Recent Studies using an Overuse Animal Model Show that Signal
Substances are Highly Involved in Muscle Derangement and
Muscle Inflammation
Sture Forsgren
Department of Integrative Medical Biology, Section for Anatomy, Umeå University, SE-901 87, Umeå, Sweden
Keywords: Muscle Overuse, Muscle Inflammation, Exercise, Signal Substances, Tachykinins, TNF-alpha, Glutamate.
Abstract: Muscle overuse is a frequent condition accompanying sports-related activities. There is a lack of knowledge
concerning the importance of signal substances in situations when overuse leads to markedly affected
muscle structure and muscle inflammation. Recent observations on signal substance systems for the muscle
tissue in situations with muscle overuse, noted via the use of a rabbit model, are therefore here focused on.
The signal substance systems are the tachykinin system, the TNF-alpha system and the glutamate system.
The studies have shown that all three systems are involved in the myositis/muscle derangement processes
that occur. A central finding is the notion that signal substances in all three systems become locally
produced in the muscle tissue and that there is a marked presence of receptors for these in the
inflammatory/affected muscle tissue. The relevance of the findings in relation to what is known for the
systems and possibilities in treatment regimens are discussed. The findings suggest that signal substances,
more than what has been previously considered, should be taken into consideration as factors of relevance in
situations when overuse leads to structural derangement and muscle inflammation.
It is well-known that sports activities related to
muscle overuse can lead to symptoms and
disabilities for the muscles. It is thus frequently
noted that overuse of muscles can lead structural
abnormalities and inflammation as well as pain
(Schoenfeld, 2012). We have in studies using an
experimental model noted that pronounced overuse
leads to a marked muscle derangement and
inflammation (myositis) (Spang et al., 2012); (Song
et al., 2012); (Forsgren et al., 2012).
Although there overall is certain knowledge
concerning affected muscles in relation to overuse,
there are still many questions to be answered
concerning the pathophysiology and treatments of
muscle derangement and myositis induced by
overuse. These conditions, accompanied by chronic
pain, can lead to the ending of sports-related
activities and can even in the long run, due to
unwanted physical inactivity, be related to
development of metabolic disorders. Via the use of
the animal model commented on above we have
obtained new information on the features that occur
within the muscle tissue during muscle
derangement/myositis and which can be important
backgrounds for the further understandings of these
conditions for human beings.
Three signal substance systems were focused on;
the tachykinin system [focus on substance P (SP)],
the TNF-alpha system and the glutamate system.
The reason for choosing the tachykinin system was
that this system is involved in pain signaling, is
upregulated in the form of increased peripheral SP-
innervation in response to muscle inflammation
((Reinert et al.,1998) and the fact that SP is known
to be pro-inflammatory (De Swert et al., 2009). The
TNF-alpha system was chosen as TNF-alpha
production has been noted for infiltrated white blood
cells in muscle tissue of patients with inflammatory
myopathies (De Bleeker et al., 1999) and in the
inflammatory cells in crush-injured and transplanted
muscle autografts in mice (Peterson et al., 2006).
Based on the findings of TNF-alpha reactions in the
muscle tissue of patients with inflammatory
myopathies, it has been suggested that TNF-alpha
may have a role in the pathogenesis of the myositis
in these diseases (Efthimiou et al., 2006). The
glutamate system was chosen as glutamate is known
to be associated with pain symptoms and as
Forsgren S..
Recent Studies using an Overuse Animal Model Show that Signal Substances are Highly Involved in Muscle Derangement and Muscle Inflammation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004637500640070
In Proceedings of the International Congress on Sports Science Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS-2013), pages 64-70
ISBN: 978-989-8565-79-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
increased glutamate concentrations have been noted
for the trapezius muscle of persons with chronic
muscle pain (Flodgren et al., 2005). It is furthermore
well-known that glutamate in excess is toxic to
neurons, an excessive release of glutamate leading to
neuronal excitotoxicity and brain damage
(Matsumoto et al., 1993). Effects on oversensitive
glutamate receptors can lead to overexcitation. How
the situation is for the three signal substance systems
in response to marked muscle overuse has in
principle been unknown.
