An Anti-Turing Test: Social Network Friends’
Iaakov Exman and Alex Krepch
Software Engineering Department, The Jerusalem College of Engineering – Azrieli,
POB 3566, Jerusalem, 91035, Israel
Abstract. A routine activity of social networks’ servers is to recommend
possible friends that one may know and stimulate addition of these people to
one’s contacts. An intriguing issue is how these recommendation lists are
composed. This work investigates the main factors involved in the
recommendation activity, in order to reproduce these lists including its time
dependent characteristics. After a preliminary analysis of actual data collected
from social networks, we propose relevant algorithms. Besides conventional
approaches, such as friend-of-a-friend, two techniques of importance have not
been emphasized in previous works: randomization and direct use of
interestingness criteria. An automatic software tool to implement these
techniques is proposed. Its architecture and implementation is discussed.
1 Introduction
Social networks are very prominent to what is meant nowadays by software, being
one of the most visible content transformers. Among other aspects, social networks
continuously offer lists of suggested friend candidates. This is one of the central
activities of such networks.
In this work we analyze data retrieved from recommendation lists of large public
social networks, to obtain important factors influencing the generation of such lists
and respective algorithms of relevance. In particular we pay attention to the order of
suggested candidates within a given list and the variability of the lists’ composition
along the time.
Recommendations lists are very intriguing. One can hardly believe how some of
the candidates appear there. In this work we do not focus on candidates known to the
recommendation receiver. Our attention is directed to previously unknown candidates,
and how they are possibly selected from a large social network database.
We coin these lists a sort of anti-Turing test, since we ask ourselves to what extent
we are stereotyped by a reduced number of variables. We rather look like people
artificially disguised as computers, than real complex people in such a game.
The ultimate test for the validity of our analysis is the ability to reproduce in a
time-dependent fashion the general characteristics of the recommendation lists one
receives. To this end a software tool was proposed and is being continuously
Exman I. and Krepch A..
An Anti-Turing Test: Social Network Friends’ Recommendations.
DOI: 10.5220/0004641600550061
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Software Knowledge (SKY-2013), pages 55-61
ISBN: 978-989-8565-76-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1.1 Related Work
Here we present a concise review of related work. Chen et al. [1] studied four
recommendation algorithms:
1. Content Matching – closely related to finding documents of similar content;
2. Content-Plus-Link – adds to the content matching, the existence of a social link
between the candidate and the recommendation receiver;
3. Friend-of-Friend – considers only social network structure;
4. SONAR – aggregates social relationship information from different public data
sources (within IBM).
Their conclusion was twofold: algorithms based on social network information
produced better-received recommendations and found more known contacts for users;
algorithms using content similarity were stronger in discovering new friends.
Roth et al. [8] describe an implicit social graph and use it together with
interaction-based affinity in suggesting friends. Huberman et al. [5] specifically
analyze Twitter. They conclude that what really matters is a sparse and hidden
network of connections underlying the declared set of friends and followers.
Golbeck and Hendler [3] investigated how trust information can be inferred from
social network members not directly connected and integrated into applications, such
as TrustMail, an email client. Tang et al. [9] deal with automatic labeling the
“intensity” of social relationships, say “colleagues” or “friends”.
Konstas and collaborators [7] deal with collaborative recommendation in social
networks, using for instance, linear filtering.
Tools for various actions on social networks include the Referral Web by Kautz et
al. [6]. Gross and Acquisti [4] refer to the problem of privacy in online social
networks, in particular Facebook.
In the remaining of the paper we introduce recommendation factors of importance
(section 2), describe a preliminary analysis of social networks data (section 3) provide
kinds of relevant algorithms (section 4), overview the software architecture and
implementation of our tool (section 5), and conclude with a discussion (section 6).
2 Recommendation Factors
Recommendation factors can be roughly classified into contents of the given person –
either the candidate or the receiver of the recommendation – and interactions among
two or more members of the social network, directly or indirectly.
2.1 Unary Content Variables
Unary content variables include among others:
Profession – acquired in a certain institution; degree obtained;
Education institutions – say high-school or universities;
Employer – company, public service or other organizations;
Occupation – may differ from the profession; rank in the organization;
Specific skills – within the profession and/or occupation;
Languages spoken
Hobbies – leisure activities;
Geographical location – of residence and work; country, state, county, city;
Note that one could look at each one of such unary variables as sub-sets or ranges. For
example, universities could be classified into categories – say ivy league.
2.2 Interaction Variables
Interaction can be direct, among people who know each other, such as:
Joint Publications – co-authors of the same paper or book;
Exchanged Messages – email, phone conversation, if data is available from
Indirect interactions are possible also among people who are not mutual
Common Friends – the person receiving the recommendation and the friend
candidate have common friends; this is the widely discussed issue of transitivity;
Common Search topics – again if data is available from providers of search
3 Preliminary Analysis of Social Networks: Data Collected
We have collected data from pages of members
of large social networks, to make a
preliminary analysis, pointing to novel recommendation approaches.
For each member page and time stamp, we collected samples containing the first
50 recommendations, with the values of the available variables. Conclusions were
inferred from the analysis of values within and among samples along time, for given
social networks.
Collected data are presented under the rubric of the conclusions inferred, in order
to provide support for the conclusions.
3.1 Degree of Randomness
Our observations show three possible behaviors of variables within a sample:
Uniform – very regular throughout the whole range;
Random – difficult to recognize any obvious regularity;
Recognizable trend – it is neither uniform nor random; one can recognize definite
trends, to be discussed below and in the next sub-section.
