Role and Prospective of Remote Monitoring in Management of
Patients with Cardiac Implantable Devices
Emanuela T. Locati, Sara Vargiu, Ederina Mulargia, Corrado Ardito, Franca Negrini
and Maurizio Lunati
Cardiology 3 - Electrophysiology, Cardiovascular Department, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy
Keywords: Home Monitoring, Implantable Cardioverter Devices, Heart Failure, Ventricular Arrhythmias.
Abstract: Many studies have now shown that remote control of implantable devices (Home Monitoring, HM) is
beneficial for the patient, making very strict and custom controls, allowing an earlier identification of
potential problems and avoiding unnecessary visits. HM is also beneficial for the hospitals, which reduce
progressively the resources used in routine checks, often not necessary, instead dedicating resources to the
management of critical patients in the moment in which real clinical problems arise. According to the
current guidelines Italian and European HM can replace the standard ambulatory monitoring, thereby
reducing the amount of outpatient visits to be made in the individual patient (instead of testing every 6
months, it is possible to schedule one annual overall clinical evaluation of the patient, while intermediate
checks are performed by remote transmissions. To date however, HM, although recommended by the Italian
and European guidelines, do not yet have a specific reimbursement charge within the NHS and therefore
HM cannot be carried out as an institutional activity within the hospital. Furthermore, many critical issues
must yet be resolved before a full utilization of HM system can be used for the clinical management of
patients, particularly in patients with heart failure at higher risk of cardiac death.
According to current guidelines both International
(HRS / EHRA Expert Consensus) (Wilkoff et al.,
2008); (Dubner et al., 2012) and Italian (Consensus
Conference AIAC) (Ricci et al., 2009) remote
control (Home Monitoring, HM) can now integrate
and sometimes replace the traditional ambulatory
monitoring the patient with an ICD. The feasibility,
safety and efficacy of remote control have now been
repeatedly demonstrated in an increasing number of
patients followed in the world with this method: to
date more than 800,000 patients worldwide, and also
in Italy more than 15,000 patients in 180 hospitals,
for a total of more than 100,000 transmissions.
Many studies have now shown that remote control
of the holders of implantable devices, especially
implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) is
beneficial both for the patient, allowing closer and
personalized controls, with earlier identification of
possible problems avoiding unnecessary visits, and
for the Hospital, which progressively reduces the
resources used in routine control, often not
indispensable, devoting themselves instead to the
management of patients in the moment in which
they arise real clinical problems.
Several randomized trials have not only
confirmed the equivalence of the remote control
with respect to ambulatory control standard in terms
of safety (Varma et al., 2010), but have even
demonstrated the superiority of the management of
the patient with a remote control with respect to the
traditional control, resulting in a reduction of
planned and unplanned visits, a reduction of access
to the ER and the average duration of hospitalization
for cardiovascular causes, an increased ability to
identify clinically relevant events, and a reduction in
the time between the occurrence of an adverse event
and the subsequent clinical treatment (Crossley et
al., 2009); (Crossley et al., 2011); (Spencker et al.,
The remote control produces a more efficient
management of health care resources, both hospital
admissions and optimizing the use of time and
health professionals, which reduces transportation
T. Locati E., Vargiu S., Mulargia E., Ardito C., Negrini F. and Lunati M..
Role and Prospective of Remote Monitoring in Management of Patients with Cardiac Implantable Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0004647600670070
In Proceedings of the International Congress on Cardiovascular Technologies (CRM-2013), pages 67-70
ISBN: 978-989-8565-78-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
costs and expenses for accompanying persons (Ricci
et al., 2008). In general, the remote control makes it
possible to reduce the load of outpatient controls to
be carried out in the individual patient (instead of
checks every 6-9 months, it is thus possible to
perform an ambulatory monitoring every 12 months
for a global clinical assessment of the patient, while
intermediate checks are carried out remotely).
Remote control also involves an optimization of
timing: from an average of 25-30 min for traditional
in-hospital control to an average 4-5 min in the
remote control (Ricci et al., 2008); (Klersy et al.,
It is important to distinguish models of remote
device control (which is related to the problems of
the device, such as breakage of leads or battery
depletion), from actual remote surveillance, which
instead is focused on clinical problems, such as
ventricular arrhythmias, shocks delivered, episodes
of atrial fibrillation, fluid accumulation or other.
