Automatic Generation of UIs for Disabled Users using Context-aware
Techniques and Reasoning
Lamia Zouhaier, Yousra Hlaoui Ben Daly and Leila Jemni Ben Ayed
Laboratory LaTICE, Higher School of Sciences and Technologies of Tunis, University of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia
Keywords: User Interface, Adaptation, Context-awareness, Model-based, Context Modelling, Ontology, Impaired User,
Task Model.
Abstract: Today, users need to interact with the UIs of the computer systems at any time and in any place. In fact,
users have to deal with diverse devices supporting diverse interfaces and used in diverse environments.
Thus, research must to be devoted to adapting the content, presentation and also the navigation scheme of
the user interface not only for people without disabilities but also to impaired users according to updated
context of use. In fact, context is captured from the surrounding environment in which the user is interacting
with the application, gathered from a variety of sources and changed dynamically over time. For that reason,
we propose to include context awareness system as a solution for adaptation of user interface tailored to user
with special needs. In this paper, we try to introduce our contribution in how to build a user interface which
is aware and capable to adapt depending of context. Our contribution is demonstrated through the behaviour
of task model.
Due to the diversity in human society and the
increasing numbers of user’s profile (handicapped
users, normal users, young/elderly people, etc), the
interface of computational systems faces to be used
by different users at same time but also in different
environments. UI must to be flexible and
autonomous in order to match the big numbers of
users’ needs (Lopez, 2003).
With the diversity of computing devices (mobile
phones, PDAs, PC, interactive kiosks, etc.)
increasingly present to support the daily activities of
any individual, engineering of interactive systems is
facing the challenge of not only produce quality
systems but also systems which can be customized
or adapted to any type of device with respect to the
personal characteristics of user specially whose are
with special needs.
These problems have motivated, recently,
researches to define features for interface‘s
adaptation according to the context change. The
application must to be able to both detect the current
state of context and the new context in the ambient
environment and to determine what actions to take
based on this contextual information.
In pervasive computing environments, context
consists of any information that can be captured
from the surrounding environment in which the user
is interacting with the application, gathered from a
variety of sources. Context-aware systems offer
entirely new opportunities for application developers
the possibility to gather context data and adapting
systems behavior accordingly (Baldauf, 2007).
Adaptation of user interface in mobile contexts is a
topic that has recently stimulated various research
contributions (Manco, 2013).
Existing work in the area of context awareness
focused on all aspects of capture, interpretation,
modeling, storage and dissemination of context but
there are no generic and global solutions that include
all steps of adaptation from context acquisition to
generated final interface. Context aware application
is a new computing paradigm. It gives the possibility
to explore the dynamic context of use and to take
advantage of contextual information in order to
adapt to user needs. Many context-aware
applications are built to demonstrate the utility of
this new technology. The majority of existing
frameworks of context sensitive use a layered
architecture supporting the important aspects of
sensor capture, context extraction and reasoning.
Building context-aware applications is one of the
Zouhaier L., Hlaoui Ben Daly Y. and Jemni Ben Ayed L..
Automatic Generation of UIs for Disabled Users using Context-aware Techniques and Reasoning.
DOI: 10.5220/0004635504130418
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 413-418
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
solutions adopted but also still a complicated task
due to the lack of an adequate and generic
infrastructure that support in pervasive computing
environments (Lopez, 2003).
The goal of this paper is to introduce an
approach for the adaptation of UI to the context
(user preferences, environment, terminal, etc). The
populations that we target are people with
We try to give a plan of our contribution
in how to build a UI which is aware and capable to
adapt depending of context.
In section two, we list the related work in user
interface adaptation. In section three, we introduce
our approach. In section four, we discuss our context
acquisition and management strategy. In section
five, we show how the adaptation affects the
behaviour of task model illustrating by Petri-nets
diagram when the context varies.
This section is dedicated to existing works in
accessible user interface adaptation. Little work has
focused on identifying generic solutions able to
adapt any user interface of applications to various
combinations of context of use including disable
people using context awareness mechanism.
In the early period, accessibility problems were
primarily considered to concern only the field of
Assistive Technology (AT), and consequently,
accessibility entailed meeting prescribed
requirements for the use of a product by people with
disabilities (Stephandis and Savidis, 20001).
For some developments, it is necessary to apply
also more specific guidelines such as a set of
guidelines for specific application type (e-learning,
tele-working), access device (mobile devices) or
user type (elderly, children, blind, deaf) (Leonidis,
2011). Web developers and designers can leverage
standards such as WCAG (Henry, 2012) to ensure
the overall accessibility of a given Web application.
This type of guidelines devises a set of conformance
levels based on how loose or strict is a Web page’s
support on accessibility issues, independently from
any particular disability (Calvary, 2002).
There are a wide variety of applications to which
personalization can be applied and a wide variety of
devices available on which to deliver the
personalized information. Most personalization
systems are based on some type of user profile, a
data instance of a user model that is applied to
adaptive interactive systems.
