comes to send sensors on the most relevant areas
collecting information on target phenomenon.
Strategies are defined by solving systems of partial
differential equations modeling the dynamics of the
phenomenon being studied. This resolution must be
fast enough given the movement speed of the target
(pollutants...), the time of acquisition of the sensors
and the speed of the robots mobile media sensors.
The determination of models of dynamic systems is
an essential step for the optimization of complex
processes. Such problems typically involve systems
of differential equations and are commonly used in
chemical processes, robotics, electrical engineering,
mechanical engineering, etc. However, the complex
process control frequently requires models more
accurate in which both the spatial dynamic and the
temporal dynamic must be taken into account. Such
systems are often called distributed parameters
systems (DPS) and they are described by PDE (often
non-linear and involving different phenomena).
They are common for example in air quality control
systems, management of groundwater resources,
calibration of models in meteorology, oceanography
or thermal engineering.
One of the fundamental questions in the study of
the DPS is the determination of unknown parameters
of the model from observed data of the real system.
In such an aim, it is usual to develop a mathematical
model and a numerical tool so that the predicted
theoretical responses are closest as possible of those
of the real system collected by appropriate sensors.
A major difficulty is that it is difficult to observe the
variables of interest of the process on the whole
space. The question then arises of the optimal
placement of sensors which allow a reconstruction
as relevant as possible to the state of the process. In
addition, most of the possible locations for the
sensors is rarely specified in the design. Finally,
observations are tainted with inaccuracy due to the
acquisition chain as well as the noisy environment.
All the above-mentioned points make this issue
particularly attractive. The location of sensors is not
necessarily dictated by physical considerations or by
intuition and, therefore, systematic approaches
should be developed to reduce the cost of
instrumentation and increase the efficiency of
Although the requirement for systematic
methods has been widely recognized, most of the
techniques available in the literature are based on a
comprehensive search from a set of pre-determined
points. This approach is possible when the number
of measurements is relatively low, but becomes
quickly inadequate to more complex situations.
Adopted optimization criteria are generally based on
the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) associated to
the unknown considered parameters. The idea is to
express the validity of the estimated parameters
considering the covariance matrix of the evaluations.
To identify optimal sensor placements, it is assumed
that an unbiased estimator is implemented. This
leads to a great simplification since Cramér-Rao
limit of the covariance matrix is the inverse of the
FIM, which can be calculated relatively easily,
although the exact covariance of a given estimator
matrix is difficult to obtain. Fedorov has directed
works based on this approach in the early 1970s.
This methodology has been considerably developed
to extend it to various application fields. An
comprehensive treatment of both theoretical and
numerical aspects of the resulting sensor placement
strategies is presented in (Ucinski, 2005).
To evaluate the parameters, the maximum
likelihood (ML) estimator can be used. Due to the
nonlinear nature inherent in this optimization,
specific numerical techniques should be used. In
addition, when the number of parameters to evaluate
is important, the evaluation problem is ill-posed in
the sense that measurement noise can cause
significant variations in the estimated parameters
and does not ensure the uniqueness. In this context,
known techniques have been developed such
regularization methods (Tikhonov-Phillips). While
ill posed character of this type of problem is
common in many industrial processes, systematic
design of experimental conditions ensuring an
optimal observation has received very little attention
so far. Generally, existing approaches adopt an ideal
perspective ignoring the ill-posed nature. Then, they
could provide reasonable designs in some situations.
However, they lead in general to non-optimal
experimental solutions that can in some cases prove
to be false qualitatively. This gap between theory
and practice for the optimum
placement of sensors is
the main motivation of this research project
Different works allowed to propose paths of
sensors (ensuring a continuous spatial scan for
example). In the latter case even if the complexity of
the resulting optimization problem is larger, it may
be interesting that sensors are able to track the points
that provide the most relevant information at any
given time. Therefore, by reconfiguring in real time
a sensor system (moving) we can expect to obtain an
optimality criterion better than that of the stationary