Currently five of the leading manufacturers of
ICD (Biotronic, Medtronic, St. Jude Medical,
Boston Scientific and Sorin), have developed
different systems for ICD HM. All systems are
based on sending of the remote query of the ICD to a
central server, which processes the reports and sends
them back to the individual clinical centers, where
data from the remote control are controlled and
integrated with the patient's clinical data. The
differences between the various systems are both on
the mode of remote interrogation of the ICD (off-
line for most of the systems, generally by non-
portable systems that query the implantable device at
night during sleep), and on the mode of trans-
telephonic transmission from the remote modem to
the central server (both via analogic lines and
increasingly Mobile via GSM or GPRS).
To date, in Italy, as in many other European
countries, projects for the control of HM ICDs,
although recommended by the Guidelines Italian and
European, not yet have a specific reimbursement
charge within the NHS, therefore cannot be
institutional activities carried out officially within
the Hospitals.
Since June 2011, we initiated a project called Project
CareLink Niguarda (PCLN) for remote control of
patients with implantable devices, especially
implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD). The
project uses the remote control system of Medtronic
CareLink called, through which it is possible to
transmit a series of electrical parameters and clinical
results from devices (ICDs, pacemakers and
recorders loop recorder "Reveal"), directly from the
patient's home to a secure service to the Hospital.
The CareLink system had been since 2009 under the
project EVOLVO (research project of the Lombardy
Region). (Landolina et al., 2012)
To date, the PCLN has enrolled over 350 patients
(out of more than 1000 patients with ICDs followed
by Electrophisiology Unit). The operational phase of
the PCLN was preceded in the first half of 2011 by a
phase of planning and preparation, in which we
identified potential critical problems and developed
operational flows, contracts and certifications
needed to start HM activities safely, given the clear
organizational difficulties and implications of
medical-legal liability.
The participation of individual patients to PCLN
is bound to a specific individual contract, which
specifies the terms and obligations of the respective
parties. In particular, according to the contract of
participation, the patient is made aware of the fact
that PCLN does not handle on-line real-time alarm
or emergency situations (absolutely does not replace
the 118 or access in PS) and that any transmissions
will not be handled immediately but only within 5
working days later.
In the initial phase, patients were enrolled in the
first carriers with Medtronic ICD with SprintFidelis
electrocatheters (subject to recall due to the high risk
of sudden rupture of the catheter) patients who
cannot hear audible alarms, patients who live outside
the province / region outside and pediatric patients.
In the second phase, were enrolled all patients with
ICD device equipped with a wireless connection and
the holders of implantable loop recorders Reveal (for
a total approximately 350 patients). In this phase, the
remote control system was activated simultaneously
to the implant of the device, training the patient and
signing the related consents before discharge from
hospital. In the next phase, starting from January
2014 we will extend the HM to the vast majority of
patients with implantable devices both ICD
pacemaker, implantable devices including the other
houses, as well as Medtronic, Biotronic, St. Jude,
Boston and Sorin.
For the revision of transmission we used the
approach defined as "Primary Nurse Model" (Ricci
et al., 2008), which provides a critical role in the
management to the Nurse, who is responsible of
making telephone contacts with patients and in
controlling the flow of transimssions, in particular
by identifying lost transmissions, and by making the
first revision of the transmissions themselves. The
medical coordinator is in charge of the verification
and reporting of data transmission, the organization
and any necessary actions to manage the problems
detected during transmission, such as arrhythmias
and severe malfunctioning of the device or leads,
which require ambulatory monitoring or any
The data transmission takes place through the
appropriate modem CareLink delivered to the
patient, which serves as the station detection and
transmission trans-telephone, both in manual mode
(that is activated by the patient), or in automatic
mode (through a wireless connection between the
modem CareLink and ICD). CareLink modem
transmits the recorded data to a central server
(located in the Netherlands), which sends the
processed data to a single hospital of reference,
which analyzed the data for the clinical management
of patients.
The timing used for the controls provided a
check every 1-3 months, with monthly checks in
pediatric patients in the first 3 months after
implantation in carriers of devices in recall or low
and in patients with any clinical complications
To date, in approximately 350 patients enrolled,
we handled over 1000 transmsiion per year,
including scheduled transmissions and transmissions
generated by CareAlert, and in about 10% of cases
the programs have highlighted the problems that led
to both the admission (for severe or recurrent
arrhythmias or related problems such as the ICD
battery depletion or malfunction or repositioning of
the leads) that outpatient visits for reprogramming of
recognition or optimization of medical therapies.
