Sedentary Behaviour, Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and
Subclinical Atherosclerosis in 11-12 Years-old Children
Xavier Melo
, Helena Santa-Clara
, Sandra S. Martins
, Cláudia S. Minderico
Bo Fernhall
and Luís B. Sardinha
Faculty of Human Kinetics, Technical University of Lisbon, CIPER - Exercise and Health Laboratory, Lisbon, Portugal
College of Applied Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Lusofona University, Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Atherosclerosis, Children, Muscular Strength, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity, Sedentary
Behaviour, Intima-media Thickness, Common Carotid Artery.
Abstract: Aim: Examine the influence of sedentary behaviour (SED), physical activity (PA), muscular strength (MS)
and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) on subclinical atherosclerosis in 11-12 years-old children. Methods: We
assessed intima-media thickness (IMT) of the common carotid artery in 366 children aged 11-12 years-old
(191 girls). Measures included IMT assessed with high-resolution ultrasonography, pulse pressure (PP), a
maximal handgrip strength test, body mass index, waist circumference, body fat mass and lean mass
(LEAN) from DXA and CRF determined using a maximal cycle ergometer test. SED and PA were assessed
by accelerometry. MS was adjusted for LEAN yielding relative MS (RMS). Association between IMT and
RMS adjusted for SED, PA and CRF were tested with multiple linear regression analysis. Differences in
risk factors among RMS groups were tested with ANOVA/ANCOVA. Results: RMS was related to IMT
independently of PA, CRF, age, gender, maturity and PP (p<0.05). As compared with the higher RMS
group, subjects in the lower RMS group had increased body composition phenotypes, hemodynamics and
IMT, and lower moderate-vigorous PA, MS and CRF (p<0.05). Full modelling exposed the detrimental and
independent role of RMS in arterial structure in 11-12 years-old children. Greater RMS is associated with
improved vascular health even in children.
Children are not generally considered at risk for
having clinical cardiovascular disease (CVD) events
in the short term. However, the high prevalence of
sedentary behaviour (SED), low cardiorespiratory
fitness (CRF) as well as clustering of cardio-
metabolic risk factors during youth sets the stage for
heart disease in the middle and older ages
(Carnethon et al., 2005); (Sattelmair et al., 2011)
coupled with premature changes in carotid intima-
media thickness (IMT), an intermediate phenotype
for early atherosclerosis and a solid predictor of
future vascular events (Lorenz et al., 2007).
Another important health related component of
fitness is muscular strength (MS) and despite
receiving far less attention than CRF, recent studies
support the hypothesis that low muscular strength in
childhood (Ortega et al., 2012); (Sato et al., 2009),
and adulthood also predicts all-cause mortality, as
well as mortality due to cardiovascular disease and
cancer in healthy and diseased people (Gale et al.,
2007); (Katzmarzyk and Craig, 2002); (Ruiz et al.,
This study examined the influence of relative MS
(RMS), SED, PA and CRF measures on IMT in 11-
12 years-old children. In addition we examined
whether differences among RMS tertiles translated
to physiologically relevant differences increasing
both metabolic and cardiovascular risk.
Participants were 366 children (191 girls) aged 11-
12 years-old from 6 schools of the Lisbon district.
Height and sitting height were measured to the
nearest 0.1 cm and body mass was measured to the
nearest 0.1 kg on a scale with an attached
stadiometer (model 770, Seca; Hamburg,
Melo X., Santa-Clara H., S. Martins S., S. Minderico C., Fernhall B. and B. Sardinha L..
Sedentary Behaviour, Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in 11-12 Years-old Children.
DOI: 10.5220/0004648100220026
In Proceedings of the International Congress on Cardiovascular Technologies (CARDIOTECHNIX-2013), pages 22-26
ISBN: 978-989-8565-78-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Deutschland). Waist circumference (WC) was
measured to the nearest millimeter with an inelastic
flexible metallic tape (Lufkin - W606PM,
Vancouver, Canada) midway between the lower rib
margin and the iliac crest.
Total-body scans were performed by dual-energy
radiographic absorptiometry (DXA) and analysed
using an extended analysis program for body
composition (Hologic Explorer-W, fan-beam
densitometer, software QDR for windows version
12.4, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA) to determine
body fat mass (BFM), trunk fat mass (TFM) and
lean body mass (LEAN).
Maturity offset was predicted with the equation
of Mirwald et al., (2002).
Physical activity was assessed by accelerometry
(ActiGraph GT1M model; Fort Walton Beach, FL)
during four consecutive days, including two
weekdays and two weekend days (Trost et al., 2005).