An animal model in rabbits leading to marked
overuse of the triceps surae muscle in one of the
extremities has been used. It is related to the use of
an apparatus (“kicking machine”) that leads to
passive repetitive flexions and extensions of the
right ankle joint. A pneumatic piston being attached
to the foot produces the movements. During the
plantar flexion phase, an active contraction is
furthermore induced by electrical stimulation via
surface electrodes positioned over the triceps surae
muscle. In order to obtain pronounced effects on the
tissue, the exercise regimen was for certain of the
animals coupled to local peritendinous injections
leading to pronounced effects of tachykinins. The
details of the procedures are previously published
(Song et al., 2012); (Spang et al., 2012); (Forsgren et
al., 2012).
We observed that the overuse emanating from
this experimental model leads to muscle
morphological changes that were marked and which
conformed to a distinct muscle inflammation, i.e. an
infiltration of white blood cells (a myositis process),
an increase in connective tissue and muscle fiber
changes such as fiber necrosis (Song et al., 2012).
The morphological features show resemblances to
features seen for overused muscles of humans
(Hikida et al., 1983). The marked inflammatory cell
infiltration and the fiber necrosis do to large extent
resemble the situation seen in muscle tissue in
inflammatory myopathies (De Bleeker et al., 1999).
Information on the three signal substances described
above can give hints of relevance for the situations
of marked muscle damage/myositis in man. The
advantage is that the features in very advanced
myositis/muscle derangement can be evaluated,
which is not easily done for muscle of man.
3.1 There is an Involvement of the
Tachykinin System in the Processes
of Muscle Derangement/Myositis
The muscle derangement/myositis process was
found to be accompanied by an involvement of the
tachykinin system. There was an expression of both
tachykinin (SP) and the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-
1R) in invading white blood cells, there was an
increased expression of tachykinin in the blood
vessel walls and an occurrence of NK-1R reactions
in these (Song et al., 2013a; 2013b). We also found
that there was an increase in tachykinin-like
immunoreactive nerve fibers as well as in NK-1R
immunoreactive nerve fibers in myositis areas.
Interestingly, there were NK-1R expressions in
muscle fibers which showed features of being in a
regenerative stage. Furthermore, NK-1R
immunoreactions and NK-1R mRNA reactions were
noted for macrophages that had extensively
infiltrated into necrotic muscle fibers (Song et al.,
The effects in the muscle tissue can be related to
proinflammatory effects, effects which are
frequently ascribed SP (De Swert et al., 2009), and
vasoactive effects, including vasodilatory,
angiogenetic and oedema-producing effects
(Lembeck and Holzer, 1970). However, SP is also
described to be involved in trophic and proliferative
events (Pinto et al., 2010) and in healing processes
(Schmassmann et al., 2004). The findings for the
muscle fibers favour that tachykinins are involved in
necrotic processes in the muscle tissue as well as in
regenerative events. Thus, tachykinins can have
double-edged effects in muscle
The findings show that tachykinins such as SP
have a remarkable involvement in the processes that
occur in response to muscle overuse. These are
completely new findings and which underscore that
tachykinins definitely not only are neuropeptides in
the sense that they solely are confined to the sensory
innervation but that they also are produced by cells
locally in the tissues. As these cell types were
equipped with NK-1 receptors (Song et al., 2013b),
it is likely that tachykinins have autocrine/paracrine
effects for the muscle tissue in myositis/muscle
tissue derangement.
3.2 There is also an Involvement of the
TNF-alpha System in the Process of
Muscle Derangement/Myositis
We have noted that there is an involvement of the
TNF-alpha system in the muscle
derangement/myositis process in the animal model.
This relates to TNF-alpha expression in invading
white blood cells, namely macrophages (Forsgren et
al., 2012). TNF-alpha mRNA was also seen for both
necrotic muscle fibers and fibers being in a
regenerative stage (Renström et al., 2013).