Leonidis et al.
(Leonidis, 2011) propose a toolkit for rapid
prototyping in order to ease the design of adaptive
widget-based interfaces.
Adaptive and adaptable interactions techniques
are increasingly emerged in recent research. There
are no generic solutions oriented towards
accessibility of user interface, but different
terminologies are employed as Universal Access
(Stephanidis, 1998), User Interfaces for All
(Akoumianakis, 1999), Design For All (Lopez,
2003) Unified User Interfaces (Minon, 2011)
because of the range of the population which may
gradually be confronted with accessibility problems
extends beyond the population of disabled and
elderly users to include all people (Stephandis &
Savidis, 2001). Universal Access refers to the global
requirement of coping with diversity in: (i) the
characteristics of the target user population
(including people with disabilities); (ii) the scope
and nature of tasks; and (iii) the different contexts of
use and the effects of their proliferation into
business and social endeavors (Stephandis and
Savidis, 20001).
Universal accessibility system should be
accessible for all users, although the design is
focused on people with special needs. But none of
these projects resulted in any concrete solutions for
users with special needs. The scope of User
Interfaces for All, as a perspective on HCI, is
necessarily broad and complex, involving
challenges, which pertain to issues such as context
oriented design, diverse user requirements and
adaptable and adaptive interactive behaviors. This
diversity of needs is generally ignored at the present
time. Occasionally, it is addressed in one of several
ways: manual redesign of the interface, limited
customization support, or by supplying an external
assistive technology.
AVANTI (Stephanidis, 1998) is the first project
to employ adaptive techniques in order to ensure
accessibility and high quality of interaction for all
potential users. It put forward a conceptual
framework for the construction of systems that
support adaptability and adaptivity at both the
content and the user interface levels (Stephandis &
Savidis, 20001). The distinctive characteristic of the
AVANTI browser is its ability to dynamically tailor
itself to the abilities, skills, requirements, and
preferences of the end-users, to the different
contexts of use, and to the changing characteristics
of users as they interact with the system.
EGOKI (Abascal, 2011) is a system that
generates accessible mobile user interfaces adapted
for people with disabilities in order to grant them
access to ubiquitous services. These interfaces are
intended to provide access to ubiquitous services in
intelligent environments. EGOKI dynamically
creates an instance of the interface running on the
user device. To adapt the interface to the user
characteristics, it is necessary to take into account
what the most suitable communication modalities
are for each user, mapping them to the appropriate
Plasticity (Calvary, 2001) is a recent and
emerged technique of adaptation which is the
capacity of an interactive system to withstand to
context variations while preserving usability. In
order to support the end-user preferences,
adaptations rules can be changed according to user’s
order (Thevenin, 2001); (Calvary, 2002). It results
from a SituationReaction process where the
situation denotes a context change that needs a
reaction, and reaction denotes the procedures that
the system and/or the user executes to preserve
In literature, few works deal with adaptation of
the content, presentation or the navigation scheme of
the user interface to users with special needs
(Minon, 2011). Ubiquitous services are usually
provided by means of generic interfaces that may
contain barriers for people with disabilities (Gajos,
2011). To overcome this problem, the use of
adaptable or adaptive user interfaces is
recommended (Ay, 2007).
Based on context awareness systems architecture, it
is easy to deal with context from capture to
management steps. That is why, we propose to use
some of existing infrastructures that support context-
awareness to adapt user interface accordingly to
disabled people profile, preferences and surrounding
Our contribution is to propose a novel approach
of user interface adaptation targeted to impaired
people. This approach must to be aware of user
context, plateform context and environment context.
Consequently, we need to follow these objectives:
- Provide a generic and scalable architecture for
adapting applications to new context of use.
- Provide an overall adaptation strategy (features,
data and presentation) of an application to new
contexts of use.
- Ensure scalability of available adaptive
mechanisms that we can apply to an application.
To ensure these described objectives, we propose to
include recent techniques employed by context-
aware systems for context acquisition and
management for, afterwards, enabling the
application of adaptation rules in order to generate
the final interface using model-based technique
following the approach Model Driven Architecture
MDA. Three principal steps that characterize our
approach and scheduled as depicted in figure 1:
- First: Context acquisition and Management
- Second: Application of adaptation rules
- Finally: Generation of final interface based on
model based development using the paradigm
Model Driven Architecture (MDA).
Figure 1: A global overview of our strategy.
Figure 2: Class diagram of our context model.
Architectures presented in existing work to ensure
sensitivity context (context-aware architectures)
accord considerable importance to the management
of context without showing how to modify the
behavior of the application to fit the context.
Context modeling includes a variety of context
information types, their relationships, different
situations (e.g. abstractions of context information
facts, etc), histories of context information, and
uncertainty of context information (Bettini, 2010).
