The Implementation of a ReALIS-based Method of Static Intensional
Márton Károly
and Gábor Alberti
”Science, Please!” Project Office, University of Pécs, 4 Vasvári Pál Street, Pécs, Hungary
Department of Linguistics, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Keywords: Extensional and Intensional Predicates, Static and Dynamic Interpretation, Modeling Human Interactions.
Abstract: This paper is grounded in the joint work within our project to implement a static (and, later, dynamic)
interpretation of sentences, using the theory of eALIS. It outlines definitions and implementations of
truth-evaluating extensional and intensional predicates, with an aim to present the Prolog-based core (i.e. the
future server-side) of the program. This program has been partially demonstrated in recent publications; it is
now mature enough to have a (presumably Java/JSP-based) graphical interface deployed to it. In this paper
we still use a bottom-up approach because the theoretical complexity of eALIS does not concur with a too
early finalization of the architecture. Most notably, the world model data in eALIS, equipped with the
semantic postulates, share a great many features with the program code itself. This causes problems when
planning the user interface. As for future work, the most important goals are, on the one hand, to implement
verbal semantics (while sticking to the bottom-up approach) and, on the other hand, to finalize the
architecture, the use-cases, the components and the deployment (switching to a top-down approach).
eALIS is a post-Montagovian theory which
concerns the formal interpretation of sentences
constituting coherent discourses (Asher and
Lascarides, 2003) and which uses an extension of
Kampian DRT (Kamp et al., 2011). As stated in
Alberti and Károly, 2010, eALIS provides a
theoretical background to represent the contents of
the human interpreters’ minds, including their BDI
(belief, desire and intention, see Vadász et al., 2013),
background knowledge and pragmatic relations –
beyond the actual contents and structure of the
discourse. eALIS also overcomes the problem of
representationalism (see Alberti and Károly, 2011)
by embedding the interpreters themselves into the
world model, along with their mental states.
It has become clear over the past few months that
a pure NL-based input should be replaced by an
extendable (and replaceable) language model, based
on a context-free grammar. Using this, it is possible
to build a eALIS-based model generator by which
the -labels of worldlets (definition: Alberti, 2011,
pp. 139–177, see also Alberti and Károly, 2012) are
assigned to linguistic elements.
This paper describes the problem of switching
between extensionality and intensionality (in
and W[i,t], see Alberti and Károly,
2010), and it also offers a partial solution to it:
predicates can be grouped by how they are related to
the outer world W
and to the internal W[i,t]
worldlets of the interpreters. Predicate types can be
regarded as semantic postulates which are, in fact,
defined in the oracle. Unlike any represented human
interpreter, the oracle has no BDI; but it still
contains semantic postulates and logical rules in
non-BDI worldlets, in order to define intensional
predicates). Code fragments of actual and possible
implementations of certain predicate types are
shown in Sections 2 and 3 where we use a greatly
simplified approach to NP-anchoring which is,
indeed, at least in theory, refined in Section 4.
The planned architecture of the eALIS
software is summarized in the last section, while
possible applications of eALIS in NLP-based
expert systems were shown in Alberti and Károly,
2010. Most importantly, eALIS-like theories and
software based on them could be used in the
jurisdiction: by investigators, judges, prosecutors
and barristers.
Károly M. and Alberti G..
The Implementation of a ReALIS-based Method of Static Intensional Interpretation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004627503930398
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 393-398
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In its current stage of development, the linguistic
generation is CFG-based so that we can overcome
the difficulties of linguistic acceptance. The Prolog
facts and data structures look much like the ones
sketched in Alberti and Károly, 2011. Linguistic
input is provided by applying the appropriate rules
of the CFG. Possible - (worldlet) labels are
assigned to certain modal lexemes and morphemes,
or, in the case demonstrated here, phrases like D
thinks (S):
Example 1: Linguistic generation (see CFG below) and
truth evaluation of the extensional predicate to be
married. The presence of the Prolog facts below (see code
fragments) is checked in the Prolog factual database.