Interestingly, NK-1 R reactions were noted in the
same regenerating muscle fibers as those that
showed TNF-alpha mRNA and white blood cell-
related TNF-alpha mRNA and NK-1R
immunoreaction were noted in the same necrotic
muscle fibers (Renström et al., 2013). In preliminary
studies, we have noted occurrence of TNF receptor
reactions not only in infiltrated white blood cells and
aberrant muscle fibers but also in nerve fascicles in
myositis areas (unpublished observations).
Features evidencing TNF-alpha production has
never before been shown for muscle tissue in
response to marked overuse. TNF-alpha may
actually be involved in detrimental effects for the
musculature. In accordance with this suggestion,
TNF-alpha has been considered to have a damaging
role in myopathic conditions (Kondo et al., 2009)
and to be involved in the immune responses after
musculoskeletal trauma (Warren et al., 2002). It is,
however, also suggested that TNF-alpha in certain
situations can have a protective role (Echternacher et
al., 1996), and that it can be involved in the recovery
of muscle function and play a role in muscle
regeneration (Tidball, 2005). It therefore appears as
if, similarly as for tachykinins discussed above,
TNF-alpha can have a dual role in muscle
A noteworthy feature was that there were TNF-
alpha mRNA and NK-1R immunoreactions in the
same muscle fibers, these being either necrotic or in
a regenerative stage. It thus appears as if the TNF-
alpa and tachykinin systems show interactions in the
processes of degeneration/regeneration. In
accordance with this assumption, an occurrence of
an interrelationship between the tachykinin and
TNF-alpha systems has previously been noted
(Joachim et al., 2006).
3.3 Involvement of the Glutamate
System in our Animal Model
We have also observed that the glutamate system is
involved in the myositis/muscle derangement
process. The invading white blood cells thus
exhibited reactions, both at the protein and mRNA
level, for the glutamate transporter VGluT2 (Spang
et al., 2012). Furthermore, the cells also exhibted
reactions for the glutamate receptor NMDAR1
(Spang et al., 2012). This is unexpected as the
glutamate system is mainly related to the nervous
system. Another unexpected feature previously
noted by us concerning the glutamate system is that
the tendon cells in the human Achilles tendon
exhibit reactions for VGluT2, especially so in the
tendinosis (tendinopathy) situation (Scott et al.,
2008). Our observations show that the glutamate
system is a factor to be considered for both in
myositis/muscle derangement and for tendinosis.
Ongoing studies indicate that the nerves in the
myositis areas are under influence by glutamate
(unpublished observations).
4.1 What do the Findings Imply for
Overuse-induced Muscle Problems
for Humans – What can we Learn,
and do the Findings Give Options
for New Treatments?
Although the animal model is not related to a
physiological situation that mimics the situations
when human beings get overuse-related problems in
their muscles, there are findings that are noteworthy
and that we can learn from. A main point is that the
model leads to very marked alterations in the form
of a pronounced myositis process, and marked
alterations in the muscle structure, including both
degenerative and regenerative features.
It was noteworthy that the signal substance
systems that were here evaluated, signal substance
systems which are known to have well established
functional importance in various situations, indeed
became involved in the muscle derangement
processes. It was namely observed that the signal
substances in these systems are locally produced
within the affected areas of the muscle tissue. This
means that there is a local supply of tachykinin,
TNF-alpha and glutamate in the muscle tissue in
these areas. The findings of receptors for all three
substances also show that they have effects in the
ongoing processes.
4.2 The Good and Bad Sides of the
As is commented on above, all three systems are
related to the inflammatory process in the muscle
tissue in the sense that tachykinin, TNF-alpha and
the glutamate transporter VGluT2 all are expressed
by the invading white blood cells and that these cells
show expressions of NK-1R, TNF receptors and
glutamate receptors. It is noteworthy that there is a
large amount of evidence clarifying that tachykinins
as well as TNF-alpha can have pro-inflammatory
and deleterious effects but actually also trophic and
healing effects. How the situation is for glutamate in
this regard is more uncertain. Glutamate is mainly
considered to act as a central pain-mediating factor,
being present together with SP in primary afferents
(De Felipe et al., 1998).
It should be stressed that the inflammation as
such within muscle tissue must not in the long run
be deleterious but instead be a primary stage in the
response of the tissue, initiating the healing process.
