If Proprioception Is Relevant to Locomotion, then Why Test It
Standing Still?
Mervyn Travers
, James Debenham
, William Gibson
, Amity Campbell
and Garry Allison
School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Curtin University, GPO box 1987, WA 6845, Bentley Australia
University of Notre Dame, School of Physiotherapy, 19 Mouat Street, Fremantle, WA 6959, Australia
Keywords: Proprioception, Stretch-shortening Cycle, Minimal Perceptible Difference.
Abstract: Traditionally, proprioception research has utilised passive position or movement detection and repositioning
tasks. Current evidence suggests proprioception represents a complex synergy of sensory inputs that may be
more appropriately assessed during more functional tasks. This study investigated the Minimal Perceptible
Difference (MPD) test - a novel assessment of participants’ ability to perceive floor height changes whilst
hopping. Sixteen healthy volunteers performed multiple hopping trials on a custom-built sleigh apparatus
that permitted a floor height change (range 3mm to 48mm). The MPD in floor height was recorded for 8
different hopping conditions (Factors - Technique: alternate / bilateral hopping; Side: dominant / non
dominant; Direction of change: up / down) over two separate testing occasions. Within and between-day
reliability were assessed using ICC and 95% confidence intervals. Hopping technique was the only factor
which significantly influenced participants’sensitivity to detect changes in floor height. The mean MPD was
significantly lower (p<.0001) for bilateral hopping (15.65mm) when compared to alternate hopping
(26.59mm). Bilateral hopping yielded strong ICC for within and between day reliability. We propose the
bilateral hopping MPD assessment is a reliable, functional assessment of proprioception sensitivity that may
better reflect human gait than established static assessments.
Proprioception is defined as “afferent information
from proprioceptors located in the proprioceptive
fields that contribute to conscious sensations
(muscle sense), total posture (postural equilibrium)
and segmental posture (joint stability)” (Sherrington,
1906). It is a concept with particular relevance to
clinicians and researchers with respect to
performance, injury and rehabilitation (Brumagne et
al., 2004); (Cameron et al., 2008); (Fu and Hui-
Chan, 2007); (Herrington et al., 2008); (Lephart and
Jari, 2002); (Vuillerme and Boisgontier, 2008). Most
methodologies examine proprioceptive acuity using
passive position detection (Down et al., 2007),
passive movement detection (Salles et al., 2011) and
active repositioning tasks (Ribeiro et al., 2007).
However, recent evidence suggests proprioception is
a much more complex concept than just joint
position sense and kinaesthesia, incorporating the
integration of the body schema (Ivanenko et al.,
2011) and its continous refinement being expanded
to a concept called “somatopercepetion” (Longo et
al., 2010). Of particular note is that current testing
methods may represent convenient research
methods, but may not reflect the dynamic function
of the lower limb – to perform repeated Stretch
Shortening Cycles (SSC) (Proske et al., 2000).
The authors utilised a sub-maximal sleigh
hopping model to replicate the normal function of
the limbs via repeated SSC. This model has been
applied to develop the Minimal Perceptible
Difference (MPD) test – a novel research tool which
examines individuals’ ability to detect changes in
floor surface height during the repeated SSC. This
study aimed to investigate the reliability of the MPD
test on a within and between day basis. We also
aimed to quantify the MPD in floor surface height
for a healhy population.
The MPD test examined the sensitivity of healthy
participants to perceive changes in floor surface
height whilst hopping on a custom built apparatus
Travers M., Debenham J., Gibson W., Campbell A. and Allison G..
If Proprioception Is Relevant to Locomotion, then Why Test It Standing Still?.
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Figure 1) with an adjustable floor (Figure 2).
Figure 1: The custom built sleigh apparatus.
Figure 2: The Sliding Floor Mechanism illustrating a
36mm reduction in floor height under the right foot.
Sixteen healthy participants performed multiple
trials of 5 consecutive hops on a custom built sleigh
apparatus that permitted the testers to change the
floor height (range 3mm to 48mm) during each trial,
as dictated by a structured searching algorithm.
MPD in floor height was recorded for 8 different
hopping conditions (Factors - Technique: alternate /
bilateral hopping; Side: dominant / non dominant;
Direction of change: up / down) over two testing
occasions spaced one week apart. Participants
performed a mean of 117 trials on Day 1 and 120
trials on Day2.
Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICC) and 95%
Confidence Intervals (CI) were derived to examine
within and between day reliability of the MPD test.
All bilateral hopping techniques yielded moderate to
high ICC values for both within (0.60 to 0.79) and
between day (0.67 to 0.88) reliability.
The only factor which significantly influenced
the sensitivity of subjects to detect changes in floor
height was the hopping technique (bilateral or
alternate, p < 0.05). Comparing across hopping
techniques, the mean MPD was significantly lower
(p<.001) for bilateral hopping than alternate hopping
as per table 1:
Table 1: Result of Linear Mixed Model Analysis of
Between Days MPD Scores (in mm).
Bilateral Hopping
Alternate Hopping
15.65 26.59 p<.001
We propose the MPD test is a novel, reliable and
functionally relevant research tool. Furthermore, the
MPD represents a change in the research paradigm
from testing detection of passive, position matching
and force matching of isolated joints (Down et al.,
2007); (Jong et al., 2005); (Lowrey et al., 2010);
(Matre et al., 2002). Instead we examined
proprioception during repeated SSC which may
better represent human gait as it considers an
expected interaction with a non-homogenous
interface between the foot and ground.
For bilateral hopping, ICC values for within and
between day comparisons all exceeded proposed
ICC of 0.6 that has been recommended for any
measure to have clinical utility (Chinn, 1991). This
indicates that the MPD test using bilateral hopping
may have application in the research setting on
single and multiple test occasions.
The increased sensitivity to floor height change
detection during bilateral hopping is an interesting
observation. Our findings are consistent with
previous findings which suggest that gating and
utility of sensory information may be strategy
dependant (Ivanenko et al., 2000).
It may be hypothesised that the bilateral tasks
represent upright stance where we need sensitive and
constant feedback to maintain posture and to safely
initiate movement. Continuous weight bearing
feedback during bipedal stance may be provided via
continuous bilateral comparison of both limbs
contributing to the postural schema.
Conversely, reduced sensitivity to floor height
change detection during alternate hopping suggest
that bipedal gait may allow humans progress their
centre of mass with sufficient proprioceptive
redundancy to overcome large variations in the
interface between the foot and the ground surface
without cognitive perception of the challenge.
We have observed a significant difference in
sensitivity to detect floor height changes between
alternating and bilateral SSC. An area for future
research is to investigate whether this difference in
detection is attributable to neurological or
biomechanical factors. Furthermore, given these
observations more research is required to determine
if current “static tests” are valid correlates to
dynamic activities such as gait.
The MPD test has been presented and represents a
change in research focus towards investigating
proprioception using repeated stretch shortening
cycle to model normal lower limb dynamic function.
Development of this tool may allow for further
investigation of functional proprioceptive ability
injured/pathological samples. The MPD test has
been demonstrated as reliable over time and is
therefore an acceptable research tool for use within
and across test occasions.
We observed greater sensitivity of the MPD test
in the bilateral hopping technique. This may reflect
specific sensory requirements for upright stance,
whereas (bipedal) gait may have its own specific
This research was partly supported by a research
grant from the Neurotrauma Research Program
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