S’ S | D think(s) S’ | according to D S’ |
S D am/are/is married | D am/are/is pretty | …
D I | you | Mary | Joe | Peter | the/a boy | …
(the rules are triggered by the interface)
EGO (entity no.1.) talks to YOU (entity no.3.),
NOW (20130515 as date), HERE (Budapest) are all set by
the user.
Sentence: Peter is married.
%root worldlet (label []) of EGO
%EGO knows a certain Peter
%referent 102 is out-anchored to
%entity 2 by gesture
%external/4: ID,two type args,
%parameter list depending on type
%ref. 302 in the root worldlet of YOU
%YOU also knows ’Peter’ whose referent
%is anchored to the same entity
%’married’ is an extensional predicate
%it has an external equivalent to
%which it is alpha-(out-)anchored:
%extensional predicates are anchored
%to core relations (crel)
20140515],[2,ent]]). %arg=[2,ent]
%parameter list of infons: core
%relation,[time interval], 1 or more
%entities as arguments]
%inf=infon (SSIS only, see Seligman–Moss, 1997):
%YES, Peter is married. Without the
%last external fact (cf. if the last
%check failed), the answer would be NO
Examples 1 and 2 also demonstrate how
anchoring is checked before truth evaluation (see
Section 4). As noted above, the values of the
cursor function in eALIS (Alberti and Károly,
2011) i.e. speaker (I/EGO), addressee
(YOU/Hearer), time (NOW) and location (HERE) –
must be preset before the actual analysis. This is
necessary not only for the adequate handling of
pronouns and/or interpersonal knowledge, but also
to uniquely anchor the referents denoted by the topic
of the sentence (here: Peter) – since the name Peter
is not unique on its own. (The name Peter Smith is
considered unique.) This means that, in real life, the
hearer could ask the question: Which Peter? Taking
all this into account, semantic analysis has two
phases: the anchoring phase, in which pre-
suppositions are checked (if any of these checks fail,
the sentence is neither true nor false, e.g. The
reigning French king is bald), and the actual truth
evaluation. Anchoring always starts from the actual
-level of the discourse (here, it is the root worldlet).
Referents of other worldlets can also be used
(obeying the “up or left” rule of Kampian DRT), but
the truth values of the predicates must be checked
from the viewpoint of the outer world, stepping into
-worldlets if needed. In order to achieve this, it is
best to create a special interpreter – an oracle. If a
certain -worldlet does not exist, its creation is
simply done by asserting new
lambda predicates).
Example 2: Think is an intensional verb, it turns off the
extensional checking of Peter is married. In this case, only
the presence of an internal eventual referent is checked
(and not that of an infon).
Sentence: Joe thinks Peter is married.
%Joe is entity no. 4.
%root worldlet (label []) of EGO
%EGO knows a certain Joe
%root worldlet of YOU
%YOU also knows ’Joe’
%root worldlet (label []) of EGO
%EGO knows a certain Peter
%root worldlet of YOU
%YOU also knows ’Peter’
%Joe, too, has to know the same Peter
%root worldlet (label []) of Joe
%EGO knows a certain Peter
[999,ref,e,null]]). (…)
]]). %eventual referent
]). %lambda-equivalent of to think
%YES, Joe thinks Peter is married.
It is very important to note that in Example 1, the
eventuality of Peter is married is not necessarily
present in the mind of the speaker or the hearer, or at
least not with a positive polarity (
is not listed because it is not checked
at all). The description of lies, bluffs, fibbing or
killing the joke equally involve a change in the
polarities of the worldlets to negative, zero or even
‘non-zero’ (e.g. for yes/no questions, see Kilián,
2013 and Vadász et al., 2013). The hearer also has
“free choice” to believe or to not believe the
sentence: (s)he can move, or more precisely,
accommodate the eventual referent to any of his/her
internal worldlets of belief.
