Overcoming Software System Misuse by Domain
Reuven Gallant
and Leah Goldin
Jerusalem College of Technology, P.O.B. 16031, 91160, Jerusalem, Israel
Afeka Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Abstract. Often a perfectly functioning software system is misused causing
undesirable and expensive consequences. The quest of this work is to prepare a
priori the system for eventual extensions that – while not directly relevant to the
system purpose – enable overcoming the consequences of its misuse. This is
attained by means of domain knowledge to model the system misuse, beyond
the original system model. In particular, if the behaviors of such a system have
been modeled by statechart diagrams, these diagrams can be reengineered to
suitably extend them, in order to correct the misbehavior consequences.
1 Introduction
Our software development follows M. Jackson's Problem Frame Approach (PFA)
(Jackson, [6]). Jackson’s idea is that system development is a problem: the task is to
devise a software behavior that produces the required effects in the physical problem
world. The problem complexity is addressed by decomposition into sub-problems,
and so on recursively.
In this paper we continue our previous work (Goldin and Gallant, [3]) on
behaviorally-rich systems. We extend it to deal with misuse of perfectly correct
systems. Also here we identify a sort of reengineered PFA, which will be formulated
and illustrated by a few case studies.
1.1 Related Work
We present here a short overview of the relevant literature.
The best starting points to understand Jackson's approach are the books and the
PFA overview by Jackson himself (see refs. [6],[7],[8]).
Many works deal with misuse of software from a variety of points of view.
Surprisingly many of them consider the advantages of misuse in house as a testing
procedure, in particular for security issues.
For instance, Alexander [1] refers to misuse cases with hostile intent. Sindre and
Opdahl [12] deal with security requirements by means of misuse cases. Hope et al.
(Hope et al., [5]) consider misuse as a positive form to learn how to defend software
from attackers.
Gallant R. and Goldin L..
Overcoming Software System Misuse by Domain Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0004641700620069
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Software Knowledge (SKY-2013), pages 62-69
ISBN: 978-989-8565-76-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The quantity of work done about misbehavior is also significant. For example,
Exman [2] deals with representation of misbehavior by means of statecharts, in
particular referring to standard software components, like design patterns.
1.2 Overview of the Paper
Section 2 define basic terms such as misbehavior and misuse. Section 3 describes the
reengineering PFA process. Section 4 explains the approach by means of case studies.
Section 5 deals with misuse paradigms. Section 6 contains a discussion and
2 Misbehavior, Misuse and their Combination
In this section we define some basic terms, such as misbehavior and misuse.
2.1 Misbehavior
Misbehavior of a software system means that the system behaves differently from
what is expected from the system requirements. In other words the system design
and/or implementation do not fit with the system requirements.
Traffic lights examples are: a- it never reaches the green light; b- it changes
randomly both with respect to colors and to timing.
2.2 Misuse
Misuse of a software system means that:
on the one hand, the system functions perfectly as it should – its behavior fits with
the system requirements and so are its design and implementation;
on the other hand, an end-user of the system makes use of it not according to its
purpose and/or does not comply with the usage instructions.
Traffic lights examples are: a- a driver does not stop on red light and crosses a street
intersection; b- a driver makes a U-turn when it is not allowed to do that.
A combination of misbehaviour with misuse means that both kinds of problems
occur in a certain event. A famous example is the case of the Therac-25 (Leveson,
[10]) radiation accidents and their fatal medical consequences.
3 The Reengineering Process
Our approach assumes that the behavior model of a system is given by a statechart.
It was defined above the software development problem as the need to obtain a
software behavior that will produce the required effect in the physical problem world.
Therefore the decomposition of the physical problem requires the decomposition
of all aspects of the problem (machine, problem world) in step.
In other words, only the relevant part of the physical world is considered, and a
submachine meeting the sub-requirement in the partial physical world is specified.
The states and events of the machine can then be examined to identify impossible
or undesirable events and transitions. Then the software behaviors of the sub-
problems can be modified to eliminate them.
3.1 Behavioral Models for Problem Identification
We repeat here the classification of software systems according to their behavioral
model – first presented in our preceding paper (Goldin and Gallant, [3]):
Behaviorally-rich – are those systems whose behavioral model hints to a potential
richness, not found yet in the current model;
Behaviorally-poor – are those systems whose model lacks any hints to potential
This classification is surely dependent on the referred hints. The latter are heuristic
rules – to be collected based upon accumulated experience with software system
We have proposed a few such rules to recognize the potential of behaviorally-rich
software systems in their behavioral model:
1- Number of States – the number of sub-states in any given state is greater than the
number of siblings of the given state;
2- Transition Chain Linearity – the transition chain of events linking a set of states is
linear, without any bifurcation;
3- Transition Chain Cycle – the transition chain of events linking a set of states is a
whole cycle, without any internal bifurcation.
We shall illustrate the use of such rules in the Case Studies section.
