based on the Michaelis-Menten approach (Michaelis
and Menten, 1913). As stated above about generic
molecules, indeed in a single cell the substrate
and enzyme concentration can be low, being thus
necessary to study these cases within a stochastic
framework. Examples of biochemical reactions with
low number of substrates and involved enzymes
present at low concentrations are the phosphoryla-
tion/dephosphorylation cycle of AMPA-Receptors
(AMPARs) in a single synaptic spine and have been
treated in (Castellani et al., 2001; Whitlock et al.,
2006). In (Castellani et al., 2001) it has been pro-
posed a synaptic receptors model (AMPAR model)
which, at a molecular-microscopic level, is a candi-
date for memory storage and switching behavior, and
a kinetic scheme of the enzymatic reactions describ-
ing the AMPAR double phosphorylation channel has
been given. It has been stressed that the AMPAR
modification, a 2-step phospho/dephosphorylation
cycle, guaranties the synaptic plasticity and exhibits
bistability for a wide range of parameters, consistent
with values derived from biological literature.
In this paper we investigate the Chemical
Master Equation (CME) approach applied to
model in a stochastic framework the phosphoryla-
tion/dephosphorylation cycle. Indeed, the CMEs
provides an appropriate description of complex cellu-
lar processes, (Van Kampen, 2007; Gillespie, 1977).
It is a powerful method even with significant sim-
plifications, such as spatial homogeneity of volumes
where the chemical reactions under investigation are
taking place. The CME is a promising approach for
Systems Biology modelling for a variety of reasons,
such as its capability of coping with fluctuations and
chemical fluxes and of well fitting experimental data
in the today widespread single cell experiments, and
its capability to capture and explain the deviation
from Gaussianity observed in various gene expression
experiments (such as stress or metabolic response,
growth of the nuclear protein amount observed in
senescent cells, and so on). It results more infor-
mative of the real behavior of the system than the
deterministic approach, since the results obtained in
a deterministic framework cannot describe diffusion
effects due to fluctuations and chemical currents
capable to drive switching from one equilibrium to
the other. Such mechanism has a relevant role also
in neuronal plasticity phenomena, (Castellani et al.,
2009). In (Bazzani et al., 2012) the stationary dis-
tribution provided by the two-dimensional chemical
master equation for a well-known model of a two
step phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cycle has
been studied, by using the quasi-steady state approx-
imation of enzymatic kinetics. Authors pointed out
the possibility for the molecule distribution shape to
be controlled (in particular changed from a unimodal
distribution to a bimodal distribution) by chemical
fluxes occurring in the biochemical system under
investigation. This phenomenon corresponds to the
typical mechanism that is adopted by such system
to obtain a plastic behavior, for example when any
kind of exogenous chemical messenger is present, by
changing the properties of the biochemical reaction
occurring inside the cell.
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we
review some structural properties of the Master Equa-
tion and address the efficient computation of its equi-
librium solution. In Section 3, we illustrate the case
study of multiple phosphorylation for an arbitrary
number of sites. In Section 4 we propose some sim-
ulation results concerning the case of a triple phos-
phorylation framework. Section 5 offers concluding
Consider M (bio)chemical species Y
in q chemical reactions (Ullah and Wolkenhauer,
2011) described by the stoichiometric coefficients β
for any species j = 1,...,M and for any reaction i =
1,...,q. The Chemical Master Equation (CME) de-
scribes the time evolution of the probability of being
in one of the N ≤ +∞ possible configurations (states)
at any time (Van Kampen, 2007). More generally, the
CME is the dynamic equation of a continuous-time
discrete-state stochastic Markov process. If N is fi-
nite, the equations for the joint probabilities can be
collected in the form of an autonomous positive lin-
ear system (Farina and Rinaldi, 2000):
P = GP , P ∈ R
, (1)
where G is called infinitesimal generator of the
Markov process.
We define as n(t) = (n
(t),... , n
(t)) the state of
the system at time t, with i-th component n
(t) ∈ N
denoting the number of copies of species Y
at time
t. The generic element G
of G is the propensity
of reaching the state v
= (n
+ α
) from the state v
= (n
Depending on whether or not the system of re-
actions is closed (the total mass is conserved) and
according to the number of distinct elements form-
ing the M species, the values of some components of
the vector state n(t) can be inferred from the others,
which makes the state representation redundant. We