
information of the material, the height, the diameter
and sometimes the angle of deflection. All analyzed
exercisers have similar values regarding the height,
the diameter as well as the angle of deflection. Nev-
ertheless, the test persons showed different activation
patterns. This leads to the recommendation that the
product descriptions should include additional infor-
mation, for example about the own weight of the ex-
erciser or information about the special characteristics
of the supporting surface.
The current results can be extended to a more de-
tailed investigation of the behavior of the muscles in
dependency of the movement on the exerciser and
with a greater number of test persons. With the help
of the mobile sensors it is also possible to give an im-
mediate feedback for the correction of the dominance
of one body side. This different behavior of the body
sides will be analyzed more detailed in further stud-
ies. In this context we will also analyze whether the
dominance of the right side is caused by the fact that
the test persons were all right handed.
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