For LinkedIN, variables with uniform behavior include first and foremost the network
degree, and in some samples, the number of shared connections and the Boolean
Data was collected with the consent of the respective page owners: the paper authors and their friends.
variable telling whether the candidate is known to the recommendation receiver. The
network degree – the distance between the candidate and a friend of the receiver – is
almost always "2
", i.e. the receiver has a friend directly connected to the candidate,
implying a systematic "friend-of-a-friend" policy. The number of shared connections
in some samples may be almost constant with few exceptions. In certain samples the
candidates are almost always "unknown" to the receiver, again with few exceptions.
Still for LinkedIN, a localized recognizable trend seems to be that the first
candidates – say the first two candidates – differ from the uniformity of the above
mentioned variables. The most important characteristic is that the candidates may be
"known" to the receiver. This is a sort of stimulus to accept the suggestions. The other
variables for these candidates may be quite random. Thus, the degree may be different
from "2
" and the number of shared connections may be any value. Besides the first
candidates, other randomly placed candidates – in varying fractions of the distribution
– may also be "known".
For Facebook, a recognizable trend for shared connections is a unimodal
distribution, whose peak is at low values. A plot of the histogram of shared
connections for a given sample is seen in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Shared connections histogram – these are shown for a Facebook sample of suggested
friend candidates. One can see the relative diversity of shared connection values in the
horizontal axis. The unimodal peak is at the value 1 shared connection, with 10 candidates
displaying this value.
3.2 Unexpectedness
There are variables in which there is a non-localized recognizable trend, which
demands some deeper explanation.
For LinkedIN, one such variable is the geographical location of the workplace. If
one takes the locations' distribution provided by the social network for the friends of
the given member (the recommendation receiver), one finds that it is a very different
distribution from that of the candidates in the recommendation list.
For instance, for a given sample the member friends are located in 6 countries,
with the big majority in the country of the member himself. The candidates are
located in 4 countries, with the majority still in the country of the member. But the
second country in terms of candidates has a very significant increase relatively
disproportional to the member's friends – say about 30% instead of less than 10%.
A tentative explanation is as follows. The unexpected increase of this variable is
due to the potential interestingness of this second country. On the one hand, it is not a
negligible country in terms of the member friends, hinting to a potential increase. On
the other hand it is interesting, i.e. its contribution to the distribution is unexpected
given some of its characteristics, say country size, distance from the member's
country, or international relations. The issue of interestingness will be further
described in the next section.
3.3 Time Dependence
Recommendation lists change along time for each additional contact, but seem to
change also when no contacts were added since the previous visit to the member’s
page in the network.
The changes of recommendation lists within a short time (say a few hours) may be
very dramatic. Thus the important variable in this respect is not absolute time, but the
fact that it is a new visit of the member's page.
4 Kinds of Algorithms
Algorithms for recommendation list generation may involve semantic considerations
– e.g. friend-of-a-friend – as well as abstract mathematical operations involving linear
or non-linear filtering. Coefficients in linearly weighted sums express the relative
importance of factors involved and should usually be normalized. Non-linear
expressions may impart different orders of magnitudes to the factors' importance.
4.1 Interestingness
Interestingness according to Exman [2] is a function of both relevance and
unexpectedness. The latter quantities can be themselves expressed in various forms
and also be combined in more than one way. The simplest way is just a
Interestingness = Relevance
One form to express relevance is by calculating the match of a candidate to contents
defining a domain. The respective unexpectedness is calculated by a measure of
mismatch to the domain. Together, with a normalization factor NormF, this is written
Interest = Match * Mismatch / NormF
We advance the idea that interestingness for friend candidates, in which the domain is
given by the recommendation receiver contents, is similar to that of any other content
5 Software Architecture
A tool called RECOMM is being gradually developed to test the hypotheses that we
propose. Here its architecture and implementation are concisely described.
Fig. 2 shows the following internal modules:
Randomize Inputs – to select random candidates to add to the previous
recommendation list; to determine their order in the recommendation list;
to assign values to chosen variables;
Interestingness – to increase the chances of candidates in detriment of
others, based on their potential interest to the recommendation receiver;
Calculate Recommendation – combining the above algorithms with the
friend-of-a-friend alrgorithm;
Sorting & Threshold – according to recommendation grades;
Decoration – add a picture of the candidate and some possible additional
features for display.
Fig. 2. RECOMM Architecture –modules displayed as upper states in the system statechart.
RECOMM is being implemented in C#.
6 Discussion
A framework was proposed for generating recommendations of friendship candidates
in a given social network. The framework contains the important variables for given
social networks, recommendation algorithms and a set of controls to output a
recommendation list.
6.1 Validation
Validation of RECOMM output is performed against actual recommendation lists of
specific social networks, e.g. LinkedIN or Facebook, for data obtained from members
of these networks.
Preliminary collection of data has been performed and analyzed. RECOMM output
of recommendation lists will be statistically characterized for similarity to the
collected data.
6.2 Future Work
After full development of the RECOMM tool, it will be extensively used to test the
hypotheses advanced about the relative importance of the above mentioned variables
and algorithms for specific social networks.
An interesting issue is the degree of generality of the chosen variables and
algorithms for diverse social networks, i.e. to what extent the tool will need fine
tuning to apply it to each different network.
6.3 Main Contribution
The main contribution of this work is the recognition of the importance of
randomization and interestingness to generate recommendation lists.
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