MS was measured on the dominant arm using a
highly reliable portable electronic dynamometer
(Jamar, EN-120604, Lafayette Instrument Company,
USA) according to previously published instructions
(De Smet and Vercammen, 2001); (Holm et al.,
2008). The mean effort of 2 attempts (10 s of
contraction with a rest period of at least 60 s) was
used as peak absolute force (MS; kg) and relative
handgrip strength (RMS; LEAN
CRF was indirectly determined by a cycle test
with progressively increasing workload using an
electronically braked cycle ergometer (Monark 828
E Ergomedic; Monark, Vansbro, Sweden). Initial
and incremental workloads were 20 W for children
weighing less than 30 kg and 25 W for children
weighing 30 kg or more. The workload was
increased every 3 minutes until the maximal effort
of the participants was reached (Klasson-Heggebø et
al., 2006).
The heart rate at rest (HR
), brachial systolic
blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure
(DBP) were measured after 10 min with the
participants in the supine position using an
automated oscillometric cuff (HEM-907-E, Omron,
Tokyo, Japan). Two measurements were taken and if
these values deviated by >5 mmHg, a third
measurement was performed. The pressure
difference between the SBP and DBP (PP) was
calculated for adjustment purposes since SBP and
DBP were positively correlated with the mean IMT
of both the common and internal carotid arteries in a
total of 128 Greek children and adolescents aged 10-
19 yers-old (Stabouli et al., 2012).
The IMT of the common carotid artery (CCA)
was defined as the distance between the leading
edge of the lumen–intima interface to the leading
edge of the media–adventitia interface of the far wall
of the carotid artery. Carotid ultrasound was
performed on the right carotid artery using an
ultrasound scanner equipped with a linear 13 MHz
probe (MyLab One, Esaote, Genova, Italy) and
implemented with a previously validated
radiofrequency-based tracking of arterial wall that
allows a real-time determination of common carotid
far-wall thickness (QIMT®) with high spatial and
temporal resolution (Hoeks et al., 1997).
Multiple linear regression analysis was used to
estimate the association between the exposure
variable (IMT) and PA and physical fitness.
Additionally we categorize subjects in tertils
according to handgrip strength adjusted to LEAN of
the individual (RMS). Hence, lower MS (LRMS):
0.65, middle MS (MRMS): >0.65 and <0.75, and
higher MS (HRMS): 0.75 differences in strength
and CRF measures were assessed with ANOVA.
LSD test was used for post hoc comparison of means
between each pair of groups. The statistical
significance level was p <0.05.
The characteristics of the study group are present in
Table 1.
The determinants of IMT were examined in
multivariate regression analyses in the entire cohort
(Table 2). SED and MVPA were not associated with
IMT (1
model). CRF was the most important
determinant of IMT (2
model) independent of age,
gender and maturity.
Table 1: Means of the basic characteristics of the study
Variables Unit All
Age (years) 11.35
BMI (kg.m
) 19.46
Maturity (years)‐0.88
(bpm) 89.57
SBP (mmHg) 110.99
DBP (mmHg) 61.69
IMT (mm) 0.50
Abbreviations: SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic
blood pressure; IMT: intima-media thickness of the common
carotid artery.
However, when RMS was added to this model,
CRF was no longer a determinant of IMT over RMS
even when controlled for pulse pressure.
As compared to HRMS group (Table 3), subjects
in the LRMS group had higher mean values of body
mass index (BMI), WC, BFM, SBP, DBP and IMT,
and lower LEAN, maturity offset, MS, moderate-
vigorous PA (MVPA) and CRF (p<0.05).
Table 2: Multiple regression analysis with IMT as
dependent variable and SED, PA, CRF and RMS as
IMT Variables Beta SEE P
Model 1 SED -0.01
PA -0.02
Model 2 CRF -0.11 0.82 0.04
Model 3 RMS -0.13 0.82 0.01
CRF -0.08
The models are adjusted for age, gender, maturity and pulse
Excluded variable.
Abbreviations: RMS: Relative muscular strength; MVPA:
moderate and vigorous physical activity per day; SED: Sedentary
behaviour; CRF: Cardiorespiratory fitness; IMT: intima-media
thickness of the common carotid artery
Results from this cohort study suggest that RMS is
an independent predictor of intima-media thickness
in 11-12 years-old children. Children with lower
RMS have increased IMT, higher hemodynamic
values, total and abdominal body fatness coupled
with lower MVPA and CRF, apparently setting the
stage for cardiovascular complications in adulthood.
The breakthrough finding from this study was
that IMT, suggested to be predictor of CVD factors
in adults (Lorenz et al., 2007), was associated with
RMS independently of age, gender, maturity, PP,
These results strengthen up the data from cross-
sectional studies (Artero et al., 2011); (Steene-
Johannessen et al., 2009). The latter, using a cohort
of 9- and 15-yr-old Noregian children (N = 2818),
showed that MS was independently and inversely
associated with clustered metabolic risk after
adjustment for confounding factors.