The speaker, too, can have the eventual referent
in his mind and he can refer to it: Peter is married
and this is what makes Mary sad. But the question of
having or not having the eventual referent in one’s
mind does not necessarily depend on the truth value
of Peter is married. In the Middle Ages, the fact that
many people bore in their minds the eventuality of
Susan is a witch often caused dire consequences…
The introduction of Joe thinks results in
beclouding the actual truth value of Peter is married.
Private intensional predicates like think, believe,
desire, want, lap up as well as most modal verbs do
not have external equivalents so no extensional
check is performed (apart from checking the
uniqueness of Peter and Joe in the given context).
Some possible types of predicates are listed in
Table 1: they are assigned to modal particles,
intensional verbs, adjectives etc. The semantic
postulates by which these types are defined in the
oracle and which roughly correspond to the “code
segment” of a truth-evaluating program (functioning
in a different way for each type, after checking the
predicates – in a similar way as in Examples 1 and
2) no longer belong the linguistic generator but to
the model generator. The CFG (the linguistic
generator) is used as input, and this invokes the
model generator to determine truth value (or to not
determine it in case of anchoring problems – e.g.
lack of uniqueness, anchoring mismatch, or falsity of
the presupposition).
In the near future, the fact database will be
extended to a real model generator in which the
former database will actually operate as a “data
segment”: internal users (administrators, linguists)
will be able to load the world model, including the
interpreters’ simulated brains with data – by using
the (web) interface.
Summarizing the above, the program is
constituted of two parts connected to each other:
Figure 1: The linguistic generator and the model generator
– corresponding to the linguistic form and the meaning of
Polysemy and synonymy are depicted by the
crossing arrows in Figure 1: if we exploit the
backtracking features of Prolog, it can result in
multiple solutions and/or the same solution for two
or more different inputs.
Linguistic elements are inserted into the CFG as
possibilities. Nouns, adjectives and verbs are
inserted one by one or in groups into the grammar
by internal users, applying
assert on the Prolog
server. (The CFG should be extended to an indexed
grammar which is more suitable for morphologically
rich languages like Hungarian or Turkish.)
The real problem is to determine the types of the
certain predicates (adjectives and verbs) and to
invoke the model generator to extend the world
model. Extensional predicates have external
equivalents in the (Montagovian, see Dowty et al.,
1980) outer world, which causes their semantic
postulate to establish at least one -anchoring into
the outer world (i.e. a referent is anchored to an
entity and not to another referent) and also to
include a definition of a core relation in it (see
definitions in Alberti and Károly, 2010, 2011 and
the full description in Alberti, 2011). Intensional
predicates, however, have no external equivalents.
Instead, their semantic postulates include creating
and/or checking certain - (modal) labels or more
complex intensional structures – such as checking
the mental states of more than one interpreter. One
such example is be pretty – see Table 1. The heads
of the checking predicates are mostly omitted
because they are taken out of context.
Table 1: Predicate types and their definitions / truth value
Predicate type, definitions/checks Examples
Extensional: e
: p
t r
core relation is defined in the outer world
with infons:
[[RID,crel], [TIME_BEGIN,
Ukrainian (as
to swim
p c. rel.
e infon
Private intensional: e
: p
t r
no core relation, one or more -relations in
the mind of a certain interpreter
only the presence of a certain eventuality
EID ( identifier of e’) is checked
argument referents are inferred from the
results of anchoring checks
to believe e’
to think e’
to desire e’
to search
(for r)
e: eventual
(described by
clause or
Quantified intensional: e
: p
t r
No external equivalents. Example: Mary is
retty. After a check for the uniqueness of
Mary (e.g. ‘Mary Johnson’; let it be
IENT), anchoring to IENT is checked for
every interpreter. Then we take the set
IIDLIST of those who anchor a referent
to the same IENT entity (know her).
If, for example, more than 2/3 of
IIDLIST think (s)he is pretty (and have
retty as a predicate name, this means they
know what pretty means), the predicate is
considered to be true.
neither e nor
p has an
Table 1: Predicate types and their definitions / truth value
evaluations (cont).
