Towards Model-driven, Simulation-assisted Control Application Engineering - A Doctoral Research Path

Timo Vepsäläinen



This paper, intended to the doctoral consortium of the Simultech 2013 conference, describes the problems, methodologies, objectives and status of doctoral research of the author. The research conforms to the constructive approach of design science within the application domain of industrial automation and control. The focus of the research is on model-driven, simulation-assisted engineering of automation and control applications with consideration of both basic control and safety-related control systems. The general research question to be answered is whether or not automation and control application development can benefit from model-driven engineering and the techniques enabled by it. The answer will be based on answers to smaller research questions related to industrial applicability of the general developed modelling approach, ability to simulate models at design-time and ability to include safety documentation in models.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Vepsäläinen T. (2013). Towards Model-driven, Simulation-assisted Control Application Engineering - A Doctoral Research Path . In Doctoral Consortium - Doctoral Consortium, (SIMULTECH 2013) ISBN Not Available, pages 12-19. DOI: 10.5220/0004637200120019

in Bibtex Style

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author={Timo Vepsäläinen},
title={Towards Model-driven, Simulation-assisted Control Application Engineering - A Doctoral Research Path},
booktitle={Doctoral Consortium - Doctoral Consortium, (SIMULTECH 2013)},
isbn={Not Available},

in EndNote Style

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TI - Towards Model-driven, Simulation-assisted Control Application Engineering - A Doctoral Research Path
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