channel two SAs are necessary (an incoming and an
outgoing one).
The IKEv2 exchange is designed to establish and
manage SA in four messages. In the two first one,
called IKE_SA_INIT, the communicating entities
negotiate cryptographic algorithms, exchange nonce
and make Diffie-Hellman exchange to obtain a
shared key. In the last two messages, called
IKE_AUTH, both entities authenticate the previous
messages and exchanges Identity. Finally, the SA
established by IKEv2 is essentially on based
In the same context, the Host Identity Protocol is
used to establish a pair of IPSec security
associations between two hosts through the HIP
Base Exchange (HBE). The HBE consists also of
four messages (I1,R1,I2,R2) based on a classic
Diffie-Hellman key exchange with an inclusion of a
puzzle by the responder node as a cryptographic
challenge in order to avoid a Dos attack from an
illegitimate node that wishes to saturate the
responder node with HIP initiation messages (Arraez
et al., 2011). Finally, the SA established by HIP is
based essentially on the host identity name space
introduced by this protocol.
Developing new security protocols is a difficult
task and sometimes too difficult task for human
mind. So, the idea is benefiting from existing
protocols to create new one. We focus to extend the
IKEv2 in order to enhance authentication, eliminate
man-in-the-middle and reply attacks and guarantee
Dos attacks in order to provide better security
between the two peers. Hence in this paper, we
describe a proposal that consists of combining the
IKEv2 with HIP to set up a security association
based on two parameters which are location and
Identity. This combination may provide better
security properties than each protocol used alone.
This proposal, named (HIP_IKEv2) couple location
and identity to define a security association between
two peers. We have used the Automated Validation
of Internet Security Protocols and Applications
(AVISPA) and its Security Protocol Animator
(SPAN), two powerful automated tools to formally
specify and validate the HIP_IKEv2 protocol. The
rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section II
summarizes the state of the art related to this work.
Section III describes integrating HIP with IKEv2. In
Section VI, a formal specification and validation of
the HIP_IKEv2 with AVISPA and SPAN are
discussed. Finally, Section VII contains the
conclusions and future works.
This section details related work focused on IKEv2
and its improvement. Having several advantages,
IKEv2 still suffers from some deficiency, such as
man-in-the-middle and Dos attack. Hence, the issue
to protect peers form Dos attack has received the
attention of researchers.
According to (Iso-Anttila et al., 2007) the
resistance to Dos attacks is actually weaker in
IKEv2 than in Just Fast Keying (JFK) or Full-
SIGMA protocol in different networks. Therefore,
the authors present a proposal to improve IKEv2
negotiation (Iso-Anttila et al., 2007), based on using
cookies negotiation in order to detect a Dos attack,
and present an improved cookies negotiation to
remedy the weakness present in IKEv2. So the
authors focus on preventing the traditional
vulnerable cookies negotiation and adding a new
challenge to the initiator without adding
computational load. The proposed cookie
negotiation delays the responder's calculation work
to the last second and computational load is kept as
low as possible.
Reference (Xiaowei et al., 2010) proposes an
improvement of IKEv2, which is based on the
shared secret and asymmetric distribution of
calculations. By analyzing the improved IKEv2 with
a cost-based framework, Iso-Anttila concludes that
the improvement is robust against Dos attack.
Furthermore, associated with cookie mechanism, the
improvement can prevent flooding attack from
spoofed IP addresses. And the improvement can also
achieve the identity authentication in advance, resist
man-in-the-middle attack and replay attack.
In (Zhou et al., 2010), a modified IKEv2 based
on IP fragmentation, in which the authors design and
implement an IKE application fragmentation
protocol and put forward a series of other measures
related to prevent lKEv2 from Dos attacks. Hence,
they design a new IKEv2 header format called M-
ISAKMP, and add a new type of Notification
Payload and other related strategies. With the novel
application-based fragmentation mechanism, the
proposed solution achieves defending against Dos
attack successfully and efficiently.
This section describes a proposal that is based on
making modification to the IKEv2 initial exchange