3.2 Decomposition and Recomposition
The central idea here is that multiplicity of states in simple looking hierarchies hint at
possible model improvement. But one should try to confirm that the problem was
actually identified, before performing model decomposition and reinvention of critical
sub-problem interactions. Our guide is the proposed heuristic rules for recognition of
a behaviorally-rich system.
A most important point is the reuse of past experience and behavioral design
patterns. This concerns two aspects:
1- Heuristic rules – as suggested above;
2- Behavioral Design Patterns – ready-made behavior structures to be inserted into
states identified by the heuristic rules.
Finally, recomposition requires the analysis of how subprograms must work together
to accomplish the reengineered system purpose.
4 Case Studies
We shortly describe two case studies to illustrate the process.
4.1 Traffic Lights
Our traffic lights system is as follows. One has an intersection of two perpendicular
streets, with cars crossing the intersection according to the lights. There are also
cameras that catch drivers that cross on red light.
Suppose now the following event. A driver does not pay attention to the lights
changing to red and advances a few meters into the intersection and stops too late.
This is a misuse of the system. The standard behavior of the system is to take a photo
of the car plate to send a fine to the driver, but otherwise the lights continue to change
regularly. But this is dangerous, since the driver stopped quite in the middle of the
intersection, and accidents may occur.
We propose the following reengineering of the system: the camera identifies the
problematic advance of the car, and modifies the timing of the green light for the
perpendicular street to avoid a possible accident. This is based on the traffic domain
knowledge. This kind of reengineering can be recognized in the traffic lights’
statechart according to the Transition Chain Cycle heuristic rule, since the traffic
lights – red, yellow, green – is such a cycle.
4.2 Dialysis Equipment
A dialysis system is an artificial replacement for natural kidneys that do not execute
anymore their function. Dialysis performs two functions: extraction of small
molecules and excess water from blood.
Before dialysis is started, nurses should calculate for each patient the decrease of
weight needed and the time duration of the dialysis. From this data the machine
executes the necessary program. If the data was miscalculated – an example of misuse
– the machine may cause excessive water diffusion, causing high blood viscosity and
undesirable medical consequences.
The reengineered system in such a case has a sensor that indirectly measures the
blood viscosity and reduces the pressure to decrease the rate of water extraction.
This kind of reengineering can again be recognized in the dialysis system
statechart according to the same heuristic rule as above, due to the blood and dialysate
5 Misuse Paradigms: Dialysis Case Study revisited
This case study follows the example presented by Roux, et al. [11], based on the
dialysis operational protocol of Korabik [9], with the following adaptations:
1. We use the UML statechart language as defined by Harel and Kugler [4].
2. We supplement the statecharts in [11] with misuse events and responses according
to the severity of the misuse.
Fig. 1, is a statechart representing the overall dialysis treatment process, beginning
with patient intake, and ending with post-treatment equipment maintenance.
Fig. 1. Statechart for the dialysis treatment process.
Now we expand the monitoring control state, for which we define misuse
incidents and a corrective action for each type of incident. We focus on misuse that
may occur within the monitoring control state, which is detailed in Fig. 2.
Herein we define a paradigm for a specific type of misuse, preemptive entrance
into a state out of sequence. To simplify the example, assume that the only
preemption performed is to advance to the next state, without completing the tasks of
the present state. We define 4 levels of misuse violation, and the corrective action for
each level.
Wai tingForResources
/request Nurse ();requestMachine()
Set up
setup(m achine)
/val idat e(date);createTreatment();all ocat eNurse()
moni tor i ng
N boU seC alculate(); access (patient)
t m(30pl usm inus 3mi n)/pic kup(pat i ent)
di al ys i s
dia ly ze(patient)
t m(24pl usm inus 3mi n)/re lea s e(nurse )
endTreat ment
terminateP atient()
tm(4hr)[NbOfControl==8]/releas e(nurse0
pr eR ins e
t m(25pl us m inus 3)/ reques t(nurs e)
t m(5mi n)/ r ele as e(nurs e)
pos tR i nse
postRinse(m achine)
tm(45mi n)
ev V iolationP riority 4/postWarning();
t m(30mi nr)[NbOf C ontrol >0 && NbOf Cont rol<9]/r eques t (nurs e)
/reques t Nur se ();requestMachine()
/alloc ateNurse();
/val idat e(date);createTreatment();all ocat eNurse()
t m(30pl usm inus 3mi n)/pic kup(pat i ent)
t m(24pl usm inus 3mi n)/re lea s e(nurse )
tm(4hr)[NbOfControl==8]/releas e(nurse0
t m(25pl us m inus 3)/ reques t(nurs e)
t m(5mi n)/ r ele as e(nurs e)
tm(45mi n)
t m(30mi nr)[NbOf C ontrol >0 && NbOf Cont rol<9]/r eques t (nurs e)
Fig. 2. Monitoring control sub-state.
