process of converting
tacit knowledge into explicit and vice versa and the
continuous knowledge flow to achieve organization
mission. Based on the strategic plan and its
components, the organization defines its KM vision
and establishes the policies needed to achieve KM
goals. Policies will be unfold in guidelines that may
include five dimensions: a) organizational
intelligence b) intellectual capital management c)
change management, skills and talents; d) corporate
education, e) organizational learning. These can be
implemented in waves and gradually, facilitating
cultural change and new procedures adoption,
mainly those related to work and cooperative
learning, use of critical analysis in conducting the
activities, adoption of a creative attitude and
Organizations that embark on KM
implementation must have a good understanding of
the context and the existing organizational culture,
to develop implementation strategies appropriate to
consider the specific needs of the organization
(Damodaran and Olphert, 2000). In the case of
public companies, knowledge of contextual factors
and, specially, the needs of the citizen and society
are critical success factors. Heisig (2009 as cited in
Batista, 2012) points as KM critical success factors:
human (culture, people, leadership), organizational
(process and structure), and technology
(infrastructure and applications) and management
processes (strategies, objectives and measurement).
Two models act as integrating elements of IM and
KM models: first, the ontology model, that defines
formally the manipulated information and semantic
processes, domains and functions, ensuring the
reliability of information and facilitating the
integration of knowledge. The modelling of each
domain is relevant because it formalizes the
information and treats them semantically to ensure
consistency, correctness and completeness. This
modelling enables the effective exchange of
information for different users, can be individuals,
workgroups or computer systems.
The second integrator element is the
improvement model. An evaluation of the current
situation status (as is) with the projection for the
desired situation (to be) in which the stages of
information life cycle, knowledge flow and
knowledge conversion processes are complete for all
IAs, leads to the proposition of improvements
recommendations, which are reflected in the desired
situation models (to be). The improvements model
contains recommendations that can be prioritized
and further implemented project by project,
especially those dealing with: a) the revision,
completeness, uniformity and restructuring of IAs;
b) the deployment of tools and techniques relating to
the information life cycle, knowledge flow and
knowledge conversion processes; c) development of
applications, tools and systems for IM and KM d)
training activities and organizational learning.
Studies have shown that KM systems cannot be
implemented unless they represent the potential to
be learned and understood by those involved. The
main barriers to KM include the lack of learning
opportunities. (Damodaran & Olphert, 2000).
According to Garvin (1993), learning organizations
are those that have five key skills: a) to solve
problems systematically, b) to experience, adopting
new approaches c) to learn from their own
experiences and history; d) to learn from the
experiences and best practices of others, and e) to
transfer knowledge quickly and efficiently
throughout the organization. Thus, methodology is
completed with the formulation and implementation
of training plans. Performance indicators are
established to monitor progress, feeding back the
model permanently.
The main distinguishing feature of the model is
to use a specific methodology that brings together
several theories, methods and tools in the areas of
IM and KM. The combination of complex elements
in an integrated model is the innovative element
resulting from this work is process.
The ongoing project started in December 2010 and
is its closure scheduled in April 2014. Eleven
Organizational Units will be modelled, which
comprise the main tasks of Agency regarding its
bylaw. Till now, the study was completed in six
Units, resulting in the delivery of partial models,
which are being gradually consolidated. The
Enterprise Architect (EA) has been used as a
modelling tool and model integration and as a way
of representing and understanding the current
situation and what is desired for the future.
At the end of the project, the following benefits
are expected: understanding of strategic IAs that
support business, its flows, structure and related
knowledge; identification of knowledge existed in
the agency and where they are located, in order to be
managed and integrated; adoption of conversion
processes and knowledge creation, leading to
exploitation of new knowledge; more efficient
communication forms; development of new learning
practices; creation of communities of practice for
structuring the experiences of individuals and teams,
contributing for construct an environment for the
emergence of new ideas and solutions, making
knowledge accessible and focused; availability of
tools for decision making support and intelligence in
regulation and oversight on transport, with inputs for
effective governance, leading to critical analysis of
the available information and the regulatory process
more efficient, information integrated system and
reliable information for decision making; definition
of a glossary of terms specifying the meaning and
relationship between them, allowed the retrieval of
unstructured information, based on semantic, basis
for the development of decision support systems;
contribution to the culture of treatment and
dissemination of information and knowledge, with
agility, transparency and reliability.
This paper discussed a methodology for building an
integrated model of information management (IM)
and knowledge management (KM).
Based on the concepts that support IM and KM,
it was aimed to discuss that: information and
knowledge are complementary and mutually
supportive; IM is the foundation for KM; IM and
KM models can be constructed based on strategic
IAs identification; and ontology models and
improvements model can be used as integrative
elements of IM and KM integrated model.
IM and KM integrated model characteristics
were presented, as well as the building methodology.
The project raises research questions, which can
be exploited to be answered: how to better integrate
the different models constructed; exploitation of
those areas that are essential to IM and KM and
must work together in order to enhance IM and KM
models; measurement of IAs value and importance;
IM and KM maturity models; and also development
of a management framework that can be used to
automate models and support decision making.
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