One of the main objectives of PCLN was to
integrate as much as possible the remote monitoring
of ICDs to classic ambulatory clinic visit, in order to
anticipate future forms of clinical management of
patients when this type of management will be
recognized and made payable inside the institutional
flow-chart of the Hospital.
Among the priorities of PCLN was also to
identify operational synergies with other Divisions
of the Department, in particular the Unit of care for
heart failure, to which belonged many of the patients
with ICD (ICD-CRT in particular) with heart failure
already enrolled in the project, and which is already
running at an additional model of remote monitoring
of patients with heart failure, and with the
CardioPediatricians (with whom we already co-
managed 5 small patients with ICD).
There are many critical issues that must be
addressed and resolved once the HM systems
actually become the universal system of remote
monitoring of implantable systems, in particular ICD
and CRT. Among the main problems include:
1. Changes to billing systems of HM service by the
NHS. To date, the NHS only provides
reimbursement for outpatient visits for the control of
devices made in the presence of the patient. The
billing systems of HM may be based on either the
repayment of the reporting of individual
transmissions, or more probably on some sort of
"canon" of annual assistance for single patient with a
device, regardless of the number of transmissions
performed. Such fees may be different according to
the complexity of the implantable device (e.g. could
be greater in the case of patients with an ICD-CRT
compared with single-chamber ICD): in particular,
should be ideal to have different billings for remote
device control, compared to the more comprehensive
remote patient surveillance. To date, the Lombardy
Region, based on the results of the project EVOLVO
is developing a pilot system of reporting, which
could come into force by 2014 (the conditional is a
2. Uniformity and a standardization of the models
of HM. While taking into account the specificities
and characteristics of each company hospital, also in
view of a forthcoming charging by the NHS, it must
be identified and shared a reference standard pattern
for remote control involving:
a. Well-defined roles for doctors and nurses (the
shared framework of reference is currently the
"Primary Nurse Model"), in particular with
respect to their responsibilities medico-legal
b. Minimum precise timing for remote controls
with respect to outpatient controls, also taking
into account the characteristics of individual
devices (first installation, replacements, devices
subject to recall, etc.).
c. Forms reference in particular as regards the
informed consent, explaining in particular the
limits of the remote control with respect to the
management of emergency situations (the system
of HM is not an emergency service and does not
replace the 118!)
d. Minimum reporting deadlines and the need
for specific reporting for single transmission
(through special note fields with signature and
date unique and can not be changed afterwards).
3. Integration of HM Systems with Hospital
Informatic Systems To date, the systems of HM the
various companies are worlds unto themselves who
do not interact with each other and especially not
interact with the hospital portals. Given the
increasing number use of "paperless" hospitals high
computerization, will be needed more integration of
systems of HM the device with hospital portals, so
that data transmissions are integrated into the
medical records of the patient and thus available to
all members of the hospital (for example, First Aid,
Care Unit Heart Failure etc). In this sense, it is
desirable that individual manufacturers are available
to communicate with the computer systems of the
hospitals to implement such a complex integration.
4. Remote management of patients with heart
failure. The current HM systems of implantable
device are currently able to provide numerous
clinical parameters very important for the
management of patients with heart failure, such as
the loading of supraventricular arrhythmias (in
particular atrial fibrillation) and ventricular, the level
of heart rate and its variability, the percentage of
ventricular pacing in carriers of CRT, and changes in
thoracic impedance, possible evidence of intra-
thoracic fluid accumulation. The evaluation and
integration of these parameters may allow an
effective monitoring the hemodynamic situation of a
patient with heart failure. However, to date accurate
models for the real remote management of patients
with heart failure, in particular for the specific
medical-legal implications, are still lacking.
5. Coordinating HM systems with other health
care professionals within and outside the hospital.
The HM systems following by definition very
critically ill patients must identify operational
synergies with other professionals who are in charge
of these patients, in particular the Unit of care for
heart failure, to which belong many of the patients
with ICDs (particularly ICD-CRT). Another critical
aspect is to engage in the systems of HM also
territorial care professionals (general practitioners or
specialists outside), to realize the concept of
"continuity of care" really crucial towards patient
extremely fragile and at high risk of fatal
arrhythmias, "the sickest of the sick".
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