To what public health policies are concerned, the
evidence provided from our study along with the
findings from the prospective population-based
study of Grøntved et al., (2013) and Grøntved et al.,
(2013) suggesting that greater MS in youth is
associated with lowers levels of CVD risk factors
and a healthy insulin sensitivity and beta-cell
function in young adulthood, independent of CRF
and adiposity, is of particular importance supporting
the inclusion of a specific recommendation for
activities that increase MS as part of the guidelines
for physical activity in youth for primordial
prevention of CVD risk later in life.
Table 3: Means of the characteristics the muscular strength
Variables Unit LRMS MRMS HRMS
n (n) 122 123 121
Age (years) 11.29 11.37 11.40
Boys/Girls (n) 45/77 67/56 63/58
Weight (Kg) 48.11 44.77 41.55
Height (cm) 153.19 150.88 149.50
BMI (kg.m
) 20.36 19.54 18.46
WC (cm) 69.24 66.60 64.17
BFM (Kg) 14.66 12.23 11.13
LEAN (Kg) 33.21 32.10 30.13
Maturity (years) 0.55‐1.01‐1.10
MS (Kg) 19.47 22.42 24.36
SED (min) 542.18 536.19 525.84
MVPA (min) 45.48 57.40 60.27
Wmax (Watts.
) 2.43 2.75 2.80
(bpm) 91.20 88.28 89.23
(bpm) 193.77 195.84 195.25
38.99 43.09 44.54
SBP (mmHg) 113.62 110.11 109.24
DBP (mmHg) 62.92 61.68 60.45*
DIAM (mm) 6.28 6.30 6.18
IMT (mm) 0.51 0.50 0.48*
* Significantly differences between LRMS and HRMS (p<0.05;
# Significantly differences between LRMS and MRMS (p<0.05);
† Significantly differences between MRMS and HRMS (p<0.05).
Abbreviations: LRMS: lower relative muscular strength group;
MRMS: middle relative muscular strength group; HRMS: higher
relative muscular strength group; BMI: body mass index; WC:
waist circumference; BFM: body fat mass by DXA; Maturity:
maturity offset; MS: muscular strength; MVPA: moderate and
vigorous physical activity per day; SED: Sedentary behaviour;
Wmax: Maximal power output, HRrest: Heart rate at rest;
HRmax: Heart rate at peak effort; CRF: Cardiorespiratory fitness;
SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure;
DIAM: diameter of the common carotid carotid artery; IMT:
intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery.
The differences among groups in fat
accumulation, MVPA, CRF, BP and IMT translate
to physiologically relevant differences increasing
both metabolic and CVD risk. Exercise training
reduces primary and secondary cardiovascular
events, which is, at least partly mediated through the
direct effects on vascular function and structure
(Green et al., 2008).
Intervention studies have provided mixed results
on the ability of exercise training to reverse vascular
function and structure in children. Seeger et al.,
(2011) for example, showed that an 18-week
exercise training program with predominantly
running exercise in children with T1DM (10.9 ± 1.5
years) improved flow-mediated dilation (FMD)
without altering IMT or WC. Woo et al. (2004)
showed that dietary and/or exercise intervention
programs in 82 overweight children (BMI, 25±3), 9-
12 years-old produced only small changes in IMT
despite a 4.9% change in %BFM and Meyer et al.
(2006) concluded that regular exercise over 6
months restores endothelial function and improves
carotid IMT associated with an improved
cardiovascular risk profile in obese 14.7±2.2 years-
old children.
Yet, the relative risk of both myocardial
infarction and stroke rises with increasing IMT
(Lorenz et al., 2007). Hence, the larger IMT by 0.03
mm (30% of 0.1 mm) in LRMS group compared
with HRMS group in this study may result in a
higher risk of CVD later in life, highlighting the
importance of increasing physical fitness.
Additionally, we can not disregard the fact that
CRF and MS explained 15% of the variability in
cardiovascular health outcomes in a study where
Janz et al., (2002) assessed CRF, MS, vigorous and
sedentary activity, maturation, blood pressure, lipids,
and body composition in 125 healthy children for a
period of five years (mean baseline age, 10.5 years).
The results indicated that maintaining high levels of
CRF and MS during late childhood were associated
with low levels of overall and abdominal adiposity
during adolescence.
Different possibilities exist as to why we did not
observe an association of MVPA with IMT. First,
given the young age of our sample, it is likely that it
has not been exposed to the extent that would affect
the structural measures that could be identified later
in adolescence as in Meyer, et al. (2006) and
Pahkala, et al. (2011). Second, structural adaptations
may occur early in life but are not detectable with
the ultrasound (Virmani et al., 2000).
Full modelling of SED, PA, CRF and RMS exposed
the detrimental role of RMS in arterial structure in
11-12 years-old children. Greater MS for any given
LEAN mass is associated with improved vascular
health even in children.
The first author of this paper is supported by a
research grant from the Foundation for Science and
Technology (FCT), Ministry of Education and
Science of Portugal (grant: SFRH/ BD/ 70515/
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