(those who think IENT is PRNAME)
(those who anchor some referent to IENT
– not necessarily with the same name)
Then, the length of PILIST is divided by
the length of IIDLIST.
The details of quantcheck are omitted.
Mixed intensional: e
: p
t r
Peter is bald: Same as quantified
intensional but with an external
representation of the predicate as
prototype. The eventuality may or may
not have an external equivalent (non-
prototypical case). Not only ‘Peter’ but the
predicate ‘bald’, too, must be unique and
common. The eventuality of ‘Peter is bald’
may or may not be alpha-anchored to an
infon. In the second case, both p and r
have to be anchored correctly to grant the
interpreter the “right to vote”.
p c. rel.
is e anchored
to an infon?
(with voting)
Intensional naming:
see anchoring of Peter and Joe in
Examples 1-2. Similar to pronouns.
cat/ord/agr/hum/gest etc.)
is checked, see also Section 4.
Smith’ etc.
Arguments written in lower-case letters like ref,
etc. are type and subtype names for referents,
entities, linguistic (
category, order etc.) and extra-
linguistic (
gesture) anchoring categories.
3.1 The “Already given” Extensional
The seemingly simplest predicate type consists of a
predicate referent which is located in the root
worldlet and is
-anchored to a strictly homogeneous core
relation in eALIS (this is called out-anchoring),
but where, unlike in many ontologies, the arity of
core relations and predicates is not limited.
All entities of the outer world are defined with
external predicates (cf. referent in the internal
world[let]s): entities, core relations, infons, and,
later, time intervals.
Core relations consist of infons of Seligman and
Moss (1997) but only simple infons are permitted.
They also contain discrete time intervals. Each
element of a core relation is described by one or
more infons, depending on time. The last, list
argument of an
external predicate describing an
infon always has two further elements in addition to
the arity of the core relation to which the infon
belongs. These predicates are “already given”
because their existence depends neither on the
language, nor on the interpreters (e.g. to be married
is strictly defined by the law).
3.2 Extensional Predicates in an
Intensional Domain
Let the interpreter be i. “Intensional domain” means
that referents are in any of the fictive worldlets of i,
so to say, not in the outer (real) world. Infons turn
into eventual referents when they are mentally
depicted in any of the fictive worldlets. In theory,
unlike infons, the structure of eventual referents (e)
can be arbitrarily complex because the arguments of
intensional and modal verbs/particles (see Table 1)
are often eventualities themselves (e’). But because
this also implies a -level switch from w to a new w’
worldlet, e’ only has to be explicated in w’: a
subordinate clause r
believes e’, more formally
: p
,e’) means that, apart from the
presence of e
in w, only the presence of the
eventual referent e’ (with the appropriate contents)
should be checked in i’s w’ worldlet of belief (
is present in its -label with positive polarity). Being
an argument of e, the internal structure of e’ is
omitted in w (see
null in referent 999, Example 2).
For non-positive polarities see Vadász et al., 2013,
e.g. the semantic postulate of the verb lie only
contains a simple polarity check.
3.3 Predicates with a Purely
Intensional Definition. Quantified
Similar to modal and intensional verbs and
adjectives, pretty has no external equivalent because
the actual meaning of ‘prettiness’ greatly depends on
who is said to be pretty by whom.
Indeed, the truth evaluation of pretty may be
done by simply saying “pretty are those who are said
to be pretty by most people”. This can be used as a
semantic postulate, making a predicate type on its
own. Even this type is already implemented with
relatively small simplifications.
Let us truth-evaluate Mary is pretty. The minds
of all interpreters in the universe of eALIS are
searched for the predicate name pretty. Then, the
entity which the referent named ‘Mary’ refers to (in
the speaker’s mind or in the common knowledge of
the speaker and the hearer, see Section 4) is taken
and all referents referring to it are collected, along
with the interpreters themselves. After that,
“thinking that Mary is pretty” – a belief, see Table 1
– is checked in all interpreters with such referents.
