Physiological Responses While Playing Games Virtually Simulated by
Nintendo Wii
Gusthavo Augusto Alves Rodrigues, Danilo Souza Felipe, Elisangela Silva,
Wagner Zeferino de Freitas, Fabiano Fernandes da Silva and Renato Aparecido de Souza
Grupo de Estudos
e Pesquisa em Ciência da Saúde, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas
Gerais, Câmpus Muzambinho, Rua Dinah,75, Canaã, Muzambinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil
The aim of this study was to compare the percentage
of VO
max and maximal heart frequency (HR max)
in different games (balance and aerobic) of Nintendo
Wii Fit Plus in young adults. From the results it will
be possible to verify the potential of these games to
incorporate cardiorespiratory training programs.
This is an interventional and comparative study.
Participated in the study, nine healthy male college
students (20.6 ± 2.01 years, 173.6 ± 3.8 cm, 73.6 ±
8.81 kg, lean body mass 84.0 ± 5.96 %, fat body
16.00 ± 5.96 %, and VO
max 55.8 ± 5.46
ml/kg¯¹/min¯¹). None of the subjects was involved in
an intense aerobic training regimen or maintain a
sedentary lifestyle (minimum of 30 minutes three
times per week).
Experimental Routine. The experimental procedures
were performed at the Laboratory of Physical
Activity in Virtual Environment (LAFAV,
IFSULDEMINAS, Câmpus Muzambinho, Minas
Gerais, Brazil).
The experimental routine consisted of: (a) a
preliminary assessment of the anthropometric and
ergoespirometric parameters (VO
max and HR
max), and (b) characterization of physiological
responses with virtual reality (VR) promoted by
interaction with the Nintendo Wii console
(Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan). It was performed two
exercise sessions, one day apart, with the realization
of different games (Balance and Aerobic categories)
of the Wii Fit Plus software. All procedures were
monitored individually by a researcher.
Assessment of Anthropometric and Ergoespirometric
Parameters. First, it was collected the weight and
height of the subjects. The body composition (lean
mass and fat body) analysis was performed by
Bioelectrical Body Composition Analyzer (RJL
systems, Quantum II, Clinton Township, MI, USA).
The VO
max was assessed on a treadmill by
measuring respiratory gases with the automated
system VO2000 (MedGraphics, Saint Paul, MN,
USA) coupled with a Polar heart frequency meter.
Before each VO
max determination, the gas
analyzers were calibrated according to the
manufacturer's instructions. Subjects began the
graded exercise test at 2.5 mph and 4% grade. Every
2 minutes, the treadmill speed was increased 1 mph
and 4% grade remained constant (Kraemer
Protocol). Subjects reached VO
max and HR max
with achievement of either the primary criterion of a
plateau in VO
with increased workload or with 2 of
3 secondary criteria: (a) attained predicted maximal
HR, (b) RER= 1.1, or (c) 19 or 20 points in the 15-
point Borg scale.
Environment and Virtual Training. The virtual
environment was simulated by the console Nintendo
Wii. The subjects performed the following games of
Balance and Aerobic categories: Soccer Heading,
Table Tilt and Penguin Slide; and Obstacle course,
Hulla Hoop and Free Run, respectively. The games
chosen are the most popular in our laboratory. Each
game was performed three times continually, and the
interval between one game and another of the same
category lasted five minutes.
During these procedures the physiological
responses (VO
max and HR max) were monitored
breath-to-breath using the automated system
VO2000 coupled with a Polar heart frequency
meter. Before each experimental procedure the
system was calibrated.
Statistical Analysis. Statistical analysis were
performed using two way ANOVA followed by
Bonferroni’s test to indicate the localization of
statistical difference. Data were expressed as mean
of percentage ± standard deviation and were
Alves Rodrigues G., Souza Felipe D., Silva E., de Freitas W., Fernandes da Silva F. and Aparecido de Souza R..
Physiological Responses While Playing Games Virtually Simulated by Nintendo Wii.
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
considered statistically significant those with a value
of p<0.05.
Figure 1 and 2 show respectively the results of
percentage of VO
max and percentage of HR max
related to practice of Wii games. It was showed in
both variables that aerobic games were significantly
more intense than balance games (p <0.05).
Moreover, also it were found differences between
the aerobic games (Obstacle Course, Hulla Hoop e
Free Run) (p<0.05). It was not found differences
between balance games.
Figure 1: The values represent mean of percentage of VO
max (%VO2 Max) during Wii games. **p<0.05 Aerobic
vs. Balance games. *p<0.05 Between the aerobic games.
Figure 2: The values represent mean of percentage of
Heart Rate max (%HR Max) during Wii games. **p<0.05
Aerobic vs. Balance games. *p<0.05 Between Obstacle
Course vs. other aerobic games. (n=9).
Recently, a new class of video games called
exergames (EXG) has used VR to provide to the
user the possibility for development of sensory and
motor abilities (Vaghetti et al., 2010). Inserted in
this context, the console Nintendo Wii, the world’s
most popular EXG, has been used in several studies,
mainly to verify the therapeutic potential (Sposito et
al., 2013) and physiological/ metabolic responses
(White et al., 2011) during this technology-human
interaction. Some authors have showed that
Nintendo Wii significantly increase total body
movement and energy expenditure compared to
sedentary gaming (Maddison et al., 2007).
The main findings of the current study confirm
the hypothesis that is possible to achieve intensities
of stress physical compatible with health
cardiovascular promotion (i.e. >40% VO
max and
HR max). In this case, it is important to consider that
only the aerobic games were sufficient. Although the
balance games showed values lower than 20% of
max, it is important to consider these games to
joint proprioception training.
In a similar study, (Souza et al., 2013) showed
that the physical activity in a virtual environment
emulated by Nintendo Wii is able to change the
acute cardiovascular responses to health promotion.
This possibility has also been observed in other
studies related to the interpretation of physiological
demand promoted by Nintendo Wii games (Miyachi
et al., 2010).
In summary, the results of this study support the
feasibility use of the Nintendo Wii in training
programs and favor its indication more securely.
The authors thank the Fundação de Amparo à
Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG -
APQ-02744-11) and the Instituto Federal de
Educação, Ciência e tecnologia do Sul de Minas
Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS) for financial support.
Vaghetti, C., Botelho, S., 2010. Ambientes Virtuais de
Aprendizagem na Educação Física: Uma revisão sobre
a utilização de Exergames. Ciências & Cognição.
Sposito, L., Souza, R., Silva, F., 2013. Training experience
with Nintendo Wii on functionality, balance and
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Souza, R., Cruz, L., Carvalho, P., Silva, F., Carvalho, W.,
2013. Acute cardiovascular responses in a virtual
environment simulated by Nintendo Wii. Brazilian
Journal of Kinantropometry and humam performance.
Maddison, R., Mhurchu, C. N., Jull, A., Jiang, Y.,
Prapavessis, H., Rodgers, A., 2007. Energy expended
playing video console games: an opportunity to
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Exercise Science. 9(3):334-43.
Miyachi, M., Yamamoto, K., Ohkawara, K., Tanaka, S.,
2010. METs in adults while playing active video
games: A metabolic chamber study. Medicine &
Science in Sports & Exercise. 42(6): 1149-53.
White, K., Schofield, G., Kilding, A. E., 2011. Energy
expended by boys playing active video games. Journal
of Science and Medicine in Sport. 14(2):130-4.