Representation of Preemptive Misuse
The paradigm we adopted for representing preemptive misuse is as follows:
1. Define a super-state (normalOperation) enclosing the preemptable sub-states
(usualControl, bloodPressure, coilLeak, bathChange). (Fig. 2)
2. Associate a preemption event with each preemptable state, and draw a transition
from the super-state to each of the preemptable states, triggered by the associated
event. The event naming convention is evPreemptive<state name>. (Fig 2).
3. For each Violation Priority associate an event according to the naming convention
evViolationPriority<n> where highest priority is n=1. (Fig 2)
4. Divide the monitoring control state into two orthogonal components (operation,
misUse). In the misUse orthogonal component, define reentrant transitions (these
could have been reactions in state), to map the misuse events (triggers) to violation
priorities (actions). (Fig. 2)
5. The corrective action for the various violation priorities are as follows:
a. Priority 1, aborts the treatment (Figure 1, abort state). (Fig. 1)
b. Priority 2, allows 5 minutes for corrective action, before reverting to the
previous state. (Fig 2)
c. Priority 3, immediately reverts to the previous state(Fig. 2)
d. Priority 4, allows the preemption, but posts a warning, as per the the reaction
in state defined for monitoringcontrol state (Fig.1).
6 Discussion
Reengineered PFA replaces intuitive speculation with a highly focused purpose – to
automatically correct potential misuse. As the stakeholder traverses the model, a
mo nitori ngco ntrol
nor malOperation
bloodPressur e
suspend(dialy sis); correctiveBlo odPressure ()
resume(dialys is)
bat hCha nge
cha ngeBath(po st)
[NbOfUs e!=2 0 &&NbOf Use
usualCo ntrol
to Ba thC ha ng e
toBathC hange
[NbOfControl !=1 !!
NbOfUse !=4&& NbOfUse != 4 && NbofUse!=20]
/re lease (nurs e)
[NbOfUs e==20]
[els e]/release(nurse)
[NbOf Us e== 8]/re lease (2eN urse)
[els e]
[NbOf Us e != 20]/r eleas e(2e Nurse );
release( nurse )
[NbOfUs e==20]
evPreemptiveUsua lControl
evViolationPriority3/GEN(evG oBack)cor rectiv eAct ion
operati on
mis c hi ev e
ev P reemptiv e Usua lCon t rol/G EN(e vViolationP riorit y4)
evPremp tiveBloodPressure/GEN(e vViolationPriority1)
evPreemptiveCoilLeak/GEN(e vViolationPriority2)
ev P reemptiv e Bath C han ge/G EN(e vViola tionP riorit y 3)
[NbOfUs e!=2 0 &&NbOf Use
evPreemptiveUsua lControl
[NbOfControl !=1 !!
NbOfUse !=4&& NbOfUse != 4 && NbofUse!=20]
/re lease (nurs e)
[NbOfUs e==20]
[els e]/release(nurse)
[NbOf Us e== 8]/re lease (2eN urse)
[els e]
[NbOf Us e != 20]/r eleas e(2e Nurse );
release( nurse )
[NbOfUs e==20]
evViolationPriority3/GEN(evG oBack)
ev P reemptiv e Usua lCon t rol/G EN(e vViolationP riorit y4)
evPremp tiveBloodPressure/GEN(e vViolationPriority1)
evPreemptiveCoilLeak/GEN(e vViolationPriority2)
ev P reemptiv e Bath C han ge/G EN(e vViola tionP riorit y 3)
reverse engineering /reinvention happens. At each reversal stage, decomposition and
afterwards recomposition occur.
Cognitively, it is easier to contemplate interactions between two behaviors if they
are captured in the same diagram, i.e. orthogonal components of a single statechart.
In particular, as demonstrated in the Dialysis Case study, orthogonal components
effectively partition paradigms for misuse and corrective action. The salient feature of
this paradigmatic approach is decoupling of misuse incidents from corrective actions,
allowing abstraction of both of them. Changing the mapping of misuse incidents to
corrective actions, is easily performed by changing the association between triggering
misuse events and the respective corrective action events.
6.1 Future Work
The proposals in this paper are still in a preliminary investigation stage. One needs
extensive examination of a variety of software systems misuse to validate the
approach. Such systems should be of realistic size and complexity.
In order to effectively apply reengineered PFA one would need tools supporting
both the recognition of behaviorally-rich systems and their actual improvement.
Future work for enrichment and extension of the paradigmatic approach includes:
Exploration of other misuse and corrective action paradigms. In particular the
preemptive paradigm is most relevant to sequential processes. For event driven
behaviors preemption is less relevant.
Accordingly it is a desideratum, to define various behavioral paradigms, and
suggestions for relevant misuse correction paradigms, with attention to their
generic representations in statecharts.
Formulation and simulation of misuse scenarios using tools that support Live
Sequence Charts (LSC) such as IBM Rational Rhapsody’s Test Conductor.
6.2 Conclusions
This work proposes a reengineered PFA approach to correct software systems misuse,
with a state-based behavior model. Statecharts facilitate recognition of behaviorally-
rich systems, leading to decompositions supporting paradigmatic abstractions.
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