The different entities must have a common
structure for representing information. Each context
expression must contain at least Context type and
Context value:
- Context type: Each context must belong to a
category (Sound, time, temperature, etc.). These
types will be used in a context subscription or
query. Context type concepts form a tree
- Context value refers to the semantic or absolute
“value” of context type and is usually used
together with context type, forming a verbal
description. In some cases, context value might
contain an absolute numerical value or feature
describing context.
- Attributes specify the context expression and
might contain any additional details not included
in the other properties e.g Timestamp describing
the date/time when context was sensed, Source
containing how information was gathered, etc.
Existing approaches of context modeling differ in
the ease with which real world concepts can be
captured by software engineers, in the expressive
power of the context information model (see figure
2), in the support they can provide for reasoning
about context information, and in the computational
performance of the reasoning (Bettini, 2010).
Context management layer as depicted in figure 3 is
highly dependent on the two principal’s layers:
Context Provider (CP) and Context Interpreter (CI).
a. Context Provider: is responsible of collecting
context from sources and managing it.
b. Context Interpreter which translate the low level
context into high level representation.
The context Manager is the middleware between the
application and the context management layer. It
carries only pertinent data to application.
Context repository maintain only context which
is non-volatile, its value survive different execution
sessions as user profile, but dynamic context (time,
location, temperature, noise, etc) that rapidly
changes will be maintained in internal data
Figure 3: Context acquisition and management.
In the remainder of this paper, we demonstrate
the impact of context on the task model task.
We demonstrate our approach based on task model
behavior at the arrival of context event.
In (Nathalie, 2002), authors provide a formal
notation of task model in order to support the
variation of conditions depending on multiple
contexts of use. We will use the same formulation.
If we consider that a context is a triplet of three
components user model, platform model and
environment model, we can represent each
component as a set of variables.
Let‘s U, a user Model described by a set of finite
parameters, {u
, u
,..., u
}, u
represents a specific
profile of a given user. A concrete User context is
represented by identity, preference, activity,
location, disability, etc.
P= {p
, p
,..., p
} is a finite set of plateform, p
represents any property of the computing plateform
such as a screen resolution, screen size, processor
speed, location, operating system, network
bandwidth, etc.
E= {e
, e
,.., e
} is a finite set of environment
attribute, e
represents a specific configuration of
physical conditions (light or pressure), location,
social and organizational environment (stress level
or social interactions) in which a task is carried out.
So, a given Context C
is a triplet < u
i ,
i ,
>. A
context variation appears when at least one element
is modified. So, we consider C a matrix that contains
all the different contexts of use.
With the multiplicity of contexts, the highest level of
a user interface which is the task model must to
support the variation of conditions. It is needed in
order to create a boundary between two different set
of tasks; those dependent and those which do not
depend on context. According to (Nathalie, 2002),
we will consider in our work (see figure 1):
- Task model Independent of Context which is a
set of task that carried out in all different context
of use.
- Task model dependent of Context which is a set
of tasks that are valid in a subset of considered
context of use.
We have used a formal technique which is Petri Nets
(Elkoutbi, 2000). Petri nets are a basic model to
describe state changes in a system with transitions.
Based on this formalism, we consider that transitions
represent the tasks that will be carried out by the
user in interaction with the system, could be
dependent or independent of context, noted:
TASK= {Task
= {Task
Places are the set of context attributes C= {C
Based on (Calvary, 2002) triggers, we will use
the following statements (1) and (2) in order to
demonstrate the behaviour infection of Task Model:
If ContextEntering (C
) Then perform (Task
If ContextLeaving (C
) Then perform (Task
The Task Model (Limbourg, 2002) behaviour can be
infected due to the change of context. With the Petri
net, we want to show how the execution of some
task depends on the new context that recently has
entered. In this case, the transition from task
, task
and taski
are ordered using
temporal operators in Concur Task Tree (CTT)
(Limbourg, 2002)) is verified if and only if the two
and Task
are successful executed and the
condition “leaving context” is verified.
Figure 4: Petri Nets of Task Model behaviour when
context change.
This work will allow us to frame the issues for user
interface using context-awareness and open research
perspectives related to the adaptation of interfaces.
Using the history of the context to predict the task of
the user interface and adapt accordingly is a field to
explore. In fact, using this new paradigm of context-
sensitive, UI can be aware of any change in the
context of use. Thus, the user interface must to cover
a huge number of context configuration and
satisfying the user requirement in the adaptation
Ontology provide a uniform way for specifying
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for the sharing of contextual knowledge and
information reuse. The contextual knowledge is
interpreted and evaluated by use of ontology
reasoning (Rios, 2004). A reasonner can use
ontology to deduce conclusion about context in
order to make decision on content adaptation
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interprets the context based on the type of user
(visual handicapped, deaf user, etc.), his location and
on physical environment’s properties like the degree
of luminosity (Low, Medium, High) and the noise
(Quiet or Noisy).
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