Then, the number of interpreters who think Mary
is pretty is divided by the number of interpreters
who actually know the same Mary as the one
(unique!) present in the common knowledge of the
speaker and the hearer.
3.4 Hidden or Mixed Intensionality
The difference between bald and pretty is that the
former actually has a prototype (when somebody
has no hair) – this counts as an external equivalent.
As such, a core relation (Z) should be defined to it
which may even be empty if we assume that
“prototypical baldness” is very rare. Z is just a
common ancestor of all predicate referents of ‘bald’
in any interpreter. Even those should know the
prototypical meaning of ‘bald’ who use it for people
who actually have some hair. Only these interpreters
should have the “right to vote” in the way described
in 3.3. Truth evaluation of Peter is bald is a
combination of 3.1 and 3.3: if someone is bald
according to Z, it is true. If not, interpreters who
know “prototypical baldness” and (a certain) Peter at
the same time, “vote” for or against the truth.
There are many more predicate types which are
yet to be implemented: the most complex verbs have
five phases (preparatory phase, starting point,
cumulative phase, cumulative point, result phase)
with five different semantic postulates. For example,
both the preparatory and the result phase of the VP
to fly home lasts at least some hours. In the
preparatory phase, everything is intensional: the
eventual referent is in the worldlet int
Moreover, i is most likely to be preparing for his/her
journey: buying the tickets, packing, and the like.
One assumes that, in the result phase, i is
probably at home. But this probability decreases
over time: the result phase is much like some kind of
“limitation period” – if we borrow this expression
from the legal terminology. But this belongs to the
dynamic interpretation of eALIS which is yet to
be implemented and researched. The preliminary
results are expected to be published very soon.
Let s be the speaker and h be the addressee. Before
any truth evaluation, the topical parts – mostly NPs
– of the sentence (such as Peter, the boy etc.) must
be anchored to existing entities. Here, only the
definite case is described. (For the indefinite –
specific or non-specific case, relevant sets have to be
extracted from the context, which is not yet possible
at the current stage of development.)
In most cases, uniqueness is needed to properly
interpret the sentence. (Nick)names, like those in
Examples 1 and 2 are the best examples to
demonstrate this. Therefore, let us again use the
sentence Peter is married to illustrate the case.
Let us take four sets of Peters: P
to P
. P
contains the entities known by s, the elements of P
are the ones known by h, P
and P
are assumed sets:
s believes that h knows the elements of P
and h
believes that s knows the elements of P
To be pragmatically correct, |P
| and |P
should be 1 and the two entities must be the same. If
this is not true, uniqueness is not guaranteed from
either the speaker’s or the hearer’s side.
Of course, in this case, uniqueness can be
inferred from a wider context: Peter has died. Both s
and h may know many Peters but it is only one
“common Peter” who actually died: both s and h
might have known which Peter that was. Although
Prolog is capable of performing even this task, it has
not been implemented yet (we are assuming strict
uniqueness), and also, it would slow down the
program considerably.
Prolog has two interfaces to Java: PrologBeans and
Jasper. Since the prototype is mature enough for the
Prolog core and the (future) interface to be separated
and since this will render it very important to
implement a multi-user interface (for internal and
external users), we are considering building a web
application from eALIS, skipping the phase of a
stand-alone graphical application. Moreover,
because Jasper is only suitable to create stand-alone
applications, PrologBeans will be used as an
intermediate layer between the Prolog server and
Java. Communication between PrologBeans and JSP
is also quite well documented, so it seems possible
to build two web-based interfaces for eALIS: one
for internal users (linguists and administrators) and
one for external ones. Only internal users would
have the right to add new linguistic elements and
new semantic postulates.
Even later, the Prolog core might be extended
with an SQL background to handle large databases.
Although we have experimented with this, the actual
implementation will greatly depend on the memory
limits of SICStus Prolog and the actual memory
consumption of the program.
We are grateful to SROP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-
0005 (Well-being in the Information Society) for
their financial contribution to eALIS.
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