If the inflammation is chronic and very long-lasting
there may be deficits in this restoration.
It is evident that the tachykinin system and the
TNF-alpha system both are related to fiber necrotic
as well as fiber regenerative events. This shows
further that the two systems are related to both sides
of muscle reorganization and suggests that the two
systems show interactive effects in the
4.3 Should Treatments that Interfere
with TNF-alpha Effects be given?
The effectiveness of antiTNF treatment is nowadays
well established not only for rheumatoid arthritis but
also for other inflammmatory disorders (Feldman
and Maini, 2003). It has also been suggested that
TNF-alpha may be a target for interfering with
myositis development (Baer, 2006). The use of
antiTNF treatment (etanercept) has actually been
shown to reduce the tissue breakdown in dystrophic
mdx mice, a model for Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy (Hodgetts et al., 2006). Nevertheless, it is
obvious that the experience of antiTNF treatments
still is very limited concerning myositis and muscle
derangement and that more research is needed in
order to clarify if this type of treatment indeed is
beneficial in these conditions (Mastaglia, 2008).
It is evident that the question concerning the
possibility that TNF-alpha blocking could be used in
the situations of muscle derangement and myositis
can at present not be answered. A central aspect is,
as commented on above, that TNF-alpha is not only
related to deleterious effects but also trophic and
healing effects. An interesting recent finding is that
blocking of TNF-alpha primarily has effects on
nociceptive brain activity. The nociceptive CNS
activity in several brain regions, as seen via
functional MRI, was thus blocked after infusion of a
monoclonal antibody to TNFalpha (Hess et al.,
2011). This was found at an early stage, namely
before the effects on joint swelling and acute phase
reactants were noted. It is our hope that we in further
studies using our animal model can evaluate the
effects of TNF-alpha interference treatments on the
development of the myositis processes.
4.4 Should NK-1R Blockers be given?
NK-1R blockers have since long time been tested
experimentally for various conditions. They have
e.g. been found to have good effects in situations
like dextran sulfate-induced colitis in rats (Stucchi et
al., 2000). The results of more recently performed
experiments have indicated that blockade of NK-1R
signaling may be of importance in treatments of
colitis (Gad et al., 2009), oedema after traumatic
brain damage (Donkin et al., 2009) and lung injury
after smoke inhalation and burn injury (Jacob et al.,
2010). However, results obtained in clinical trials for
different conditions have to a large extent not been
convincing. A noteworthy fact is that NK-1R
blocking has not been found to induce pain
reduction. The most clear indication for which NK-1
R blocking is functioning is for the prevention of
postoperative nausea and vomiting and for inhibiting
chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (Huang
and Korlipara, 2010).
It seems far-fetched at the moment to suggest
that NK-1R blocking might be effective in myositis.
As we have observed that NK-1R expression is
occurring in parallel with presence of TNF-alpha
mRNA in regenerating muscle fibers, it would really
be strange to suggest NK-1R antagonism as an
optional treatment model. If NK-1R interference
should be considered, it should probably be in the
very early stages of the derangement/inflammation
processes, remembering that SP has distinct pro-
inflammatory effects (De Swert et al., 2009). In
parallel with the plans for evaluating the
effectiveness of treatments that interfer with TNF-
alpha effects using our animal model, it is also our
intention to evaluate for the effectiveness of NK-1R
blocking in early stages of the muscle overuse.
Information we have obtained so far is that local
treatments with neutral endopeptidase and ACE
inhibitors, leading to more pronounced tachykinin
effects, leads to an aggravation of the muscle
derangement/myositis processes in the model
(unpublished observations).
Another possibility to reduce the effects of
tachykinin would be to use capsaicin. It is thus well-
known that capsaicin reduces the levels of SP and
that it can be used clinically as an analgetic and anti-
inflammatory agent. It is, however, unclear whether
it can be used in a condition like myositis.
4.5 Should Instead Tachykinin Agonist
Treatment be given?
It is frequently documented that SP can have wound-
healing and restorative effects. SP is e.g. shown to
accelerate intestinal regeneration after gamma-
irradiation induced damage (Kang et al., 2009).
Exogenous administration of SP is described to
enhance wound healing in a skin-injury model in
rats (Delgado et al., 2005) and SP is proposed to
promote early tissue proliferation and regulation of
nerve ingrowth in repair responses after
experimental Achilles tendon rupture in rats
(Carlsson et al., 2011). SP is also reported to be a
mechanoresponsive and autocrine regulator of
human tenocyte proliferation (Backman et al., 2011).
It is on the whole evident that the effects of
tachykinin can be double-edged. Our findings of
NK-1R in regenerating muscle fibers show that
tachykinins are related to restoration processes. On
the other hand, the injections of ACE and
endopeptidase inhibitors, leading to increased
tachykinin effects in the tissue, aggravated the
muscle derangement process.
4.6 Should Interference with Glutamat
Effects be Made?
Glutamate receptors have since long been looked
upon as novel targets for drugs (Knoepfel et al.,
1995). It is possible to interfer with glutamate effects
via medication. This has especially been discussed
for diseases like ALS, Huntington´s disease and
Alzheimer´s disease. Two examples of medications
that are used are Memantine and Remacemide, both
being NMDA receptor antagonists. NMDA receptor
antagonists are also used as anesthetics for animals
and are known to have psychotomimetic effects.
However, many clinical trials invloving NMDA
receptor antagonists have failed due to unwanted
side effects. Interestingly, NFkB antagonists have
been suggested to be therapeutic agents in
inflammatory situations with increased levels of
glutamate and/or TNFalpha (Zou and Crews, 2005).
Furthermore, injections with glutamate receptor
antagonist have in experimental studies on mice
been found to reduce responses to both SP and TNF-
alpha (Jesse et al., 2008).
4.7 Currently used Medications for
Overused/Painful Muscles and
Exercise-induced Positive Effects
for the Muscle Tissue
Some comments on currently used mediations are
here given. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) are much used for sports active persons
when trying to cope with muscle pain and injury.
That includes situations with muscle overuse. It,
however, appears as if the potential beneficial
effects of NSAIDs in the early stages is not followed
by positive features in the long run. These drugs
have profound side effects (Stovitz and Johnson,
2013), and have detrimental effects on muscle
regeneration and can lead to an impairment on
satellite cell activity (Schoenfeld, 2012).
Besides these facts concerning medications it is
obvious that exercise as such can have positive
effects for muscle tissue. Exercise is known to have
anti-inflammatory effects. That is not least related to
effects on the systems here focused on. It is thus e.g.
shown that exercise leads to a suppression of TNF-
alpha production (Petersen and Pedersen, 2005).
Exercise-induced mechanical loading has in
experimental studies been found to involve a
function of SP in initial stages for initializing bone
formation (Ytterborg et al., 2013). Exercise has also
been shown to be effective in the induction of
ischemic tolerance for the brain via a reduction of
the mRNA levels for certain glutamatergic receptors
(Zhang et al., 2010). Physical exercise is also
associated with a release of neurotransmitters within
the brain, leading to alleviation of the pain, and a
release of endorphins from the pituitary gland.
Exercise can also lead to the creation of new neurons
as well. Exercise is on the whole known to improve
muscle strength and performance as well as oxygen
capacity (Nagaraju et al., 2000). It is suggested that
physical exercise should be prescribed as part of the
There has been a lack of a model for which marked
overuse leads to affected muscle structure and
pronounced muscle inflammation. Our currently
used animal model can be used in order to further
evaluate if interference with tachykinin, TNF-alpha
and glutamate effects can limit the affection in the
muscle tissue in a situation with overuse.
A main finding in the rabbit model studies is that
there is a pronounced signal substance production
locally in the muscle tissue in response to the muscle
overuse. This fact, together with the findings of
marked occurrence of receptors for the signal
substances in the tissue, show that these substances,
more than what has been considered so far, should
be taken into consideration as factors of relevance
when overuse leads to structural affection and
marked muscle inflammation. It is hoped that
discussions at the International Congress on Sports
Science Research and Technology Support will give
new insight into the questions of the tissue changes
in muscle overuse in relation to the effects of locally
produced signal substances.
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